Off the Leash at Soi Cowboy
It’s hard to keep my cash in my pocket, when an extremely attractive and extremely naked young lady is standing in front of me, and… More »Off the Leash at Soi Cowboy
It’s hard to keep my cash in my pocket, when an extremely attractive and extremely naked young lady is standing in front of me, and… More »Off the Leash at Soi Cowboy
Squirt. Squirt. Oh yeah… Squirt. “That was so nice. Thank you sweetheart.” If you speak those words of appreciation with sincerity, she will smile, knowing… More »In Praise of Asian Women
During the last 10 years, a number of research experiments have performed the miracle of reversing aging in a mouse. They did this by connecting… More »Sex and the Science of Anti-Ageing
It’s no secret that the most effective method for acquiring a sexually transmitted disease is to have unprotected sex with a bar girl or professional… More »Sexually Transmitted Diseases and How to Get One
Imagine four naked young women lying on their backs on a king sized bed. They are wearing only the smiles on their faces and the… More »Too Many Girls is Not Enough Girls
Not long ago, I had a regular girl who greatly enjoyed having sex, but had never tried anal. She was a 20 year old hottie… More »Do women enjoy anal sex?
Do real women smell dirty? What a question to ask. But hear me out. This question comes out of a Youtube video with tens of… More »Do real women smell dirty?
Following closely on the heels of an imaginative foray into the future of sex and an impromptu inquiry into the readership of Rockit Reports comes… More »The Awesome Threesome
They say you get wiser with age. Maybe that’s true. Maybe it isn’t. Although I surely know a lot more now than I once did,… More »Want a date? What’s your credit score?
I recently found myself in Hong Kong for a few days. While dealing with the crowds and weather there can be a bit much, I’m… More »When paying for sex makes more sense
Just how dangerous is unprotected sex? What are the real risks involved in going in bareback? There is a lot of talk floating around out… More »Russian Roulette? The real risks of going bareback
Here’s an increasingly common question from men: should I shave my pubes? Excuse the pun, but there is no clear cut answer. It really depends… More »Should guys shave their pubes?