There is quite a lot of prostitution in Bogota. That should really come as no surprise. Prostitution is legal in Colombia, at least to some degree. And the country has a reputation for being home to some sensual women. Since Bogota is the capital of Colombia, you would only expect that it would have a large commercial sex scene.
Most financial activity in Colombia is centered in Bogota. So the city does receive its fair share of foreigners. It’s not necessarily as unsafe as some people may believe either, especially if they go on judgements from years gone by. Yet Bogota is not nearly as safe a city as Tokyo either. And some areas are of course much more dangerous than others.
The price of sex in Bogota can vary rather widely. There are low end places and independent prostitutes who charge just 35,000 Pesos ($10 USD) for sex. In the same city there are places where a simple session including sex goes for 485,000 Pesos ($150 USD) or more.
Red light districts in Bogota
The most well known red light district in Bogota is the Zone of Tolerance in Santa Fe. There multiple women sell sex either off of the street or out of small rooms that line the roads. The area is quite popular with a certain crowd, though many locals even consider it “too dangerous” after the sun goes down.
La zona de tolerancia de Bogota roughly consists of the stretches of Carrera 15, Carrera 16, and Carrera 16 A between Calle 23 and Calle 24. The largest surrounding area is also home to some sex workers. But outside of this core area transexuals and crime seems to be more common than female prostitutes.
The tolerance zone is sort of like De Wallen in Amsterdam if it were in a less controlled environment. Straightforward sex is sold in twenty minute sessions for 40,000 Pesos. The addition of things like bareback blowjobs can raise the price to 50,000 Pesos ($15 USD) or more depending on negotiations.
Massage parlors
Bogota does not have a plethora of massage parlors. It is definitely not Bangkok in that regard. But there are a couple of massage parlors that more or less double as brothels. These places tend to be on the more expensive side. They tend to serve a more upscale clientele that includes white color management types, though I imagine they’d accept anyone who can pay their fees.
Loutron is the most well known erotic massage parlor in Bogota. Located on Carrera 11A, the place is guarded by armed security and surrounded by high walls. Yet inside it is a peaceful and quiet place complete with a bar and lounge chairs.
Several attractive ladies in their twenties work at Loutron. They range in looks and skin tone, but most are tall and on the thinner side. Though they do usually have some serious curves. The gals offer basic body massage along with a blowjob and sex with a condom in multiple positions for 300,000 Pesos.
Bars and Clubs
Adult oriented bars and clubs with sexual services of some kind seem to be the bread and butter of the Bogota scene. These places aren’t exactly like any others I have found around the world. In some ways they can resemble Thai gentlemen’s clubs like The Den or even Vietnamese hostess bars. But in truth, they are really something different all together.
Lalo’s Club is a discreet club on Carrera 15 that doesn’t even have a sign out front. Instead the club stations two guys in suits to guide in customers off the street. Inside the club is large and filled with a bar and comfortable seating. The dozen women at Lalo’s sit and drink with customers, though are much more keen to leave the place. The gals ask 150,000 Pesos ($44 USD) or so for an overnight stay with sex.
The similarly named Lalo’s International Club is more open and obvious with a big sign out on the street. Inside the bar is large but often suprisingly quiet. The twenty or so average looking ladies in the bar sit with customers in exchange for he occasional 20,000 Peso lady drink. Most will also leave the bar with customers, though that comes with a charge of about 300,000 Pesos on top of a 185,000 Peso ($54 USD) barfine.
Club El Padrino has more of a laid back lounge like atmosphere. Yet the dozen women in their twenties and thirties who work at the bar are no less eager to leave with paying customers. There are no set prices, but most want 300,000 Pesos for a session with sex outside the club.
Red Garden is a lot like the other bars mentioned above, except that the ladies inside are perhaps more adventurous. The place has multiple private rooms inside. And the ten women who work the place are up for going all the way in those rooms for the right price. Rates can range depend on any number of factors, but most guys end up paying between 150,000 and 300,000 Pesos per romp.
Hi I am going to Columbia for 2 months in February. My first visit. I have much travelling experience and have had great experiences with women in Thailand and Argentina in particular. I also have a fair amount of street smarts. I am travelling alone but I am spending two weeks each in Cartagena and Medellin doing Spanish classes to improve my rudimentary skills. Do you know of any reputable guides for a reasonable price who could give me an initial tour of sex hotspots of any of Cartagena, Medellin or Bogota. Also my best times in Buenos Aires were using Seeking (i had an amazing session with a wonderful 22 year old who said to me ‘so thats what sex is really like’ – not bad, i was 68 years then). Is Seeking any good in Colombia.?
Hi Steve. I don’t know anything about any guides in Colombia if such a thing even exists. And I haven’t tried Seeking either. Cheers.