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Sex and sex work in 2024

Another year has passed and now 2024 is upon it. It wasn’t so long ago that travel was locked up and things were looking bleak. Some level of normalcy has returned in 2023 even in the midst of war and other tragedies. As always the world’s oldest industry continues.

In the beginning of 2023 I wrote about the challenges of reporting on the sex industry in this day and age. I can’t say that it is necessarily easy but I certainly don’t face the challenges of front line reporters in places like Ukraine.

Rockit Reports first went online in late 2012. In 2022 this website reached its ten year anniversary. I have continued reporting with a minimum of one update a week all the while. I even maintained the regular publication schedule through the worst of the recent pandemic. Hopefully the effort was appreciated. Now that we have made it through another year it worth taking a look back and considering what lies ahead.

Last year in retrospect

Major conflagrations may have broken out in the world over the last year. Though things in the sex industry were relatively uneventful. There was an attempt to ban prostitution in Spain. Meanwhile some porn outlets were effectively blocked in parts of the United States with the use of roundabout regulation. Still it was nothing like some of the previous years.

blond bikini backside on beach

Americans continue to produce, watch and even celebrate pornography. Just ask a Chicago call girl. Similarly sex workers in Spain continue to exchange sexual services for cash. The sex industry is resilient and as unrelenting as the human need for sex. No amount of suppression has stopped people from seeking out sexual satisfaction. As Christopher Ryan points out in Sex at Dawn the threat of capital punishment has not even been enough to eliminate unauthorized sexual relations.

In terms of new events the last year saw the opening of several adult oriented venues. Tokyo Hentai Club returned to regular business. It was joined by the new GFE Japan. Meanwhile the old standby Cherry Massage in Bangkok reopened in a new location.

Many more new businesses opened in Bangkok including Aries Massage, Kawaii Massage, Aurora Massage, BKK Vice and the Madame Claude BJ bar. Several new venues were launched in Pattaya too. I plan to report on some of those in the next few months.

What’s ahead

The upcoming year already looks like it could be a doozy. Only time will tell what will unfold with the passing of time. But there are indications that we may be in for an interest time to say the least.

Failing some unforeseen circumstance I plan to keep up my once a week posting schedule throughout this year. The regular posts may be interspersed with special reports as the situation dictates. We can also look forward to more posts by contributor John Bonnaque. My mate Ed in Pattaya may also help with some photographs.

I believe I will review several venues in Japan, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam in 2024. I have of course covered all of these countries quite thoroughly over the years. But in this field things can change from one day to the next. In 2022 we saw the opening of new foreigner friendly soaplands and delivery health agencies in Japan. Who knows what is in store for the upcoming year?

I thank all of you for your years of support. I am doing my best to report on the worldwide commercial sex industry in a way that is both informative and entertaining. I hope that you will continue to visit the site and read what I write throughout 2024. If you have any feedback please feel free to leave a comment. I always look forward to hearing from those who read the site. Happy new year!

8 thoughts on “Sex and sex work in 2024”

  1. AI will have a big impact, it will for sure transform Porn.

    Also. Conservative values experience momentum around the world.

      1. I am more hopefull about Asia. “East is east and west is west, and never the twain shall meet”? Asian culture and way of life is perhaps more resilient. Cheers.

  2. Thanks for keeping your “for entertainment purposes only” reporting going Rockit, both as a long haul blogger but also as a virtual refuge (and guide book) for many of us during the pandemic. Glad to say I’ve been a reader and commenter since close to the early days.

    As for limitations on the business, I continue to believe that the desire to procure pleasure and the supply of providers will continue to trend upwards. I just spent time in a country with some of the harshest laws on the extreme (sodomy and homosexuality in general) to the benign (hand holding in public), but I managed to spill my seed with six different women in three months. I could have made that 90 different women had I not had to also work, eat, etc. but the point is that supply and demand for the worlds oldest commodity will always be there.

    Happy 2024!

    1. Thanks for your continued reading and commenting here Jack. It is appreciated. I don’t think sex work will dry up or disappear in the near future. Though a lot of things are indeed changing. Just ask anyone who is trying to view PornHub in Montana right now. Cheers.

  3. Happy new year and thanks for keeping this going for so long. Thanks for all the no-nonsense reporting and entertainment. I would say 75% of my experiences around the world have been excellent and that’s thanks to the intel I get from sites like this.

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