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Sex is on sale in Singapore

Why prostitution in Singapore? It’s always a challenge trying to decide what to write about here on Rockit Reports. That’s not because I’ve run out of things to discuss. Quite the opposite. I have more topics in mind than I can possibly cover with the time allotted to me in this life. While trying to get some things out of the way to make room for others I run the danger of posting too much about one place or theme. Luckily regular readers of Rockit Reports have no problem speaking up and giving their opinion on the direction of the site. I don’t take orders from readers but I do take what they say into account.

I’ve posted a few reviews and reports on the large commercial sex industry in Singapore over the last few years. According to some readers these posts came later than they should have. As they say, “better late than never.” With that in mind I’ve decided to finally write a full report on the sale of sex in the land of Sir Stamford Raffles.

Legality of prostitution in Singapore

It’s commonly said that prostitution is legal in Singapore. This is a bit of a misnomer. While certain types of regulated prostitution are legal other kinds are not. Wikipedia says:

Prostitution in Singapore in itself is not illegal, but various prostitution-related activities are criminalized. This includes public solicitation, living on the earnings of a prostitute and maintaining a brothel. In practice, police unofficially tolerate and monitor a limited number of brothels. Prostitutes in such establishments are required to undergo periodic health checks and must carry a health card.

This doesn’t mean that the available sex services are limited to the regulated brothels however. Wikipedia continues:

Apart from these regulated brothels, commercial sex workers can be found in many “massage” or “spa” establishments. Some massage parlours, including tui na outlets, employ women from mainland China and offer massages as a pretext for sexual services. These activities are illegal, and the operators of such massage establishments risk jail if exposed by anti-vice police raids. Yet, virtually everyone who visits these establishments in particular are fully aware of the sexual services provided within, and are there precisely because of it.

In some cases it seems like the authorities tolerate the unofficial action. It just be that they can’t control it. Women can be found walking the streets of Geylang and working the bars of Orchard Towers every night of the week. Occasionally the police will sweep in and make some arrests. Things will dry up for a few hours or even an entire night but then it will start right back up again.

It’s not for me to decide which practices should and shouldn’t be allowed. I’m no politician and I’m in no position to make a moral judgement on anyone else. I’ve made it clear that I am for the legalization of prostitution everywhere time and time again on this site, which offers information presented in my own way published for no other reason than to entertain readers. Here’s what I know.

Geylang red light district

Geylang is home to the main concentration of regulated brothels that staff Thai and mainland Chinese women. It’s also a place where hundreds of women from Vietnam, Indonesia and other countries troll the streets, open air coffee shops and hotels in search of customers. I published a full report on the sale of sex in Geylang in late 2014. Sex in the legal brothels costs anywhere from 50 – 200 Singapore Dollars ($40-160 US) though the average price for foreigners is 100 Singapore Dollars ($80 US).

Every aspect of action in the brothels is legally required to be performed with a condom though exceptions are sometimes made for oral sex. Street walkers charge anywhere from 20 – 100 Singapore Dollars depending on the lady, the market and the negotiating skills of the customer. Condom use for oral sex with street walkers varies. Some won’t even perform oral. Scams and entrapment is also a possibility. Local men have been arrested for taking underage street workers with fake ID cards to hotels (apparently) by mistake.

The four floors of whores

Orchard Towers is a set of buildings that houses low end retail shops, homes and some bars. During the day the public area looks like any other low rent mall in Asia with the exception of the small massage parlors scattered around. At night the stores shutter and a number of bars open up to a stream of mostly foreign customers. Some of the bars staff women and others simply attract freelancers. Women from the Philippines and Vietnam are the most common, but Thai, Ukranian and Chinese gals can also be found.

Not all of the women will leave with customers. Some are simply out to make tips. Most of the available women are a bit older and less attractive than the average working girls in their home countries and they also compare negatively to the looks of the women in Geylang generally speaking. Women working the “four floors of whores” as it’s known can ask for anywhere from 200 to 500 Singapore Dollars ($160-400 US) for a roll in the hay. The small massage parlors scattered throughout the building offer half hour massages with hands on happy endings for 100 Singapore dollars ($80 US) all in. Some ladies and ladyboys can be found in the streets in front of the entrance every night. They typically ask for less than the women in the bars. I wrote a detailed report on the Orchard Towers sex scene back in September.

BRIX freelancers

Brix is an expensive cocktail bar in the basement of the Grand Hyatt Hotel. The entrance is just to the right of the main entrance for the hotel. Overly serious security guards stand at the entrance with the apparent purpose of staring intimidatingly at punters who are willing to shell out 30 Singapore Dollars ($24 US) for the privilege of entering and having a single drink.

The bar is nice and relatively large though the lighting is a bit low and this combines with ultra-bright burning candles scattered around to make it next to impossible to get an accurate impression of the looks of anyone else inside. Brix opens in the evenings and draws a large crowd nearly every night. By eleven o’clock it can be tough to move around inside. Hundreds of freelance prostitutes mingle with dozens of men around the bar. Most of the guys are Westerners in business or business casual clothing although the occasional guy in a t-shirt and jeans will also find his way inside, no doubt having heard about the wonders of the place on the internet. There is some kind of dress code at Brix but I don’t know what it is. Apparently it’s not too strict. Asian businessmen are also present in small numbers.

The freelance prostitutes mainly hail from Vietnam but other Asian and former Soviet Bloc countries are also represented. One or two South American women can find their way to Brix occasionally. Some Vietnamese women will lie and say they are from Laos or some other country only to be seen later speaking Vietnamese to their friends from back home. Maybe they’re trying to appear exotic. Generally the older and more desperate women will approach guys while most of the others will stand around waiting for guys to approach them.

It’s a bit like a regular pick up scene except that money is certainly expected. It’s not a point and go facility by any means as guys are sometimes rejected upon approach. The women are usually in their late 20’s or 30’s and generally average in looks though they can be good at dolling themselves up. More than a few have enhanced breasts. They typically ask for 300-1000 Singapore Dollars ($240-800 US) for a romp. These prices may seem outrageous but the constant flow of customers means some guys are paying them. Negotiation is always a possibility but even the lower end prices can’t compete with what’s available in Geylang from women of equal or superior looks. Some of the women at Brix claim to be regular professionals who just show up occasionally to make some extra money.  I have no way to confirm or refute this.


Escorts and similar ladies operate alone and through agencies in Singapore. The uber rich can have arrangements made for them but most guys find their ladies online. All of the typical outlets are used but there are also a few more of note.

Singapore has it’s own version of 141 and there’s also a very popular forum called Sammy Boy Forum where all sorts of service providers are discussed and reviewed (though the local version of English used can be difficult to decipher at times).

Rates for Singapore escorts are all over the place,. They range from the very reasonable to the completely outrageous.

Other areas and venues

Keong Saik Street in Chinatown is another area that houses a lot of shop house brothels. The prices are a little lower than Geylang even though the women are on average a little better looking. The houses are worn down and many will not accept foreigners which is a bit rich in a country where so many people come from other lands. I don’t have any up to date info on this area since I haven’t checked in on it in many years. Other red light districts exist on Petain Road and Desker Road. These areas are more dated and the women who work them tend to be also. Prices are as low as half the normal rate in Geylang but the women can be two to three times as old as the gals over there and action is expected to finish quick.

Karaoke KTV and bars also exist. There are quite a few in Geylang. These seem to be even more targeted toward locals than some of the other places and since I’m not a big fan of off key singing I have little knowledge or experience except to say that many double as places to procure a date in exchange for cash.

There you have it. This report certainly isn’t exhaustive but it’s the best I can do at the moment. I hope you’ve enjoyed!

22 thoughts on “Sex is on sale in Singapore”

  1. Generally not as upbeat or enthusiastic a take in the Singapore scene as I recall for your earlier posts. Thanks as always!

    1. Do you mean the posts I’ve done on Singapore or the posts I’ve done in general? I’m not a big fan of Orchard Towers or the freelance scene as I’ve made clear though I don’t think it’s the worst place around. Far from it. And Geylang isn’t bad at all even if foreigners don’t frequent it often — that may even be one of the reasons it isn’t bad compared to some other places popular with tourists around the world where prices have increased and quality has decreased. Cheers.

  2. If someone comes to Singapore and get Vietnamese, Chinese, Thai or other nationalities, isn’t it better to find them in their own country. If in Singapore, should look for Singapore providers. Shouldn’t it be this way?

  3. Thanks for all of the info you provide. I happened to be in SG recently and ended up in the Fortune Centre on Bencoolen. 3rd and 4th floors contain quite a lot of ‘Massage’ places with some attractive girls. I’ll be going there again next time I am in SG. From what I gather FS is easily available although I did not partake on this occasion. Prices are quite high compared to HK though.

    1. Thanks for the report. I probably should have written more about the massage parlors. Maybe some other time. As you say prices are high and full service is provided for less and for sure in Geylang where it’s all totally legal. Cheers.

  4. Of you are staying at the hyatt then you can get into the brix for free. No shorts or Sandels.

    why do Chinese places do not allow foreigners? I recall you saying that this is also the case for working girls in the casinos in macau

    1. Most of the brothels accept most foreigners but there are some exceptions. If I had to guess I’d say xenophobia is probably the main issue though plain old racism could also be at play since some of the service providers in Singapore even refuse Singaporean Indians. Cheers.

  5. Just yesterday knight I was in Geylang but couldnt find any girl street? find some brothels in thier own hotel rooms, It looked really not safe…
    Could you advice where to go for girls and take them to my hotel thanks

    1. I don’t give advice. This site is for entertainment only. I don’t know what a “brothel in a hotel room” is. The brothels in Geylang are legal and government regulated so I’d guess problems are very rare. There are women in the streets every night unless the police drive through in which case they disappear. It’s not legal for women to work the streets as prostitutes. Cheers.

  6. Have you ever used EZ141? From my experience, even if you ask is this a real picture? you always get a fat old filipina show up about 2 hours late. Singaporeans are masters of extracting value – stupid girls will lay on their backs for 8 hours straight in Geylang brothel, whilst hot girls will charge $400 to $1,000 per night at OT/Brix.

    1. Truth be told I haven’t met many women in Orchard Towers or Brix who I thought were worth the prices they were asking for. I have tried EZ141 and had different experiences. Research is key. There is also the factor of local culture and what expectations the local clientele has. Some of my best experiences in Singapore came in Geylang. Cheers.

  7. I’ve had a chance to explore the city. Orchard tower is almost a useless shopping mall IMHO. Vietnamese girls are all over the bars. They are aggressive and looking for fish. Because of that they are too expensive. 2 hours for 250 SGD, whole night for 500 SGD, excluding tips. The ones who are worth to be friendly, are African and Russian girls but their rates are even higher. Punters should take into consideration that there are so many ladyboys, it’s hard to distinguish.
    I know bargaining is important but it kills the vibe.

    Geylang is a very mediocre redlight district. Nothing special really. Rates are between 50-200 SGD. Thai street workers (which I highly do not suggest) are going for 50, whereas Chinese workers in the houses are between 100-200 SGD. Also foreign punters can make sure that rates are double for them.

    Overall, I am very disappointed with the scene. But I guess I am being harsh, as the city is very small.

    As always, thank you very much Rockit, for the report!

    1. There are also places like Brix but if you don’t want to pay 100 SGD you definitely won’t want to go there where women ask for up to ten times as much. I am not a fan of Orchard Towers as my write up would indicate. There are a few more redlight districts and they can be a little cheaper than Geylang but not necessarily any better. Geylang isn’t bad though. It’s certainly better than De Wallen in Amsterdam in my opinion though customers have to walk into shops to see the women on staff rather than just passing by windows. I don’t think 100 SGD ($72 USD) is too much to pay for a round of fun with a 20 year old Chinese woman. Chinese places in most other countries charge a lot more and Singapore is an expensive place generally. There are some Cat50 houses that charge half that and foreigners can get the regular rate in the right circumstances. The Thai houses usually ask 100 SGD and I don’t think they offer much value. Streetwalkers go with guys for as little as 20 SGD. A more usual price is 40 or 50 SGD. They are rounded up by police fairly often. Cheers.

  8. Hi rockit
    Do you know of any spas and saunas in Singapore that cater to straight men? I am looking for something of an all inclusive package. All search results give gay men saunas.


    1. I’ve never heard of any of them staying in the hotel itself. I believe most of them stay in much less expensive shared rooms with other people. They normally just go to the rooms of their clients either in the hotel or somewhere else in the city. Cheers.

  9. Very quiet these days inside Brix, yesterday(saturday night) they closed after 2am because there were no customers. Few ladies during the night, maybe 20-25 around 11pm. Most of them vietnamese 70% and +30, 4-5 russians I did not talk with them but they look +30 too and 3-4black girls.
    Maybe 1-2stunner…Vietnam girls ask between 300-500SG$ but after a decline they always ask how much u can give to me, so maybe u can get for 200 I haven’t tried yet, was not impressed by the quality.

    1. Thanks for the report. The asking prices at BRIX have always been quite high. People must be paying to keep the gals coming back from all over the world. Even in the midst of a pandemic. Cheers.

      1. I think the prices quite high because here many rich guys and they don’t care about how much to pay. Of course inside the Brix only caucasian/indian guys maybe few japanese/korean u can see, the crazy rich chinese goes somewhere else. I have heard(seen txt messages) stories from girls they easily pay $2000SG to drink with them whole night without having sex

        1. Everything you write looks accurate to me. I’ve heard of women getting as much as 5000 SGD for a night of fun that didn’t necessarily involve sex. Cheers.

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