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Permanent effects of the pandemic on prostitution

The Covid-19 pandemic has wrought major changes on the world. This site has reported on the global sex industry for the better part of a decade. It only seems right to report on the effects the pandemic and related shutdowns have had on sex work and sex workers.

Without harping on doom and gloom we can make an honest assessment of what has happened over the last few months. It is also possible to make an educated guess about what will follow in the near and long term future.

A lot of things are clearly still up in the air. And I am sure some are even tired of hearing about corona virus. Since this site was only ever meant to entertain I can understand the desire to find enjoyment on Rockit Reports. But in the interest of balance I present what will likely be my last reporting on this subject for a while.

Now and forever

Some effects of the pandemic on the sex industry are clearly temporary. For instance the Swiss Health Minister recently announced that sex workers in Switzerland could start plying their trade again legally on June 6. So there are not any outward permanent effects or restrictions there that we can see.

Bangkok empty during corona lockdown

Things aren’t so rosy in other parts of the world however. I have already reported on efforts to use the current crisis as a reason to end prostitution in Germany. A fight to reopen the industry there has followed. Time will tell how things turn out. But I don’t think Germany will be the only place where the pandemic will be used in the ongoing effort to end prostitution.

Economic fallout and farang in Thailand

Of course legal restrictions and lockdowns aren’t the only threat to sex work. The economic fallout of the near global shutdown is also having a major effect on sex workers and their places of work. It’s safe to say that most adult entertainment facilities around the world closed for a while. But it seems that a significant number of these places may never reopen. Especially since many were complaining of bad business as far back as December of 2019.

In the early days of the coronavirus crisis I reported that Club Nevada in Pattaya had closed. The go go bar wasn’t all that popular in recent years but it had operating for decades. So it’s shuttering was notable. I have no way to know how much the Covid-19 crisis had to do with the decision to shut the place down forever. But I am quite sure it didn’t help.

While a few Bangkok places like Wood Bar aka Dr BJ’s have managed to stay open without officially “being open” many other places may have closed for good. Several places in Nana Plaza have closed or gone up for sale. This isn’t that unexpected. Both London Calling and Mandarin in Nana Plaza actually closed themselves before the lockdown was even enacted in Thailand. Business was just that bad.

It is now said that PlaySkool, London Calling, and the long standing and popular Rainbow 1 and Rainbow 3 go go bars in Naza Plaza are closed for good. The ladyboy bars Casanova and Mercury will not reoopen either. The Hillary 4 bar just outside of the plaza is finished too.

Patpong has also been hit hard when it comes to the Big Mango. The long running hostess bar Cosmos has closed. Well known go go bars XXX Lounge and Glamour are apparently up for sale too. The Hooters branch in Silom even seems to have gone under during the epidemic. At least the Patpong Museum survived.

There are rumors of several other adult oriented places around Thailand closing for good. Some of them have been around for many years. Some people with inside knowledge of the bar business in cities like Pattaya have privately voiced concern that as many as half of adult oriented bars may never reopen. This might seem startling or even outlandish. But then so could the fact that over 40 million people have applied for unemployment in the United States.

Covid-19 and sex shop closures in Japan

Japan is another place where the adult entertainment industry has been particularly hard hit. The part of the industry catering to foreigners that really started to blossom in the country in recent years has been dealt especially devastating blows.

First it was announced that the Paradise soapland in Kawasaki would close for good. Now it has been announced that the Paradise soapland in the historic Yoshiwara section of Tokyo is also closing its doors. These were the only two soaplands in Japan that were set up specifically for non-Japanese customers. Their disappearance will be noticed by many. Some of the women on staff have even gone online to voice their sadness.

Paradise soapland closing

The Tokyo Hentai Club escort service is still open and operating. But they have scaled things back to a single office in Shinjuku. The availability of women hasn’t really been curtailed that much so this is something punters in Tokyo might not even notice. Still it is worth noting especially when considering how fast THC has grown in recent years.

The Tokyo Style erotic massage service also remains in business. This doesn’t surprise me either since Tokyo Style was one of the first major adult businesses to open up and orient themselves to foreigners in Japan. I expect that they will weather the storm and stay in operation but for now it must be very tough with visits to Japan by gaijin reportedly down by over 99 percent.

The fetish shop Milky Baby in Tokyo continues to do business too. They are taking certain precautions and limited their schedule which corresponds to recommendations from the government on reopening the city of Tokyo. Most of Milky Baby’s customers are Japanese but the place is open to foreigners. I would guess they are feeling the effects of the crisis like most others. Though they are a somewhat special place that seems set to stay open and move forward.

In any case prostitution will certainly not disappear from this world. Many have tried to stop it. None have been successful. At least not on a permanent basis. But things do change and tomorrow’s brave new world might look a lot better from the good old day’s of yesteryear. Even before this virus appeared old timers could pine for the days when “long time” was standard in Angeles City. Similarly, taxi drivers in Dongguan remember being much busier just a few years ago when their city was home to tens of thousands of sex workers. Things change and that’s the way it is. In the meantime we still have access to adult webcams and male sex toys even if we’re stuck at home.

659 thoughts on “Permanent effects of the pandemic on prostitution”

  1. The Tokyo government closed mass-gathering places (which would, e.g., cover most of the flavors of /fuzoku/ in Kabukicho), but “nonessential excursions” outside the home were merely *discouraged*, so I guess that’s the loophole under which /deriheru/ still operate — since it’s a meeting of only two people.

    Tokyo Hentai Club, at least, focuses *exclusively* on foreigners (, so with tourism essentially canceled (a 14-day quarantine upon arrival is a strong disincentive) their clientele would be limited to resident expats, I guess.

    Tokyo Escort Massage currently has a notice (first screen in a five-screen scroller in the middle of re: their hygiene measures. There was a more extensive procedure described on their blog ( in late March, but it’s been deleted. (That’s why I’m keeping a spreadsheet, because I’m curious about notices coming and going.)

    “For maximun [sic] safety and security during COVID 19 period / At Tokyo Escort Massage, all staff and cast members are required to take thorough hygiene control and wear face masks. When the cast arrives to your location, she will disinfect the room with alcohol. A thermometer will be used to confirm body temperature of both customer and cast before playtime. We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation.”

    1. Thanks for the detailed comment Bob. As you say Japan was never officially locked down nationwide. It seems there is no law that allows for such a national lockdown anyway. So it fell to lower levels of government to make and enforce any restrictions. Some did and others didn’t. Still there are social standards and voluntarily shut downs. People can and did choose to stay home in many chases. Then again some places like particular Pachinko centers never closed. The number of both foreign visitors and local customers seems to be way down. So is socializing and especially adult entertainment. Cheers.

  2. They will never stamp out prostitution, all they ever succeed in doing is driving it underground. Covid-19 is passed orally, so maybe no kissing for now, but having sex is no more dangerous than having your hair cut, dancing in a popular night club, or lots of other things human beings like to do.

    1. I don’t think prostitution will be eliminated by any means. But many venues will disappear either due to regulation or the economics of the situation. I am not a doctor but the latest medical reports say Covid-19 is found in semen, feces and other bodily fluids. It is most commonly spread by close personal contact. Recently mass spread of the virus in a Seoul nightclub lead to all nightlife being shutdown in Korea. A New York barber who “secretly” cut hair during lockdown has now been diagnosed with the virus. And a single hair salon in Missouri reportedly exposed 140 people to the virus after two hairstylists were infected. Cheers.

  3. Restrictions are easing in Thailand, and multiple shops are updating their Line feeds with tips on how to schedule in house services. The laws now permit massages “below the neck” so that says a lot.

    I took my lady friend to a curtain hotel ten days ago and asked from the 600b for the jacuzzi room and some cash for her taxi home, it was quite easy to get action with someone who usually charges 1,500 for a two hour massage and FS.

    Rumors of the end of prostitution are premature. A new normal? Absolutely.

    1. Thanks for the comment. Regulations and reality in Thailand are often incongruent. By most accounts prostitution is actually illegal in Thailand. Yet according to the Bangkok Post today there are discussions going on within the government to decide how to reopen soapy massage parlors. Some oily massage parlors never closed even during the lockdown and others reopened this month. None of these places are officially massage shops though. So then the massage shop regulations don’t apply to them. Or something like that, and so on. As stated in the post above prostitution will not disappear from this world. But a lot of sex work based venues will and indeed already have. Things will change perhaps more than some currently assume. Time will tell and we will see. Cheers.

  4. HI, Rockit. Thank you again for your detailed reporting.

    Have you heard anything regarding the old school BJ bars in Patpong? Specifically, SOL, The World Bar, and the Rose? It would be a shame if these places did not reopen.

    1. Hello. I have not heard anything specific about those places in particular. I was in touch with a well known employee of Star of Light recently. She is nowhere near Bangkok. Otherwise I don’t know anything at at the moment. Sorry.

  5. I think you can get your wick wet in Pattaya again, but unsure about specific locales. There’s an international guide that is quite useful, in that regard.

  6. From a purely business point of view, the erotic sector can be analyzed like anything else. Assuming there’s no change in regulations (as may happen in Germany) or cultural attitudes (e.g., the hypothesis that improving economic prospects in Thailand make for fewer young women, i.e., the “supply” side of the sex trade), then whether the sector revives is a matter of how quickly existing businesses go dormant or die, and how difficult it is for replacement businesses to be established.

    Once demand returns, then what are the *barriers to entry*? Does the business have a premises (oppai pubs in Japan, body rub parlors in Canada, FKKs in Germany) and consumables (beer bars in Thailand) — expensive? Or is it fundamentally about connectivity (escort services, /deriheru/) — cheap? If it revives in a new location, what kind of advertising is necessary? (If it’s in a district like Soi LK Metro in Pattaya, foot traffic may suffice.) If it’s a new operator with a new name, how can it establish a reputation among customers? Is there a “secret sauce” institutional knowledge that was lost during the downtime?

    Consider the sub-sector of foreigner-friendly /deriheru/. Foreign tourism will eventually resume; a supply of young ladies with the right combination of looks, /omotenashi/, and desire for money will probably exist; the “best practices” are documented on websites stored on’s Wayback Machine. Conversely, a successful Pattaya agogo (from what I’ve ready) requires the right combination of owner, mamasan, floor talent and decor; it’s a more challenging set of soft skills.

    1. Thanks for the well considered comment Bob. You make several good points. I think it is a tough time to make accurate predictions about the future. We can try based on what we know. But only time will tell. Cheers.

    2. Here is my 2 cents.

      Nothing will change in terms of supply and demand. Those who were whore mongers before, will continue to be mongers after the pandemic. And the number of working girls will either stay the same, or even increase as a function of the depressed economy.

      What WILL change is how feasible it is to open a large, exspensive bar/sauna/etc. in a world where lockdowns may become commonplace.

      I speak as a former business owner, so hear me out. If another pandemic were to hit this decade (2020-2030) and governments were to shut everything down AGAIN, you can kiss goodbye to any and all oversized and flashy entertainment venues, including those of the adult variety.

      No one in their right mind is going to buy a gogo bar for a million dollars, or invest several millions in big KTVs and saunas, if they think that the government will shut it down within a few years (i.e. as soon as another pandemic hits).

      In a world where lockdowns get normalized and accepted, the only adult venues that will survive will be temporary operations like small hostess bars, massage parlors and hole-in-the-wall brothels — the kind of places that already get shut down regularly, only to reopen a few months later a few blocks away.

      Even so, the vast majority of working girls will move online. Smooci, WeChat, Tinder and the likes is where most everyone will browse and order their girl of the night, the same way we do with food.

      As far as the *current* pandemic goes, I don’t think this is the end just yet. A lot of bars and other venues will disappear… maybe even half or more of those currently existing… but there will still be plenty left. And new owners will be enticed to enter the biz, given the lower rents and less competition.

      However if lockdowns become as common as pandemics are, the next pandemic will see a lot of people give up on adult-oriented businesses altogether. The only way to avert a disaster is if
      (a) we don’t have another pandemic for 10+ years, and/or (b) governments realize the error of their ways and reject the lockdown idea.

      Otherwise, it’s only a matter of time before the adult entertainment industry as we know it today goes the way of the dodo. This pandemic is poised to cut the overall number of venues, and the next one may obliterate the industry altogether.

      1. Allow me to clarify what I just said.

        Most people are thinking of this crisis as a once-in-a-lifetime event, when it’s clearly not. Pandemics happen regularly, and if the current shitshow (shutting everything down for a virus with a 99%+ recovery rate) is any indication of things to come, the next few decades will be hell for non-essential businesses.

        However the average person doesn’t think too far into the future. So I fully expect all adult businesses to resume as soon as travel does (those businesses that were able to survive the lockdown, that is….which may be fewer than 50% in the worst-case scenario). I also expect a number of entrepreneurs to (partially) fill in the void left by Covid-19.

        However, if (and only if) another pandemic + lockdown combo were to manifest itself in a short enough time (let’s say 10 years), both business owners and working girls will suddenly be like “fuck this shit, I’m out”. And they would be right to think so.

        The obvious result: few if any nightlife venues (all of them small/temporary), and prostitution taking on a new form (it will NEVER disappear, but it may be largely driven online in the near futuere, purely out of economic and/or legal reasons).

        Back to Covid-19. I expect fewer venues, but more of the same. There will still be several gogo bars, a few soapies, etc. in 2021. It might even be for the best and result in more attractive girls on average, or lower prices, and other benefits.

        If we are lucky, we will have a mini golden-age of sorts — a few final years of great and unprecedented fun — before it all comes crashing down uncerimoniously along with the next pandemic.

        Enjoy it while it lasts. We may not have another opportunity like this.

        1. If I were to open a girly bar in SEA post-pandemic (which I might), I would make sure of two things:

          1) To invest as little as possible, so as to recoup the investment in a matter of months rather than years (i.e. before the next lockdown);

          2) To have a hybrid online + offline setup: You can meet the girls in the bar and see them in the flesh, but you can also book them on a website at a later date. This way, neither them nor I would be left completely without revenue during the next pandemic.

          I would also try and orient myself towards expats and locals (difficult in SEA; easy in high-income countries like Japan or Singapore) to be safe.

          Broadly speaking, I think going forward everyone will need to rely on at least two sources of income, one of which online.

          Two types of businesses that were completely unaffected during this crisis are food sales (supermarkets, mini marts) and, funnily enough, cam girls. So those are safe bets for the foreseeable future.

  7. If anyone’s interested, I found a great health insurance policy that explicitely covers pandemics (including Covid-19):

    It starts at $150 a month for people under the age of 39, and slightly more than that for older customers, up until the age of 69.

    It covers nearly every medical procedure in nearly every country in the world. You can move from country to country as you please and you are still covered. It’s just amazing.

    Those who are putting all of their hopes into a vaccine (including the idiots in charge) should consider the following: at current capacity, it’s unlikely than more than a billion doses of the vaccine can be produced per year.

    So even if a vaccine is found (no guarantee)… and even if it’s 100% safe and effective (don’t bet on it)… and even if every individual in the world agrees to take it (LOL)… it will be 8 years before everyone gets it!

    So what’s the grand plan here? EIGHT YEARS of lockdowns, mass unemployment and limited travel?

    What if you need two or more doses of the vaccine? We wait 14+ years before going back to normal? LMAO.

    Given the very tiny risk of dying from this thing, those under 50 and otherwise in good health may want to consider going back to normal right now. If you have health insurance (and a pair), travel shouldn’t be much of a problem, even under the current circumstances.

    The whole of the EU is resuming internal travel as we speak, and most EU countries will also reopen to foreign citizens by the end of July. Some places (Serbia, Belarus) never closed their borders in the first place.

    Parts of Mexico are already open for tourism (Cancun, Playa del Carmen, etc.) or will be soon.

    Cambodia is open to anyone who can produce a visa (from an embassy), a negative test result (taken max 72 hours before the flight), a copy of their health insurance (up to $50,000, which is a very low threshold: the one I linked above covers up to $1 million), and $3,000 in cash for a one-time deposit upon landing in the country. It’s far from ideal, but at least they are not completely closed like their neghbors in SEA.

    A recent study says you are less likely to catch the bug if you sit in a window seat. Happy travels!

    (Or happy 8-year wait. To each their own.)

    1. “ Given the very tiny risk of dying from this thing, those under 50 and otherwise in good health may want to consider going back to normal right now. ”

      Assuming, that is, that one is only concerned about oneself. An under 40 millennial is less likely to die from Covid, but no less like to contract and spread it. The longer it spreads, the more people >60 will die. “Going back to normal” is just a way to keep the virus hopping from healthy host to less healthy host.

      See: Florida, Texas, India, Brazil.

      1. Jack, we’ve been through this before.

        Don’t address your grievances to me. Talk to the many governments of Europe which will soon re-allow millions of foreigners to pour into their countries. See if EU heads of state give a shit about you… because I sure don’t!

        I will keep living my own life as best and as freely as I can. If you are worried for your own health you can self-isolate. Lock yourself up and pay someone to do your shopping for you. There are people with leukemia and AIDS who live in constant fear of pathogens and none of them has ever asked me to stop living my life to save theirs.

        My right to live as a free man and to keep traveling supercedes your “right” to be a massive pussy and to cling on however little you have a left to live. How old are you by the way? Don’t you feel any shame in telling a guy half your age (or so) to stop being free, just so that you can scrape together another decade or two? Jesus, what a miserable cunt.

        Luckily for you I don’t intend to travel to Thailand or the US anytime soon, so just stay where you are and stop being a pain in the ass to everyone. Chances are even if you caught the virus you’d survive, so shut up and be grateful for all the good fortunes you’ve had in your life.

        Liberty is non-negotiable and I don’t care who has to die in order to keep humanity free. We all have to die sooner or later, and you have lived quite a bit longer than me already, so fuck off.

        1. I’m in Georgia at the moment (the country) and NO ONE here gives a solitary fuck about Corona. There are big groups of 80-something year old men playing cards and smoking on the side of the street, without masks and without a care in the world. They are not afraid to die. People cough without covering their mouth, even in the supermarkets. They don’t care, I don’t care, nobody cares around here. Somehow we are still alive: a grand total of 14 people have died of this virus since the beginning of the year. How do you explain that?

          I don’t know what’s wrong with Americans (and Anglos in general), but the answer seems to be “a lot”, if I were to judge from current events.

          Europe as a whole has spoken, we will allow travel to resume on this continent, and if that doesn’t sit well with you just stay the hell out of here.
          Thailand is a much better fit for your personality, given that they seem hell bent on banning travel altogether and forever and ever. Aren’t you lucky to be there! You see, things always work themselves out in the end.

          Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go out to get a massage and a few drinks. Enjoy your self-imposed misery.

        2. Throughout history untold millions died very young due to war, famine, pestilence and what have you. Life expectancy was never what it is today.

          If you are over 60, then you belong to the LUCKIEST group of humans who has ever lived.

          There’s more: your generation in particular, and Westerners above all, were blessed with unprecedented prosperity and wealth and freedom.

          Now that you boomers are faced with the prospect of death, you cower in fear and beg anyone and anything to prolong your life just a little bit more. You don’t hesitate a goddamn second to put kids out of school and young adults under house arrest, to wreak lives and entire economies, just so that maybe, perhaps, with a bit of luck, your life can last several more years and you die of cancer instead of Corona.

          And then you wonder why millennials hate boomers so much! It was not enough to hoard all the wealth in the world and saddle my generation with debt and underemployment… now you also want us to stop traveling and going out, just so that you can find out what it’s like to get dementia and Alzheimer! You couldn’t make this shit up.

          Words can’t express how fucking DISGUSTED I am with you, Jack. You are a selfish, cowardly, self-conceited, pathetic, arrogant MONSTER. A sad excuse for a human being, like very nearly the entirety of your generation.

          I’m seething with rage right now. Pray that we never cross paths in real life, stay out of my way and stop telling your name to strangers, or I swear to God I will make you regret not dying of Corona. Enough is enough.

        3. *wreck

          If you had half a brain and at least one testicle, you would simply make peace with the fact that you are old. You would realize that your days are numbered anyway, that even if you dodge this virus something else will get you soon enough.

          And if you had something resembling a soul, you wouldn’t even consider ruining the lives of children and young adults everywhere just to save yours (for a little longer).

          From the bottom of my heart, fuck you, and fuck your entire generation. If you kindly tell me your surname, I will make sure to at least come piss on your grave, even if I don’t have the chance to put you there myself.

          Have I been sufficiently clear? Do you still want to keep arguing with me? Because I’m not tired of insulting you just yet. You are pure scum and you deserve to be made aware of it.

        4. With a bit of luck, the youngsters in your country will soon get tired of toppling statues and will start shooting old white man at random.

          If I were you I would find a way to stay in Thailand. Sure, they won’t allow you to board a bus… and all the bars are going to disappear… but at least you won’t get the Wu-Flu or a bullet to your head. It’s not a terrible outcome, all things considered.

          Ask yourself why your race, your nationality, and your age group in particular, are so fucking hated by everyone in the world. I’m sorry but all of this was a long time coming!

          Your generation was the most selfish to ever walk the earth, and NOW you ask the youth to be selfless? Lol, FUCK RIGHT OFF. We see through your bullshit a mile away.

          I have an 11 year-old niece who can’t attend school and is being terrorized for no good reason. I myself will turn 32 in a few days and I don’t deserve to be put through all this nonsense. Only old people die from this disease, and even then it’s only a percentage of them, so why the fuck has the entire world come to a halt? Since when do we quarantine the healthy along with those at risk?

          This global hoax is being perpetrated by old men in positions of power, and old white men in particular. It’s yet another stain on your generation’s storied record of not giving a fuck about anyone but yourselves.

          But I’m optmistic for the future, you know. Time is on my side. No matter what you guys do this decade, those my age will bounce back eventually. And you won’t be there anymore to bother us, at long last!

          Since you claim to like science so much, Jack, let me give you a funny piece of science. Vaccines don’t work very well on people your age.

          So even if they manage to produce one, and even after waiting X years for your chance to finally get it, it may not give you much or any immunity. Already they are saying antibodies only last up to 3 months, which means there will NEVER be enough doses of the vaccine to go around.

          Like it or not, Corona is here to stay. Between the virus and the social changes… I’ll be surprised if you last another decade Jack. You may want to start accepting your fate now.

          Happy retirement.

    2. I had SafetyWing before COVID. Then their $60 plan stopped covering it. So I switched to WorldNomads, its only $95, and covers COVID.

      1. I think the $60 plan Dave mentioned is just travel insurance.

        The one I linked and talked about is a 1-year plan called “Remote Health”, which starts at $150 and does indeed cover Covid. They clearly say so in their policy.

        Unlike SafetyWing, World Nomads only offers travel insurance, not regular health Insurance. SafetyWings does both.

        My understanding is that for short trips, World Nomads is the way to go. For year-round coverage, SafetyWings is better.

      2. Confusingly enough, SafetyWing has two different packages called “Remote Health”, one for individuals and one for remote workforce. The one for individuals was launched mere weeks ago and that’s the one I was referencing.

        Make sure you select the correct plan and read the policy thorougly before signing up. I don’t necessarily recommend it, I’m only putting the voice out there that this insurance plan exists and covers Covid. Just trying to help.

        I signed up for Remote Health myself. So far, so good. But I can’t vouch for their response times or anything since I haven’t needed medical attention yet. Right now in Georgia you couldn’t catch this virus even if you tried… the level of community spread is ridiculously low, for whatever reason.


      3. Actually, upon review of the World Nomad website, it doesn’t look like they will cover Covid… at all. Am I missing something here?

        I maintain that SafetyWing is a much better choice, but that’s just my opinion. People can compare the two policies and decide for themselves.

        Just don’t confuse health insurance with travel insurance. World Nomads is the latter and it doesn’t seem very useful in case of hospitalization due to illness. Covid least of all.

        1. Rockit, any plan to blacklist European Guy? This dude is mentally sick. Obsessed. Truly annoying.

          1. Hi Peter. I’m verbose, opinionated, and I have monopolized the comment section as of late, but “mentally sick” is a bit of a stretch.

            I won’t likely post much in the near future since I have pretty much said all I wanted to say. Don’t want to repeat myself and become annoying. But I won’t self-censor to appease anyone, and I stand by everything I said so far.

            Sadly, freedom of speech is under attack lately (along with all our other freedoms).

            I’ll take this opportunity to thank Rockit for upholding the principle of free speech on his site, despite him being one of those “boomers” I was ranting about. I have nothing but respect for the man… and many of you could take example from him.

      1. Cheers.

        Jack has gone silent, so hopefully he won’t be baiting me into further outbursts of anger. All I want is for him to stop *quoting me directly* and arguing with me about health policy… like I have any influence whatsoever on it.

        Regardless of my opinions on the matter, it’s a fact that Europe will reopen its external borders soon and Cambodia already allows for some limited travel. Moreover, at least one insurance company is covering Covid. All I did was share relevant news with fellow travelers on a site about international travel. Hardly inapproprate.

        If Jack wants all the young people in the world to stay home regardless, and stop traveling, he (1) is delusional and (2) won’t achieve anything by posting on this website… especially since he seems to have singled me out for some reason. Some other guy recently shared his experience visiting an adult shop in Korea… plus, JACK HIMSELF posted about soapies reopening in Thailand… and he makes no mystery of meeting a woman regularly… but somehow it’s problematic if I say anything along the same lines? What the actual fuck. Of course I was gonna snap at him eventually.

        Despite my half-baked and alcohol-inspired “threats” the other day, I wish him well. I hope he realizes I wasn’t serious. However he needs to do some soul-searching and stop harassing me over my desire to go back to normal and enjoy life even during these trying times.

        Alright, I’m done here. Imma take a break from the internet now.

        1. Cheers man. I think we’d have a good laugh over this if we could exchange opinions over a beer sometime.

          I have coverage with Bupa through my employer (they pay 80% of my premium), and the fine print appears to grandfather in Covid coverage. I haven’t had to show my policy to anyone since I’m staying put in my adopted Land of Smiles.

          Georgia, Huh? Damn fine looking women there. Wish I could shake my fixation with Asians and visit the Black Sea sometime. What’s the triathlon season look like there this year?

          We cool?

          1. It’s all good. *fist bump*

            I’m not heartless, I don’t want seniors to die. I have parents too. But try to remember what it’s like to be young. I have a hard-coded distaste for rules and authority. I still wake up every morning with a raging boner. And I have no financial assets to speak of, and certainly no state pension, so I have to be able to go out there in the world and make a living. The lockdown proposition is depressing and scary to me.

            If we had competent leadership, they would come up with a more nuanced approach than “lock everything down and everyone up until we have a miracle cure”. This disease seems to target a specific segment of the population, so the reponse should also be tailored around them. We could have younger and older people enter buildings at different hours, or use different doors and lanes. I’m sure we could figure something out!

            Alas, they’d rather close all the bars, cancel travel, and have us sit at home and be miserable, while constantly feeding us doom porn through the media. Totally overblown reaction for a disease that 50-80% of people are asymptomatic to and has a 99% or higher survival rate.

            Sweden and Belarus didn’t lock down, they are simply treating the sick and letting the rest go on with their lives. That’s what every country would have done 10 or 20 years ago… it’s just common sense. The people most at risk can stay home and be cautious even without the government involving itself in the matter (let alone demanding to track everyone’s movements with apps or bracelets, like in a fucking Twilight Zone episode.)

            But enough of that! I don’t wanna talk or hear about Corona anymore.

            Georgia is nice. The women are thin and many of them have big jugs. Unfortunately I don’t speak any Russian and English won’t get you far in this country. I had to learn a few words of Georgian just to be able to do my shopping. Other than that, it’s a small gem of a country and life is very peaceful here.

            If you ever visit, you’ll find that there are Thai communities in both Tbilisi (the capital) and Batumi (on the Black Sea). You can eat pad thai or tom yum and get a Thai massage even around here, of all places. That’s all the Thailand I’m going to experience this year and perhaps for a long time to come.

            Luckily the EU is next door and I still have the right to go and live in any one of 27 countries, free healthcare included. Even during these times I’m spoiled for choice compared to most people in the world. I’ll just have to wait for the flights out of Georgia to resume.

            Internation travel is certainly getting harder for everyone, though. The latest news out of Pakistan is that over 150 pilots there had forged their licenses! Between the fake pilots, suicidal pilots, Boeing putting together its newest planes with spit as glue, and now having to take blood tests and pay top dollar to visit some countries, it’s getting tougher for sex tourists of all ages and volitions. We may all have to get ourselves a live-in girlfriend, or start negotiating weekly and monthly rates with the pros. LOL.

            All the best.

          2. By the way, it’s my birthday today. Last year I celebrated with a threesome, but no such luck this year. I can’t even go out because it’s raining. The only present I received is a jar of homemade wine from my old and half-crazy Russian landlady. 2020 is just the year that keeps on giving!

            Peace and health to all inhabitants of the Earth. I’m just tired of this whole situation. (Still won’t take the vaccine though! Bill Gates can suck my dick.)


    3. HBD! I just turned the calendar on 59 myself, and celebrated with three hours with my MIDF (did, not like Lol) that included 69 in the jacuzzi and doggy on the bed. No supo,mentes required yet, and I still also get a raging boner every morning.

      Planning an Ironman triathlon for my 60th birthday. Probably Vietnam, bc Danang is beautiful and I like the Viet ladies.

      Financially I’m in a better place than I was at your age, so I hear you. My company keeps paying me as long as I can work remotely, they don’t care who my day or nighttime companion is.


      1. Man, you won the Covid lottery! You are in a Southeast Asian country with no community transmission and you can work remotely. Get a soapie massage for me, will ya?

        I’m not doing too bad myself. I have some savings, a bit of online income, and Georgia may be the safest country in all of Europe right now. Where this country is lacking is in the entertainment department. There are some Thai and Turkish sex shops but it’s nothing compared to Thailand.

        A minute of silence for all those who are stuck in countries where prostitution is illegal and where the virus is still going around unchecked. Albeit, the situation is getting better in most places. You won’t hear it in the mainstream media, but even in the US deaths are down 90% compared to March. They are testing more so it *looks* bad on paper, but hospitalizations and fatalities are actually way down. Of course they’d rather focus on infection numbers, because fear and doom porn.

        1. Since I made that claim I might as well substantiate it:

          Oh, sorry… That’s just a European hottie. ;)

          I meant to post this:

          It’s also worth noting that — while half a million deaths sounds like a big scary number — that’s roughly in line with flu fatalities. Between 200k and 700k people die of the flu. Every year. And with vaccines available. Source: the WHO.

          Other interesting facts (all from official sources):
          > over 40% of all US deaths are from nursing homes alone
          > nearly 100% of those who died had at least one pre-existing health condition
          > in the US when a person testes positive twice for Covid, let’s say first with a swab test and then with a blood test, those are somehow counted as 2 confirmed cases, not 1 (thus inflating the numbers!)

          This is why I’m so outspoken and fixated on this issue. The level of media hysteria and government paranoia doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Sorry if that annoys.

          Anyway, I don’t seek to change anyone’s mind. People can believe what they want. I’m just putting my thoughts out there.

          If anyone’s interested in other “contrarian” opinions on the matter, I recommend following Alex Berenson on Twitter. He is a former New York Times reporter who is doing God’s work in debuking a lot of the myths around the oubreak. Traditional media is failing us all, in that they are peddling panic instead of facts and reason.


        1. Well, at least someone here is having fun. If I ever get on your nerves too, just say the word and I’ll disappear. It’s your site after all. Although, I’m single-handedly responsible for revitalizing this comment section, so I’ll go ahead and take credit for that.

          Jack is a gentleman compared to some of the other characters here, so I hope he sticks around. He is also of the appropriate age unlike me.

        2. Allow me to add MIGTFA, because after several months upcountry taking care of her dying parent, she’s coming back to the Big Mango. She’s active again on Line after working through the slow passing and then the chores of making ready the family homestead, (the most important part of any Thai estate) and already assured me we are Going To…Again.

          1. I have to admit that I don’t know what MIGTFA means. And Google doesn’t appear to either. Cheers.

          2. “Im Going To…Again”

            Apologies for the cryptic acronym. I often overreach my creativity when I find the road rising to meet me over such a long horizon,

      2. As reported by “Le Monde” in France and other papers around the world, tourists from the following 14 countries are to be allowed into the EU from July 1st:

        Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay.

        How they came up with this list is a bit of a mystery to me. I mean, some of the choices are pretty obvious (New Zeland, Japan, etc.), but some are puzzling. Why is Thailand the only country in SEA to make the list? And why would they choose it over Vietnam, which is an even bigger success story?

        I could sort of understand if they didn’t trust the numbers from Cambodia (bit racist of them) or didn’t care for low-income travelers from poor countries… but then they go ahead and include Rwanda? As usual, all the big decisions are being taken by clowns.

        Oh well, I’m glad Georgia made the list. I will soon be able to get the fuck outta here. That’s if I don’t end up in a hospital this month. I’ve been feeling pretty sick since yesterday! No fever or cough… but I feel weak and disoriented. For all I know it could be the early stages of Covid. The official list of symptoms gets updated every other week, so who knows. Happy birthday to me!

        “Le Monde” also notes that China could be added to the list… provided that the latter allows entry for EU’s citizens too. This is another point of contention, as they don’t appear to have asked the other 14 countries for reciprocity.

        1. From what I understand Iceland, Norway and Switzerland will follow the exact same rules (they are basically “unofficial” members of the EU, in what is sometimes called the EU+).

          In other news, Serbia and Ukraine (which are not associated with the EU in any way) already allow pretty much anyone to enter their borders.

          Ukraine demands quarantine for travelers from certain countries. Furthermore, all arrivals regardless of their origin have to download a contact-tracing app and must quickly respond to prompts on the app (in Ukranian!).

          Serbia has no such restrictions. They don’t seem to give much of a fuck about anything, seeing as they didn’t even make face masks mandatory in shops — it’s only “recommended”.

          Belarus has also been open to everyone for a while now (to be precise, they never closed the border), but they have mandatory quarantine for *all* arrivals. Since most nationals only get 30-days visa free in Belarus, half of that time would be spent in self-isolation… which makes visiting all but pointless. For comparison, both Serbia and Ukraine allow 90 days visa-free to citizens of most developed countries (with no quarantine in Serbia, and a selective one in Ukraine based on the point of origin).

          This sums up the situation in Europe. If anyone has info from other continents, please post it here.

          All I know is that Cambodia will let you in if you have health insurance and can afford a 3,000 USD bribe (ahem, deposit). For how long is anyone’s guess: I assume you would have to leave after a month or two, unless you are there on a business visa to seek employment or start a business. Speaking of visas, I’m not sure if they are issuing them on arrival anymore — last I heard, you needed one from a Cambodian embassy or consulate, and there aren’t very many of those around the world. The easiest to access right now in Europe would be the one in Switzerland.

          1. Update:

            Cambodia is not issuing tourist visas at the moment. Only business visas. So in order to get a business visa from an embassy, I assume one would have to have a good reason (or at least make up a convincing story) and show evidence of adequate funds (a healthy bank statement).

        2. I just found out South Korea is letting anyone in (including Americans and Europeans) if they can pay for quarantine (~$2,000). Similar to Cambodia, but better, in that you still get your 3 months visa-free.

          Apparently they will also test and treat you for free? Can’t confirm this bit… but right now they are by far the most open country in all of Asia. I’m impressed.

          1. South Korea never technically closed to anyone. Korean Air keeps flying into locked down countries like Vietnam but no normal ppl allowed. Here in Australia we aren’t even allowed to leave our own country. It’s like being in North Korea. The whole world is fucked. Just give up on travel bro cuz it just ain’t happening. Tens of thousands of pilots were laid off this month in every continent. Entire airlines went out of business and we only 3 months in. The biggest airline group already said it’ll be 2023 at the earliest that there will be any kind of international travel. It just ain’t gonna happen guy. Find a chick where you are or get better porn so you can take a break from looking for some sunshine. There is none bro. We’re stuck.

            1. “Here in Australia we aren’t even allowed to leave our own country.”

              I’m sorry to hear that. I had no idea things were so bad in Australia.

              Please don’t confuse your experience with that of other countries, though. Here in Europe travel is indeed resuming. Not only have the 27 EU countries already resumed travel with one another, but in a couple days the EU’s external borders will be open to 14 other nationalities (including, ironically enough, Australians).

              The country of Georgia, where I’m at right now, will resume flights on August 1. South Korea is wide open to anyone (who can pay for quarantine), as you admitted yourself. It’s not all bad and lots of people will still be able to travel this year. Australia seems like an extreme case.

              If you don’t trust me to be well informed on the matter, check the UK gov website. They have a well curated travel advisory section with all the latest updates on international travel and restrictions. It may not be much use to you personally, but at least it’s proof of concept.

        3. “ Why is Thailand the only country in SEA to make the list?”

          My guess is for reciprocity. Thailand is trying to negotiate “travel bubbles” and the Brussels bureaucrats have the same incentive as you and I to want to be able to have fun in the sun (or in the muted light of a suite in the Conrad).

          And thanks for the link to the Euro-hottie. She really likes her pussy, n’est-ce pas?

            1. Pay attention kid: no demand, no pilots, no airlines = NO international travel!! even for people who aren’t stuck behind the new Aussie DMZ. International travel is forked for the next few years minimum for regular ppl. Americans’ll be traveling inside America. Aussies inside Oz. Poms inside UK. Europeans inside EU. Latins inside Latin America. Asians inside Asia. You’ll be lucky to come out the otherside alive so best learn start working on your knuckle shuffle!!

            2. Pay attention old-timer: I never said anything about demand or how airlines are coping. I don’t have a crystal ball and I think it’s a little early to make predictions on the future of travel. I would wait until the end of this year at least. All I did was announce which countries are reopening to tourists and when, so that if someone wants to go there they can, even if it’s just them on the plane.

              “You’ll be lucky to come out the otherside alive so best learn start working on your knuckle shuffle!!”

              This just proves to me that you are another doom-and-gloom Covidiot who WANTS to believe the end of the world is nigh… even when all the data coming from around the world says otherwise:
              > deaths are steadily going down in most countries, total tally is still less than a flu season, average age of deceased is 80-something
              > more and more insurance companies are starting to cover Covid (as they realize it’s not a big deal and doesn’t affect their bottom line)
              > more and more countries are cautiously opening up to tourists.

              What can I say. Some people just enjoy drowning in misery. Stay put in Australia if that’s what you want (or if you have no other choice), but don’t piss on those of us who see right through this hoax and will take advantage of the increasing opportunities for travel.

              It seems to me that you are pissed off because Australia won’t let you leave, so you want everyone else in the world to partake in the misery and suffer along with you, as a cope mechanism (Human Psychology 101).

              Sorry, doesn’t work on me. I’ll do whatever I want this year, which includes disseminating factual and easily verifiable news about the state of international travel.

            3. Your anger should be directed at the Australian government for treating you like a child and keeping you prisoner in your own country… not at me for quoting Le Monde or making jokes on a monger site. I’m not your enemy, your government is.

              The entire Anglosphere is quickly turning into a communist dictatorship… but that has fuck-all to do with me. This year me and millions of others will be able to travel to dozens of countries on at least three continents, and stating so in public doesn’t make me a bad person.

            4. If there’s something that needs polishing it’s the guillottine. Some countries are abusing their citizens under the guise of health policy. They’ll keep doing so until those responsible are voted out of office or enough people stop obeying the rules. Unfortunately most of the protests currently going on in Anglo countries are of the “wrong” kind and they don’t tackle the important issues. So either speak up or accept your fate… but leave me out of it, ’cause I did nothing to you.

            5. I went out again yesterday here in Tbilisi, Georgia. All the bars are open and no “social distancing” is being enforced. The Thai massage parlors are open. The strip clubs are open — I even discovered a new one, with a “secret room” upstairs. Knuckle shuffle you say? Not just yet in my case.

              Outbound flights were supposed to resume on July 1st but it was pushed back to August 1st. If they don’t pull any other tricks, in a month’s time I will be legally entitled to visit 35 countries in Europe plus several in Central America and two in Asia. In nearly all of those places, bars and brothels are open in one capacity or another.

              What can I say, sucks to be in Australia right now. Is it fair? Not at all, and I understand why you would be envious/angry. But don’t shoot the messenger, and don’t twist facts or numbers in an effort to make yourself feel better. It is what it is.

            6. I think part of the problem stems from the fact that this website is in English and much of the readership is American, Australian and so on. You guys are getting the short end of the stick in this crisis, particularly when it comes to travel. It isn’t as bad for Europeans, so I’m simply reporting things from my own perspective and in the interest of potentially 500+ million people.

            7. Hopefully this will serve as a wake up call to many of you. Change your voting habits, or better yet pack up and move to greener pastures.

              When this whole thing blows over it will have become crystal clear which countries are best equipped to face a pandemic, which ones uphold people’s liberties the most, et cetera.

              Masks are coming off left and right. I’m watching all of this in awe and taking notes. We were all caught unprepared this time around, and some of us have been luckier than others. But there won’t be any excuse next time, so start making plans now.

            8. Even the upcoming Corona vaccine (which I stand against, and I won’t take no matter what it will cost me) is largely funded by European countries. Holliwood stars and Bill Gates are busy lobbying EU countries for funding, because they know little is coming from America. So if you ever take the jab, and as a result you are allowed to go back to a normal life… remember to say thank you to your European cousins. Four EU countries alone have already collectively pledged hundreds of billions.

              As for me personally, I’d rather give my life then be forced to have some concoction injected into my bloodstream. I still don’t trust anything of what’s happening to be an organically unfolding series of event, rather than some creepy machination to deprive people of their freedoms. There are still more questions than answers, including where the virus came from and whether or not it’s man-made (two Nobel Prize winners believe it to be man-made, including the guy who discovered HIV in the 80s.)

            9. For those who don’t know yet (and let’s have this be the end of another painfully long series of comments), the vaccine touted by Gates is an EXPERIMENTAL one, in that it’s supposed to “instruct” people’s DNAs to produce antibodies against Covid-19.

              This is completely different from regular vaccines, which contain a weakened version of the virus (the real thing).

              As soon as I heard that, my BS meter went off the charts. What now, are we going to allow government and corporations to mess with people’s DNA? I don’t need to explain to anyone here what the DNA is, right? It’s the most intimate part of ourselves… the very fabric of our existence.

              This vaccine is being rushed out at breakneck speed, so even if it was a regular one there would be cause for concern. Let alone a new type of vaccine that alters your DNA. The potential for side effects here is outrageous, out of this world. It’s like injecting a nuclear bomb in your veins. I wouldn’t be surprised if people started growing eyes on the back of their head after taking the jab. ALL KINDS of things could go wrong.

              I will not be a guinea pig for these sorts of crazy experiments, and certainly not for a virus that only has a 0.1% chance of killing me. People have lost their goddamn minds.

              In spite of that, I’m trying to keep a positive attitude and seeing the glass as half-full. The disease is not much deadlier than a flu; countries are slowly opening up; and overall things are looking better and better each passing day.

              If the vaccine is not made mandatory, but rather voluntary, then we can chalk this whole thing up as a partial win and a great learning experience for the world. So let’s focus on all the things that are going well, of which there are many, and let’s be vigilant about the dangers still ahead (the virus ain’t one; I seriously hope it’s not a bioweapon because it would be just about the lamest ever created. It took it half a year to kill half a million of elderly people, which is nothing. As many as 800,000 children under the age of 5 die every year of regular pneumonia… Now that’s a real tragedy!)

              It seems to me like that’s a healthier attitude to have than “the world is ending, let’s practice our jerking off skills while we still can”. How do you even begin to answer something like that? I’m amazed at myself for being able to write so much when given so little.

        4. “How they came up with this list is a bit of a mystery to me.”
          The EU has articulated these rules: non-essential travel from a country is permitted if its per-capita COVID rate is at least as good as the EU’s, and its trajectory is flat or declining, over the past 14 days. As of the start of the policy, only 15 countries qualify. (The U.S. emphatically does not.)
          FWIW, the official policy document is « » and the easiest COVID data explorer I’ve found, so that you can compare country and regional numbers yourself, is « ».

          1. Thanks for the information Bob. I have to say that hardly seems foolproof. The virus could theoretically be raging in a country while official numbers stayed low. Say for example if there was a young and untested population. Then again holes can be poked in the rationality behind practically every response proposed or enacted so far. Cheers.

            1. As of right now the single best source for travel advisory is the UK government website (uk dot gov), which is updated multiples time a day with the lastest info on entry restrictions (and their lifting as the case may be), plus all the details on quarantine requirements (or lack thereof) and even on the local regulations concerning the use of masks, etc.

              People can sign up for a daily or weekly newsletter and receive the updates straight to their inbox.

          2. Hi Bob. Vietnam has had zero deaths and no community transmission for months now, so Vietnam’s exclusion from the list is a glaring omission and IMO it invalidates their whole decision-making process.

            The original draft list included more than 50 countries, including the likes of Tajikistan, but they brought it down to 15 after days of internal discussion. Why? Because some EU countries admitted to not trusting the numbers coming out of certain countries.

            The fact that the general consensus in Brussels is that the Chinese and Thai governments are more trusthworthy than the Vietnamese one tells me all I need to know: that in typical Western fashion they are out of touch with the reality on the ground in Asia. That, or they actually had economic calculations on their minds too and would rather have wealthy Chinese and middle-class Thais visiting Europe than impoverished Viets and Khmers.

            Then again, Rwanda. So I’ll go with “they are out of touch”, which is a safe bet.

            A couple other things worth noting:

            > The list will be updated every 2 weeks and will gradually include more countries (or get rid of some if their epidemiological situation were to worsen).

            > The list is non-binding and more of an “official recommendation”. It is ultimately up to the individual member states to decide who can get into their borders. I read somewhere that Portugal for example is taking a more liberal approach and letting in some nationalities that were excluded from the list.

            > For the purpose of travel, the UK is still considered an EU country until the end of 2020, so British citizens are welcome.

            1. The fact that information is updated multiple times a day says a lot. Doesn’t it? Early on there were reports of planes being turned around mid flight in all the confusion. Now we’re several months into the “new normal” yet things can still change from hour to hour. This sort of thing is going to put a major damper on any kind of tourism even if some travel lanes do reopen. No wonder some major travel industry bodies are talking about years rather months when it comes to recovery. Then again things change. A few decades ago western travel to Asia was nothing like it was in 2019. Cheers.

            2. @ Rockit

              At this point the best thing to do might be to just pick one country, get in there while it’s still possible, and wait this whole thing out. Bonus points if said country has hot and available ladies.

              There’s no bouncing around from country to country anymore like in 2019 and before. At any time they can ground a plane for the flimsiest of reasons (say, a “pandemic” that so far has infected 0.13% of the world’s population and killed a fraction of that fraction).

              I keep mentioning the availability of flights both to keep some optimism alive during these depressing times and to help folks plan their Great Escape in case they have decided they’ve had enough and want out of their country for good.

              If I was stuck in a Western country right now I would sell everything I own, get a business or retirement visa for Cambodia and move there ASAP. But that’s just me. I certainly see no point in waiting any further since things aren’t going to get any better in the West anytime soon (and that goes beyond the pandemic).

              So it’s not so much about tourism anymore as it is about one’s ability to relocate to greener pastures for the medium-to-long term. As long as there are still a few planes flying and exemptions made for some travelers, we are not entirely hopeless.

              But tourism, yeah, that’s a hard sell right now. Americans can go down to Mexico or the DR for a few weeks, EU citizens can easily move within Europe, and people living in Asia can go spend some time in Korea, but that’s about it for July tourism.

              Hopefully that clarified my position. I’m not entirely naive.

        1. Outside of Europe, it looks like Central America and the Caribbean are opening up the most to tourism.

          > Dominican Republic opens July 1st
          > Bermuda, US Virgin Islands, and a few other Caribbean spots open July 1st
          > Playa del Carmen/Cancun currently “open”. Mexico slated to fully reopen July 21st
          > El Salvador: August 6
          > Belize: August 15

          All dates subject to change.

        2. Don’t matter. Ain’t gonna be no tourism by plane. So just feckin forget it kid.

          Airbus has announced today that it will be laying off around 15,000 employees.

          The company noted that air traffic would not recover to pre-crisis levels until 2023. However, it also left open the potential for a full recovery taking until 2025. Thus, Airbus is making changes to its staffing.

          I said it before and now I say it again.

          No demand, no pilots, no airlines means NO international travel!!

          1. It does appear that the airline industry has little faith in the near future. There have been mass layoffs and even some permanent facility closures. Now manufacturing is even going to decrease. Perhaps they have more insight than the rest of us. But I am not sure what the “2023 – 2025” estimate is based on. Pure speculation? Educated guess? What else is there to go on at this point? Cheers.

          2. It’s one thing to say that travel won’t return to pre-crisis levels for a few years. That I can believe. Seems pretty obvious.

            It’s another thing to suggest that air travel will be *impossible* this year.

            As long as there’s at least one flight every couple weeks, and the borders are open… I don’t see what the problem is. A plane half-empty and short queues at the airport sounds like a dream to me.

            Most European countries have already resumed tourism. The Dominican Republic too. Check out some local news sites, or download the Flight Radar app and watch the planes take off in real time. It’s already happening.

            Adult businesses are also open in many places. Soapies in Thailand, strip clubs in Georgia, brothels in Greece. They are all open. You are supposed to wear a mask, but we know nobody is really gonna enforce that.

            It’s all just for show at this point. I go to the supermarket and they wave me in without taking my temperatures. People are wearing masks under their nose and they don’t keep the distance anymore at the counter.

            At least, that’s what happening here in Georgia. I don’t know what’s going in those countries where the people have fallen for the scam hook line and sinker.

            1. U might have a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock mate.

              No one like me n u is flying anywhere. Just feckin forget it. Dont matter wut u read or wut u link about. It aint happening kid.

              Domestic tours n some bizness men on emergency money making operations r a go. All else is a BIG NO!

              Nothing else mate

              Qantas just cut another 6000 jobs. That’s on 15000 already stood down. That’d b no one left.

              That’d be all the worlds biggest airlines in all the world plus the ones who make the feckin airplanes.

              R u gonna fly wit your own two wings then??

            2. Dude. You are insane. Like, clinically insane.

              I showed you the PROOF. Go on Flight Radar 24!!! Read the articles on Dominican Today!!!

              I give up. It’s obvious you are out of touch with reality. Let me know when you snap out of it, OK? We can continue this conversation once you come back to the real world.

            3. What you don’t seem to understand is that AUSTRALIA IS NOT THE WORLD.

              Just because Australia won’t reopen its borders this year, it doesn’t mean other countries won’t.

              In fact, many countries are already open. People ARE SITTING ON A PLANE RIGHT NOW while we speak.

              You mentioned Qantas and Airbus. Let me explain to you why they are laying off staff.

              Qantas is an AUSTRALIAN AIRLINE. If your country is gonna keep the airports closed for the whole of 2020 (as they have already announced weeks ago), OF COURSE Qantas is gonna lay off staff. They are cutting their losses.

              Airbus is not even an airline. They MAKE planes. Right now Airbus doesn’t need to build new planes because airlines aren’t opening any new routes — they are DECREASING the amount of routes they cover and the number of flights they operate.

              But that DOESN’T MEAN that planes will STOP FLYING. There are already HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of planes that were built years or decades ago, and they are still perfectly serviceable!

              Airbus making fewer NEW planes doesn’t mean that the OLD planes cannot fly anymore.

              And Qantas is just ONE airline, whose fate is tied to ONE country (Australia). It’s not representative of the entire world.

              Do you even understand? Can you comprehend? Should I draw you a picture? Because I’m at the end of my rope here.

              Turn off the Australian TV, open another tab on your internet browser, and start reading some INTERNATIONAL NEWS if you want to understand what’s going on outside of Australia.

              There are more than 200 countries in the world. I said TWO HUN-DREDS. That’s 2 followed by two zeroes.


          3. I just took this screenshot (literally minutes ago) from the website . Please have a look:


            I don’t know man. Seems like an awful lot of planes to me!

            Here is an article from Dominican Today, dated yesterday. Headline: “Arrival of the first commercial flight through the Punta Cana international airport”.


            “Be there in 3 weeks”, says an American reader in the comments. On the site’s homepage, there are several more articles about the resumption of tourism in the country. It doesn’t get more official than this.

            I could post a whole bunch of links about Europe but that’s beside the point. Planes are still flying, tourists are still packing their bags, and to say otherwise is simply delusional.

      3. People who need a negative test result to enter their final destination (e.g. Cambodia) should seriously consider passing through Prague airport. They have set up three testing station at the airport and it only costs € 65 to get tested.

        “One check point is located in the public area of the airport in the connecting corridor between Terminal 1 and Terminal 2. It is intended primarily for the general public and for departing passengers who need a negative test result to enter their final destination.”

        1. European Guy is so unconcerned he spams the site with 80000 words of rubbish. Can you say fillibustering?

          Hey hey hey flights will be back July 1, whoopsie i mean Aug 1, Sep 1, 2021, 2024 HAHAHAHAHA!

          No no demand no planes no pilots you fecking fool. You r stuck

          Suck it up. Europe is so great you shouldn’t mind staying there for five years.

          Europe the only western society to have REAL Communist dictatorships and fascist dictatorships ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

          Europe the place so great it inspired massive exoduses of people that went half way round the world in both direction to found new society.

          Tell us more about how great it is you fecking odd ball

          No matter where you be sucker, you’re as fecked as the rest. You just don’t know it yet. Bend over and say AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

          1. Yep, someone here is pretty fucked (from birth I would say), but it ain’t me chief.

            Don’t worry if you don’t understand what I just said, I won’t hold it against you.

          2. Oh, and I take back everything I said before about sympathizing with your situation. May Australia never reopen its borders, so that you are not unleashed upon Southeast Asia again. Talk about giving Corona a run for its money!

            I will quite enjoy Cambodia without the likes of you around.

          3. If you get bored down under, check out the website Flight Radar dot com. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. It’s a nice visual representation of how “fecked” we all are — one that even your brain might be able to process, although I’m not holding my breath.

          4. And re: the Europe-bashing… I shall answer you with your own words:

            “Aye how I wish I was in Germany now or anywhere but here to be truthful.”
            — Corey OZ, literally hours ago

            Now bend over to the Australian government and say AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

          5. As luck I would have it I don’t have to bend over to anyone. I left my country last year, a few months before the pandemic, with no intention of ever going back. I renewed my passport just before leaving and it’s valid for another 9 years. For good measure I also gave the government a fake address, so if they ever come knocking at my door to vaccinate me, they’ll end up at the wrong house. I’d love to see their faces! By then, of course, I will already have escaped to a safe country.

            That’s the difference between “odd balls” like me who are always one step ahead, and fools like you who can’t even understand what’s going on behind their nose. Just keep wanking off mate, there’s not much else you can do in your situation.

            1. Blablabla Blablabla.
              Can’t you find another website to annoy? I think we’ve seen you enough here. Cheers.

            2. Yes guys, I have finally realized that this is entirely the wrong website for me to hang out on. The average reader here seems to be around the age of 60 and from an English-speaking country.

              I’m 32 and from Europe, so not only I don’t have to worry about dying from The Virus, I will also be allowed to travel to a bunch of countries this year. Apple and oranges.

              I better take some time away from this site and come back when the pandemic is over, or I risk drowning in the copious amount of bile some of you are secreting. Nothing like an angry old sexpat.

              It must be tough. Being denied your annual fix of barely legal Asian prostitutes (the only sex some of you can get), while at the same time having to face the reality of your impending departure from this world. Two tragedies in one.

              Well, good job living up to the stereotype. How come nobody has yet mentioned the strenghtening Thai baht, which has kept appreciating even during the pandemic? Come on guys, that’s a classic… I wasn’t expecting it to go out of fashion.

              I came here with an open mind originally, and I wasn’t known to bring up the topic of one’s age much (or at all) in previous years, but I’m slowly being pushed away by some of the older residents, for all the usual stupid reasons. (Chiefly, envy and resentment.)

              I guess I’m guilty of being young now that you guys are old. Oh, the nerve. I apologize profusely for this totally intentional crime.

              I shall not be seen around here for some time to come. Or ever again.

              Happy Corona days!

            3. P.S.
              Who knew talking about airports, health insurance and medicine would draw so much hate. Or is it because of the political comments? I didn’t even go too deep into that hornet’s nest. Trust me, I’ve been nice.

              I guess I should have just said “wE aRe All fEckEd, MaTe… StaY HoMe, BeND ovER, sAvE LiVes… AnD say Ahhhhhhhh”. Now that would have won me simpathy aplenty!

              Bunch of low-IQ morons. You try to help them and they bite your hand. It’s true what Aristotle said, some people are just born to be slaves.

          6. “Hey guys, the coronavirus is not very dangerous. The mortality rate for all ages is 0.3% and it’s steadily going down everywhere, even the US. Here, I have the charts and official sources to back me up.”

            “Hey guys, these two insurance companies will pay for all your Covid-related medical expenses.”

            “Hey guys, a bunch of countries are reopening to tourists. Here are the official statements.”

            “Hey guys, lots of adult businesses are still open in this city. I can go get a lap dance or a massage anytime.”

            “Hey guys, if things are so bad where you live, you should consider moving.”

            Excuse me gentlemen, but… what the fuck are you all doing reading an international monger site, if you don’t want to travel internationally NOR to have sex this year?

            Wouldn’t it be more reasonable for y’all to close your laptop and go for a walk, rather than bully me into stop talking?

            No worries though, this is my last comment. For real this time! I’ve had it up to here already.

            What’s the point of saying anything here, if it’s going to get responses only (or mostly) from complete retards? No use throwing pearls before swines.

      4. Good lord, he just resorted to a twisted Godwin’s Law – concluding with a defense of slavery rather than Hitler.

          1. What’s the matter with you? First you agree with me that the lockdowns are bullshit (going by your reply to Jack above), then you scroll to the bottom and call my opinions “shite”? Way to piss off both sides.

            We have an eclectic here. Can I call you Rand Paul Junior? Or are you another old fart?

            Well, if nothing else it seems you are as bored as me. It means we have at least two things in common… but you had to ruin it by antagonizing me from the start.

            So you can piss off along with everyone else, even if I agree with you on the lockdowns. Or try a more conciliating tone.

            1. Just realized your comment to Jack was actually in another thread, and was posted after this one. My point still stands. Pick a side on the Corona issue, you don’t get to waltz in here and simultaneously disagree with both of us. Or at least elaborate on which parts of my train of thoughts are “shite”. I’ve said quite a lot of things.

            2. It’s real simple. Anyone with a brain can see that these lock downs are about a lot more than a virus that kills less than one-half of one-percent of people who catch it, but your diarrhea of the mouth is what’s making me sick. We’ve got it: you told us more than we need to know. Now SHUT THE FUCK UP for a while!

            3. Hi guys. I allow people to speak their minds in the comments. I am opposed censorship to my very core. That doesn’t mean we need to attack other posters however. It is easy enough to simply ignore things we don’t want to read. We can also chose the way we respond to each other and the words we use when doing so. Thank you for reading and commenting here. Cheers.

            4. The things is, there are still A LOT of people out there (including many readers of this site, see Jack and Corey) who actually think thay the lockdowns are justified, or that this disease is more dangerous than the ones we had before (such as tuberculosis, which kills MORE THAN ONE MILLION people every year… Hey, where are the mandatory vaccines for TBC? Why aren’t all flight passengers tested for TBC? Doesn’t make any sense!!).

              Until you showed up, I was literally the ONLY person on here speaking up against this global hoax. My verbal diarrhea is because NO ONE ELSE was saying what NEEDS to be said if we are to survive this crisis. I had to do all the heavy lifting by myself! This site is read by quite a lot of people and if I managed to red pill even a fraction of them, then it was worth it in my book.

              What took you so long man? Now that I’m not the only one speaking truth around here, I’m more than happy to take the foot off the gas. I already feel better. I would have shut up a long time ago, if only more comments had been supportive (instead of questioning everything I said and defending the lockdowns).

              Over and out.

        1. “a defense of slavery”

          Hey idiot, go read some Aristotle before putting words in my mouth that I didn’t say. This has nothing to do with Blacks, if that’s what you are thinking.

          The philosopher, a white dude, believed that his fellow white citizens in ancient Greece could be divided into two groups: those with a soul yearning for freedom and those who were destined to be enslaved, due to their character (or lack thereof). Today we would say, some people are “sheep” or “tools”.

          I used that example while talking to another white guy, some jokesters from Australia (I’m assuming he is white anyway, his name is Corey). And it was not a “defense” of slavery… I was COMPLAINING that so many white dudes today have lost their balls and let themselves be enslaved by their Western governments! Like some Greeks back in the day.

          As I said, I don’t have the brightest audience here. You read through all my “shite” (to use the words of yet another clown who just showed up) and you managed to completely misunderstand what I said.

          Now, everyone please stop replying to my comments, so that I don’t get angry again and have to explain myself again. I genuinely want to take some time off this site (or quit it altogether) since almost none of you have anything constructive or interesting to add to my comments. Every response so far has been lame or idiotic or a complete misunderstanding of what I said. It’s getting tiresome.

        2. And I’m not saying everyone should agree with me, but you can disagree with someone in a way that at least makes sense.

          The responses I’ve gotten so far have been like “Yes you are right EG, South Korea never closed the border, but we are all fucked anyway and you should just stay home and jerk off”… or “Yes you are right EG, the science doesn’t support the lockdowns, but your opinions are shite anyway”… or “Yes you are right EG, young people aren’t at risk, but don’t go out infecting others, even though I’m also going out and having sex myself”.

          So I’m right about pretty much everything, but I must also shut up and go away. Got it! (facepalm)

      5. @european guy
        I don’t care lockdown concerns at all and I don’t even read these long paragraphs. And by the way I’m 33 not 60+ as you seem to assume. I live in Japan and yes this virus is far less a problem than the world make of it right now. Having said that disconnect from this story please and stop taking this so personal it’s annoying and displace more relevant contents about what this website is truly about. Cheers.

        1. I’m literally posting under just one article.

          There are hundreds of other articles on this site that you can read, without finding a single comment from me. And billions of other websites.

          I’m not the problem, you are. If this particular discussion is so annoying to you, why are you still here? Move on.

        2. “it’s annoying and displace more relevant contents about what this website is truly about”

          Yes, because telling Johns where they can fly this year and how to get health insurance clearly goes against their interests.

          What we need instead is more comments like “tHeRe aRe No fLiGhts aNyMoRe” or “StAy hOmE, SaVe LiVES”… right? Those will help!

          I’ve been focusing on regions of the world that are known for prostitution (the Caribbean, Asia, Europe). I also made some comments about the reopening of adult businesses in Georgia.

          If none of you had questioned my statements, we wouldn’t be where we are now. The only reason why I have to write all these follow-up comments is because you guys keep nagging me. If you want to clear up this thread from clutter and make it easier to read, start by leaving me alone.

          What have you posted that’s useful, Peter? Why can’t you give us an update on the situation in Japan, instead of asking Rockit to “blacklist” me or telling me to shut up?

          Utterly ridiculous.

        1. The more you people say that, the more you make me want to keep posting.

          I will not be silenced. Suck it up. No one is forcing you to read anything of what I write.

          Stretch your index finger and scroll down.

      6. What’s happening in this thread perfectly mirrors the streets of America (and a few other countries) right now. An angry mob of assorted crazies and loonies thinks it’s OK to gang up on an innocent passerby, for no discernible reason.

        None of my arguments have been rebuked so far. Everything I say is backed by facts, sources and numbers. Many of you even agree with me!

        So what exactly is the problem? Why can’t I tell the truth? Why are so many of you AFRAID of, or ANGERED by, the truth?

        I’m not doing anything wrong. You guys are the ones with deep-seated issues.

        1. For all I know some of you could be CIA assets or Chinese paid trolls. What’s the matter? Don’t like having the truth out there?

          Sorry, this isn’t Facebook or Google. You can’t just shut down dissent. Come to me and put a bullet in my head if my words are so dangerous (i.e. empowering).

          Or maybe you really are just a bunch of losers with mental problems. Doesn’t matter, my answer is still the same. Scroll down if you don’t want to read me, because there’s no legitimate reason for me to stop talking.

          1. I woke up today feeling like an idiot for this comment and wondering whether I should make myself a tinfoil hait. Maybe I’m losing it.

            Then I read the news and lo and behold, that Ghislaine Maxwell bitch has been arrested… and they are putting her in the *exact same prison* where Epstein “killed himself”. You know, the one where security cameras can malfunction for 2 hours without anyone noticing and the guards can take a break for 5 hours or something.

            Nothing to see here. Move along. LOL.

            If she dies too than I’m outta here. As in, I’ll throw every electronic device in the trash and move to a cabin in the woods somewhere to spend my last days as far removed from other human beings as I can. No point in playing a rigged game, I might as well throw in the towel. All I yearn for is some peace and nature at this point. Don’t care anymore about the fate of the world.

            We’ll see what happens with her. Certainly this year’s events have made “conspiracy theorists” out of a whole bunch of people who were previously fairly “normal”.

            I got something like 5 or 6 vaccines on a single day in 2017, before traveling to Asia, because I thought nothing of it and I was still a good law-abiding citizens. But then this Corona debacle happens and forces me to reconsider everything I always took for granted. Bill Gates can’t even post on social media anymore without getting hundreds of thousands of angry comments and even some death threats. Check out his Instagram sometimes, it’s a riot.

            If these are our puppet masters, they oughtta step up their game. Every one of their moves is backfiring spectacularly.

            Or maybe there is no grand conspiracy and humanity is simply hopelessly stupid (myself included sometimes). I don’t know which one of the two options is worse, so I’d say we are screwed one way or the other.

            1. Goethe said, “Misunderstandings and lethargy perhaps produce more wrong in the world than deceit and malice do. At least the latter two are certainly rarer”. This seems accurate even today. Cheers.

            2. “ I’ll throw every electronic device in the trash and move to a cabin in the woods somewhere.”

              Hope springs eternal

            3. “Good lord”
              “Hope springs eternal”

              How ironic that you would use this kind of language. Gentle reminder that Jesus was crucified by an angry mob because he wouldn’t shut up and people didn’t like what he had to say.

              Just sayin’.

      7. More “crazy” facts and numbers out of Europe:

        > Greece received 235 international flights on the first day of reopening

        > Montenegro is currently open to tourists from 100+ countries

        I can’t keep up with all the updates so I will stop here for now. Bottom line: Europe really wants that tourism income this summer. Even non-EU citizens are welcome in places such as Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, Ukraine, Belarus, and perhaps a few more.

        Very different realities are emerging in different parts of the world. No one should take their local news as being representative of the global situation.

        1. Europe is dirty poor. Course they want tourism! Uve got nuffin else mate!

          Here is a truth for u. The only tourism that matters is ANGLO! AUS, UK, USA, Canada n even Kiwis. We are the only ones with the money n the only ones who spend it on holiday. Euros dont even tip each other.

          If we Anglos aint goin nuffin is goin mate. U gotta learn 2 cope wit the facts

          1. “Euros dont even tip each other.”

            We don’t need to tip service staff because they get paid proper wages, as opposed to having to smile to assholes all day in exchange for what amounts to charity.

            Customers save a lot of money and waiters can be rude without consequences. Win-win!

          2. We CLEARLY are the superior culture. I’m drinking red wine straight from the bottle at 10 AM, while sitting in a garden of fig trees and chain-smoking to pass the time. I see girls in summer dresses passing by and I can whistle at them from behind the fence without them calling the police on me. I wouldn’t trade my European soul for all the money in Australia.

            We survived the black plague (twice) so I’m sure we can deal with the moronavirus. In fact, we are the only continent that is pushing to restart travel. So much for us being pussies.

          3. Also, brothels have reopened pretty much everywhere in Europe. I might go down to Greece next month and bang some dark-haired little nympho next to the Acropolis. (feelsgood.jpg)

            Only in Germany there seems to be some trouble with the brothels, but Germans have a bad case of Anglo penis envy. They always have to parrot the worst trends from Anglo countries, lest anyone think they are still Nazis (hint: deep down they still are).

            Real Europeans (French, Italians, etc.) are proud of their culture and they stubbornly refuse to learn English. I only learned it because I travel a lot and a true man of the world has got to be able to effortlessly communicate with Asian bimbos (“You love me long time, I give two thousand baht, na?”)

          4. Many Americans had to break state or city regulations this year in order to celebrate their 4th of July… and even so all they could do was fire Chinese-made fireworks. A Chinese billionaire somewhere sends his regards.

            That’s not to say West Europe isn’t fucked anyway. After the Anglosphere crumbles, we are next.

            America is turning commie, China already is… so it doesn’t even matter whether we align with one or the other. A boot stomping on our collective face is the future.

            However Anglos have it worst at present. This isn’t the best time to brag about Anglo culture, since it’s being demolished as we speak (pubs closed in England, statues toppled and flags burned in every Anglo country). All you guys have left is the ability to make a lot of money, but soon the Marxists will take that away too. What then?

            At least I can still admire a statue, wave a flag, board a plane and go spray my Corona-infused jizz on some hoe’s face. There’s more freedom in Europe right now than anywhere else. If this is how it all ends, I think I got the better deal.

      8. “The Barbados government says it is considering introducing the 12-month Barbados Welcome Stamp to allow visitors the option to work remotely from the island for a year at a time.

        Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley said that the stamp concept, now being refined for promotion, would allow “persons to come and work from here overseas, digitally so, so that persons don’t need to remain in the countries in which they are”. She said one of the things the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has shown is that it made short-term travel more difficult.”

        You can read the full article on Caribbean Business Report dot com.

        Hate to be always right on the money, but this news story rhymes with two statements I made recently:
        > after Europe, Central America and the Caribbean is where travel is going to restart
        > the future of travel is medium-to-long term stays, since short trips have become too much hassle

        I don’t know much about prostitution in the Barbados, but I know it’s legal there. Apparently there is also a red light district or two.

        1. Thanks for the comment. From what I have seen the commercial sex industry in the English speaking Caribbean is limited to say the least. A few places offer handjob happy endings for about 100 USD. Some freelancers in clubs ask for about the same. There are also a few escorts that charge 200 to 300 an hour of sex without blowjob. In some of the islands even the above is difficult or impossible to find. Cheers.

          1. A Benjamin for a wank is outrageous. I never understood why some men pay that much for a handjob. You can do it on your own for free and chances are you’re more skilled at it.

            The same amount for a freelancer is actually a good deal. It’s rare to get away with less than that in Eastern Europe. Heck, even in Thailand they want 50 USD at a minimum these days (1500 baht).

            I get it though, the Barbados is far from a monger’s paradise. Bummer. You are the authority on the subject so you get to have the final word. I was kinda hoping Barbados would be an option because as long as SEA remains closed we will all be left scrambling for alternatives.

            Is the Dominican Republic any good? Costa Rica? Mexico? Sorry, I’ve never been anywhere in the Americas. It took a pandemic to make me consider flying over the pond. Europe is fine for the summer but I usually go to the tropics in winter. The East Indies are closed, so…

            1. I have been to Barbados though I have not reported on the country. The entire island is something like 30 Kilometers wide. I have done some reporting on Latin America here over the years. I’ve covered Colombia, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Chile and the Dominican Republic. Some of the lowest prices for prostitutes and some of the highest murder rates in the world can be found in the hemisphere. On the other hand there are gated communities filled with wealthy people and sex resorts where customers pay seven thousand dollars for a one week stay. It’s a large and diverse place. Cheers.

      9. Thanks for the reply. I’m familiar with your reports on Latin America. Problem is, none of those countries are open at present, except the Dominican Republic. I’ll re-read your articles on the DR, but I was never drawn to that particular country and now it may not be the best time to visit. The crime rates were bad enough even before the medical emergency, lockdowns and job losses.

        Now, if Costa Rica and a few other countries in the area were to reopen (as they have announced), that would be a different story. I could spend some time in the greater region and check it out for myself. I might even report on my findings.

        All I want for Christmas is some caramel-skinned babe. East Euro chicks are hot, but sometimes they can be as ball-busting as their Western counterparts. The lines are getting blurrier.

        I don’t know how some guys manage to bang white women and white women only. I couldn’t do it. See, no amount of Cialis could get me hard for someone like this (she’s American, but give it enough time and they’re all gonna look and sound like this):

        Nothing left to do but laught it all off.

        1. Mexico, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic could be a good itinerary (once all three have reopened, i.e. by August if they keep their word). They are close enough to one another that you can bounce between the three in an endless loop. With my passport I get 3 to 6 months visa-free in each place, so I could easily spend a year between those three countries alone, then do it all over again the year after. It’s a legit option.

          Yes, at any time I could end up in a shitty tropical clinic and have to communicate with the doctors with a translation app, but it should be clear by now that I don’t care. I’ve got my health insurance and that’s all I need. I’m not going to stop traveling and fucking because of something that has a ~0.1% chance of offing me. Talking to other guys in their thirties, we all pretty much feel the same way. We would be idiots to stay home now that flights are cheaper and the airports are almost empty. For all I know I already got Covid… I had a sore of throat for 3-4 days in March and it went away after I took massive amounts of vitamin C (several grams a day). Your mileage may vary, I wouldn’t want my mom to be traveling right now, so older people are doing the right thing by staying home. It’s understandable.

          Back to travel opportunities in 2020. The only two alternatives to the Central American Trio are:

          > Europe. Nothing wrong with it, but I’m from here, so it doesn’t have as much of an appeal on me. I’ve been in Europe for more than two years now and I’d like a change of scenery. For others it could be the single best option this year, given the ease of movement and the sheer number of countries.

          > South Korea. But in my case I would have to flight back to Europe after only 3 months, so it’s not worth it. The only way to make it worth my while would be to go down to Cambodia… and spend my life savings to start a business there, so as to get permanent residence. I’m actually crazy enough to do something like that, but I’m also reluctant given the current economy. For most other folks it may not even be an option.

          This about sums up all the travel and whore mongering opportunities for the rest of 2020, not only for me but for just about anyone. It’s different for expats who already live in a place like Thailand, Vietnam or Japan (and even they have their problems with all the business closures), but for those of us stuck outside, it looks like they won’t let us in anytime soon. Maybe next year.

          So I’m leaning toward Central America personally, out of logistic considerations. Plus I’ve never been there before and that’s an extra incentive. I guess it’s time to meet some spicy senorita.

          Might send a postcard to my new friend Corey.

          1. The Dominican Republic is a place like Laos and Cambodia where a substantial number people stay indefinitely without proper residency using various loopholes. Or at least that was the case. I haven’t kept up with things over the last couple of years. Cheers.

            1. Cambodia started tightening things up a year or two ago. They no longer will extend your visa indefinitely, unless you can show them your work permit and either a letter from your employer or your own business license.

              I don’t think you can get away with registering a shelf company. Sooner or later they would notice you haven’t paid any tax and come knocking at your door. So if I’m gonna go through the process and expense of applying for a work permit and then registering a company… I might as well start a real business (even a very small one), in order to keep the authorities off my back and potentially make some money. Doesn’t have to be my main source of income, I can keep working online and treat the local business as a hobby. Clever readers will connect the dots and appreciate the overall potential for tax savings.

              The only other option right now is the retirement visa and that’s even easier. If you are over 55 and with sufficient funds, they’ll wave you in and keep extending your visa. Unfortunately I don’t qualify due to the age requirement, so it’s not for me. For others it may be their best or only shot.

              Tourist visas are not being issued at the moment (not even by embassies), and besides, there’s no open border nearby to do a visa run (the closest place would be Korea, which implies flying). Forget it. Even if the embassies resumed issuing tourist visas in a few months time, the logistics would be terrible. The only way to access Cambodia right now is to go all in and move there for a while.

          2. Wait, did I say I have a 0.1% chance of dying? Turns out that was an overestimate.

            The state of Florida has had 82,397 people 34 & under test positive for the coronavirus. Of that number, 28 have died. That’s a coronavirus death rate of 0.00034%.

            They’ve had 144,210 people 54 & under test positive. That’s a 0.0016% death rate for all people aged 0 – 54.

            But then you read The ASEAN Times and all their headlines are about (and I quote) “the deadly virus”. I feel like banging my head against the wall.

            1. To put things in perspective, rabies has a 100% death rate and it’s endemic to SEA. They still haven’t gotten around to vaccinating all the stray dogs. Too lazy for that, I guess.

              As many as 650,000 people in Thailand are HIV-positive and unprotected sex is all the rage.

              Dengue fever is also endemic, with tens of thousands of cases every single year and a 10% death rate.

              But let’s all get our panties in a bunch over this coronavirus. Priorities. You can travel with tubercolosis and HIV, just not this virus. Because reasons.

        2. I haven’t kept up with these things recently. But over the last several years the Dominican Republic had the fastest growing economy in Latin America and one of the region’s lowest crime rates. The Americas as a continent have the highest violent crime rate on earth with much of that centered around Central America and the Caribbean. Asia has the lowest violent crime rate though it is just slightly lower than the rate of Europe. The murder rate of the Americas is something approaching 10 times that of Asia. Cheers.

          1. I just realized I would have to get a yellow fever vaccine in order to go to Latin America. Fuck me, it’s all so tiresome :’)


            1. Fifty thousand words later the guy concludes what I said a month ago. THERE WILL BE NO INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL!

              Sure, your 2020 travel plans are down the drain, but if you had your hopes up for next year or even the year after, you might want to sit down.

              The chief executive of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Alexandre de Juniac has revealed that the impact of the global health crisis may see overseas travel not return to normal until 2023. Yep, that’s three years from now!

              “We have published today a new forecast about a potential recovery of the air traffic, and what we see is that things should come back to normal in 2023, which is later than our previous forecast,” he told ABC News Breakfast today.

              Asia remains off-limits to foreigners for non-essential travel. Sri Lanka might be one of the first Asian nations to welcome foreigners starting August 1, 2020. Expect strict screening procedures


              The latest from his favorite Cambodia-

              “The town is dead and things seem to be only getting worse. Most people here understand that previous numbers of foreigner arrivals, especially from Europe and America, won’t return for at least the next three to five years and maybe not even then. It is better to cut your losses of $50,000 now then continue to bleed cash with no end date in sight”

              We stuckAt least hes learnin to deal with it now

              As for me Im off to feck around in the bush for awhile. We all gotta adjust to the new normal. Theres more to life than fanny



              “Sri Lanka might be one of the first Asian nations to welcome foreigners starting August 1, 2020.” — also Corey

              It’s amazing how you can keep contradicting yourself so brazenly.

              You keep saying that there will be NO international travel for years. As in, none.

              What I’m saying instead is that there will be LIMITED travel.

              One of us is being accurate.

              Words have a meaning and an impact. You can’t say “Korea is open… Sri Lanka is reopening…” and then “How are you gonna get there? Flapping your arms? HAHA” in the same breath.

              Pick one!

              Some 35-40 countries in Europe are open to tourists right now, plus the Dominican Republic, Mexico, South Korea and several African countries. By August they will likely be joined by Costa Rica, Sri Lanka, Georgia, and possibly a few more.

              That’s about 1/4 of all countries in the world (~25%) already reopening in the first year of the pandemic. It’s not nothing!

              Most people don’t get to see 25% of the world in their entire lifetime. Let alone in one year. The truth is, there is PLENTY of travel opportunities available in 2020, and with plenty of flights to boot.

              My only grievance is that Southeast Asia is still closed off. I love SEA, I enjoy spending time there, so until that particular region reopens I will feel cheated out of something.

              That’s not to say there aren’t alternative options. There are, and I’m currently exploring mine.

              You, mate, aren’t adding anything of substance to that conversation.

              I get it, you can’t leave Australia. But I have some ~50 countries to choose from this year, and I’m trying to figure out where the logistics of travel are less hassle and where the fannies have the most potential for lubrication.

              Do you want that postcard?

            3. I don’t care that passenger and visitor numbers will be down in the near future. That’s actually a HUGE POSITIVE for travel, unless you work in the travel and hospitality industry (which I don’t).

              Close your eyes and picture it. Short, fast queues at the airport. The seat next to yours empty. The temples without the crowds. Fewer punters in the girly bars (i.e. more chicks for me, all starved for money and attention). IT’S A DREAM COME TRUE! :’D

              All I care about is when countries are going to reopen their borders. That’s what I’m tracking and reporting on.

              The rest of it, I don’t give a shit. I LOVE the fact that most people are afraid of the virus and won’t travel. If you were smart, you would recognize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that come with that.

            4. You are so brainwashed by the news media that you have forgotten that your interests are not aligned with those of airlines, corporations and governments. They tell you about their losses and you somehow think it has something to do with you. Wake up!

              Am I supposed to feel sorry for the CEO of Airbus or the tourism board of some country? LOL fuck them.

              All I want to know is when I can go back to country X, Y and Z. As soon as they give me the green light I’ll be on that plane. Don’t care for corona, don’t care for the financial losses… I’m only thinking, “How can I profit from this?”

              Looks like travel is about to enter a mini golden age. A throwback to the days when fewer people would fly and it was more of an adventure. If the sex industry in Asia can follow suit and start looking more like it did in the 80s, then we have hit the jackpot.

              Do stay home folks. I changed my mind. Please stay home!

            5. I can’t believe my luck. People are pissing their pants and refusing to travel over a virus with a 0.000XX death rate.

              The Australian government is going one step further and preventing drunk loudmouthed Aussies from crossing my path. What a time to be alive!

              Literally my only problem is that Southeast Asian countries are playing dumb and using this as an excuse to keep dirty farangs out. In the case of Thailand at least, that’s what’s really happening.

              Oh, but they’ll come around eventually! It’s not sustainable. And when they finally relent, I’ll be the first in line at the airport… while most other people will still be watching the TV and pissing their pants over this massive hoax of a “pandemic”.

              Air traffic will be back to normal by 2023? Gosh, I hope not. Let’s make it 2025 at the earliest. I need some time to properly enjoy myself.

              Ocean to ocean, untapped pussy up for grab… the price of flights and hotels going down… and the Coreys of this world are concerned about Qantas needing a bailout. You couldn’t make this shit up!

              We truly are living in the movie Idiocracy. But I’m starting to think it may not be a bad thing after all.

            6. “The latest from his favorite Cambodia”

              It’s not my favorite (that would be Vietnam), but it’s my second favorite… and for good reasons! They are the only country in SEA right now where they will let you in if you have 3,000 USD to spare (refunded to you within 5 days if you test negative). That’s chump change unless you are dirt poor, in which case you probably shouldn’t be traveling internationally.

              I can get behind that. You can still move to their country for work or retirement, so long as you can support yourself and pay for your medical expenses. What’s not to love? They have struck a good balance whereas all the neighboring countries are like, “no foreigners, thank you”.

              “Most people here understand that previous numbers of foreigner arrivals, especially from Europe and America, won’t return for at least the next three to five years and maybe not even then.”


              Imagine Angkor Wat without all the idiots with selfie sticks. Imagine going to a hostess bar and having ten chicks taking turns sucking your cock because you are the only customer. That’s what I’m talking about! This pandemic will be a bonanza for the right people.

              Enjoy the Australian “bushes”. I prefer the Khmer ones myself.

            7. And I haven’t even mentioned all the business opportunities, because it’s beside the scope of this site.

              You might have heard the saying, “Buy when there is blood on the streets”. I hear real estate is getting pretty affordable in the American cities worst affected by the riots. Who knows, you might also be able to snatch a guesthouse in Cambodia for a good price.

              Imagine being a bar owner in Asia and having half your competition disappear overnight. Those who had their finances in order before the crisis might come out on the other side of this even stronger.

              Already I was able to profit from Bitcoin. I bought the dip a couple months ago (when a lot of coin holders started panic-selling, or were forced to do so in order to pay the bills). It rebounded after only a couple weeks and I sold at exactly double my entry point. Poof, free money out of thin air.

              There are always opportunities, even during the worst crises. It’s about paying attention and doing your homework.

              Or you can watch the TV and feel for the CEO of Airbus. Your choice.

              At a minimum you should have learned that when the next pandemic hits, you better get out of Australia before they shut the border on you. It’s a valuable lesson in its own right.

              Believe me, none of that is going unnoticed, at least in my case. I know exactly which countries to trust going forward. Whitelists and blacklists are being written the world over, not only by governments, but by the citizens themselves.

              China has destroyed its international reputation. Australia and Thailand are taking the piss and angering their residents. America has turned into a big fat joke. None of this will be forgotten anytime soon.

      10. In other news, Georgia just reopened its border *without any conditions* to Germany, France, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. That’s my way out. Once I’m back in the EU, I’m free as a bird.

        More good news out of Serbia. Thousands are protesting the introduction of a curfew in Belgrade. Not racism or some nonsense, the actual curfew.

        What did that douchebag say the other day? “Hope springs eternal”.

        1. Glad to see Europe marching on toward herd immunity. We’ll get out of this empasse before anyone else. A vaccine isn’t even close and it may not work.

          Asian countries on the other hand have chosen to keep the borders air tight and crush the infection locally, so that at least their own citizens can go back to normal. That’s another legitimate strategy. Seems to be working for them.

          Hopefully we can establish a Eurasian travel corridor before too many years. The rest of the world doesn’t seem to have a clue as to how to get out of this. It’s all about the vaccine for them. Good luck.

          1. In Europe it is currently a seller’s market. There are not many cheaper alternatives. The FKK clubs where men could readily find sex for 100 EUR per hour remain closed (unless one is willing to drive to NL). Additionally, there is less supply in Germany because many WGs have still not returned.

            1. Wow, an intelligent response for once. Thank you.

              I haven’t been to Germany since mid-2018 so I have no idea what’s going on there. Both you and Rockit seem to indicate that there is some serious trouble with the FKKs. I believe it.

              For the past 9 months I’ve been in the country of Georgia and things are looking good in Tbilisi. When I pass by a strip club or massage parlor I get jumped on by some lady trying to drag me in, similar to Thailand. That was NOT the case before the pandemic, when it was a lot of work to even locate the few adult businesses in this city.

              Since Germany is about to resume direct flights with Georgia, and since the epidemic is very much under control here (2-5 new infections a day; only 15 deaths IN TOTAL from the start), you may want to come here next month and enjoy the local delicacies, including some pretty damn good wine.

              All the best.

            2. We need more of this. Everyone should be reporting from their country and letting us know how the local adult industry is coping, if the prices have changed, if there are still flights coming in, etc.

              So far I’m the only reader taking the matter seriously and trying to keep some optimism alive. In the process I managed to piss off a bunch of people somehow.

              I promise to shut up once others start reporting the relevant news and/or if I stop getting moronic replies like “ThEre Is mOrE tO LiFe tHaN FanNY”.

              Really? I think the fanny is pretty much the only thing that can keep us sane at a time like this. We need to blow off some steam now more than ever. Cheers.

            3. At least that’s how it works for me. I get nervous if don’t get laid enough.

              I’ve been reading and commenting on this site for more than 5 years and until March of this year my presence here was barely noticeable. That’s because I was too busy traveling and having sex all the time.

              Now that I’m stuck in the Caucasus with limited options for sex and the world apparently falling apart all around me, I have gone into overdrive mode. I want to know when and how I can start mongering again and I want everyone else here to know it too.

              So y’all won’t get rid of me until my dick and balls have been properly taken care of. Stop telling me that “there are no flights anymore” or that we are all doomed, and help a dude get laid :)

            4. To clarify I have no faith that the FKK clubs will reopen anytime soon. Maybe they never open. Drug addicts have conquered some areas. There is little even normal street prostitution. I think we have a very long and very difficult road ahead. Outside of this sexual subject I think some people underestimate how bad things will become. Let me just say that I believe finding WGs will be the least of our worries. Unless our mothers, sisters and wives are driven to do this difficult work for food or something. Good luck to us all.

            5. This guy gets it.

              Good luck to you, McAdonis. We are all in the same boat.

              I will just point out that every prostitute is someone’s mother, sister or wife and this economic crisis won’t do much to eradicate the practice. It may move online or underground, but it will still be there. What really sucks is that we may not have as many fun/flashy venues like the gogo bars anymore.

            6. Bill Gates is being adamant: we won’t go back to normal until at least 70-80% of the world’s population has been vaccinated.

              I’m not sure who put him in charge of global health policy. I don’t remember ever voting for him.

              I can certainly appreciate that he seems to have a provision for 20-30% of people not to get his vaccine, because I sure as hell won’t. Over my dead body. I just don’t trust the guy, he gives off a weird and creepy vibe.

              He seems to have changed his tune a little compared to a few months ago, when he was going around saying at least 7 billion people needed to be immunized. Resistance is mounting against his proposed scheme in many places, so he might have realized it won’t be possible to fully roll this out worldwide.

              In any event, the logistics of manufacturing and delivering billions of doses of a vaccine mean it will be years before the plan can come to fruition, even if the vaccine were to be perfectly safe and most people were to actually take it.

              In other words, we are in this for the long run. Which may be a crucial part of our rulers’ plans, given how happy many of them seem to be enforcing lockdowns and making power grabs under “state of emergency” provisions. It’s a great racket for a lot of people in high places — politics, pharma, etc.

              In the meantime, I will keep traveling as much as is possible and womanizing as much as I can. I’m not going to drastically change my lifestyle because some suits told me to. Fuck them.

              It’s not equally as bad in every country, and there are still opportunities for those of us who are mobile and not tied down to a particular location. I would encourage everyone to explore their options for remote work and for moving somewhere else, even just for a few years.

              At the very least, start saving more and keep a larger percentage of your money in cash. Who knows what they’ll come up with next. I can already see it: “Cash spreads germs, let’s make all payments digital and traceable”.

              You are right, it’s a long battle ahead.

      11. @european guy
        This website is about reporting on the sex industry, not the travel and the virus situation, right?
        Your life and opinions don’t interest anyone here. It’s amazing you haven’t figure out by yourself yet.
        If you want to express what you have deep inside create your own blog or start a proper therapy with a professional. But I guess you won’t because what you say is out of interest and nobody care.

        1. “This website is about reporting on the sex industry, not the travel and the virus situation, right?”
          The three have become inextricably linked. How can you talk about the sex industry these days without mentioning the requirement for many shops to take names and contacts of customers (allegedly because of this mild virus)? How can we pretend gogo dancers are not being forced to dance with a face mask on (like that’s gonna help them stay safe)? How can we keep reading and talking about Asia, which is by and large the focus of this site, without mentioning the fact that most of us can’t actually go there at this time (again, because of that virus)? What good can possibly come from ignoring reality and pretending nothing has changed since last year? By the way, HIV is also a virus and I dare you to find a discussion board or website on the sex industry where the topic of AIDS never comes up. Or the topic of visas, visa runs, visa extensions and suchlike. To say that travel and health have no relation with the sex industry is just hypocrisy. You can’t separate the three, unless you are a coward who wants to pretend everything is fine with the world, because talking about the challenges we face puts you in a bad mood or something. There’s a childlike quality to the pushback I’m receiving for just calling a spade a spade (similar to how an acclaimed author like J.K. Rowling — not just some rando on the internet — is being harassed by an angry mob on Twitter for saying that a transgender person is not actually a real woman). What’s wrong with Western people these days? When did everyone become so thin-skinned, childish and afraid of reality? Of speech even?

          “Your life and opinions don’t interest anyone here.”
          And you think someone cares about yours in particular?

          “It’s amazing you haven’t figure out by yourself yet.”
          LOL I have figured that out many days ago. I just don’t care.

          “If you want to express what you have deep inside create your own blog or start a proper therapy with a professional.”
          That’s a fair point. I don’t think I need therapy (I would recommend it to those of you who close their eyes to reality, are annoyed by speech, and manifest the wish to live in a bubble), but a blog is actually a good suggestion. The thing is, I don’t really have it in me to start one now. More and more I feel like abandoning the internet altogether. I’m already 90% there: I have long since deleted all my social media accounts and this site is literally *the last* place on the internet where I still bother to express my opinions. Once I’m out of here too, and the day is coming, I will literally have no online presence anymore (as an individual anyway; my work is another matter and it doesn’t entail me voicing any thoughts).

          “But I guess you won’t because what you say is out of interest and nobody care.”
          Not sure what this bit means. But OK.

          No cheers from me.

            1. I won’t miss you either. Nevertheless, you don’t get to choose the date or time when I leave. That’s for me to decide. Kiss my hairy ass.

            2. “A time is coming when men will go mad; and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us’.” — Anthony the Great

        2. In any event, the owner of this site doesn’t seem to have tired of me just yet. Until he has had enough of this shitshow, or I do, I will probably stick around. Subject to change without notice.

          Also, you are literally commenting under an article titled “effects of the pandemic on prostitution”, as I have all along. Tell me again how I am off topic.

      12. All the criticism I received so far can be summed up with: “We don’t want to hear about the virus. Talk about anything but the virus.”

        Which is tantamount to saying, “We don’t want to hear about the single most important, most impactful and most puzzling event in our lifetime so far”.

        Um… OK? Then what are we gonna talk about instead? Things that don’t matter? Puppies, butterflies and rainbows?

        I’ll say it again: this desire for escapism is childish. The world is falling apart at the seams and most of you are like “Yes, but don’t say it out loud. Let’s pretend everything is just dandy. You can talk about prostitutes, but not the fact that you can’t go see them.””

        What the actual fuck?! This is supposed to be a site for men. I said men. You know, those big hairy creatures with penises who once upon a time would storm foreign cities and set them on fire, without so much as getting off their horses. God, was I born in the wrong era! Today it’s like, “I’m quite annoyed by your typing on a keyboard, even though I don’t have to read a single word of it. I just don’t like it. You get therapy so I don’t have to feel uncomfortable.”

        God help us all, or Buddha. Someone, anyone. I don’t know how else we can survive as a civilization. If this goes on, I’ll have to learn Russian or Chinese and stop mingling with Westerners. For all their flaws, those are the only countries where you can still find genuine people who mean what they say and say what they mean.

        The virus (probably) came from their country and thousands of Chinese men are still flocking to Sihanoukville as we speak. No shame, no fear. Zero fucks given. They get on that plane, drop a wad of cash at the airport, and walk in like heroes. I bet if I mentioned the virus to them they would laught it off and buy me a drink. Or punch me in the face, which is fine by my standards. I regret learning English as a second language, it hasn’t brought any joy to my life.

        1. See Belarus. Lukashenko was like, “If you get the virus drink a glass of vodka and you’ll feel better”. No lockdown there. Didn’t even shut the border.

          I was born in the wrong time and place. I might just get a piece of land in Belarus, marry a blonde 20 year-old, cheat on her every chance I get, and call it a day. No point arguing with “guys” who want me to believe there are no flights anymore when I can see the planes flying over my house; or that it’s normal to wait a fortnight between each intercourse because I have a 0.000something chance of dying; or that by talking about travel opportunities this year I’m somehow doing a disservice to readers of this site. We have reached levels of lunacy and mass delusion that I never thought possible.

          1. I think most of you are just stuck in countries from which they are not allowed to travel and/or are scared shitless of the disease, so hearing about all the ways other nationalities can still have fun this year bothers you. That’s what it’s all about.

            Or ar least I think that’s what it is. I wish I didn’t have to guess, but none of you are being honest or forthcoming about the issue.

          2. I said it before and I’ll say it again: the sex industry doesn’t exist in a vacuum.

            You need to get on a plane in order to go to Thailand or wherever. Travel is part of the equation. A big part in fact.

            So is health. You wanna know what kind of risks you are taking on, whether it’s herpes, AIDS or Covid-19.

            Even politics matter. If there is a crackdown on the industry, if sex workers are being singled out as chief spreaders of this new disease (see Japan, Korea, elsewhere), if punters have to give out their names and addresses to the government, if you must pay with a credit card instead of cash (because “germs”), then we need to talk about politics and culture too.

            It’s important that we are able to have a frank and open discussion about these developments, because we are all affected to some degree. But some of you seem to think they can wish these problems away by refusing to acknowledge them. “Shut up”, I keep hearing, like that’s gonna help anyone.

            Even worse, some of you have already thrown in the towel. “There are no flights anymore, give up”, I’m told as planes fly over my garden. “It’s a seller’s market now, give up”, I’m told by someone who could simply drive to the Netherlands or fly to Georgia.

            Is it laziness? Is it cowardice? Envy? Misery seeking company? All of the above? Who knows. I can’t get a straight answer out of anyone here. The bottom line is always “Just shut up. Because I said so.”

            And shut up I will, eventually. But on my own terms, not because someone else wants me to. I’ll move on when I feel like moving on.

            I certainly don’t plan on spending the rest of my life arguing with nameless and faceless cretins on some website. It’s a part-time gig, my summer job this year. I’m just killing time, entertaining myself and exercising my free speech rights, as I wait for my chance to finally board a flight, get balls deep in a wet cunt and forget about all of you miserable fuckers. Who wants that kind of company anyway.

            1. Sorry for the coarse language, but this is what the occasion demands. I’ll go back to being civilized once they give us back civilization.

              It’s been temporarily suspended by busybodies who claim to want to keep us all safe and healthy (keyword: claim).

      13. Here is the latest news today-

        United Airlines soon plans to issue furlough and layoff notices to roughly 36,000 employees, including pilots, flight attendants, customer service agents and maintenance workers

        Lufthansa announced another package of restructuring measures on Tuesday, including a 20 percent cut in leadership positions and the reduction of 1,000 administrative jobs

        AirAsia Suffers Record Loss as the Crisis Bites

        JetBlue Founder Close to Giving Up

        American Airlines Warns Its International Capacity Will Still Be Way Down a Year From Now

        Travel’s Great Depression Is Here

        I wunder if the guy who cant shut his mouth plans on flapping his arms, swimmin or walkin the old silk road to get wear hes goin.

        Maybe he can motorboat with his mouth threw the sky!

        Some ov us cant believe a snake is dangerous until it bites them in the arse!

        1. You are right Corey. There will be no flights anymore, ever. It’s all over. From next month it’s back to traveling by ship. Beware the pirates.

          Thank you for opening my eyes. I was blind but now I’ve seen the light. I’ll go practice my swordmanship skills now. How much is a barrel of rum these days?

        2. “walkin the old silk road to get wear hes goin.”

          Dammit. That’s why China is building the New Silk Road. It was their plan all along. Release the virus, then force people to travel by camel.

          It all makes sense now! Thank you for guiding me to the Truth.

          I wonder why Air Asia is still sending me emails? Someone didn’t get the memo.

          1. Go head n send air asia your money. Then u can join the others waiting on a refund when flight after flight after flight is canceled. HAHAHAHAHHHAHA!

      14. Here is the latest news today-

        “I will go on the record to say that travel will never, ever go back to the way it was pre-COVID; it just won’t. There are sometimes months when decades of transformation happen.” Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky annual revenue $2 600 000 000 US DOLLARS

        Just another idiot who hasnt learned from the single minded genius who posts on punter message boards LOL CHEERS GUYS!

        1. Ahahah you’re right but some idiot here are just brainless, we are losing our time trying to make him understand anything.
          I work for the largest hotel chain in the world and we all know business won’t be back to normal before at least 3 years. Dixit Hilton, Marriott, IHG CEOs. Airlines say the same. But of course Mr European Idiot here knows it better and has all the truth for himself and the 7 billion dumbs around him are stupid.
          Mate, forget about it, don’t argue. You write 2 lines he writes 2 pages of BS. He has no life. It’s sad actually.I truly thing he has mental issue so we’d better ignore him now. Hopefully he will be helped by professionals one day like a psychiatrist. So long. Cheers.

          1. AYE! I dont wanna tangle with the mentally ill.

            Ill leave em alone. But just fer good measure here is the latest news today-

            In the heart of Australian outback lies Alice Springs. The town – colloquially known as Alice – is the site of indigenous human presence dating back nearly 30,000 years. More recently, however, a new (and admittedly very different) type of settler has descended upon Alice. Since April, four Airbus A380s have made their way to the small town. The 500-plus-tonne behemoths belong to Singapore Airlines which, like many other carriers, has grounded almost its entire fleet. 10th JULY 2020

            Flying empty planes around makes little fiscal sense.

            Those days are over.

            The prospect of a major airline going out of business is something aeroplane manufacturer Boeing recently warned about. Similar sentiments have been expressed by Emirates’ chief Tim Clark.

            Airbus chief executive, Guillaume Faury, has called the Covid-19 pandemic, “the gravest crisis the aerospace industry has ever known”.

            Its too bad they aint so smart like a certain guy who knows it all HAHAHAHAHHAHA

            So long mate. CHEERS!

            1. Once again,

              “A time is coming when men will go mad; and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us’.” — Anthony the Great

      15. Reading all these retarded comments is making me cheer for the elites.

        It’s genius. They made a virus that only kills unproductive people (pensioners, obese fucks, the chronically ill). Now they ought to keep spreading panic forever through the media and keep all of you losers permanently locked up in your homes and unable to travel, so that I never have to see you in my daily life again.

        The masks are also a godsend considering how many ugly mugs there are out there.

        Fuck it, I’m jumping ship. I approve of everything they are doing.

        I’m not affected as much since I’m young, healthy, I can work remotely and I have an EU passport. I can still manage. I won’t die from this stupid virus, I will still be able to travel AND earn a living AND get laid. I’m golden.

        Why do I even give a shit about the rest of you. I’ve been trying to help, to bring the important news, but you fuckers are so stupid that you won’t even listen.

        I’m telling you that there are still plenty of flights, that the virus isn’t very dangerous, that you can get insured, that in this country all the adult shops are open, that some countries were never even locked down, but it falls on deaf ears. “Shut up”, the idiots chant in unison.

        So fuck all of you. My job here is done. If someone with half a brain were to stumble upon this page, they can read my previous comments and find all the info they need to navigate this crisis.

        The rest of you deserve everything you are getting. You absolutely deserve it. You are beyond help at this point.

        Stay where you are, keep listening to the TV and get royally screwed. The world could really use some depopulation, and fewer rights for idiots. I see the point now.

        I hope these lockdowns truly become the “new normal” and only smart people can still find ways to travel. Let Asian courtesans be availabe only to a select few. Dammit, I’m loving this now.

        Farewell morons. You wouldn’t recognize the truth if it smacked you in the face. Who am I to interfere with destiny.

      16. The latest news today-
        Greece is going back into lockdown n’ sending all the dumb tourists who flocked there when they opened 2 weeks ago BACK HOME EARLY
        So much for that experminet
        Tourism is finished as we knew it time to readjust
        CHEERS GUYS!

      17. The latest news today-
        Qantas Airways has cancelled almost all of its international flights until March of 2021 amid the global pandemic. According to Executive Traveller, Qantas decided to only keep flights to New Zealand going starting September 1.
        It ain’t lookin real good guys. Hold on your to cocks!

      18. The latest news today-
        Thai Airways has once again extended the shutdown of its international operations. This time until the end of August.
        Schools in Thailand are closing again.
        Lockdowns return to the biggest states over n’ America: California and Texas. California is about as big as OZ!
        There is still a Global Health Advisory (Level 4: Do Not Travel) in place, advising all US citizens not to travel internationally due to the coronavirus.
        SORRY MATES!

      19. Update from the LoS: been on Sukhumvit several times during he day the last few weeks, and comely women (amd no small number of LBs) are back to catcalling to potential customers from their storefronts. The shops that Rockit has reported on are open for business, and even the mostly Thai-only pretty spas in my neighborhood are back to sending me daily updates on the 20 year olds ready for an hour of full service.

        I’m not a nightlife guy so I can’t report on the go go scene, but some of my ThaiFriendly contacts down in Hua Hin and Pattaya continue to Line me pictures of them out on the town, bottles of Johnny Walker and plates of oysters prominently displayed – between plastic screens that remain a feature of indoor and outdoor dining.

        Planning a beach run to one of the islands in two weeks. Insane hotel deals right now, and domestic flights seem to be doing fine.

        1. I am also in Bangkok. Yes things are open. No they are not doing well. I was about Yesterday. It seemed quieter than it was back in May even. I have never seen a mall in Thailand so empty. It was almost like a horror movie. The farang sexy places are doing worse. Maybe an oily gets 4 customers all day. The number of women is down too. There is no way these places will sustain until whenever this is all over. Thais don’t or can’t visit them. There is no sign of the borders opening soon. Even if they do its too late. I just can’t imagine masses of people traveling this year. Especially with all they’re likely to ask for. People go on holiday to relax, and they usually plan well ahead.

          1. I personally like the quiet, although I realize it means the downstream effects of the pandemic is a lot of unemployment and many girls hunkering down in rural areas with family rather than risking high rents for the still low yield of sideline gigs,

            But there’s pay for play for those of us in country. I realize now my report wasn’t helpful for those outside looking in. Even a former colleague of mine, a Thai woman married to a Brit, won’t return because her husband can’t clear all the hurdles necessary to be allowed back.

            1. Thanks for the follow up Jack. I’m sure there will always be some form of prostitution there. Cheers.

      20. The latest news today-
        American Airlines announced 25,000 job cuts. Flight attendants will bear the majority of the cuts, 10,000 jobs, followed by 4,500 ground crew workers, 3,200 mechanics, and 2,500 pilots.
        The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand has ordered the implementation of new regulations for any international flights entering Thailand – All passengers must have a medical certificate showing that they are free of Covid-19 before booking their ticket. “Any airline found to have carried Covid-19 patients will be immediately blacklisted.”

      21. The latest news today-
        Icelandair sacks all cabin crew.
        Aljazeera: flying will not be the same until at least 2023, maybe longer.
        British Airways, currently the largest operator of the Boeing 747, said it would retire its entire fleet of the iconic aircraft earlier than expected due to the coronavirus downturn.

        1. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

          In other news:

          “Costa Rica remains firm on August 1 as the date when the international airports Juan Santamaría (SJO) in San Jose and Daniel Oduber (LIR) in Liberia will reopen. […] Avianca is promoting international destinations from Costa Rica starting in August from as low as US$195 return (Miami), without penalty of change of date.” (Source: qcostarica .com)

          “The Georgian government by way of exception will allow the entry of every foreign citizen who plans to live in Georgia for more than 6 months. […] The project is aimed at foreign freelancers, who work remotely, or can manage their businesses from every part of the world.” (Source: InterPressNews .ge)

          In Thailand, “Several items are being considered for Phase 6, including […] allowing more groups of foreigners to enter the country; specifically mentioned were Thai Elite Visa members.” (Source: The Thaiger .com)

          In Nepal, “Government decides to resume domestic and international flights starting August 17” (Source: The Kathmandu Post)

          In the Philippines, “Foreigners with long-term visas allowed to enter PH starting Aug. 1” (Source: Coconuts .co)


          Fuck everyone who keeps peddling fake news,
          fuck everyone who is still afraid of this virus,
          in fact, fuck everyone, period.

          Me and a few others will be having the last laugh.

          So long!

        2. Is anyone still listening to Anglos in 2020? Are you Anglos not ashamed of yourselves yet?

          “Strong euro sinks US dollar.” (Source: Asia Times .com)

          “The US Navy is at the start of a process to dump the Littoral Combat Ship fleet and replace it with heavily armed frigates based on the highly successful FREMM system developed by France and Italy.” (Source: Asia Times .com)

          Can’t even build ships anymore. The dollar is about to become toilet paper. LMAO.

          Covid is a joke. All the nightclubs are open where I’m at. All the planes are flying to the places where I want to go.

          Best year of my life!

          Sucks to be from the United States of Plague or from Plaguestralia.

          Everyone else is doing… just fine.

        3. Romania just declared quarantine unconstitutional. In Romania, you can literally check yourserself out of a quarantine center, or a hospital. They can’t stop you!

          Tell me more about this supposed “land of the free”. Tell me more about Qantas failing and laying off staff. Hahaha!

          Long live Eurasia. Once and forever the cradle of civilization :D

        4. Fucking Romania is outlawing quarantine. Fucking Belarus didn’t lock down, nor close the border. Fucking Cambodia and Vietnam have had zero Covid deaths. Amazing!

          Every former communist country is doing better today than any Anglo country.

          Throw your Anglo passport in the trash. Get out of there while you still can.

          GET OUT, NOW. Or else the future is gonna be brutal for you.

          You have been warned.

        5. On second thought, stay where you are. Who needs Anglos running around the world anyway. I’m drunk again and saying more than I should. Tends to happen when all the bars are still open and nobody gives a shit about Covid.

          No, stay where you are, please. Be afraid of Covid. Be afraid! It’s serious.

          Sleep tight while China smokes your economies and steals your data with TikTok. It’s gonna be OK, don’t worry.

          “Stay home, save lives” :D

      22. The latest news today-
        Qantas has also said it will store its fleet of A380 super jumbos in the Mojave desert until at least 2023 and is cutting 6,000 jobs.
        Indian airline IndiGo has become the latest carrier to reveal how hard it has been hit by the collapse in demand for flights due to Covid-19. The country’s largest airline said it will shed its staff as it grapples with a slump in revenues.
        The Bahamas announced that it would ban U.S. travelers from entering its borders effective July 22. This is a reversal from an earlier policy. On July 1, the country lifted an international travel ban from March and officially reopened to tourists, which included Americans.

        1. In other news:

          “Tunisia welcomes back tourists after pandemic lockdown.” (Source: Jakarta Post)

          Bali will officially be reopening its borders for international tourism on September 11th, 2020. (Multiple sources)

          You know, we can keep playing this game forever. You post the bad news and I post the good ones. Good cop, bad cop. But I think everyone is tired of both of us.

          By now, any sane person has realized that some countries are reopening while some are not. It’s as simple as that.

          Whether you can travel or not depends on where you live and where you are from. Same for regulations on face masks, curfews, etc. — every country is doing it differently.

          Basically, everyone should just do their own research and see what they can get away with. It’s neither the end of the world nor a normal year. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

        2. Reminder that Mexico is already open, along with a bunch of Caribbean islands. Half of Central America to follow suit next month.

          Ukraine is ideal right now, people are living life and enjoying the summer in the parks. No big scare there. One third of Ukrainians think it’s all a hoax according to a poll. Oh my gosh, who’s gonna tell them they are all “conspiracy theorists”? Someone please educate those peasants.

          Cambodia is a solid option for those who have the dough. Otherwise, South Korea only wants $1,500 for quarantine expenses. Then you are free to roam the country for up to 2 and a half months, nightlife venues and brothels included.

          Georgia, Estonia and Barbados are offering or in talks about year-long digital nomad visas.

          These are just the countries where the epidemic is under control and where there is no civil unrest. I cherry-picked the best options. Otherwise Serbia and a few other places also have their borders wide open.

          Keep in mind, ALL of these countries I just mentioned will gladly take in deranged and potentially infected Americans. They are compassionate like that. European royalty like me get to go to even more countries, because we are perceived as “cleaner”.

          Covid insurance is cheap and readily available, even for Anglos. I already posted the links days ago. Your European betters get treated for free anywhere in the Union, because birth rights.

          Now learn your place in this Brave New World, and take advantage of the opportunities you still have for travel. Sell your house and your car and get the fuck out while you can, if you have any good sense.

          Or stay home, save lives (of people you hate) and brace for totalitarianism. It’s coming and you know it. Enjoy.

          “Up to you, lah”. I don’t really care and nobody else in the world does.

      23. The latest news today-
        Hawaii Governor David Ige announced that the state would delay its pre-testing COVID-19 program for visitors through September 1.
        Foreign nationals married to Thai citizens who are stranded overseas due to the ban on incoming flights are pleading with the government to let them return so they can be with their families.
        Cathay Pacific will defer delivery of its Airbus aircraft.
        United suffers ‘most difficult’ quarter in its 94-year history.
        Saudi Arabia’s aviation authority has said there is still no specific date for the return of international flights in Saudi Arabia.
        German airplane seat manufacturer Zim Flugsitz has filed for debtor-in-possession insolvency proceedings, citing a “persistent and considerable decline in sales since the start of the coronavirus pandemic”.
        Most Thai industries will find it difficult to survive in the post-Covid era, the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) warned.

        1. …And the sun doesn’t rise anymore. All the rivers have turned blood-red. Locusts feast on the flesh of those who have gone hungry because of the lockdows.

          Cool story bro. Keep it up.

        2. So far 0.14% of the global population has tested positive and 0.01% of the world have died.

          That’s if you trust the official numbers. False positives are possible (as admitted by the American CDC and the WHO) and the death count is all over the place. One guy died in a motorbike crash the other day and it was counted as a Covid death. You couldn’t make this stuff up.

          So MAYBE we have lost 0.01% of the world’s population to Covid over the last 7 months… and the overwhelming majority of them were over the age of 70 or had pre-existing conditions.

          The only thing that’s 100% real and unquestionable is the economic fallout, but that’s entirely man-made. It could have been avoided.

          What more can I say? The jokes write themselves at this point.

        1. Thanks for the comment and link. I am aware of that map and at least one other like it. Others may not be. In any case it gives a good general overview of the current situation. Cheers.

        2. “There are just 10 countries open now unfortunately.”

          The page says there are 34 countries without travel restrictions.

          Besides, the map is misleading. For instance South Korea is red when in fact everyone can go there. “Restrictions” doesn’t mean “no entry”… you may simply have to go through quarantine, or have tested negative before the flight, or some other requirement.

          The single most accurate source for travel advisory remains the official UK website (gov .uk).

          1. Korea is listed under “partially open” which would be correct at the moment. It seems pretty accurate. The Points Guy also has a country by country listing that is current. It may a bit skewed towards residents of English speaking countries. There is also the question of restrictions on the travelers themselves. Many countries in the world are still advising their own citizens against traveling. Some are even actively prohibiting it. Cheers.

            1. You are right, Korea is listed under partially open, which would be correct. I didn’t see that.

              I was simply taken aback by the amount of red on the map. They could have used a better color scheme, for example yellow for partially open countries, instead of a lighter shade of red.

              Also, it’s funny that both Korea and Japan are the same color. It’s much easier to get into one than the other. If you click on either country and read the requirements all the info seems to be correct, but you wouldn’t know the difference at first glance. That’s why I said it’s misleading.

              The Points Guy article is an impressive effort, but a perfunctory read tells me it’s not up to date. For example it says Georgia has had 15 deaths when in fact we have reached 16. It also makes no mention of the resumption of flights between Georgia and three EU countries next month, nor the upcoming digital nomad residence scheme.

              The problem with these lists is that it’s really difficult to keep up with 200+ countries, especially since things can change from one day to the next. Right now only the UK government seems to have the staff, resources and motivation to keep up with the ever-evolving situation and post daily updates. I commend their effort.

            2. “Many countries in the world are still advising their own citizens against traveling. Some are even actively prohibiting it.”

              I’m glad those countries are keeping their people safe from a .03% chance of dying. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

              All we had to to was utterly destroy the tourism industry, set schooling aback a full year, put millions out of work, and scare the living shit out of everybody. Totally worth it. Would do it again just for fun.

              Now let’s all obediently line up for rushed through and highly experimental vaccines that only cause “mild” side effects, according to the initial trials. What could go wrong. Let’s not ask any questions.

              It lifts my spirit to know that we are in such capable and caring hands.

            3. Indonesia has to be the best country in the world right now. Their president asked if they could have a vaccine ready in 3 months and the doctors were like “Err, no, we should so some trials first.”

              To kill the time, they are making plans for tracking ALL foreigners with QR codes in the future. Not because of Covid, mind you, but because they had a couple expats fleeing extradition, so from now on every foreigner is to be treated like a potential criminal. It’s only fair.

              In the Philippines, Duterte hasn’t had much luck with his plan to “slap” the Coronavirus in the face (actual quote), so now he is making concessions and allowing some schools to reopen. You win some, you lose some, I guess.

              I wish I could say the West is doing better but they are actually doing worse. Don’t wear masks. Just kidding, now you have to wear them. Lock down. Open up. Lock down again. Trust us, we know what you are doing.

              My biggest hero in all this has to be the virus itself. He is rather mild and innocuous, all things considered. Seems to hold a grudge against fat people and very old people, but he is not such a bad guy once you get to know him. I would say above all he is just misunderstood.

            4. Interview with some Norwegian politician: “To be honest, I closed the schools because I panicked.”

              Good! That’s what you want your leaders to do in times of crisis. To panic.

              They panicked a bit too late though. Up until March they were all saying “it’s just the flu” and encouraging people to visit their local Chinatown.

              Then they did a complete 180 and acted like it was the plague. Quick, lock everything down! We only had three months to prepare, it’s not our fault!

              Now the data is in and it turns out that yeah, it’s pretty much the flu. A nothing burger. But they are still acting like it’s the plague.

              Everything is upside down and ass backwards. Wanna know how to always be one step ahead of your government and media? Just do the opposite of everything they say. It’s a fool-proof method.

            5. The US presidential race now seems to be a three-way battle for whether any of them can actually finish a coherent sentence.

              These are the sort of people that Americans trust to have their finger on the nuclear button. Donald Trump, Kanye West, and Joe “Alzheimer” Biden.

              I don’t know what to say, folks. You keep trusting the “experts” and the journalist and the politicians if that’s what helps you sleep at night.

              I’d rather trust myself. You could pick a random person off the street and there’s a 50% chance they would make a better leader, or journalist, or scientist than whoever currently runs your country.

              This ain’t the 90s anymore. For at least 20 years now they have all proven themselves incompetent or corrupt or both. Give out your trust sparingly, is all I’m saying.

            6. Now that we know that the fatality rate is tiny and certain categories of people are disproportionately affected, the lockdowns make zero sense whatsoever anymore.

              By all means, keep the other measures in place. Masks, social distancing, hand-washing… I’m on board with all that. In fact, we should have always done those things. It’s basic hygiene and common courtesy.

              But the lockdowns are just dumb at this point. Especially since they are being enforced very selectively and with plenty of exemptions.

              “You can go to Walmart, but not to a mom and pop store. Because reasons.”

              “Diplomats and investors can still fly, but peasants cannot.”

              What a joke.

              Anyway, most countries aren’t locked down anymore, or they are loosely so. Borders are reopening. It seems like sanity is prevailing in the world at large. Albeit not everywhere.

      24. Sh..t… You’ve wake him up. The debate was so peaceful and constructive while he was in his cave during few days… Too bad… I guess he didn’t get his balls emptied properly for a while for being such an aggressive debater (I can already laugh at anticipating his 6000 words answer assuring he’s right on everything and fucked the prettiest girls in the world 6 times a day since he’s 15).


          1. Shit, you guys caught me.

            I’m actually a virgin and a bit of a loser. I have faked 6 years worth of comments and reviews on this site.

            Or maybe — just maybe — this whole Corona situstion is pissing me off and I’m using this site as an outlet to vent my frustration, as well as spread some positive news and useful info when I can. Something I never bothered to do until this year.

            You decide. It’s one or the other.

      25. The latest news today-
        GEORGIA pushed back its scheduled reopening. No international flights until AT LEAST September 1. Even when they reopen they’ll only allow 1 flight a day, and only on 3 airlines. SO MUCH 4 DAT PLAN!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
        Border closures, ongoing reluctance to travel internationally, and the residual effects of the global economic recession will weigh heavily on international markets over the next several years. According to research by Oxford Economics it will take 5 years for the travel and tourism industry to go back to “normal” 5 YEARS MATES AYE FECK ITS GET WURS EVERYDAY!!!

        1. That’s not entirely true.

          “Regular air traffic is restricted until September 1. However, there are certain exceptions and regular flights to Tbilisi are being allowed from Munich, Paris and Riga.

          Restrictions on regular international air services do not apply to direct international flights between Tbilisi International Airport (ICAO code UGTB) and the following airports: Munich (ICAO code EDDM); Paris (ICAO code LFPG); and Riga (ICAO code EVRA).”

          (Source: Georgia Today)

          So flights to the EU will resume in a matter of days (early August), as I had already mentioned. Which is great news for me. I can go to Germany, France or Latvia and from there I’m free to go anywhere in the EU, or even to other continents.

          I’m not stuck here, dummie. It’s the rest of you who won’t be able to get into Georgia until at least September.

        2. Not that I would mind spending another month or two here. Everything is open, there’s no social distancing or any of that nonsense. Life has 100% returned to normal here, and there has been no spike in cases (yet). They have lost all of 16 people to the virus so far and they were all in their 70s or 80s. In Tbilisi you see young couples kissing in public, people hugging, and no one says a word or gives them a second look, because they are not deranged like Westerners.

          Also, everything is cheap, so being stuck here for a few months allowed me to involuntarily save some money.

          It’s a good year for me, all things considered.

      26. Now let me put my Corey hat on for a minute…

        “The latest news today~”

        An obscure little journal called “The Lancet” says “full lockdowns and widespread testing were not associated with reduced COVID-19 mortality.”

        Whoopsie! Everybody makes mistakes.

        Took “The Lancet” only 7 months to figure out the obvious. What’s the point of a lockdown when people are still going out to work and buy groceries. They can get infected at Walmart, Carrefour or their workplace just the same as anywhere else. Then you keep them confined to their home and make sure they spread ample amounts of virus to the rest of the family over a prolonged period of time. It’s genius.

        Imagine thinking you can somehow stop a virus. A microscopic and invisible entity than can endlessly replicate itself. This was always hubris.

        The only containment measures that make any sense are widespread mask-wearing (indoor, not outdoor!) and keeping the old and frail separated from the young and healthy. That’s all we should be doing. Has any country come up with a strategy to protect those most at risk, while leaving the rest of us alone? I haven’t heard anything like that.

        Flights should also be allowed, and thank God they are being allowed in many places. You just test passengers before and after the flight, and quarantine everyone on arrival for a couple weeks. Problem solved. If some people are afraid to catch the virus on the plane, or don’t want to spend two weeks in quarantine, they can just stay home. No one is forcing them to go anywhere.

        Why isn’t this global policy by now? It could salvage entire economies and leave people free to move, while keeping everyone safer than taking no action at all.

        Wanna lock down something? Lock down the nursing homes. Sweden did nothing (they literally let the virus rip through the population) and 75% of their deaths were in nursing homes or elderly care. Just the same as every other country. Yet more evidence that lockdowns do nothing useful.

        Will world leaders take notice and change course? I’m not holding my breath.

        1. Georgia did everything right.

          They made masks MANDATORY from the get-go in supermarkets, banks, post offices, and any other closed space.

          They closed the metro, but allowed people to take taxis or drive their own car.

          Outdoor? No mask necessary. It’s well known that the chances of getting infected in open-air are infinitesimal, unless someone sneezes right into your face. It’s easy enough to keep your distance from others on the street. I read of some countries making masks mandatory even outdoor… while other countries won’t even mandate them in shops… and I shake my head at how hopelessly stupid governments are.

          It’s real fucking simple. Indoor: put a mask on. Out the door: take your mask off. Even a child would understand it.

          Georgia went a bit too far actually. We had a night curfew for a month and they forced all non-essential businesses to close. That was overkill, similar to Western countries. But at least they didn’t force their citizens to print and fill in a form stating their reason for going out, like they did in Romania and Italy. That’s the single most disgusting thing any country has done yet.

          After about a month and a half of those measures in Georgia, they saw infections weren’t spiking, so they opened everything up again. We have been out of the lockdown for well over two months now and life is just great. It’s a perfectly normal summer here. Feels like it’s 2019 again, except for the restrictions on flights (which they are actively working on loosening).

          There was never any widespread testing here, similar to Japan. You only get tested if you show up to a hospital with symptoms. What’s the point of testing millions of people when up to 80% of them are asymptomatic and it’s not yet clear whether they can even spread the virus. Just test those who actually feel sick, so that you know if you have to treat them for Corona or something else. End of story.

          Testing anyone they can get a hold of, like they are doing in the US, only inflates the number of “cases” and makes people panic over nothing. There’s also the problem of false positives, which is a serious issue since the swab tests are not very accurate. You only need to look at the number of deaths to know that even in the US the epidemic is very much under control and the virus is burning out. But the Western media is mis-reporting things and stoking panic.

          Oh, by the way, they are using hydroxichloroquine (“Plaquenil”) here in Georgia. That could be one of the reasons why we have only had 16 deaths so far. While in the West it became a hotly debated and highly politicized issue (“Trump promoted it, so it can’t possibly be good!”), here they just focused on the established science. The drug works and we have been using it for decades to treat malaria and other illnesses. Why the fuck would you create a controversy around an old and well-established drug? Focus on saving lives, give the patients everything you have at your disposal.

          The West is so hopelessly fucked. Hat’s off to the small country of Georgia for being a shining example of sanity and reason so far.

        2. What did the West do wrong?


          They never closed the metros/subways, keeping people jam-packed in places with stagnant air. Some cities even reduced the number of trains and buses, making them even more packed than usual. That’s the exact opposite of what they should have done!

          Meanwhile you see complete retards wearing a mask in their own car with the windows closed. Like they are trying not to infect themselves. Absolute retardation on a scale impossible to quantify.

          Speaking of masks. They are STILL not mandatory indoor in most Western countries, and some people just flat-out refuse to wear them because they think it’s “oppressive”. LOL. Granted, they are not 100% effective, but it’s better than nothing. There’s no guarantee you’ll survive a car crash even with a seatbelt on, but you’d be stupid not to put it on anyway. Or a helmet on a motorbike.

          On the other hand of the spectrum you have some places in Eastern Europe and Asia that insist on people wearing masks even outside in the sun. That’s just as retarded. There’s virtually no outdoor transmission, most infections happen indoor with people being in close contact for extended periods of time. I thought we had all figured that out already. It’s just theater to wear a mask outdoor, and you might suffer from a heat stroke.

          If contagion was *that* easy… they wouldn’t need to push a swab all the way through your nose and almost into your brain to find a trace of the virus. It should be sufficient to spit on it. But it isn’t sufficient, which means it’s not all that easy to expel the virus and infect someone. If they only pass by you briefly and both of you are wearing masks, nobody is getting infected, I promise you. It’s only people sitting together in a bar or church and talking or singing into each other’s face that are at high risk of infection.

          Even so, the fatality rate is less than one half of one percent, so fuck all of this bullshit. All they should really do is protect the categories of people at risk, and they are doing everything EXCEPT that.

          I’m more qualified to run a country than any of these clowns.

        3. “B-but some people suffer long-term complications even after they recover!”

          First of all, there’s scant evidence for that. Every “study” they have done about that only involved a few dozen to a few hundred people, which is not a large enough sample size. I happen to have a friend who is a physicist and worked at the CERN in Geneva, and every time I show him some study — ANY study — that involved fewer than 2,000 participants, he rolls his eyes and says: “The sample size is too small.” So I trust him on that.

          Second, ALL of the people with lasting damage were hospitalized to begin with. Only severe cases can have complications. If your case was mild or asymptomatic to begin with, how the fuck are you going to develop any complications? You never even had the symptoms! So the vast majority of us don’t need to worry about that. Most people don’t even know they have the virus until they get tested (if it isn’t a false positive… of which there have been thousands of instances).

          So what about the few people that develop complications and have fatigue or shortness of breath even after months? Well… fucking deal with it. Just deal with it. There are people who lose their limbs going to war and have to walk with crutches or prostetic limbs for the rest of their lives. Who gives a shit. If you can’t climb a flight of stairs anymore, take the fucking elevator. Man up and deal with illness like you would with any other problem. Westerners are just soft and don’t want to deal with any inconvenience. That’s the real pandemic — entitlement and wanting to have it easy from cradle to grave.

          But that’s not how the world works. It’s survival of the fittest. We come from the caves, in case anyone has forgotten, and we have dealt with far worse diseases than this one — without lockind down shit. Maybe turn off the TV, eat some fruit and veggies, and move your ass a little every now and then. Modern people think they can eat garbage, not exercise, and then they act all surprised when a virus shows up and their immune system doesn’t work. “Quick, let’s all hide into Walmart! Ground the planes! That’ll save us.”

          I’m so fucking disgusted with everything and everyone this year.

      27. “The latest news today~”

        Americans NOT included in Costa Rica’s August 1 reopening. European Union, UK and Canada only.

        Hey Americans, how does it feel to go from top to bottom overnight? Hey Australians, how does it feel to always have been irrelevant?

        You may want to start buying some Euros before your currency tanks completely. Hell, even some Thai Bahts will do.

        Make sure to withdraw plenty of cash and put it under the mattress before something else goes wrong. I’m not even joking.

        1. What’s funny is that Americans could instantly solve this problem if they just stopped testing their citizens for Covid. Hospitalizations and deaths are NOT increasing in the USA. They are waaaay down compared to March and April.

          They are just testing left and right, so they keep finding new “cases” which are mostly asymptomatic. Their media is only too happy to report these “spikes” in cases (which is really just increased testing) and spread fear.

          If they keep this up, they’ll never rid themselves of Covid and they’ll keep being perceived in the rest of the world as a high-risk country (when in fact they have had fewer deaths than the EU).

          Accident or conspiracy? You decide.

          1. False. Hospital admissions in the United States are now at the highest point they have been since April. Over the last 24 hours there have been 69,000 new cases and 1,150 fatalities in the country. In addition, multiple scientific tests in several countries have proven conclusively that hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment for COVID-19. Ingesting bleach doesn’t work either. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

            1. You are probably right about hospital admissions. I might have gotten that one wrong. But I’m positive deaths are declining. The death curve has been beyond flattened.

              So all the journous can do now is focus their reporting on cases, rather than deaths. They are also writing stories about the one-in-a-million child or teenager that dies of Covid. The flu or regular pneumonia kill WAY more children than Covid, but they never include this fact in their stories.

              These are the same “journalists” that write opinion pieces on how women can have penises and men can have periods… and you trust those people to give you medical advice? Hahaha!

              Go back to sleep. There’s millions like you and you are all brainwashed.

            2. False, again. The average daily death toll in the US has increased greatly over the last two weeks. So on July 12, there were 212 deaths. On July 24, there were 1,150 deaths. Deaths are trending upward, along with infection rates, in a pattern that anyone with even a basic understanding of scientific truths could understand. This is elementary school level stuff. Unfortunately, as we see here, a large and vocal portion of the human species basks in willful ignorance and isn’t afraid to show it.

            3. Don’t worry, Joe Biden will save you. By taxing the living shit out of all who have managed to survive Covid.

              So long, America. You had a good run, but all things must come to an end.

            4. I mean, who needs healthy foods and drinks with anti-viral properties (almonds, spinach, mushrooms, red wine, salmon, etc.), or an established drug that’s a zinc ionophore, when you can just spend the summer wearing a mask in your own house, eating fast food and patiently waiting for an experimental vaccine.

              That idiot Bolsonaro just got Covid, took hydroxychloroquine, and now he is testing negative. For fuck’s sake, what is it with this virus? It’s sparing all the idiots… and killing the enlightened ones by the thousands.

              Rwanda got what, 5 cases? Cambodia, Vietnam, Georgia…. Every “third world” country is doing just fine. Meanwhile America, with all of its great and intelligent people like you, somehow can’t shake the virus off. Must be Trump’s fault, like everything else. He only gave you the lowest unemployment in decades, the strongest stock market, he didn’t drag you into new and expensive wars. Curse the motherfucker! He said a fee bad things about Mexican crime gangs — now that’s a real problem.

              I don’t know. Maybe move to China when this is all over. You should feel right at home.

              Fuck both countries anyway. I’m glad I don’t have to please either one.

            5. “Scientific truth”, says the fool (and all other like him).

              Are you a scientist yourself? If not, then you completely rely on journalists to tell you what the “scientific truth” of the day is. So what you are really talking about is “journalistic truth”.

              Now imagine if those papers were highly politicized. Or if some of the doctors themselves were partial to one narrative. What could go wrong?

              Go read some Nazi or Soviet “science”. Go read the 50s ads for cigarettes “recommended by doctors”.

              This moron thinks he can tell science from lies because he read one biased interpretation of one biased study.

              I’m honestly just waiting for America to collapse completely so that I don’t have to deal with these cunts anymore. Thinking their patch of dirt is special and they are better than the rest of the world. Ha!

        2. Meanwhile China is underreporting their cases and every Asian country is like “Yeah, we should totally negotiate a travel bubble with China, it’s safe.”

          The Chinese are also evicting and deporting black people en masse while Americans destroy their own cities to show how caring and non-racist they are.

          Hilarious. The biggest shitshow in my lifetime.

          Imma go grab some popcorns here in free Georgia where the shops are still allowed to be open at 3:00 AM. Thanks yankees for keeping me entertained.

          1. Fek off and die. You’re as much of a Yank as Bob Hope. Sorry, Miley Cyrus (you’re a bloody millennial ya shitstain).

            Go find a Reddit you can post to. I come here to learn about where to get my 53 year old nob popped. Plus I have a job and am no so obsessed with this pandemic as you are.

            Are ya fighting the world or yourself, mate? Pop a Xanax or drink some Georgian wine. Or maybe suck a fat Georgian cock on the Black Sea. He’ll keep you good and safe, maybe even help ya with your visa troubles like the toothless wench you come off as.

            1. “Are ya fighting the world or yourself, mate?”

              No, I’m just expressing my thoughts freely like a free man does. Don’t need to take any Xanax or shit, I’m feeling pretty great right about now.

              It may surprise you drug-addicted Americans, but most people in the world aren’t popping pills 24/7. I haven’t taken anything this year aside from some vitamin C in winter.

              Good food, good sleep and exercise are the foundation for health. But what do your people know about health.

              Also, why do you talk exactly like Corey? Looks to me like the same person is writing under 2 or 3 different nicknames. It’s either that, or you are all brainwashed sheep and talk the same.

          1. Yep. Keep wearing a mask to “protect your health” while walking into McDonalds to order their poison.

            Americans and Anglos are hilarious. Failed societies.

      28. The United States just reached 4 million reported coronavirus cases:
        0 to 1 million cases: 99 days
        1 to 2 million cases: 43 days
        2 to 3 million cases: 28 days
        3 to 4 million cases: 15 days

      29. The latest news today-
        “We expect air travel demand to remain depressed until a vaccine or therapeutics are available to combat the infection and spread of COVID-19″ Southwest CEO Gary Kelly.

        Premier virus expect Facui says: “I would hope to get to some degree of real normality within a year OR SO. But I don’t think it’s this winter or fall.”

        United, during its conference call Wednesday, said it expects demand, as measured by sales, would be down and stay down until a vaccine became widely available. Later on the call, United said that it was planning for a widely available vaccine to be ready LATE NEXT YEAR!!!!

        With conferences absent and more people working from home, United said corporate traffic was down 96%. About 600 of United’s jets are still grounded.

        “What is left is absolutely needed to operate the airline, and nothing more,” United CFO Gerry Laderman said on Wednesday. MEANING JUST DON’T GO OUT OF BUSINESS HAHAHAHA

        American Airlines (AAL) and Southwest (LUV) reported massive losses and warned of weakening demand amid soaring coronavirus cases and renewed travel restrictions.

        American plans to cut 2020 operating expenses and capital spending by $15 billion. More than 150 planes have been removed from its fleet, and more than 41,000 employees have opted for an early retirement, a reduced work schedule or a partially paid leave.

        “While May and June revenue trends were encouraging, demand has weakened somewhat during July as COVID-19 cases have increased and new travel restrictions have been put into place,” said American Airlines.

        Italy laments the loss of the US tourist: Natalino Gisonna, the vice president for Rome’s tourism branch of the national small-medium business confederation (CNA) and owner of Corso 281 Luxury Suites, says, “The majority of our clients are from the USA and the continuing ban has serious repercussions for us. Americans spend big in Rome and we don’t take this for granted. But mostly we miss their laughter and infectious curiosity for our country.” NO MENTION OF BYLORUSIANS HAHAHAHA SORRY MATES

      30. Thailand just quietly extended its travel ban another two months. They extended the visa amnesty to September 26, which basically means that is the earliest international flights will restart. Of course they could wait until September 24 and make another announcement, as they have now done repeatedly. I would expect exactly that at this point. Over on another big site with a “Stick” there is talk that many businesses simply won’t be able to withstand this.

      31. Rumor has it that the American government is about to OFFICIALLY reveal the existence of aliens. LOL.

        Interesting timing. They kept that info under wrap all these years (allegedly not to create panic), but they thought 2020 would be a great time to spill the beans (while we are in the midst of a pandemic and global economic crisis).

        None of this could have possibly been orchestrated. There’s no conspiracy, right? It’s a totally normal year.

        I guess from now on alien-deniers will be considered “conspiracy theorists” and crazy… while alien-believers will be considered perfectly sane and reasonable. The roles are about to be swapped overnight.

        No matter the subject at hand, the bottom line with normies is always “if the government said so, it must be true”.

        LOL. Imagine trusting a government. Or anyone.

        Good luck yanks. You’ll need a lot of it.

        1. “Gates denies conspiracy theories and being a lizard”, titles the Asia Times.

          This is how they ridicule and smear anyone who dares to ask questions.

          No, nobody is saying Bill Gates is a lizard, aside from maybe a few nutcases. What MOST people are saying is that he seems a bit overly-enthusiastic about selling his vaccines and making a shit-ton of money.

          He is on record saying at least 7 billion people need to be vaccinated (that’s way more than would be necessary to reach herd immunity). He is also on record saying that the world is overpopulated and that he wishes to reduce the global population by 15%. It’s literally on YouTube for Christ’s sake, on his own official channel and straight out of his own mouth.

          If you go public with those kinds of statements, of course people are gonna start asking questions. Who wakes up in the morning and thinks “You know what, the world would be better if we could reduce births by 15%”?

          Microsoft also owns patents for microchips, quantum tattoos and other weird shit. Again, it’s public information that anyone can look up. Why would they file a patent if they don’t plan to actually roll out the product?

          But yeah, this is about the lizard people. Shhh, don’t ask any questions.

          Never mind that the only hint of supernatural this year comes from the Pentagon releasing UFO videos.

          So if a government says E.T. is real, that’s perfectly fine. But if the populace doesn’t want a vaccine or chip for a disease with a 99.9% survival rate, that’s crazy and they must also believe in the lizard people. Am I getting this right? Is that what they are saying?

          Fuck this gay Earth.

          Alright, Imma go back to hiding in my “cave” for a while. You guys can go back to talking about Thai whores or whatever your priorities in life are. Enjoy my absence. Thinking is hard, innit.

        2. “Gates denies”… LOL.

          What else is he gonna do??? Admit to it??

          “Whoops, I’ve been caught! I guess I will reveal every detail of my plans now!” LMAO!

          Forget about go go bars. A time may soon be coming in some countries when you won’t even be able to go the supermarket if you don’t have your “certificate of vaccination”. In the form of a mark on your hand of course, because we don’t want people to forge a paper document. “Trust me, it’s for everyone’s safety! We only have the best intentions.

          Mmmh. I wonder where I’ve heard about all this before. Some very, very old book. But I must be imagining things.

          Although, I must agree with some of you that if this is the end of the world, then I’d rather spend my last days in the warm embrace of a Thai girl. What else are you gonna do.

          1. Didn’t you say you are going back to your asshole cave and leave this post in peace? As always with you idiot: just words.

      32. Ko Samui update: the island is a bit of a wasteland of shuttered high end hotels and darkened streets. This weekend was apparently the first real “opening” as it’s a major Thai holiday including a postponed Songkran celebrated on Monday.

        But plenty of freelancers available, and my bed has seen a rotating cast of eager young things. I’ve used one of the Friendlier dating apps to identify likely partners, and filled my dance card with 20something beach bunnies. Last night was a real fun hopper, 24, all natural B cups, super dark skin and a completely smooth clamshell that even accepted one finger as the other went up the backdoor in what is commonly known as the shocker. She gave a pretty adept oil massage and we finished in spectacular coitus.

        Rates insanely low compared with BKK as well. Without bargaining I got two hours for 1k.

        Your man in the field, signing off…

        1. Thanks for the great on the ground reporting Jack. The tale of the deeply tanned gal sounds wondrous and conjures up images of tropical beaches and good times. I appreciate your contribution. Cheers!

          1. I live to serve, Rockit. Your site has more than informed my applied practice in International Entertainment.

            Yesterday was the other side of the coin on the Friendly coin. Lady who showed up revealed why it is a bad idea to accept a girl who only posts head or head and chest shots. She was young and cute with phenomenal D cups, but a belly that would put Father Christmas to shame. Her massage was decent, some teasing of the twigs and berries but she was already complaining about the size of farang sausage when I concluded this session by suggesting she lick the cone and be done with it.

            Whoever suggested that arrival was only by the flapping of wings, that reveals a true ignorance of the situation here. You can get to Samui from BKK on a very long overland and ferry route, sure, but there are also about ten flights a day accepting passengers and doing just fine.

            1. “There are also about ten flights a day accepting passengers and doing just fine.”

              Thank you. That was exactly my point.

              You wouldn’t know it if you listened to some of the other characters here though. They would have you believe aviation is done for. Along with everything else.

              Down here in the real world, planes are still flying, women (and men) are still selling sex, and hardly anybody is dying.

              Any dramatic effect the pandemic has had so far was 100% caused by governments and their collective overreaction. Sweden is now down to 1-2 deaths a day, having never locked down anything. They probably already reached herd immunity, and losing only about 5,000 people, the bulk of which were over the age of 70.

              We could have just kept the elderly isolated until the young people reached immunity and be done with it. That’s what I suggested months ago. In fact, my prescription would have been better than even what Sweden did (they still let some of their elderly die).

              I hope we can put these arguments to rest now. Airlines will survive and people too. It’s not as bad as some media outlets would have people believe.

            2. The latest out of the Netherlands: they won’t mandate face masks because there’s not enough evidence they work (but you can still wear one if you want to).

              The latest out of the USA: Dr. Fauci says masks are not enough and people should start wearing face shields too.

              I’m sorry guys, Europe just handled this a lot better than America.

              Albeit with plenty of differences between the various European countries. The Germans are cunts for keeping brothels closed, and the Italians were the first country outside of China to do a lockdown, which might have caused a domino effect.

              It’s hard not to think of a conspiracy when all I keep hearing in the news is “vaccine, vaccine, vaccine”. Meanwhile the virus is burning out or being kept under control in most of the world. And I’ve lost count of how many effective treatments have been found already (plasma transfusions, several cheap drugs including HCQ).

              Those who are patiently waiting for a magic cure will be sorely disappointed. Not even a vaccine could offer enough protection to lift all the lockdowns overnight. Which might have been the plan all along. I’m taking this “new normal” talk very seriously, as should everyone.

              For better or worse, we’ll have to adapt. At least I’m always talking about border reopenings and health insurance, instead of doomsday prophecies. Thanks again Jack for the on-the-ground report from Thailand. We need those too.

              Georgians are still unfazed. They are probably more tired of this BS than even I am. I just went to buy cigarettes and the cashier was smiling and coughing at the same time, with the mask proudly around her chin.

              People need to chill the fuck out, especially in Western countries. It’s not the plague. Although they may be already working on a more powerful virus for the next pandemic (Gates is positive another one is coming down the line, and I have to wonder where all that confidence comes from).

              Let’s cherish what we still have and buckle up for what’s yet to come. I don’t care if people think I’m crazy, my predictions have had a good track record so far.

            3. Thanks for the blow by blow report Jack. This is the age of the internet. But it is also the age of the creative photograph and photoshop. How is the situation otherwise as a foreigner?

        2. “Without bargaining I got two hours for 1k.”

          That’s because it’s a “seller’s market” now. Otherwise it would have been 500 baht for 4 hours.

          Also, I bet you only lasted 2 hours because you were too tired after “flapping your arms” all the way to Samui. If only you could have taken a flight!

          How’s mask compliance in Thailand? From what I read, in Myanmar and Cambodia few people are wearing masks properly (or at all) and many restaurants are lax in enforcing “social distancing”. Which is good news to me.

          Rather than a “China virus”, this is very much a Western virus. It infects the minds of Western people (only) and makes them think they are all gonna die. The rest of the world seems to be coping MUCH better, from a psychological point of view if nothing else.

          In related news, yet another 100-year-old person recovered from it. I’ve lost count of how many centenarians have survived the thing.

          According to a poll conducted in June in Georgia, only 13% of people here believe the virus has a natural origin. As many as 52% of them think it comes from a lab, with the remaining 35% being unsure.

          Some Balinese are protesting the tests (that’s right, TESTS… not even masks or lockdowns) and denouncing them as a money-making scam. This while the island reopens to domestic tourism (in two days) and seems firm on September 11 as the date of resumption of international flights.

          If there’s hope for the world, it comes from non-Western countries. If it isn’t clear by now that Westerners have completely lost the plot, I don’t know what else we need as proof.

          1. Shut up asshole. For once that an interesting review is posted on this page, lost in your thousands useless comments that fill space for nothing.
            Jack, thanks for the report. The European Impotent wouldn’t have last 4 min with such a hot chick.

            1. How do you know I’m impotent? Did your mom tell you? Geez, I told her to keep it a secret.

              So this is the level of the discussion now.

              “I just banged a whore.”
              “WOW GREAT NEWS!”

              “You too can fly to Bali.”
              “SHUT UP IMPOTENT!”

              Honestly it doesn’t even matter what I say at this point. This is character assassination LOL. And I wear it like a badge of honor.

              At least my anger is directed at the right people (those who are scamming us and abusing us). Who are you losers angry at? Probably yourselves, and me as a proxy.

            2. That’s not to say Jack’s report wasn’t interesting or appropriate. It was. But the rest of you… yuck.

            3. “thousands [of] useless comments”

              Right. I’m only telling you what’s happening in different countries around the world, including the ones where you can still get in. Who needs that kind of information.

              Meanwhile you fawn over a report from Thailand, even though you can’t go there right now, and won’t be able to for months on end.

              And why is it that you can’t go there? Because of the stupid lockdowns. The ones that I’ve been criticizing all along and denouncing as unnecessarry.

              But somehow I’m the problem, not the politicians.

              And you’d rather hear from someone who’s simply lucky to be in the right place at the right time… or from someone who claims there are no flights anymore… than from someone like me who’s telling you where you can still go.

              I can’t keep up with these mental gymnastics. The level of cope and cognitive dissonance is unreal.

            4. Please keep posting updates Jack. That was a great comment. It’s not with you that I have a problem right now.

              It’s the rest of them idiots that aren’t making any sense.

            5. Imagine being so passive and toothless that not only you take media reports at face value… not only you bend over to the government… you are also happy to live vicariously through other people’s stories during your captivity.

              Not me, I’m a man of action. I want to know where I can still go and when, what are my odds of dying from the virus (turns out it’s 1 in 33,000), what are the local attitudes right now in those countries, and everything in between. Knowledge is power.

              Some of you are under the impression that everything will go back to normal as soon as there’s a vaccine or cure. You guys aren’t paying attention. News of potential cures are being suppressed; the vaccines are already proving to have side effects and there’s questions on how long the antibodies will even last. When they say this is the “new normal” they actually mean it! But it hasn’t dawned on Joe Average yet.

              If I was stuck in a place like the US or Australia I would be scrambling to get out one way or another, and trying to figure out where in the world things are somewhat normal. This is no time to be patient or passive. But yeah, keep waiting for the master to throw you a bone, any day now. Who needs freedom when you can listen to other people’s stories and jerk off to them.

              I could understand this from people who are old and tired, but seeing some of the younger ones falling for the scam just bothers me, on a deep level.

              Don’t blame me if you’re still stuck at home a year from now, with no end in sight to the misery. I’ve been trying to help all along.

        3. Friend, we will require fully nude pictures of your beach babe to verify the situation. Please post them forthwith. No need to include your own package. Thank you

          1. Sadly Rockit hasn’t added this functionality, Duck!

            Day 3 was another success, with another Friendly gal dropping by my room for an outstanding special massage. To Rockit’s point about photoshop, I was gunshy after Day 2’s Miss Piggy, but when Ning showed up at the door I knew it would be good.

            A bit taller than average, which possibly comes from her Chiang Rai roots which also contributed to her Northern beauty. Darker than usual skin for a CR gal, but that’s beach life I guess. Slender body, nice natural B cups and I’m definitely detecting a trend: I will take beautiful pert small boobs over falsely enhanced silicone fun bags.

            Soft spoken and less obviously DTF than gurl from Day 1, she remained in her panties and light cotton sports top for a phenomenal oil massage. No obvious signs that she wanted to do much more than massage, which was over in 45 mins when she said “finish ka”.

            I reminded her that we had agreed I would tip for a “special massage”, she smiled and sent me to the shower to rinse off the oil. Then she did the same and came out wrapped only in the towel – which we quickly removed.

            What followed was good, clean horizontal fun, lapping at her lap and down at the Y, then when we concluded that neither of us had a condom she took me deep in her mouth and didn’t let go until I had emptied b/w her lips. No swallow (we can dream!) but she was both subtle and graceful with the way she slipped off the bed and silently spit and rinsed under the shower before coming back and nuzzling for 20 mins in bed before we ran out of things to chat about.

            Two out of three ain’t bad. I can’t speak for go gos or beer bars or any past nightlife scene on Ko Samui, but the freelancers are out there like freshly stocked trout. Or largemouth bass, given how Ning finished me off.

            Yer man in the field, signing off and swimming back to BKK…

            1. Thanks for the detailed report Jack. What was the fee? At first I was tempted to say I was surprised about a Chiang Rai woman working on the island. Then I remembered that I have met Chiang Rai ladies all over the countries. The famous Sandy in Bangkok said she was from Chiang Rai in fact. Cheers.

      33. According to the Khmer Times, “last week Emirates announced they would be the first airline to offer free global COVID-19 health expenses and quarantine costs to passengers, a move cited to entice customers worried about the potential costs of travelling amid the pandemic should they contract the virus.”

        Sorry for posting good news again… It’s just that I’m “impotent,” so I have to kill time, not being able to play with my pee-pee anymore.

        Never mind that those whose dicks are only good to piss right now are the ones stuck in Western countries and still trusting their government to do the right thing eventually (LOL).

        1. Now, Emirates has always operated a lot of flights to East and Southeast Asia. I don’t know what their schedule looks like right now, but if they really were to cover quarantine and testing expenses, that would be great news for anyone traveling to parts of Asia that are already open or may reopen in the upcoming months. Sounds almost too good to be true, but it’s encouraging.

          When I go to Asia from Europe, I more often than not have a layover somewhere in the Gulf. So I guess this is more good news for Europeans, after the strenghtening Euro and resumption of travel and other activities all across Europe.

          I’m sorry for those who rely on Qantas. None of this is my fault.

        2. Also, feel free to file this, too, under “useless comments”.

          What we really need to hear is how people already in SEA are still having fun, while the rest of us can only look from the outside. Now that’s helpful.

          (Don’t take me too literally now. Reports from people on the ground are actually appreciated. But if you listen to someone like Mark, that’s ALL we need. Nothing else.)

        3. From the beginning of this crisis, I’ve been trying to figure out if and how I could keep my jet-setting, whore-mongering lifestyle.

          A number of things stood out to me:

          — the disease poses little danger to healthy people under 70, and virtually no danger to healthy people under 40

          — you can get international health insurance for it, and now apparently one airline is offering to cover quarantine and testing expenses

          — planes are still flying all over the place

          — many countries have their borders still open, or they are trying to reopen them

          — the price of sex is still the same or going down; the price of hotels and flights is still the same or going down

          — we might just be in the midst of a crazy conspiracy to curb people’s freedoms, and this isn’t the time to be complacent or put too much faith in the authorities; AT THE VERY LEAST Western countries are being incompetent

          That’s it. This is all I’ve trying to say. But apparently I’m an asshole for talking about such things.

          The popular opinion seems to be “there are no flights anymore, it’s a seller’s market for sex, we are all fecked, but let’s keep listening to the gov because they know what’s good for us, also we still want to hear about the Thai girls we are not allowed to fuck anymore, while we wait for a totally safe vaccine that will only take years to be rolled out worldwide”.

          To each their own. I’m just offering people an alternative: get out of your crazy country while you still can, before things get even worse for you… and keep being a punter, because it’s still possible to an extent.

          Seems perfectly logical to me. Now let’s see what kind of deranged responses I can still get.

        4. Where I’m from, nobody trusts the government for shit. It’s been drilled into my head from a very young age that you should only care about yourself and your family. In fact, I’m going waaay out of my way to help perfect strangers access valuable information, some of whom seem to have room-temperature IQ.

          So what I learned this year is that folks from English-speaking countries trust authority figures more than they trust themselves. Pathetic, really. These are probably the same guys who get scammed out of their life savings by the daughters of rice farmers from Isaan.

          I could have kept quiet the whole time and not shared any info and I would have been better off for it. Why bother when all I get in return is insults. But I’ve come so far, so I might as well hold my ground and defend my position.

          I’m just impatient for flights to resume here, it’s a matter of days now. Then I’ll be too busy living life to keep arguing with you lot. Fair enough, you don’t have to listen to me. Do it your own way and see how that works out for you.

      34. “Brazil on Wednesday reopened international air travel to foreign tourists, which had been banned since March, even as the country’s coronavirus outbreak ranks as the world’s second worst.

        Tourists *from all countries* may travel to Brazil as long as they have health insurance for the duration of their trip.”

        Source: Reuters

      35. The latest news today-
        Global air travel won’t recover from the Covid-19 crisis until 2024, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced Tuesday. That’s a year later than the airline body’s previous projection.
        Most international travel remains impossible since “International markets remain largely closed.”
        Australia’s Victoria records huge case jump. 6 week lockdown to be extended.
        Spain’s coronavirus rate triples in three weeks after lockdown
        UK requires 14-day quarantine for all tourists arriving from Spain
        Thai government says 14-day quarantine will be required for all foreigners whenever travel reopens
        USA reaches 4.5 million confirmed cases, 150,000 deaths. American health professionals urge another lockdown.
        Qatar Airways is the latest carrier to introduce Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for flight attendants, which includes a full disposal body suit, safety goggles, gloves and a face mask.

        1. “Global air travel won’t recover from the Covid-19 crisis until 2024”.

          Never. It will never recover.

          I mean, you can still fly… but that’s beside the point. Let’s focus on billionaire CEOs and their losses, shall we?



          Last I checked, Australia was surrounded by water on all sides. Why don’t you rent a boat and sail to Cambodia? Or Bali in September. Do it under the cover of the night, so you are less likely to get caught by the coast guard. Even if they catch you, you already under house arrest, so what difference would it make. That’s what I would do in your situation.

          A guy sailed from Portugal to Latin America during lockdown a couple months ago. Took him three months, but he did it! Got to his destination in one piece.

          That’s what you can achieve when you have balls.

          Plenty of Chinese and other Asians are crossing borders illegally right now. I doubt half of them get caught.

          This is actually the reason why Vietnam is going under lockdown again after three months of bliss; their border with China is porous.

          Meanwhile Westerners stay home because the TV told them to. Fuck, I’m starting to think there’s more freedom in North Korea these days. There’s definitely more freedom in China since they do whatever they want anyway, and if they get caught they go to jail like real men. I can respect that.

          1. If you can still fly, as you say, then let’s see you board a plane in Fukuoka and land in Bangkok. If you can manage this I will pay for your flight. Asshat.

            1. You can fly on select routes.

              That still qualifies as flying.

              The rest of the world will reopen their borders in due time.

              That’s what I’m tracking and reporting on. Countries reopening. I’ve been very specific so far, but I guess you are not paying enough attention.

              Cut down on those beers and don’t put words in my mouth that I didn’t say. No one is under the illusion things are back to normal.

              But you can still fly. In fact, more routes are reopening by the month.

              And it doesn’t matter to us when aviation will return to 2019 profit levels, as long as you can board a plane and make it to the destination of your choice.

              It seems you, Mark and Corey really want to believe this is the end of the world. Not just yet, my friend. Not just yet.

        2. From “Give me liberty or give me death”, to “Give me neither… I’m too much of a pussy to face either the government or the virus.”

          Good job, Anglos. Your ancestors are rolling in their graves.

        3. It’s definitely time for Europe to leave NATO and form its own continental army.

          How can you trust the Americans or the Canadians to go to war anymore. A bullet has a 100% fatality rate if it gets you in the right spot, unlike Covid’s 99.9% survival rate.

          Clown world.

        4. You know what else has a 100% fatality rate? Not eating. But let’s close all businesses and put millions out of work. Because of the weakest virus in living memory.

          When Obama was president we had the swine flu and they didn’t test anyone. As many as 50 million Americans got infected and they never even knew it. Totally asymptomatic and they probably still have immunity. The same would happen with Covid if they just stopped testing and left people alone.

          I cannot be convinced this isn’t by design. How näive do you have to be not to see it. Fucking Ebola is still out there, infecting people and making them spit blood, but they never thought a lockdown was necessary for that.

        5. My new favorite country is Turkmenistan. Or Tajikistan. One of those. They still deny they have any Covid infections, just “excess cases of pneumonia” this year.

          You can laugh all you want, but they are probably smarter than everyone else. Why make such a big deal out of a lame disease that couldn’t even kill 0.01% of the world yet.

          They found Covid-19 in frozen waste water samples from early 2019. This virus has been doing the rounds for almost 2 years… not 7 months. Nobody even noticed. Turn off the TV, look out the window and tell me if you see any difference from last year, aside from people wearing masks because they were told to. Where are the piles of dead bodies? I can’t see any around here.

          I didn’t even get a cold last winter, or maybe I did but didn’t develop symptoms because I was eating raw garlic and onion every day, and taking vitamin C. Hell, I might have already gotten Covid too, and I will never know unless I get tested for antibodies.

          We should be bringing out pitchforks and guillottines right now, instead we waste time arguing with each other on the internet, and dreaming of tanned girls in Ko Samui. I’m sure the puppet masters are pleased.

          Fuck. I can’t wait to go to Brazil, or wherever. The rest of you can keep jerking off and checking if the Quantas stocks are still going down.

          1. “the truth hurts”.
            Lol no.
            You posting here hurts. Go away, create your blog somewhere else that nobody will care about and let us recover pewce and tranquility.
            It’s amazing how you don’t realize how idiot you are.
            Stop being obsessed with this virus and try to empty your balls without paying for once. It should keep busy and away from us for few months.

            1. Maybe I’m sadistic and I like hurting people. You in particular.

              You say I’m an idiot, but if you and your friends were half-smart you would stop telling me to shut up, since it hasn’t worked so far.

              They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

              I’ll go away when I want to. Deal with it.

            2. I wouldn’t be here rambling if they didn’t screw up all my plans for this year. I was supposed to visit a bunch of countries and have plenty of sex along the way. Never thought I would end up posting a bunch of comments of Rockit Reports. I swear it wasn’t my intention.

              Maybe these New World Order guys aren’t that smart either. If you keep people in their homes with nothing to do but go on the internet, of course they are going to be looking up stuff and trading notes. They may want to remember that for the next scamdemic.

            3. Funny thing is, I don’t even care how many of you live or die. I’m just bored and I want to travel again.

            4. “try to empty your balls without paying for once”

              Good luck with that in Georgia. Frigid bitches who can’t even speak English.

              Up in the mountains they marry them off before they even turn 18. Then if you try and make a move on them, the irsute grunting hubby is gonna stab you in the stomach while his buddies cheer him on.

              Bunch of savages. It’s good that they didn’t fall for the Covid hoax, but other than that I wouldn’t honestly recommend this country. Not for getting laid anyway.




          2. “ because I was eating raw garlic and onion every day,”

            This might explain why the closest thing to action you’ve ever gotten is when your Black Sea Butt buddy Yuri plants his hairy Georgian ass on your face and rides you until he drops a load inside yer yapper.

      36. Ahah this is hilarious.
        Hey EU guy, in the past and on other posts you used to put relevant and interesting comments. The good old time. Hope you’ll back there in the future, once you will have things to say and share related to the real purpose of this website, not that shitty virus comments we don’t care about anymore.
        But if you don’t for the time being, then shut up please. It will be appreciated. Love you. Cheers.

        1. Right on. I never believed in the claim of sex addiction but I am now starting to wonder. It seems this guy went off the deep end when he lost access to willing sex workers. Is this a symptom of orgasm withdrawals? Let’s ask Dr Fauci to investigate.I am feeling down myself. But I’ve taken to more beers instead of piping off at the mouth. At least I will only harm my own self. Or maybe some troll stole his password.

          1. I’m addicted to both travel and sex. My life revolves almost entirely around those two things.

            I used to have tons of fun in Asia. Rockstar-level fun, with chicks throwing themselves at me and all that. I was living the dream, as they say.

            So these lockdowns and border closures are just about the worst thing that could have ever happened to me, short of going destitute.

            If the virus was a real threat, I would put up with this.

            But since the virus is no threat to the vast majority of people… there’s no excuse or rationale for what they are doing. This is a conspiracy and a hoax, pure and simple.

            So I’m angry and I’m trying to bring people’s attention to all the inconsistencies, the lies, and the things that just don’t add up.

            You may not want to hear it, but someone had to say it.

            1. Point of clarity. Western women fuck rock stars because they’re attracted to them. Third world prostitutes fuck you because they want to eat. There is a slight but discernible difference between the two. See if you can figure it out.

            2. I said “rockstar-level fun”. Squint your eyes and you might understand the meaning of the entire sentence. I also said [Asian] girls throw themselves at me, without specifying if they are all prostititues. As a matter of fact, I get plenty of attention from regular girls in Asia.

              I’m not you. Don’t read my comments like they were written by you. I’ve made it plenty clear elsewhere that I’m 32 and in shape, so it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what kind of reception I get in the East. I pay for sex because it’s convenient and because I Iike it, not because it’s my only option.

              Believe what you want anyway. Couldn’t care less about your opinion, Mr. Duck.

          2. I was never the compliant type.

            I’m a high school dropout. I routinely get kicked out of forums and social media. All my friendships and relationships end badly. And I don’t give a fuck about any of it.

            It’s called FREEDOM. You should try it sometimes. Best drug in the world. Highly addictive.

            I’m that rare breed of man who will never shut up, never comply, never surrender. If they try and force a vaccine on me, I will slit the throat of whoever knocks at my door first.

            I’m literally ready to kill or die for this.

            The same way you can’t put a genie back in the bottle, you can’t put a free man back into the cage. I was never a regular, rat-race, tax-paying kind of guy, so none of their tricks work on me. I’m immune to brainwashing the same way I’m immune to corona.

            Sadly, there don’t seem to be many others like me. At least not on this site.

            Someday soon, you all will come to regret your passive stance in life. Then you will remember me and suddenly be like “fuck, he was right after all”.

          3. At this rate, I may have to start befriending criminals. Drug dealers, pimps, mafia types.

            Not all of them are bright… but at least they understand on an instinctive level that the system is corrupt and playing by the book won’t get you anywhere in life.

            They also understand most problems can be solved with violence.

            How is this not common knowledge? How is it possible that most people are still listening to politicians and “experts” and the likes? It’s mind-blowing to me.

            At the end of the day… those with cojones will live short but very fulfilling lives. The rest will reach age 80 or 90 without having ever really lived. The one exception being the puppet masters themselves, who get to live to old age WHILE ALSO doing whatever they want.

            There are three classes of men and only those in the middle are losing on every front. They are the proverbial sheep and they are the reason why everything is so fucked up with the world.

          4. This morning every second rag is running the same front page story: “Young people are not invincible to COVID-19 effects, warns WHO”.

            Of course! They noticed we don’t give a fuck anymore and now they are doing damage control.

            Sorry, I’m numerate. I’ve seen the charts and I know my risk is 0.01%. I’m more likely to choke on a hot dog than die from Covid.

            They really must think we are all blithering idiots. I mean, they are not wrong, most people are. But there’s plenty of exceptions.

            “Permanent organ damage! Be afraid!”

            Nope. Don’t give a fuck. The only permanent damage will be on my dick, if I keep jerking off so much. I need to travel and have vaginal sex again.

            It seems they only have a couple tricks at their disposal. The strongest one by far is media propaganda, but even that has its limits.

      37. Yes but dude, this is not a psychological institute here and we don’t want to read your biography, who cares about what you are and think.
        We just ask you to stick to the point of this website which is talking about sex in general, not about the virus and not about yourself.

        1. @Mark, bottom line up front (BLUF):

          I struck gold 2 out of 3 times using a common dating ap on Ko Samui. One was a delightful 24 yo dark skinned firecracker up for anything, the other a similarly attractive but more GFE 33 yo who gobbled my knob after a delightful massage,

          Entertainment in the LoS is freely available, it’s just the pool of mongers is still somewhat limited. One of these girls told me her only clientele of late are the foreigners who got stuck in Thailand and who are now hop scotching the islands as they wait for an international flight home. Residents coming in from Bangers are still a rarity.

          1. That seems reasonable. Some full timers in Bangkok do recreate with ladies. But maybe do not, or do it rarely. I would say in the go go bars for example most customers would be tourists. Would you agree?

            1. I have never been a go go guy, but I am a Senior on several discussion boards. I think your assessment is correct.

              There are a few long time residents who still dip their into the go go scene from time to time, but they are few. Many of us have ended up with a Thai ball and chain keeping us from exploring the bar scene, not to mention that the creeping 50s and 60s mean many have the bulk of their public hedonism days in the rear view mirror.

              There comes a time when you become tactical in your approach to mongering. Scratch the itch with precision, then live to fight (or fuck) another day.

              1. I am glad to see that you can confirm my assessment. It seems that long timers most often visit go go bars when they have friends or business partners in town who want to see the places in the flesh. Cheers.

        2. From the 5th of August a face mask will be mandatory when visiting Amsterdam’s red light district.

          Funny. They refused to mandate masks for the general population, but they made an exception for Johns and Roxannes.

          Every day I inch closer to murdering someone…

          1. I’m wondering, did they bother to ban Tinder in the Netherlands? No? So I guess you can still hook up with your average STD-ridden Dutch girl — and there’s a good chance she’ll have Corona too, having been around all week without a mask — but God forbid we let sex workers and their clients breathe some fresh air. Let’s put masks on them and them only, to remind everyone of how “infected” they all are.

            Hey, could be worse. Canada is promoting the use of glory holes and the UK at one point threatened to fine anyone who was caught having sex at all (not sure if they went through with it; one hopes not).

            Fuck the West, all of it. There’s still Asia I guess, but they won’t let us in right now. Plus the Thai government is trying to destroy the gogo bar industry, Indonesia is going full Shariah, the Chinese and Koreans are bulldozing red light districts, the Cambodians and Vietnamese are still harassing small massage parlor operators.

            What a shitty time to live in. Someone invent time travel, now.

          2. Ah, but I won’t have it. I won’t have it. If I can find at least one country in the East who didn’t go full retard, I’ll start my own bar empire. I don’t care how many cops I have to bribe, how many competitors I have to shoot in the legs, how many girls I have to lay the pimp hand down upon.

            Maybe I did go off the deep end, Duck… but it may all be part of a grander plan. I won’t stay home twiddling my thumbs while these motherfuckers destroy all I hold sacred and profane in one sweep. Not on my watch.

          3. If things won’t go back to normal… then we need the opposite: even more chaos. A total breakdown of law and order. Fingers crossed on World War III starting soon and affecting most of Asia.

            That’s how the legacy sex industry was born, by the way. Soldiers stationed in Southeast Asia… pandemics… impoverished people… little appetite for enforcing the law.

            We may just be in between cycles. When something dies, something else will take its place.

            I’ll make sure to be in the right place at the right time.

          4. I still can’t believe this is really happening.

            It’s the worst economic depression since… forever? Certainly since the 1930s. And it’s entirely artificial.

            Countries all around the world are WILLINGLY destroying their own economies over a virus with a <0.5% fatality rate.

            Future historians will either regard this as "The Great Idiocy" or "The Great Pussification of Mankind".

            This is what happens when you have boomers in charge everywhere, worried about their own asses. Not a single young man in power.

            I actually wish Corona was deadlier and took all of them out. But no, the old farts are still alive and the young ones are still taking orders from them.

            Fuck this. Fuck this shit. I will never forgive and never forget what's happening. I would say I'm speechless, but I can't very well claim that now.

            Still. Fuck all of this. I just can't believe it.

          5. Is there a single country left that’s not retarded?

            I mean, Sweden didn’t lock down, but they are a feminist shithole. Prostitution is illegal there. They also have Muslims throwing hand grenades in Mälmo. Plus it’s cold there.

            Nicaragua and Belarus didn’t lock down, but they are communist hellholes. Plus Belarus is cold.

            Japan didn’t lock down, but they are racist and won’t let anyone in.

            I guess only South Korea has got its act together. No lockdown, no border closure. But they are gentrifying the red light districts and most sex shops are for locals only.

            Is that it? Fuck. No one country has got it all. Not one.

            I mean, I’ll move to Korea if I have to. Maybe in spring, after spending the winter in Brazil or Bali. But I’m not happy with this. Not one bit.

            Why is everyone so afraid of this stupid virus? Seriously, why. I just don’t get it.

        3. “Rockit, any plan to blacklist European Guy? This dude is mentally sick. Obsessed. Truly annoying.

          Rockit June 25, 2020
          I have no such plans.”

          While I don’t believe in censorship either and even agree with the guy on some points, it’s kind of warping the “most recent comments” widget on the home page. A casual repeat reader loads the site, looking for the latest mongering info. Sees all 10 most recent comments are all by European Guy on the same topic! For all the casual reader knows, it could be overwriting some juicy mongering info on some other topic. Perhaps that’s what causes the annoyance more than anything the guy says and you could adjust the most recent comments to only show a maximum X per topic?

          1. Spot on, absolutely agree with this.

            By the way rockit I posted a comment yesterday that hasn’t been published yet while the 150 new comments of European guy are live. Is there any filtering happening here?

            1. I agree. Rockit, we appreciate your ‘no censorship’ policy, but EG is messing with the algorithm. I doubt anyone has seen my Day 3 update with Ning in Samui because of the 10 or more rambling comments he posted.

              He has also made some comments that could trigger LE inquiries I.e. threats to cause harm on a large scale.

              We love your posts but the comments by your readership help drive eyeballs back to your site. Please consider options.

              1. Yes, I want to get banned too, actually. Just do it, Rockit. Who cares at this point.

                These morons don’t know what they are talking about anyway. There’s no “algorythm” — the 10 most recent comments appear in the widget in chronological order, that’s all.

                And the “filtering” is automatic if you post a link or use a different email. Comments including links, or from new users, need to be approved first.

                The crazy one here has to explain to the sane ones how a website works LOL.

                As for the “threats of violence”,
                1) that was just colorful language intended to express my frustration
                2) no one has been harmed
                3) you all patronize bars and other enterprises run by criminals on a regular basis
                4) you all are pussies and that much has always been clear.

                Look at Jack getting upset that his comment has been buried LMAO — like it wouldn’t have disappeared from the widget anyway after a couple days.

                Just ban me please, put me out of my misery. I won’t miss anyone here. Let them have their circle jerk of safe and irrelevant opinions.

              2. Oh, by the way, you all have to thank me for the widget listing as many as 10 comments. It used to be 5, but I sent an email to Rockit months ago asking him to increase it from 5 to 10.

                I’ve contributed a lot to this site over the years, in ways big and small. But I do realize I’ve become unbearable now. Sign of the times. So my last gift to all of you will be to graciously accept a ban.

              3. Now, the ban please. I’ve been making too much sense all along and we don’t want people to know their rights, or to reflect on all the shady stuff surrounding this “pandemic”, or to learn where they can still travel to, or anything like that. Silence me, please. They say ignorance is bliss.

            2. Comments go into waiting if they come from a name or email address that has not been used here before. It is a sort of “trusted user” queue. Please remember that this is simply a website. And it’s only meant to entertain. Don’t look too deeply into it. Cheers.

            3. Or can you create a dead page somewhere on this website that will automatically move his comments to?
              So we won’t be annoyed anymore while this guy will still have the chance to post his biography and I-am-the-center-of-the-world comments somewhere to release his frustration of being a loser?

          2. The latest news today-
            THAI Airways cancels all international flights until 1st October. YET AGAIN EXTENDING CANCELATION.
            UK reverses opening, back to lockdown.
            US GDP drops 33% worst ever in history.
            EU extends ban on US citizens
            JET2 cancels flights mid-holiday for countless UK travelers in Majorca, tells them go home now.
            All flights to mainland Spain canceled.

              1. I don’t believe THAI had ever restarted international flights. Their financial restructuring to avoid total bankruptcy cake at the worst time in the world – the middle of a global pandemic. It also left me holding the cancelled end of a return ticket out if the LoS, unsure if they’ll ever issue a new one or a reimbursement, but happy at least I got stuck inside looking out.

                I’ll need to milk the 50 days remaining on my business visa….

                1. I don’t think they restarted either. But now they are saying they will restart even later. Nok Air also seems to have trouble now. This isn’t really surprising considering the environment. Cheers.

          3. The latest news today-
            International Travel Remains Locked Down
            “Passenger traffic hit bottom in April, but the strength of the upturn has been very weak. What improvement we have seen has been domestic flying. International markets remain largely closed. Consumer confidence is depressed. And in many parts of the world infections are still rising. All of this points to a longer recovery period and more pain for the industry and the global economy,” said Alexandre de Juniac, International Air Transport Association Director General and CEO.

            1. That’s certainly true here in the LoS. My travels last week revealed jammed domestic flights, but there are still very few ways to come into Thailand from abroad.

              The clock is ticking on when my business visa expires and the company calls me home. They will not lift a finger to help me stay, in spite of my continued safety and productivity here and the great uncertainty about the situation back home.

              Thinking ahead: Rockit, any intel on how the Asian rub and tug shacks are faring in the West? There’s one fever I picked up after two decades in the East that I will always have to feed. AMPs are an expensive option.

              1. It seems that many of those shops are simply closed. At least in the US and Australia. I guess they don’t want to risk opening with so many restrictions in place. Cheers.

          4. The latest news today-
            Air Asia X, the international division of Air Asia, has closed reservations for all flights in its global distribution systems until October 31, 2021
            THIS IS BAD AS IT GETS

            1. I can almost picture you typing out this comment in frustration. I have to say that after many years of regular international travel I feel your pain. Cheers.

          5. The latest news today-
            Bristol University has banned students from one-night stands as part of new coronavirus measures.
            DONT B HAVIN SEX NOW !!

            1. FWIW, there is an annual midnight marathon in Bangkok, held in December. The organizers caught flack this week when they excluded foreign athletes because of “travel history”. Even Thais chimed in to point out that no foreigners have been able to arrive in country for about five months, and the organizers took late action to reverse themselves.

              Tempers are fraying…

              1. Thanks for the info Jack. There has been a lot of news like this. But I have to say you can trace a similar current back before anyone had even heard of COVID-19. Cheers.

          6. The latest news today-
            Thailand is unlikely to reopen its borders to international leisure visitors this year, predicted a deputy governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT).
            He said: “I see no signal from the government that the country will open this year. That’s putting lot of pressure on the tourism industry. The Christmas period, usually the high season, is in jeopardy and I’m looking horribly even to Chinese New Year in February, which is an iffy proposition at best now. Unfortunately, this is not a rosy picture”
            That 2021 is even an optimistic guess!
            Thira Woratanarat, a leading epidemiologist and on the faculty of medicine at Chulalongkorn University, has called for the Thai government to suspend any plans to allow foreign tourists for six to eighteen months.
            BYE BYE LAND OF SMILEZ!!!

            1. Worse still, I’m getting the boot when my business visa expires next month, Trying to check off as many “to dos” on my list before then…

                1. Not many, but there are occasional Thai Airways and other airline flights on the radar to help foreigners to leave, and then repatriate Thai nationals. I will be on one of those.

            2. For anyone involved in tourism sector, the party is well and truly over. This is not temporary. This is going to last through the foreseeable future.

              If you have business in tourism, you should have cut your losses and ran already. If you are living hand to mouth, you will not last.

              I am sorry.

            3. The latest news today-
              Georgia has restricted the entry of all travelers who are not nationals and residents of Georgia, or an immediate family member.

            4. Stirring the trolls eh? Heh

              Shame if he’s sick in bed, with a huge pair of hairy “Black Sea oysters” stifling his cough.

            5. The latest news today-
              No end in sight for flights ban
              The ban on international commercial flights will remain in force while the Covid-19 pandemic situation remains critical in many countries, the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) said on Wednesday.
              As of now, no commercial airlines are permitted to operate flights into and out of Thailand and only a number of foreign businesspeople are allowed to enter the country for business purposes

            6. The latest news today-
              Thailand is unlikely to reopen its borders to international leisure visitors this year, predicted a deputy governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT).

              Chattan Kunjara Na Ayudhya said that there has been no talk of or timeline issued for reopening the country to inbound or outbound leisure travel during weekly Covid-19 national meetings.

              He added that as part of the government’s “very, very cautious” approach to reopening borders, he does not expect Thailand to welcome leisure visitors.

            7. The latest news today-
              Thai Airways’ record $900m loss wipes out shareholder equity
              Thai Airways International has revealed the damage to its financial status inflicted by the coronavirus pandemic
              Its total revenue decreased by 56.9% to 40 billion baht, reflecting the strengthening impact of the coronavirus

            8. The latest news today-
              Most international travel remains suspended.
              Hawaii extends quarantine on all arrivals until October.
              No set date to reopen Thailand.
              Nothing has changed since April to be Frank. Or to be Corey.

            9. The latest news today-
              STA Travel ceases trading in UK as pandemic bites
              STA Travel has ceased operations in the UK, further illustrating the economic plight faced by many companies in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
              American Airlines cuts 15 routes
              Laos will consider allowing Japanese businessmen to renter the country next month, maybe.
              That’s as far as we get 6 months on.

            10. The latest news today-
              Its official: Bali will stay closed until sometime in 2021, according to the island’s governor, crushing hopes of many and causing questions if Thailand’s plans to re-open Phuket will be successful.

            11. The latest news today-
              Leading Thai doctors strongly oppose any opening of Thailand to tourists of any kind, even on a limited and restricted basis. The physicians say no matter how strongly any tourism plan is regulated, allowing foreigners into the country will lead to COVID-19 infections and prompt more restrictions. The majority say tourism should no resume until a vaccine is discovered and distributed.

            12. Meantime the prime Minister just announced he wants to reopen borders for tourism and Emirates resumes flights to Thailand from next week. Did you miss this on Google???

            13. Plus THAI owes me the value of my flight out of here that was cancelled BY THEM in March. Not that I’m complaining too much; the company paid for it, and the cancellation gave me these extra six months of testing every drop of oasis water in the Thai COVID desert.

              Not only have I not been thirsty for a moment, but I have more girls offering me a taste from their well than I can manage.

              My dick is going to be lonely when I finally have to go wheels up in about three weeks. But next week I’m planning a dance card that may require stocking up on some of those little blue pills…

              1. A lot of people lost out this year. Refunds have been drawn out or non existent. Some countries have protections for consumers. Others don’t. It’s definitely a tough situation for those who purchased tickets as this was all going on. Cheers!

            14. Do u kno a barmaid called google? HAHAHA Top Thai docs in charge of the rules ain’t having u back. N the Thais don’t want it. They was screamin about lettin a Japanese charter fly 2 Phuket in October!! Just read da news mate!

              PPL been tellin me since May dat travel was gonna be back in a few weeks. Well its been a half year and no sign of nuffin! I told ya!!! HAHAHA

            15. I think THAIs financial woes are why I’ll never get a refund. Friends using other airlines got money back, only a few received vouchers.

              The only thing I got was an excuse to remain for a full six months on an expense account and no visa worries. The dating apps have been my friend, and I even popped for the subscription so that I could message the most popular gals (who are often at least semi-pros).

              1. It mainly seems to depend on where the airlines are headquartered and what the regulations are in that place. Some countries have consumer protection. Others have no such thing. Thai was in trouble before the corona virus came around from what I hear. I hope you can at least get your money back. Having an account is worth the minor spend on a lot of sites. Especially Thai Friendly. Cheers.

            16. The latest news today-
              Countless Thai citizens and prominent doctors took to social media to state their fear that any limited reopening to tourists would lead to a second round of infections and in turn a devastating lockdown.


            17. The latest news today-
              Countless of uncles of mine say this virus is shit and it’s better not to travel and go outside.

            18. While Phuket is proposing special reopening for long time visitors, returning residences, etc, other provinces are afraid this will trigger a second wave of the virus. The monopoly on flights to Samui keep that island suffering, although I enjoyed a fruitful week there about three weeks ago.

              I think they’ll figure out a way to get high spenders in by December, but hippie backpackers and the long weekenders from Europe may be caught out. I’m betting that Oz and Kiwiland will get flights back before North America because you guys have done a better job of addressing the virus and getting testing going.

            19. The latest news today-
              Thai ministry of health introduces new rules for combating pandemic which includes:
              “conditions for travelers to enter the Kingdom for the benefit of surveillance”

            20. The latest news today-
              Thai Airways offshoot company has laid off 2,600 employees effective immediately, citing the Covid-19 pandemic and uncertainty about when international inbound commercial flights can resume.

            21. The islands are devoid of tourists, but still filled with eager lads and lasses looking for action. RCA on Krabi is the only set of bright lights and pumping music along a street where everything else is either shuttered or at least shuts down shortly after nightfall.

              A cute 30ish baby mama invited me to her beachside bar where I was the only customer for 60b beers with just she and her friend behind the mahogany bar (actually pine). “Tonight’s gonna be a good good night”….

              1. Thanks for the report Jack. At least you are able to make the most of your time in Thailand. From what I understand the hardest hit parts of the country are Samui, Phuket and Pattaya. Cheers.

            22. The latest news today-
              Leading Walking Street business owners warn of “total collapse” of tourism industry in Pattaya if Thailand has no foreign tourists for another 3-6 months

            23. “For the level of air traffic in the months ahead, we don’t see any clear pattern. Globally, the COVID-19 situation is in flux and there’s no sign of the significant lifting of border restrictions.” Khek Norinda, Cambodia Air PR Director


            24. Thailand’s tourism revenue will be shattered for another 3 to 4 years, says Krungthai Bank
              Thailand only able to accept a very limited number of foreign tourists in the New Normal style of tourism in 2021. Most of the tourism income will be from domestic tourists who choose to travel near their residence, according to the bank.
              “Tourism business for now has to rely primarily on domestic tourists”
              Krungthai Bank Public Company Limited (KTB) is a state-owned bank under license issued by the Ministry of Finance.

            25. Funny dude. The art of picking THE negative news from the press out of dozens positive announcing the reopening of the country. Like yesterday the Tourism Authority saying the country is ready to reopen and to manage the cases that could be implied.
              Are you paid to scare and mislead people with your funny article sources?
              I come to miss European Guy! The dude was annoying but had more relevant sources for his news!

            26. The latest news today-
              Tourism Authority of Thailand tells Thai tourism industry to be patient
              and prepare positively for the time when a vaccine would be found
              TAT governor said under a best-case scenario, if there are no more disruptions, some tourism will reopen in 2021 . The primary source markets would be Northeast Asia and the ASEAN countries, with a customer target of people in good health and high-purchasing power.

            27. The latest news today-
              Dr Fauci says no return to normality until a year after vaccine distributed.
              Southwest Airlines CEO gives brutal view of future. “Wouldn’t be surprised to see travel languish for a decade.”

            28. The latest news today-
              Dr. Fauci says in 2022 we should be able to resume some aspects of life as we knew it before the pandemic, but only “if we deploy a vaccine and we implement public-health measures” which are currently “not universally adhered to”.
              The International Red Cross surveyed thousands in Southeast Asia and found about half blamed foreigners for spreading the coronavirus. In Malaysia “foreign tourists” were frequently mentioned.
              SORRY LUVS

            29. The much trumpeted “reopening of Thailand” is real nonsense. Don’t hold your breath for a time when western tourists will return to Southeast Asia in anything like the previous number. Not for many years anyway.

              This is not just some bump in the road. The whole of international travel is going through incredible change. In my humble opinion, the period of open tourism that came to be in the early 21st century will not come back. In the future we’ll look back on the period of mass travel as an aberration that didn’t exist before and won’t exist again.

              I would hate to be a spoil sport. I hope I am wrong about this.

            30. I’m inclined to agree with Gary. I just happen to believe this has little to do with the virus itself.

              If the Thai government’s behavior is any indication, powerful people were not happy with the unwashed masses being able to travel around the world in mass numbers. So now they are “rectifying” the mistake of the past few decades.

              It will be even worse once vaccines become available and some countries decide to close their borders to the non-immunized.

              With that said, there are always exceptions. Brazil right now is open to anyone who has health insurance. No other requirement. Rio De Janeiro can be a lot of fun.

              Other countries like Mexico, Turkey or the Balkan states are open to everyone, period. They don’t even ask for insurance.

              Unfortunately the whole of Asia has taken a hard line when it comes to borders. Their historic xenophobia may have played a part.

              The Thai reopening plan is a joke. It’s going to be only for a select few nationalities to begin with. It will be expensive. It will require jumping through hoops.

              At the same time… anyone with 16K in cash can apply for an Elite Visa and obtain the equivalent of a 5-year residence permit, even now.

              It seems like throwing money at the problem can still yeald results. Mass tourism however, that’s over for a while. Backpackers may go down in history as a relic of the past, like hippies.

            31. I was just looking at the travel maps again and Colombia has reopened, seemingly overnight. They only want a negative test result obtained up to 96 hours before departure.

              Half of Latin America is open at this point, to all people. Europe is open to Europeans. Asia has to be the only continent that’s still completely cut off from the rest of the world. They won’t even let their own neighbors in.

              Seems like the easiest way to get a Thai girl right now is to seduce her online and fly her to LatAm or Europe. LOL. It would probably cost a bit less than whatever plan the Thai gov is concocting.

              1. Some countries in Asia have more or less been open for a while. Though of course there are some restrictions. For example Korea has never really closed to Americans. There is a quarantine requirement though. Cambodia is open to all those with visas. There is a refundable deposit and quarantine required. But overall Asia does remain closed off to most of the world. Some say this is despite a relatively low death rate. Others say the low death rate is a result of the drastic measures. Flights in and out of Thailand are limited. Apparently those with elite visas are free to come and go though. Cheers.

            32. The current reopening is not meant for the typical two to four-week millionaire. It is meant for retirees and the super-rich. As much as I wish Thailand would reopen; I don’t fault the Thai government for being super careful. They basically have COVID solved.

              I fault to parties for my being kept out of Thailand. My government for not taking COVID seriously. The dumb dumbs who are running around my country refusing to wear a mask.

            33. I saw this headline on the Pattaya News today and had to laugh. “Bangkok police raided Peak nightclub last night following a tip to discover over 50 underage youth partying, drinking and violating social distancing measures put in place at entertainment venues to stop the potential spread of Covid-19.”

            34. Fred, it’s happening in every city in the world. Young people are flaunting the rules and attending underground parties. That’s when they are not on the streets protesting. This was to be expected to some extent.

              Their lives revolve around getting drunk and getting laid. I wasn’t much different at their age, to be honest…

              I hope they are quietly building up herd immunity, so that we can all get something out of it. Until then, keep your distance from them. They are more likely to be infectious than anyone else.

              Just the other day I was talking to a 28 year old girl who proudly informed me she was still going out and partying despite having a fever. It’s all a big game to them.

            35. Bobby I was laughing at the absurdity of it all. Underage kids partying with alcohol in the middle of the night, but the big concern is a virus that won’t hurt them and barely even exists in Thailand to begin with. It’s a fucking joke guy. For kids under the age of 21 the risk of this virus is so low that it almost cannot be measured. The idea that the world will go into suspended animation for 7 months over this is fucking ridiculous. Google: “Making an apocalypse out of a pandemic”

            36. People <65 years old have very small risks of COVID-19 death even in pandemic epicenters and deaths for people <65 years without underlying predisposing conditions are remarkably uncommon. Strategies focusing specifically on protecting high-risk elderly individuals should be considered in managing the pandemic.

              "Population-level COVID-19 mortality risk for non-elderly individuals overall and for non-elderly individuals without underlying diseases in pandemic epicenters", John P.A., Cathrine Axfors, Despina G. Contopoulos-Ioannidis.



            37. The latest news today-
              With Covid-19 going nowhere and widespread vaccines unlikely for another year, the imperative is to quickly establish protocols for safe travel.
              David Dodwell says Apec failed to see the urgency of restarting travel and tourism. Apec should be pushing for international agreement on Covid-19-safe travel protocol when millions of jobs are at stake.
              Airlines in America are furloughing 40,000 employees.

            38. The latest news today-
              New research seems to support the notion the 14-day quarantines are largely unnecessary. Take the initial results from an Air Canada study completed with the Greater Toronto Airports Authority looking at the effect of testing international travelers on arrival. The study found that only a tiny fraction of arrivals who had COVID-19 were not discovered with a test on arrival, and none were discovered beyond a test 7 days after arrival.
              Panama, El Salvador and Ukraine are now open.

            39. The latest news today-
              The tourism and sports minister says all tourists coming to Thailand via the special tourist visa must be 100% clear of the coronavirus or the reopening plan will be scrapped indefinitely

            40. The latest news today-
              ” Mass air travel’s return at least two years away” says Singapore’s Transport Minister Ong Ye Kung
              Delta reports $5.4 billion quarterly loss, illustrating how the pandemic is pummeling airlines
              United Airlines Hunkers Down for Long Air-Travel Drought
              AT LEAST TWO YEARS- MEANIN END OF 2022!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

            41. The latest news today-
              Experts from the UN World Travel Organization don’t think a rebound will occur until 2022. The panel, in a statement Tuesday, said travel restrictions and border closures were the main obstacle, along with slow containment of the coronavirus and low traveler confidence.
              Southwest CEO Gary Kelly told employees Friday that “the ship is taking on water.”

            42. The latest news today-
              International tourism to bounce back by 2022 according to UN World Tourism Organisation.
              According to the newest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, international arrivals plunged 81% in July and 79% in August, traditionally the two busiest months of the year and the peak of the Northern Hemisphere summer season. The drop until August represents 700 million fewer arrivals compared to the same period in 2019 and translates into a loss of USD 730 billion in export revenues from international tourism. This is more than eight times the loss experienced on the back of the 2009 global economic and financial crisis.

            43. The latest news today-
              Dr. Anthony Fauci said that even though he’s “very certain” we will have a coronavirus vaccine “in the next few months,” we are unlikely to be able to go about our normal lives until at least the end of next year – or perhaps 2022.

            44. The latest news today-
              “Tourism in Asia will never be the same” – Nikkei
              “Tourism Will Never Look The Same Again” – Skyscanner
              “Countries are rethinking their entire tourism industry” – World Economic Forum
              “Coronavirus Chased Off Tourists—Locals Don’t Want Them Ever Flocking Back” – Wall Street Journal
              Looking back to early 2020 WHO WAS RITE ME OR THEM? THE PROFIT HAS SPOKEN

            45. The latest news today-
              “Global tourism will take 3-5 years to recover” Euromonitor
              Thai Travel Agents Association president, says if there is no rapid escalation of cases in Thailand or overseas, tourism sentiment could gradually improve by next June – when travel will open for select tourists in select Asian countries in a travel bubble

            46. Optimistic. The uncle of my friend heard from a neighbor in a pub that someone may has said that it will take 25 years before things start to possibly come back to a kind of normality. DUDE WE WILL BE GRANDPA BY THEN

            47. The latest news today-
              The world is going back into lockdown mode. Travel remains restricted. The trend is away from opening and back to closures. Tourism and air travel has mostly collapsed with zero sign of recovery anywhere.
              Normal guys cannot travel today any more than they could in April. That means that my comments preservd here for the record were correct then and all people who opposed me were proven wrong. I am sorry about this. But you can’t travel. There is no reason that will change in 2021. So when will you realise? Hope you all bought a lot of wank cream. It is gonna be along ride!

            48. The latest news today-
              The much-hyped Hong Kong-Singapore ‘travel bubble’ is postponed amid Covid-19 spike
              The highly-anticipated Hong Kong and Singapore “air travel bubble” was postponed Saturday — less than 24 hours before it was due to launch.

            49. The latest news today-
              New mutation shuts down UK! Sydney isolated. Back to the future!
              News articles now say “no mass tourism until March”. Don’t believe it. You never know. Chinese could even be back as early as late January. Or not at all.
              Hong Kong to Singapore bubble has been indefinitely postponed.
              Bali said they were reopening to foreigners in September 2020. Now postponed it until 2021. Could postpone again.
              Still where we were a year ago with no news and no future. Hope yer still holdin ur nuts and balls mates!

            50. The latest news today-
              The spread of Covid-19 had led to a major crisis in the economy of every country in the world, which Pacific Asia Travel Association Cambodia chapter chairman Thourn Sinan said will continue to encounter obstacles for a long time to come even if their entire populations were to be vaccinated.
              “I think the tourism sector in Cambodia may take between five and seven years. Only then will the number of tourists to Cambodia be similar to what they had been in 2019,” Sinan said.
              Looking at the current situation, the Cambodian tourism sector will take until 2025 to bounce back


            51. The latest news today-
              Stephane Bancel, CEO of Covid-19 vaccine maker Moderna, warned Wednesday that the novel corona virus will be around “forever.”
              “SARS-CoV-2 is not going away,” Bancel said during a panel discussion at the JPMorgan Healthcare Conference.
              Public health officials and infectious disease experts have said there is a high likelihood that Covid-19 will become an endemic disease, meaning it will be present at all times, though likely at lower levels than it is now.

            52. The latest news today-
              Canada Extends Ban on Cruise Ships Until at Least 2022
              The ban was first implemented in March 2020 and was set to expire Feb. 28, 2021.

            53. The latest news today-
              As Covid-19 Vaccines Raise Hope, Cold Reality Dawns That Illness Is Likely Here to Stay
              Pacific countries have said they’ll keep borders closed for at least this year. AT LEAST ALL OF 2021!!!
              The ease with which the coronavirus spreads, the emergence of new strains and poor access to vaccines in large parts of the world mean Covid-19 could shift from a pandemic disease to an endemic one, implying lasting modifications to personal and societal behavior, epidemiologists say.

              “Going through the five phases of grief, we need to come to the acceptance phase that our lives are not going to be the same,” said Thomas Frieden, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “I don’t think the world has really absorbed the fact that these are long-term changes.”

              Corey OZ is totally vindicated 1 year on! Read it and weap you futhermuthers! Unfortunately I am trapped like the rest of you with no chance to travel again. But; at least I saw it coming and prepared. EN GUARDE!

            54. The latest news today-
              Most scientists have accepted an unfortunate truth: The coronavirus will likely be part of our lives forever.
              The coronavirus is going to stick around forever. Get ready for the new normal.
              More and more physicians and public health officials are warning that even with the mass rollout of vaccines, Covid will become endemic.
              The spread of coronavirus variants means COVID-19 will likely be around forever.
              Experts say it’s impossible to vaccinate everyone yearly, so the virus will continue to circulate.

              Most scientists have accepted an unfortunate truth: The coronavirus will likely be part of our lives forever.More and more physicians and public health officials are warning that even with the mass rollout of safe and effective vaccines, Covid will permanently establish itself.

              White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel and World Health Organization executive director of the Health Emergencies Program Dr. Mike Ryan have said in recent weeks that the coronavirus may never go away.

              Low income countries won’t see vaccination until 2024.

              LOL! NO SOUP FOR YOU !!!!!

            55. “ White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci…”

              That’s not his title, Oz. I think the lockdown has sent you off the deep end of an already shallow pool.

              I had two great rub n tugs in the last week that included masks, hand gel, condoms and rim jobs before finishing in doggy.

              We will survive, as Donna Summer sang in the 70s….

            56. Same here in Bangkok and twice this week already. Let the Oz enjoying his right hand, he’ll keep wanking and telling dramas while we’ll all have good time.

              1. The last I checked there were just 44 countries fully open to travelers. None are in Asia. Most are in Latin America and Africa. Cheers.

            57. Look it’s not yet heaven and many shops had to close unfortunately, I used to like Dream Heaven on soi 33 but no more. But still there are good shops around like Kokoro that are still active. Once borders reopen later in the year a new scene will raise from the ground as always and new good addresses will appear. My guess is it will go to more premium rates but with also a higher quality of facilities and services which is maybe not a too bad deal. Cheers.

            58. “Once borders reopen later in the year ”
              HAHAHAHA Where did I hear that before?
              Oh yes, twas April 2020 when I heard it!
              keep fooling yourselfs. at least I have some spunk to show for my wankin!

            59. Well me mates it has been a year. Some of us was right and some was wrong. I am here to stake my claim and cry me eyes out. I still ain’t in Thailand and neither are you! And we won’t be there this year either. They are locking back down. Here it never ended. “Pacific countries have said they’ll keep borders closed for at least this year.” The new normal is no normal. Hope you all stocked up on hand lotion like I suggested!

            60. THE LATEST NEWS TODAY-
              Hospitals in India have launched desperate appeals for oxygen as the Covid crisis spiralled, while Japan issued a state of emergency in some areas just three months before the Olympics are due to open.
              say byebye to 2021 too!

            61. Lol. Get your arse out and face the world kid. In the past 4 months I traveled to Korea, Vietnam and I am now in Bangkok. Had an amazing session at Analisa 3 days ago with 2 hot gals and will have beers with some friends tonight. But yeah sure, keep complaining and seeing the glass half empty, you’ll go far. I guess your right arm will keep getting stronger ahaha!

            62. THE LATEST NEWS TODAY- Thailand had been readying to welcome vaccinated visitors to Phuket by July, without any quarantine requirements. But Thailand made overnight changes, without any advanced warning, to end shortened quarantine, vaccinated or not, and is returning to a full 14 day quarantine. The news has left travelers who were willing to to endure the 7 to 10 day quarantine, but not 14, scrambling to cancel non-refundable trips. It’s hard to see how quarantine free travel to Phuket would begin in just two months time, given the knee jerk change.

              555 MAI PEN RAI MATES

            63. For Mark,
              You are amazing that you were willing to go thru the 14 day quarantine for each country. I didn’t know Vietnam was even open to tourists. Enjoy life and stay safe! Cheers!

              1. Vietnam suspended the entry into Vietnam of all foreign nationals in 2020. That has not changed. There are exceptions for diplomats and a small number of skilled employees required by Vietnamese companies that are willing to go through an application process and quarantine. Cheers.

            64. Yes my work helps and it’s no big deal to get granted the exception with a basic assignment.
              As for the change back to 14 days ASQ in Thailand its just temporary and will shift back soon. Cases are going down, 1800 yesterday and with current restrictions in place and from the past waves all should be back to “normal” soon. Cheers.

            65. Having the vaccine along with advanced status on my retirement visa means I may be able to return to Thailand as early as July. Even a period of quarantine will be worth it for my long term plan.

              In the meanwhile I’m enjoying Latina delights in the other hemisphere.

              Rockit, here’s a good article for one of you regular posts about the state of pay for play in the world:

              1. Thanks for the comment. I actually included the Economist on one of my past posts on sites of interest for sex industry connoisseurs. Cheers.

            66. THE LATEST NEWS TODAY-
              Effective May 1. Chonburi province (including Pattaya and surrounding areas), Bangkok and four other provinces have been designated dark-red areas with maximum strict controls.

            67. “It will all be over soon” OR As Covid-19 Vaccines Raise Hope, Cold Reality Dawns That Illness Is Likely Here to Stay

              The ease with which the coronavirus spreads, the emergence of new strains and poor access to vaccines in large parts of the world mean Covid-19 could shift from a pandemic disease to an endemic one, implying lasting modifications to personal and societal behavior, epidemiologists say.

              “Going through the five phases of grief, we need to come to the acceptance phase that our lives are not going to be the same,” said Thomas Frieden, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “I don’t think the world has really absorbed the fact that these are long-term changes.”

              Who was right? Admit it? When will ye wake the fuk up?

            68. THE LATEST NEWS TODAY- Reaching ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Unlikely Experts Now Believe. Widely circulating coronavirus variants and persistent hesitancy about vaccines will keep the goal out of reach. The virus is here to stay. There is widespread consensus among scientists and public health experts that the herd immunity threshold is not attainable. Over the long term — a generation or two — the goal is to transition the new coronavirus to become more like its cousins that cause common colds.

              A GENERATIO OR TWO!!! THIS IS FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES BUT IT COULDA BEEN FROM COREY A YEAR AGO! VINDICATION HAHAHA 2 bad I am stuck here with just me hand to fuck off

            69. TODAY IS 19 MAY 2021. 6countries are open. SIX! That is all. So much for “THAILAND TRAVEL BUBBLES” you was talking about on JUNE 20 2020.


            70. I’ve been in four countries since the pandemic started, mongering in all of them. You need to take your hand off the stick and move on, brother.

            71. Sixteen months later. You still can’t go nowhere. No one in or out of OZ. Not even Paul Hoagan! England still locked. Philippines Island still locked. This is a life changer mates. I’ve never wanked so much in me life.

            72. “I don’t think the world has really absorbed the fact that these are long-term changes.” Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


            74. Such a sad spirit mate. Why don’t you kill yourself right away and let us enjoy positive attitude and desire to enjoy life? By the way Phuket reopens in 2 weeks and most of the other touristic provinces in October. We won’t see you there obviously, you’re too scared of the world and too negative, your life must be so boring, but we will cheer the first beer on you and your stupid posts. So long!

            75. When it reopens in 2 weeks. Heard is 9 times already. FIRST WAS JUNE 2020!!!! WHAT HAPPENED? 55555+ When it REOPENS IF IT REOPENS won’t be no BARS OPEN .Won’t be NO AUSSIES OR KIWIS OR FLIPPERS OR GERMANS. NO ONE IN OR OUT OF OZ. NO ONE IN OR OUT OF NZ. NO ONE IN OR OUT OF PHILLIPINNES ISLANDS. NO ONE IN OR OUT OF GERMANY. Won’t be nothin but WANK WANK WANK!

            76. Pandemic PTSD is a real thing. We have lost Corey, despite the fact that the rest of the world is gradually turning the corner.

              One of my Thai regulars just started the vax series, and the Phuket Sandbox is looking promising. With luck I will be in Hua Hin by September, latest.


            78. Shut up corey you don’t know what you talk about. Phuket sandbox does happen and is live in 2 weeks. Flights are scheduled and hotels have received massive bookings. I work in the hotel industry here and have 4 hotels in Phuket, sorry mate but I definitely know better than you about the topic. So again, shut the fuck up stupid idiot. Now leave us alone and go wank again. We have serious business to deal with here, it’s called the real world. And it’s fucking awesome you should try!

            79. “Australia’s borders are currently closed and entry to Australia remains strictly controlled to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. ” FACTS

            80. Who cares about Australia a part from you ? There are 209 other countries in the world! All middle east airlines have reopen routes to Phuket 4 times/week and since several European countries allow to travel to Thailand it will have lots of ME/European people travelling from 01 July. Even Finnair is considering restarting earlier than their usual schedule pre-covid that used to be November. FACT ahahah. Australia is close, Australia is close… Lol you’re just a cryer thinking being the center of the world. Pathetic.

            81. Travel isn’t a right, it’s a privilege.

              Sorry that it sux to be down under in Oz. I’ve had some good action in both Sydney and Melbourne, including from a delightful Thai provider who enjoyed the fact I could speak some of her language. She had a different set of oral skills!


            83. Freedom of movement, mobility rights, or the right to travel is a human rights concept encompassing the right of individuals to travel from place to place within the territory of a country, and to leave the country and return to it. The right includes not only visiting places, but changing the place where the individual resides or works.

            84. lol.
              Man, look… I think you just sick and I realize I shouldn’t even bother trying to get an explanation with you. Only appropriate doctors are able to handle your kind. Hope you’ll get a proper medical support one day. I guess the society would feel safer.

            85. France = LOCKED DOWN
              Ukraine = LOCKED DOWN
              Australia = NO ONE IN OR OUT
              New Zealand = NO ONE IN OR OUT
              Canada = NO ONE IN OR OUT
              Germany = LOCKED DOWN
              You think everything is A OK! But I am the crazy one aye mate? HAHA

            86. False false false. Most of above countries have terminated their lock down. France for example, you don’t even need the mask anymore. But you obviously live on a different planet or get your news from weird websites. Anyway you’re an asshole that is just trying to generate negatively and pessimism, your life must be miserable. I feel for you.

            87. Feel free to show me where it is a fundamental right to cross border, mate. I’ll lawyer up on you faster than your Turkish prison guard takes your cherry.


            88. No in and out? I’ve been in and out of so many Mexican and Colombian gals in the last three months my knob is almost sore.


            89. Indonesia records its largest 1-day jump in COVID infections: 20 June, 2021.

              Thailand is in the midst of a surge in coronavirus cases that started in April and has accounted for more than 80% of the country’s 204,595 total confirmed cases and 90% of its 1,525 deaths. The surge has caused special concern because Thailand has been late in securing and deploying vaccine supplies. Just over 7% of the country’s 69 million people have had at least one dose.

              U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada will remain closed through the end of July, the latest extension of a closure that started in March, 2020.

              “With COVID, that’s kind of how it is. We’re living minute by minute, day by day…Every day we see new variants popping up from you know, around the country, around the world,” said University Hospitals and Rainbow Babies & Children Director of Infectious Disease Dr. Claudia Hoyen.

            90. Freedom of movement, mobility rights, or the right to travel is a human rights concept encompassing the right of individuals to travel from place to place within the territory of a country, and to leave the country and return to it. The right includes not only visiting places, but changing the place where the individual resides or works.

              Being a human right, it is ignored by authoritarian governments around the world. The same way that freedom of speech and freedom of consciousness are often ignored, including here in Australia where we ban books and demonstrations.

            91. The latest news today-
              New COVID-19 Outbreaks Are Driving Places Back Under Lockdown
              An increase of coronavirus infections around the world is forcing some governments to reimplement lockdown measures to control the spread of the virus.
              From Australia to Israel and around Europe, health officials announced new restrictions ahead of the weekend as they report clusters of outbreaks and try to mitigate further transmissions. These decisions come as the more transmissible delta variant of the coronavirus becomes the dominant strain in several countries.
              25 June 2021

            92. Interesting that you always decide to share JUST what is negative and never positive. Example: Phuket DOES reopen in 5 days and Koh Samui in 20 days, just been confirmed by the governor. The rest of the country most probably by 01 October.
              So why is that? You want to scare people? You want everyone to feel miserable like you do? You are afraid of the world? Mate, again, some specialist doctors would be able to help. Go consult.

            93. The latest news today-
              The World Health Organization on Friday urged fully vaccinated people to continue to wear masks, social distance and practice other Covid-19 pandemic safety measures as the highly contagious delta variant spreads rapidly across the globe.
              “People cannot feel safe just because they had the two doses,” Dr. Mariangela Simao, WHO assistant director-general.
              The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that about half of adults infected in an outbreak of the delta variant in Israel were fully vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, prompting the government there to reimpose an indoor mask requirement and other measures.

            94. 27 JUNE 2021- Thailand announces new restrictions in a bid to tackle the country’s worst coronavirus outbreak. The new measures, which will be implemented for 30 days from Monday, include a ban on restaurant dine-ins in Bangkok, the capital, and five surrounding provinces, according to a document published in the country’s royal gazette. Authorities will set up checkpoints in Bangkok and the five provinces to limit travel HAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

            95. The latest news today- The number of new coronavirus cases increased across Europe for the first time in 10 weeks, the World Health Organization said Thursday, ending a stretch that had raised hopes the pandemic would recede as vaccinations were on the rise.
              The end of the pandemic “remains a distant future” for much of Latin America as new coronavirus cases are again on the rise and most people remain unvaccinated, the region’s public health agency said.

            96. Seven Australian cities are now in lockdown as authorities scramble to prevent the spread of the highly contagious Delta coronavirus variant.

              Officials reported a slight case rise on Wednesday, to more than 200 cases.

              Nearly half the population – more than 12 million people – are under stay-at-home orders in Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Darwin, Townsville and the Gold Coast.

            97. The rapid spread of the delta coronavirus variant has forced a growing number of countries to reimpose lockdowns and other public health restrictions, raising fears that the more contagious variant was hampering global efforts to contain the pandemic.

              The new curbs on travel and daily life stretched from Australia and Bangladesh to South Africa and Germany.

            98. Yep, the pandemic is still with us, and Colombia is particularly hard hit in the Américas. That’s why I make a pitch for the vaccine everytime a P4P gal pulls out a condom for safe sex.

              If they offered free blowjobs in exchange for one of the vaccines, we’d hit herd immunity much more quickly!

            99. The latest news today- Aside from strict internal lockdowns, Australians are not allowed to leave the country, and the country has severely limited the number of people who are allowed to enter the country too. The government has stated that this arrangement is likely to continue until mid-2022.

            100. The latest news today- Thailand may be facing Covid-19 pandemic situation for up to one more year if things don’t improve, Medical Services Department chief estimates
              ANOTHER YEAR!!!!

            101. The latest news today- U.S. won’t lift travel restrictions, citing spike in Covid delta variant cases
              Cases are up among the unvaccinated and that increase appears likely to continue in the weeks ahead.
              “Nineteen months into the pandemic, and seven months since the first vaccines were approved, we are now in the early stages of another wave of infections and deaths,” says Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director-general.

            102. The latest news today- The US CDC now says new data appears to show that vaccinated people who contract COVID can spread the Delta variant just as easily as unvaccinated. WOULDNT COUNT ON LETTIN UP ANY TIME SOON. NO MORE TRAVEL AND I TOLD YE SO

            103. Over 1 year ago I was upset that just 10 countries were fully open to travel. Now the number is just 8! I am very sad to see that are moving in the wrong direction. I haven’t had a massage or sex in ages.

            104. The latest news today- The plan to open Pattaya City to foreign vaccinated tourists on September 1st has been officially postponed by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). Worse, the TAT is unable to provide even a guesstimate of when the city will be able to relax restrictions and reopen its economy, devastated by Covid-19 regulations and measures.

              The Pattaya City Mayor Sonthaya Khunplume told local media, “The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has postponed the reopening plan of Pattaya and several other areas, such as Hua Hin, for foreign tourists with no firm future date set.”

              This news, although unfortunate, is not a surprise to many readers or business owners who have now been closed for four months as of today, August 10th, 2021.

            105. I have a friend in the Phuket sandbox right now, and he’s loving it. His hotel comped him an upgrade, and his flight from the UK only had 25 passengers.

              You sir are a Cassandra.

            106. What great news for your friend and the 5 others there. The rest of us are still locked at home INCLUDING PEOPLE IN PATTAYA OZ BEEN LOCKED 16 MONTHS YA FEKHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

            107. The latest news today- Demand for air travel flatlines amid delta variant surge. The highly contagious delta variant of the coronavirus is dampening demand for air travel: cancelations are rising, while passenger loads and air fare are on the decline.

            108. The latest news today- Just 16 percent of the world’s population is fully vaccinated. Many countries, where barely 1 percent of people have received a single dose, are “in for a tough year of either lockdowns or catastrophic epidemics,” according to Adam Kucharski, expert infectious-disease modeler.

            109. The latest news today- People who once thought they’d won the lottery of life by being born in Australia now wake in fright every day to the sudden realisation that they are living in a 21st-century penal colony. The country they once loved has been replaced by something they barely recognise.

            110. The latest news today: I had a marvelous experience wih a 30ish Korean AMP lady who passionately relieved my chronic erection as I sucked on her lovely C cups and fingered her responsive Y. There is a very bright light in the tunnel…

            111. The latest news today- New Zealand Back Into Lockdown As New Cases Detected. Just 7 countries are fully open for travelers. 14 months ago I wrote: “The biggest airline group already said it’ll be 2023 at the earliest that there will be any kind of international travel. It just ain’t gonna happen guy. Find a chick where you are or get better porn so you can take a break from looking for some sunshine. There is none bro. We’re stuck.” I was right.

            112. International borders to open in December, says Qantas.
              Your chance to finally empty your balls and extract all your hanger OZ idiot!!

            113. The latest news today- UN says international tourism won’t rebound until 2023-2024. In a report, the United Nations predicted that international tourism arrivals would likely not rebound to pre-pandemic levels until at least 2023.
              The U.N. study determined that tourism experts believed that global travel would not bounce back until at least 2023 or later, and almost a half of the experts interviewed said it would take until 2024 or later to see 2019 levels.

              UNTIL 2024 OR LATER. OR LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            114. Latest news today: spent my day on the run with a 4 hand massage including wax and then both gals topless, the 20ish Thai lass seemingly shy until she grabbed on to my pole and slid first a cover then her mouth over it, my lips wrapped around the largish second Thai gal. $240:for the pleasure plus a modest tip to each, masks were dispensed with when we disrobed.

            115. The latest news today- Unfortunately, public health officials say there will be no quick and clear turning point ahead in the Covid-19 pandemic, no “X” to mark on the calendar indicating that the worst is past and we can be confident that going forward there will be fewer cases, fewer deaths, fewer hospitals stuffed to their dangerous limits. For the indefinite future, fighting the pandemic is more like a tug of war than an epidemiological ground war.

            116. “People are still in denial,” says Biden advisor Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist and epidemiologist at NYU and Bellevue Hospital. “The sooner people accept the changes in the way we live the sooner we can get to the new normal.”

            117. My biggest change? My massage lady kept her mask on throughout the 90 minute rubdown, somehow lowering it just enough to bring my general to full attention before putting him in uniform and letting me storm her beachhead.

              My troops are working on artwork for the nose cone that shows a woman naked but for her sky blue mask.

            118. In the years after coronavirus, nothing will be as it was before, Pulitzer-prize winning public health journalist Laurie Garrett said.
              “I think we’re going to get four, five years from now and there will not be a single aspect of our lives that’s been unchanged,” she said. “It’s almost impossible to really fully envision what that will look like.”

            119. Hi Rockit, you may have heard already, the rest of Thailand reopens without quarantine for vaccinated people next month after Phuket already on it since July. Hope we’ll see you around.
              Many shops are open in Bangkok, I recently had 2 amazing sessions at Doki Doki and Analisa. Going to Kokoro tomorrow. Stunning girls in the line ups, decent price. Lots of action to have here and now easy access!

              1. Hi Peter. I have heard many things over the last months. Especially in regards to Thailand. The last official notice I’ve read on 17 September 2021 said: “The Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has not officially approved the ‘Bangkok Sandbox’ project and no-quarantine tourism, CCSA assistant spokesperson Apisamai Srirangsan revealed today.” The rest can be found at Pattaya One. Cheers.

            120. The exact date will just rely on the 70% vaccination cap so at the current pace it should be from 22 October, this is the latest estimate. Bangkok is currently at 41% with 2 doses and the past 2 weeks saw a strong acceleration (9% just last week) so this estimate seems realistic.
              Anyway 15, 22 or worst case 29 October : you can start preparing the suitcase! Cheers

              1. The latest update came from The Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) two days ago. Natapanu Nopakun said no reopening plan for Thailand has been approved at all. The same agency says their goal is vaccinate 50% of the people by the end of October. They release their information in English for all to read here. In my long experience in Thailand even an official statement is no promise of anything. But in this case there hasn’t even been an official statement. Cheers.

            121. I’ve read similar reports as Rockit, and that although the plan is to reopen “sometime in October” to fully vaxxed farang, the rate of vaccination among nationals is not as high as the country needs. Peter, you’re closer to the ground and may know otherwise.

              Nice to hear you’re enjoying Analisa’s et. al.! I’m still on their daily social media feeds and imagine the girls are really really happy to have the clientele under current conditions. I was an early adopter of Analisa back when they had only one shop and were blazing the trail with p spot massages and dabbling in extra services.

              1. On the ground reporting is always appreciated. I think Analisa may have limited its number of shops at this point. I know that the Soi 6 location is alive and well. Perhaps Peter could tell us more. Cheers.

            122. “Business travel as we knew it is never fully coming back. The bar to get on a plane to go for a meeting is now higher, and fewer people are going to do it.” Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky

              “Global business travel — especially long haul — will likely be among the last markets to recover. Companies were quick to halt international travel as the pandemic struck, and businesses will also be careful when it comes to restarting travel for work purposes.” Barclays

            123. “The current crisis teaches us, in particular, that travel of all kinds — especially international travel — will have to be infinitely more regulated in order to avoid the spread of pandemics in the long term, to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and to avoid harming the protection of our heritage and natural areas. Coming to Asia from the rest of the world, for the simple pleasure of tourism, will necessarily be limited.” Jacques Attali, counselor to French President Francois Mitterrand, first head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

            124. @Rockit In Thailand it’s all about the unofficial leak first and this has leaked to the usual Thai sources. I can’t read thai so my staffs translate for me. When the rumor leaks on some specific source it ALWAYS happen and I’ve been able to attest this in the last months with the restrictions implementations and releases. They always knew in advance before it got public to farangs. Reading the English news is not what can give you an accurate picture in Thailand.
              By the way yes Analisa soi 6 still operate (and rocks!!). Kokoro too, my Sunday was a dream there. Cheers

              1. I usually rely on Thai language news. Often it is entirely different than what is being reported in other languages. And more accurate. In any event I don’t see much value in guess work. When normal tourist travel to Thailand resumes we will have a definitive answer. Thanks for the continued updates. Cheers!

            125. The latest news today- Thailand has agreed to a proposal to extend the Emergency Decree for another two months, as well as postponing the country’s reopening plan. JAHAHAHAHAHA another 2 MONTHS!!! 20 MONTHS DOWN AND 200 MORE TO GO YOU FUCKAZZZZZZZ

            126. Lol. That runs since even before COVID mate and has nothing to do with the pandemic but with the politics. If you don’t know Thailand, just shut up.

            127. The latest news today- Tourism operators have expressed frustration as Thailand’s re-opening is pushed back yet again. TMIE TO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE THAI TEA! IT”S BEEN 2 YAeRS WHEN WILL YA LEARN????

            128. ACTUAL NEWS HEADLNES- “Opening soon, not yet! Pattaya reopening on 1 Sept might be postponed” One month later “Thailand delays plans to reopen to tourists in October” One month later “Thailand News Today | Nov 1 reopening proposed” HAHAHAHAHA 20 MONTHS OF THIS AND YOU SUCKERS ARE STILL ON THE LINE! FEKKIN FOOLS. YA SHOULDA LISTENED TO OLD COREY BOY I COULDA TOLD YA and in fact I DID TELL YOU

              As I mentioned last month, it’s happening.

              No quarantine anymore to Thailand, Australia reopening, Singapore allowing several countries with no quarantine as well etc. The game is on! The Corey will finally have a chance to empty his balls and release all his hanger and frustration :-D “no mate it won’t take 12 more years before we can start again to have some fun”

            130. The latest news today-Thailand may open for vaccinated travels from just 10 countries, AND they will still have to get a cotton swab in their brain from some low IQ peon when they land, AND be tracked by app while in country. Sounds like a full reopening mate! I’m quite sure millions will show up!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA

              In reality: “Vietnam is planning to reopen key tourist destinations to vaccinated visitors from countries deemed a low COVID-19 risk from December, the government said on Wednesday, October 6, ahead of a full resumption targeted for June next year.”

              That’s a PLAN for MAYBE June of 2023. Which would be what I said all the way back in April 2020 has come true — ABOUT 3 YEARS to even begin to resume normal travel. By then EVERYTHING will be changed. This is “the NEW NORMAL” and sorry but WE CAN’T GO BACK AGAIN!!!!

            131. You missed many announcements mate. The COE is dead, no paperwork headache anymore. Tourists are not tracked by an app during their stay, where the hell did you read this??? Hey Twitter is not CNN. Use your brain, don’t trust everything you read, check facts. “TRY’ being smart for once. And the list of countries will widely expand in 2 months… To include your heaven mate! Aussies! Jan is tomorrow you can book if you’re not too afraid ahahah!
              I’m in the tourism industry and I can tell you that international customers are massively booking Thailand from November. But as always you’ll be the idiot missing the train, being scared of a simple flu.
              As for Vietnam, watch out the lastest government announcements. Things will go much faster there.

            132. The latest news today-Thailand may be locked down again if people don’t observe Covid-19 preventive measures once the country reopens, Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul warned. In addition, Anutin added that risk places like entertainment venues will be monitored seriously, in a bid to prevent the new outbreaks.

              Dr Thiravat Hemachudha, the Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases Health Science Centre chief, is concerned that the arrival of international tourists could trigger another major outbreak.

              Virologist Anan Jongkaewwattana, from the National Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, made concerning comments about the reopening on his Facebook page.

              “If 100,000 tourists visit, how will we do RT-PCR tests because we have never done so many before?” he asked.

              Probably will be fine. Even though they couldn’t process 1000 tourists off a plane at BKK in regular times without a 3 hour bottleneck !

              This all sounds really great mates. And you get a free swab of your brain by some braindead fool dumb enough to work in an airport.

              Global tourism is definitely back! We will all be there in our millions soon. HAHAHAHHAA

            133. The latest news today-The majority of Thai people do not agree with the government’s country reopening plan of letting in vaccinated foreign tourists without quarantine from November 1st, according to results of a recent public opinion poll conducted by Suan Dusit University.

              Sounds like a right friendly environment for tourists. HAHAHAHAHAA

            134. Now that their hairbrained scheme is finalized it is exactly what I told ya.

              “Travellers must download the Mor Chana app and take a second PCR test on arrival or within 24 hours of arrival”

              “In addition to the same testing requirements as Test & Go travellers, they will also be subject to a further test on day 6 or 7 of their stay.”

              “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has begun the process of replacing the Certificate of Entry with the new Thailand Pass which will be accepted from November 2.”

              No reopen for Bangkok bars too — “Bangkok entertainment venues in the city would be too hard to safely regulate and that the nightlife isn’t only a draw to international tourists, but also attracts Thai customers, so it could be higher-risk and lower benefit than other destinations.”

              Just like the good old day in December 2019. Sounds like BIG FUN and millions will be there

              Everything is back to normal mates LOLOLOL

              I told you it would be at least 3 years. Here we are on year 2 and the 3rd year is fast approaching. Enjoy your dillusions!

            135. Here is what I can say. After all this time prostitution is nearly finished in a lot of Western Europe. Some FKK open with limited staff maybe 2 women. Entire flat houses are empty. Some old street whores are demanding 150 Euro for a condom fuck.

              Looks like Eastern Europe or South America may hold the key. But these are also places that are far out of the way and alien. So there can be a real trouble traveling beyond all the COVID requirements. Not to mention the real risk of getting robbed or killed. Explain that to your Mum!

              So for a working class family man like me with limited holiday there is really no option. I hate to say but this was more right on than I thought it would ever be just one year ago. My how the world has changed. And yes it very well looks permanent.

            136. The latest news today- Borders slam shut as world rushes to contain new Covid variant
              The Omicron variant is spreading across Europe
              Thailand bans travel from 8 countries
              US, UK and Europe reinstitute travel bans over new variant
              Israel bans non-citizens to stem omicron spread
              Thailand’s nightlife venues and bars told to keep closed

            137. The latest news today- International travelers stranged in Omicrons wake
              Dozens of countries impose new travel bans
              Japan suspends new reservation on all incoming flights
              WHO advises people 60 or older to postpone travel due to Omicron
              WHO designated Omicron a “variant of concern”
              Mask mandates reintroduced

            138. Today’s headline from world’s most prominent newspaper – Across the World, Covid Anxiety and Depression Take Hold.
              Old Corey boy had it pegged like a sissy!

            139. The latest news today- Long lines for COVID-19 tests in several U.S. cities. Dozens of professional athletes are sitting out games after testing positive. Sporting events in question as professional organizations mull shutdowns. European countries have tightened restrictions and borders. Broadway shows canceled performances, and even plans for New Year’s Eve in Times Square are in question as New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city would “watch very carefully” whether to allow a vaccinated crowd.

              Happy Christmas!

            140. The latest news today- In 2019, the Indonesian island of Bali welcomed around 6.2 million international arrivals. This year, they’ve logged 45.


            141. The latest news today- British Airways have suspended all their flights travelling to Bangkok until October of 2023
              Thailand sees tourism dropping due to Omicron worries
              Southeast Asia slows to a trickle of international tourism
              Around the world, schools are beginning to shift to remote learning, restaurants are closing their doors to the public, and events are once again being canceled as a result of the new omicron variant of the coronavirus.
              Due to “increasing challenges” stemming from the pandemic, the Rockettes decided to cancel their “Christmas Spectacular” shows for the rest of the year.

            142. The latest news today- Nations across Europe moved to reimpose tougher measures to stem a new wave of COVID-19 infections spurred by the highly transmissible omicron variant, including a new nationwide lockdown introduced by the Dutch government.

              Schools, universities, and all non-essential stores, bars and restaurants in the Netherlands will be closed until Jan. 14 starting Sunday, caretaker Prime Minister Mark Rutte said Saturday night. Residents only will be permitted two visitors except for Christmas and New Year’s, when four will be allowed, he said.

            143. UH OH THAILAND TOURIST SCHEME IS RUINED! Citing Omicron, Thailand to Reimpose Quarantine for Tourists. Overseas travelers to Thailand, whether they are foreigners or Thais, will have to undergo mandatory quarantine again soon in order to stem the global spread of omicron variant of the coronavirus, Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said.

              SORRY PETER OLD BOY! Corey was RIGHT AGAIN!

            144. The latest news today- Covid cases rise across Asia, Thailand restarts quarantine
              Thailand will reinstate mandatory Covid quarantine for foreign visitors and scrap a quarantine waiver from Tuesday, Reuters reported. The move was confirmed by the government, which said the action was being taken due to concerns over the spread of the Omicron variant.
              Indonesia added people traveling from Britain, Norway and Denmark to the list of those banned from entering the country.
              ITZ OVER BOYZ

            145. The latest news today- Omicron restrictions hit aviation sector. Airlines canceling flights as demand wanes. Global air travel recovery will remain weak due to omicron uncertainties, aviation analysts say
              MERRY CHRISTMAS!

            146. The latest news today- Omicron spreads global gloom over New Year’s celebrations
              Thailand test and go suspended
              Many small businesses began to reopen as the government declared a “Test & Go” scheme on November 1. Now they are likely to close down again and shut down permanently
              Plans change for 30,000 headed to Thailand
              Most visitors were hesitant to visit Thailand after Omicron cases piled up despite the New Year’s holidays, and that some EU nations are already instituting quarantine for returnees from countries with the new variant.

              HAPPY NEW YEAR!

            147. Thailand will extend the suspension of its quarantine waiver programme and bring in new restrictions after a jump in new coronavirus cases linked to the Omicron variant, the government’s COVID-19 taskforce said on Friday.
              2022 LOOKING LIKE 2020.
              Ask Novak Djokovic!

            148. The rapid spread of Omicron this year has smashed into Thailand’s economy in the middle of peak holiday season, bursting the hope offered by a busy three-day New Year holiday to stricken tourist areas.
              In Pattaya, Thais and foreigners packed the beach for a spectacular New Year’s Eve fireworks display and a long night partying under the stars as hotels booked out for the first time in two years.
              But a week on, the country has crash-landed back in the reality of the pandemic.
              On Friday the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, chaired by Thai PM Prayuth Chan-ocha, closed Thailand’s “Test & Go” quarantine-free entry scheme to new registrations
              WELL NOW OZ opened up and now we are topping a million cases. This will never end. Sorry fellas. CRASH LANDING is appropo, except I been telling you the truth for two whole years, yet you fought me on it. I am still waiting for apologies. You must have plenty of time to write one up since you can’t go nowhere.

            149. Why you think the world being in a mess is a personal victory is something only a psychatrist could explain.You need help. Here’s something I took off the net to get you started.

              Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.

            150. I am not happy at all about the death, illness, or the end of the travel and prostitution. You must be mad man!

              I laugh because I told you all here and some others what was to come in 2020 early, when the writing was on the wall. Yet I was scorned and vilified just for telling the truth.

              I live in the real world, not fantasy land. I laugh now because everything I said turned out to be right, and more is to come! Hold on to your BALLS cause no one else gonna be holding them for a long time yet. Next time maybe you will listen!!!

              COVID is here to stay. MONGERING is dead and buried!

            151. The latest news today-The United States is recording, on average, more than eight hundred thousand coronavirus cases a day, three times last winter’s peak.
              Half of Americans believe that it will be at least a year before they return to their pre-pandemic lives, if they ever do; three-quarters feel that they’re as likely, or more so, to contract the virus today—a year after vaccines became available—as they were when the pandemic began.
              Japan’s government is preparing social restrictions as the omicron variant of the coronavirus infects more people. Japan has never had a lockdown during the pandemic but COVID-19 cases have jumped. The order will be finalized this week and is likely to take effect Friday.

            152. The latest news today- No end of pandemic in sight. US COVID-19 cases are up 266 percent over last years peak. Hospitalizations have passed the previous record. Hundreds of deaths continue each day.

              At the same time, scientists have their eye on another coronavirus variant spreading rapidly in parts of Asia and Europe. It’s officially called “omicron BA.2,” and this week scientists detected cases of it in several U.S. states, including California, Texas and Washington.

              We are approaching spring 2022, and there are now just 4 countries fully open to tourists. This is down from even the beginning of the pandemic. Things have only gotten worse in any measurable term. Sorry to say each and every of my statements made over the last 3 years was borne out and shown to be accurate and correct. BANGO!!!

            153. Curry: “ Hold on to your BALLS cause no one else gonna be holding them for a long time yet. Next time maybe you will listen!!! COVID is here to stay. MONGERING is dead and buried!”

              Fly (in Spanish): Would you like to use my mouthwash? Next time I’ll bring two condoms. Here’s your tip sweetie”

            154. The latest news today- Canada records highest daily COVID death toll ever. Omicron continues to kill 2300 Americans per day. COVID hits 380 schools in Victoria, Australia in just 2 days. February 2022 (the third year): just 4 countries are open to tourism.
              SORRY GUYS!

            155. Hey Corey you seem to be a funny guy, talking with yourself and complaining on the world, sad life, but look I feel for people like you so I give you a reply so you can feel like having a life. Well, I landed in Thailand yesterday and had a fun night in Nana with 2 cuties. Sooooo tough to travel those days man! Have to do a test on arrival Oh My God life is so unfair! Gonna enjoy 3 weeks here having good time like in the good old days. Sad for you but hope your right hand keeps getting stronger watching online porn. Cheers hahahah!

            156. Sucks for you bro. But doesn’t suck as well as the Latinas I’m having regular fun with down here.

              Asia will wait, as long as we take science based precautions and respect each country’s plans for riding this bastard out.

              But let’s be perfectly clear: Corey OZ has tunneled so deep in to his fear mongering, there is no reasoning. It is in our good fortune of course – one less puss filled punter messing with the ever fertile crop of Thai hotties waiting for us…

            157. 3 February 2022 – The restaurant industry will likely never return to its pre-pandemic state, according to the National Restaurant Association. “The industry is unlikely to ever completely return to its pre-pandemic state,” said Hudson Riehle, senior vice president of the Research and Knowledge Group at the National Restaurant Association.

              Now who do we believe? Billion dollar industry heads in charge of restaurants, hotels, airplanes? Or 3 guys who claim to be jet setting with just 4 countries open to tourism?

              HAHAHAHAHA\ Aha


            158. What nation cunt?
              You are SO dumb you copy and paste this shit off some website and don’t even realise you need to edit for clarity or put it in some sort of context.

              You are a pitiful attention seeking cunt

              HAHAHAHAHA\ Aha


            159. The latest news today. A 24 year old Salvadoran woman devoured my cock as I pleasured her similarly, after which we consummated the punting like doggies do. Cost was insignificant, and because we are both triple vaxxed the only protection we needed was a cover to prevent little Jacks.

              It’s not all gloom and doom bro.

            160. Last time I was in Philippines was in March 2020, obviously can’t go back as my country has banned international travel. I was actually on one of the last commercial flights out of the country before Duterte closed the borders. I was living there for about a year running a business. I don’t know how you guys are galivanting around but I envy you!

            161. The latest news today- U.S. adds Mexico, Brazil, Peru and others to “Do Not Travel” list as COVID-19 cases rise globally. The CDC warns all travelers, even if they’re vaccinated, to avoid visiting locations categorized as Level 4. The list includes: Anguilla, Belarus, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, French Guiana, Kosovo, Mexico, Moldova, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Vincent, The Grenadines, Singapore, The Philippines.

              Finally some sunny news! New Zealand will open to fully vaccinated people from Australia or visa waiver countries in July. Though they will still have to test and quarantine. Only 6 months to go and some people from some countries will be able to travel there, after testing and quarantine!

              For now- Only 3 countries are open to travel defined as “Borders are open – there are no restrictions or requirements for most visitors at this time.”

              The vast majority of human beings on planet earth are going exactly nowhere.

              The heads of the world’s largest hotel and restaurant industry groups have publicly stated things will NEVER return to normal. Not my words; but theirs! Google it up my friends. Stay thirsty!


            162. Let’s put it in a different angle. Is the world changing? Yes it does and always had, before, during and after the pandemic. It’s not about going back to any previous state. There was no static state of the sex industry even before the pandemic, it has always been in movement, evolving, adapting etc.
              So stop comparing with the past this is irrelevant. Look forward and adapt yourself to the world around you. You will realize that it’s not a bad place at all, it’s possible to go around and have fun. Stop being a man of the past, forget about your stupid nostalgia and face the world as it is today. Then stop bothering everyone with stupid quotes or articles out of their context with irrelevant sources or scale, I can’t believe you not worth better than that Corey. Grow up now. Stop the provocation it’s fruitless.

            163. Oh man… Thailand is open, Vietnam reopen in March, Australia remove all restrictions, US, UK, Europe etc…
              Hey Corey! Everything you’ve been saying for months is WRONG WRONG WRONG the world learns to live with it and we are on track to the new golden age of travels! Oh wait but hold on, I’m sure you will find 1 article on internet from a weird source stating that a country somewhere still increase restrictions and we can expect shit for 10 years. HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH YOU WERE SO WRONG DUDE! But it obviously entertained you, postings comments after comments without anyone replying on your provocations. At least now you can escape your country and travel again, but you’re obviously too scared for that HAHAHAHHAHAHAH

            164. Seems to me the people who are claiming everything is normal again are like the assholes still complaining about the masks, they just hate the visual reminder that the pandemic is still occurring. They hate the acknowledgment that something has changed.

            165. In June 2020 I said it would be several years before travel got back to normal. It has been several years. Travel is not back to normal.

              Other gys here said Thailand would by fully reopened and everything would be fine in July 2020, then Augst 2020, then October 2020, then April 2021, then October 2021.

              Remember Peter? 12 October 2021 you said “As I mentioned last month, it’s happening.”

              It’s February 2022.

              Who was it that was wrong again?


            166. The latest news today- For the first 10 days of February, there was a total of 55,823 travellers entering Thailand. That’s 5582 a day. On an average month, pre-Covid, there were an average of 110,000 per day.

              110,000 a day in 2019 and 5,582 a day in 2022. Yea seems like we’re back to normal right Petey my boy?


            167. A note to the Rockit: Please consider the possibility that Corey OZ is not an actual human being, but instead is part of a insidious communist plot to spread disinformation and dissent, overturn democracy, and install Putin, Kim Jong and Trump as co-emperors in the New World Order.

            168. This is being overly generous. We’ve suffered COZ for two years now. He’s just a Cheeto chomping nut job wanking over the sticky keyboard of his Dell down in his mom’s basement.

              As both Ian and Peter suggest, the rest of us have accepted changes in the world. I’m not even sure COZ has changed his shorts or washed his armpits in 24 months….

            169. Regular people aren’t going overseas until there are no more testing requirements and quarantine. You’d have to be pretty hard up and desperate to spend a week in a government run prison just to fuck.

            170. Thailand pass has been reactivated on 1st Feb you idiot, couldn’t book before. Who book 1 day in advance? Hey Corey look at the stats in 2nd half of Nov and Dec, see how many people arrived to Thailand. Almost at 2019 level after not even 2 months of reactivation. We’ll see the daily stats in a few weeks when you’ll have let people plan and travel. Compare what is comparable. Case close

            171. Vietnam just announced releasing all restrictions on international flights from today and expect a quick return to pre-covid volume. Great news, I’ll book my flight very soon.

            172. Corey, how can you compare when the country just released restrictions few days ago this is ridiculous and irrelevant. It was booming end of last year until they close again for a month, the daily numbers were significantly higher. Why do you always look at things from 1 angle only and the most negative one? Do you have something to prove? That you are smarter? Well, I think we’ll all agree here that it’s not what you reflect. I really feel for you.

            173. Unlike most these days I live in the real world, not a dream world of my own making.

              Here’s the reality about Vietnam. It’s a proposal for March 15. Visitors will need to show vaccination proof and test and quarantine on arrival.

              International visitors arriving in the country by air would spend one-day quarantine in their hotel or accommodation facility until they furnish a negative Covid test result and would continue monitoring their health for 14 days as per health ministry protocol.

              Not to mention that we’ve been down this road 5 times before. Remember when Greece opened then closed? Remember when Thailand reopened then closed, again, and again?!? HAHAHAH

              What short memories some men have!

              The fact remains. As of February 2022 there are exactly THREE countries that fall under Borders are open – there are no restrictions or requirements for most visitors at this time.

              47 are COMPLETELY closed to visitors including my beloved Japan.

            174. The latest news today- Vietnam’s single-day Covid case count highest since pandemic began
              Vietnam confirmed 31,787 new local Covid-19 cases on Tuesday in 62 cities and provinces, marking the highest daily tally ever.

              Most of Australia’s 1.5 million Covid infections were acquired in the past three weeks.

              Japan confirms 602564 new cases in past week.

              The United States is averaging 540,000 Covid cases per day.

              The world is now averaging 10,600 Covid deaths per day. One year ago we were averaging 9,500 a day.

              Facts are facts. In no sense is anything getting “better”. It doesn’t matter if you lke it. It’s the reality.

              Sorry gys.

            175. All proclamtions from Thai authorities about Tourism past Covid have stated that they now want a different type of visitor. If they can afford to make it more difficult and unattractive for nightlife tourists is another story? Its like telling visitors to Paris: “You cant visit the Eiffel tower, but please come anyway”

              Thailand has a dual economy, the industry- tech part is impressive. But I dont think its enough.

              1. Indeed there were certain voices in Thailand calling for a better class of tourist long before the pandemic. According to what I know tourism accounts for 20 percent of Thailand’s GDP. Or it did before the pandemic. I don’t know how much of that comes from families and large Chinese and Indian tour groups. I do know that many bars were complaining of slow business in 2018 and 2019. At the same time the number of group tours from Asia seemed to be growing. There have long been plenty of tourists in cities like Chiang Mai that aren’t known for adult entertainment too. Tourists are now starting to trickle back into Thailand but the requirements are still rather onerous. On top of that many adult venues remain closed. Things could change one way or another. Only time will tell. I may elaborate on what I wrote here in a future post. Cheers.

            176. The latest news today- Vietnam reached an all time high with 36,000 daily cases.

              COVID death spike hits Japan. Highest daily death toll from COVID-19 reached yesterday.

              2,184 people died from complications of COVID-19 in the US today. 97 percent of the country is reporting high rates of community transmission.

              Over the last two weeks the rate of transmission of COVID-19 in Cambodia has increased significantly. PM promises educating and disseminating the public widely to participate in carrying out the new way of life in the context of Covid-19.

              AND NOW THIS- “Tourists Returning to Thailand Find Closed Bars, Empty Streets” HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

              One of Western OZ biggest tour business operator told media “Two years is a lot longer than any of us thought,.” Not any of us mate! Read what old Corey wrote in first quarter 2020! HAHAHAHAHAHA

            177. Nah Corey you never said that in Q1 2020 you were the same sheep as everyone stating it will fade away after few weeks. You change opinions with the wind and the latest news (lol) but obviously you were wrong from the beginning. Cheers

            178. Yes, there were a plethora of reasons why fewer people came to Thailand the years before the Pandemic. Political unrest, inflation, strong baht, Thailand was “yesterdays news”, dual pricing, corruption, moral values in the West.

              But the Nightlife industry was still a big pullfactor. To take part in.., or watch (I think it was NY Times that called Pattaya “Las Vegas on Steroids”.)

              There are high end resorts in ecofriendly beautiful peacefull surroundings with not a Bar in sight. But the targetgroup for that is small and probably chose destinations in other countries. I know that Chang Mai contradicts this..but they have mainly Chinese tour groups?

              I think the supplyside is what to watch. Will Thai society fundamentally change. If so there is less incentive for many to visit.

              1. I am not sure if Chinese tour groups dominate in Chiang Mai. Based only on my experience I would tend to think the neo-hippie backpacker type and “digital nomads” are more common there. Chinese tour groups seem to be more commin in places like Pattaya. Cheers.

            179. Alex, as per trustable stats back in 2019, 99. 3% of people coming to visit Thailand weren’t coming to buy sex but discover this beautiful country. I live in Thailand for 12 years and I hope it won’t go back to before to avoid all the cheap asshole tourists who think they know Thailand because they’ve been to Pattaya or Nana Plaza. Living here is know where I can get laid easily despite “covid” with much better girls and not more expensive, there are tons of options still but the country is so much more pleasant now.

              1. Thanks for the comments. More sex workers in Thailand probably target local customers than foreigners. That was the case before the pandemic. Cheers.

            180. Nick Dean (a fairly well knowen Bar owner) said that at its height Pattaya had 3000 Bars, with between 3-4 and north of 150 girls in each establishment. Add the masssgegirls and the freelancers. Thats many ladys to have sex with.

              There are University studies and books which deal with economical development and wealth in certain Issan villages that sent a large amount of girls to Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket. Important for that part of Thailand. One of these books is “Love, Money and Obligation” by the anthropologist Patcharin Lapanun.

            181. Typo..Nick Dean from A7, Assienda and NDtv actually said “8000 bars” which sound very high, but maybe including Nakula, East Pattaya, Jomtien.

              1. I haven’t counted the adult venues in the immediate area but there are quite a few. As a sole reporter I have written about some 7 dozen. And I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface. Who knows how many will remain? Some were already pushing to change the image of Pattaya before the pandemic. It could happen. Times Square in New York was once crawling with character. And sex workers. These days it is lined with corporate chain restaurants and visited by tame middle class tourists. Cheers.

            182. Corey OZ June 30, 2020 – International travel is forked for the next few years minimum

              Mark seems unable to read. My remarks are here on the page documented for all of time.

            183. Interesting AlexS, thanks.

              I assume that even if the tourist industry is “reformed” that won’t eliminate the ease of finding action. Thais are very savvy business people : if there’s a market for something, you’ll find people providing it.

              I could do with a little less sleaze bag mongerdom but effortless skin.

              1. Not to mention the fact that there at least as many sex workers targeting local Thai guys as there are sex workers focused on foreigners. Cheers.

            184. Yes, I think it always will be there as a service for those interested – if Thai society dont change dramaticlly and conservative values take over.

              Regarding the comment from Mark above.

              Many married business guys, professionals and journalists I know and have met in Bangkok have casual sex during their stay. They absolutely dont come to Thailand for sex – but its hard to resist “on location”. I have also seen it at 5 star hotels like Hilton and Sofitel where they allow night guests. And I have heared stories from “family guys” who had “encounters” during a typical family vacation.

              So I think more than 0,7% of growen up visitors have P4P sex in Thailand? 10 miljon people used to visit Pattaya each year- a city beaming of sex. Cheers

              1. Thailand has always had a conservative streak. Yet prostitution has existed for many years as well right alongside it. Sex workers certainly wasn’t introduced to Thailand by farang. Though Pattaya undoubtedly grew after being visited by foreign army personnel during the war in Vietnam. I simply cannot fathom why a person would visit Pattaya if they were not interested in sex workers these days. Though others may have their reasons. Cheers.

            185. Alex, that’s just your “perception” that is influenced by who you are and why you visit Thailand for but everyone is not like you. Yee “some” business people will have sex on the go but I’m talking real stats not exceptions or your personal experience. Pattaya may had 10m visitors but what’s the reality behind? Tons of Chinese group tours coming as family and going to walking street to watch, also millions of weekend visitors from Bangkok coming as family to enjoy family resorts on the beachfront like the holiday inn, amari etc. and lots as well enjoying the quiet beaches further south where there are no girly bars just nice beach restaurants. That’s the real Thailand mate, not walking street, Patpong, Cowboy etc. There’s a whole world behind the gogo bars mate. Cheers

              1. As they say different strokes for different folks. I have traveled the world for decades and visited many countries. I have wandered fairly broadly within countries too. Including Thailand. I personally can’t think of much other than women that would interest me in Thailand. Though a yoga instructor or businessman might feel a different way entirely. Cheers.

            186. Fair point Mark. But Tourist groups and russian famiiies would not be strolling around Walking street without the special vibe the go go bars create, people are curious… And North Asians and Indians “go with girls” in very, very high numbers. The Chinese: A few tour groups venture into Bars, I have seen old super confident chinese women viewing the girls- and more Chinese become FIT, free independet travellers and even buy condos.

              I think a fraction of the 10 miljon would come to Pattaya without a seedy Walking street. Soi Mango is important for Koh Samui, Bangla for Phuket. And remember, the Discos in Pattaya are filled with freelancers and there are a couple of thousand masssge shops – a cheaper alternative so it attracts a fair share of our Indian friends.

              And as discussed in another topic. Even younger guys buy sex and many in this group dont understand that the girl is playing a game, a long game but its still transactional.

              Rockit is of course correct. Thailand is in various ways a conservative society but its also sexualized. And a matriachry. And economic status means a lot. All this create a perfect storm and therfore I belive Sex will continue to be a pull factor? But the proof will be in the pudding, if or when its baked differently. Cheers.

            187. Rockit, millions of Bangkokians, even now, go to Pattaya as family on weekends to enjoy the several nice beaches, beachfront restaurants, family resorts etc like I do once a month since Pattaya is the closest resort destination from the, capital. That’s a reality, not yours obviously as you only see sex in Thailand but that’s not what many others see in this country. I was having a beer with the Hilton Pattaya management last week, their numbers are crushing and weekend occupancy is as high as pre covid, this is purely a domestic market crowd, lots of families, coming to enjoy other stuff than walking street. Same for Amari and Holiday Inn where I often go, state of the art kids facilities, water park, kids club etc. On the beachfront main road! And fully booked every weekend! Why do you think owners build family resorts in Pattaya? Because there’s a huge demand. We all have a dick mate, just some don’t exclusively think and act with it. Cheers

              1. I don’t think anyone would argue that Thai people don’t travel within Thailand. I would take umbrage with any description of the beach in Pattaya as beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder of course. But I am clearly not alone in my opinion about that beach.

                And facts are facts. Foreign tourism accounted for 20 percent of Thailand’s GDP before the pandemic. The Thai GDP per capita PPP is just over 17,000 USD. China’s is only slightly higher.

                The UK GDP per capita PPP is over 46,000. Australia’s is over 48,000. Germany’s is over 55,000. And US GDP PPP is over 60,000. At this moment in time tourists from those countries are at the very least equipped to spend much more than many local tourists on the basis of simple numbers. This is the main reason so many attempt to draw in visitors from these countries.

                Would people travel to Thailand if they couldn’t spend time with women there? Surely. Some percentage already do. I don’t think anyone would argue with that either. But none of this should discount a multi-billion dollar industry.

                Pattaya was once just a sleepy fishing village. Visiting soldiers from the war in Vietnam are what transformed the place. Patpong was built up from a vacant area to cater to foreign soldiers too. Soi Cowboy was developed by an American veteran called TG Edwards.

                Then there are the local histories. Nana Plaza is named for now-deceased owner Lek Nana who also helped found the Democrat Party. Chuwit Garden was US-educated Chuwit Kamolvisit’s place. He made his money from soapy massage parlors before he ran for parliament. Every major city in Thailand has adult entertainment venues. Most are aimed at local Thai men.

                As stated I have traveled far and wide for decades. That includes a lot of travel within Thailand over a long period of years. Much of my travel had very little if anything to do with sex. This website was created to cover the topic of sex work internationally.

                I don’t “only see sex in Thailand”. But as I say I simply can’t see anything that would draw me to the country over the 195 others in the world if it weren’t for the existence of Thai women.

                This is my personal opinion. You are of course free to disagree. Though I can’t help but wonder why you would seek out a website that reports on the commercial sex industry when there is apparently so much more to see.


            188. The latest news today-The Thai Ministry of Public Health has once again upgraded the risk of COVID-19 infection to Level 4, the second highest level, across the country. Thais are advised to ‘delay interprovincial travel’.

              No water park for Mark HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

            189. I have only stayed at Hilton Pattaya in normal times, perhaps 80 night? Guests take “new friends” to dinner at the “Edge” or for a drink at “Drift” or just chilling by the pool in the morning. I never (anymore) bring girls back to my room, but many other guys do which is apparent at night, it can be a queue downstairs. I am really happy to hear that the hotel is doing fine on weekends, but hardly the rest of the week? A Youtuber, Tazuan TV did videos last year from Hilton and it looked deserted.

              I stopped frequenting Holiday in because of large groups of loud fun-seeking travellers from a certain country. They did not come to Pattaya to visit the Sanctuary of truth.

              Domestic tourism is an important supplement but it is not enough for the City. (Some Bangkokonians spend big, others just park the car and stroll around the beach).

              International tourism will eventually bounce back, and the nightlife (the girls) will in the future be a pull factor, just like before.

              Hilton was not built to be a family resort. A bit different with Holiday in, and yes, more than a few families 2012- 2015.

              1. I have stayed at the Hilton. I met a working gal there not long ago. I’ve also seen Paris Hilton’s sex tape. I have been in the Holiday Inn but like you didn’t find it a desirable place to stay.

                Sex work will certainly not disappear from Thailand. How many particular venues and cities will recover is something yet to be seen. Two years is quite a long time these days. Cheers.

            190. The latest news today- More contagious BA.2 variant spreading in US. Variant could once again foil the nation’s hopes of getting back to normal.

              Deadly BA.2 subvariant spreading in more than 74 countries.

              BA.2 virus isn’t just spreading faster than its distant cousin. It may also cause more severe disease and appears capable of thwarting COVID-19 defenses.

              Thailand reports 18,000 daily cases, 32 deaths.

              Pattaya health officials crackdown on Covid-19 measures at “restaurants” that sell alcohol

              2 years on, Pattaya Walking Street still desolate

              Fortress Australia with 94% vaccine rate reports 43 deaths.

              “We have all come to understand what was not understood at the beginning of this crisis: that there is no end date.” California Governor Gavin Newsom.

              It was understood by at least one mate. An old boy by the name of Corey from OZ!HAHAHAhahahaha

            191. The latest news today- Hong Kong bans international flights with little notice. Residents are stranded overseas.

              Could happen to anyone anytime. It’s why travel ain’t back yet.

            192. Cambodia Health Ministry spokesman Hok Kim Cheng said yesterday that there is no escape from the Covid-19 virus which will keep mutating into other variants which could be more dangerous than existing ones sooner or later.

              Now they are coming around to old Corey’s view from JUNE 2020! HAHAHAHAHAHHAA

            193. Mytho Corey you never said so back in June you’re just a sheep changing direction with the wind. By the way to be exhaustive on your “news” you forgot Thailand that ease further the entry process from 01 March. Funny no? You always forget to mention the positive news to focus only on depressing updates. AHAHAHA that must be soooo fun to know you in person I guess you’re surrounded by friends and fans looking for the divine light of your superior intelligence AHAHAH

            194. The latest news today- Covid cases surge in Asia. 26,000 yesterday in Singapore. 27,179 in Malaysia. 55,903 in Japan. Vietnam 55,879. 57,491 in Indonesia with 257 deaths. 100,000 in South Korea.

              COVID deaths and hospital admissions on the rise in Germany. 220,000 in one one day!

              USA got so many they stopped counting!

              WALL STREET JOURNAL HEADLINE: Fast-Spreading Covid-19 Omicron Type Revives Questions About Opening Up

              Everything back to normal right? HAHAHAHAHHAA

            195. Facto Mark. Learn how to use search function on your phone mate. My words are etched into the screen here.

              Corey OZ June 30, 2020
              International travel is forked for the next few years minimum

              Corey OZ July 8, 2020
              THERE WILL BE NO INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL! overseas travel not return to normal until 2023.

              Corey OZ July 13, 2020
              Tourism is finished as we knew it time to readjust

              Corey OZ July 23, 2020
              it will take 5 years for the travel and tourism industry to go back to “normal”

              And Thailand “ease” will be like a ladyboys cock eased up your arse. HAHAHAHA

              With this “ease” tourists need to test before flying, again when they land, and again on day 5. Can do the day 5 yourself but still gotta turn it into the boys. Also need 20,000 US$ in insurance. Also have to spend your first day in quarantine. and if you tests positive? hAHAHHAHA yea real EASE sure there will be millions coming in any day now to visit all the great stuff since Walking Street and Soi Cowboy are deader then your dick baby hHAHAHAHAHA

              Mates you should have adjusted in 2020 when I told yhe

            196. Cory, I know people who have been to and come back from Thailand, using the sandbox option, since December 2021. No issues.

              My Thai gals wonder why I’m not also there. I’m afraid to admit to them that I’m suffering the big boned Latinas for now until my employment pendulum swings back so I can schedule my General McArthur return. I will say I’m enjoying the big breasts and booties that seem to grow wild down here, but missing my cold Chang and warm teerak.

            197. The latest news today- Hong Kong mortuaries hit capacity as COVID deaths climb despite ZERO Covid approach.

              Another sad day

              Jack, mate, it’s a real long flight to South America from here and probably even impossible. Because I’d have to stop off in a country to ge tthere. After the distance testing and quarantine why bother? Especially for plump white birds that I can fuck right here in me backyard.

              Sandbox ain’t going to do it either. I used to just hop over for a quick 5 or 7 day nip and back home to work. Now I’ll have to plan, reserve a hotel, get visas, get tests, maybe quarantine. Sorry mate, I went abroad for rest and relaxation

            198. The latest news today-Rules for the much vaunted “tourism reopening’ for Vietnam on March 15 have been revealed.

              Tourists will have to quarantine for 72 hours after arriving in Vietnam; the first 24 hours being mandatory. They would be tested for Covid twice on the first and third day after arrival. In case the tourists want to travel to other places after one day, they would have to be tested three times in as many days.

              Furthermore, all tourists would have to produce a negative PCR test result obtained within 72 hours of departure, instead of rapid antigen test results as proposed by the tourism ministry.

              Unvaccinated children under 12 would not be allowed to leave their accommodation until they furnish negative Covid test results for seven consecutive days, the health ministry suggested.


              2023 only 9 months away mates!!! it’s been a looooooooooooong time

            199. The latest news today-Romania and Norway are now open to tourism. This brings the total number of countries open to tourists to 11. Other destinations now open include Jordan and Slovenia.

              Too sad none ov em have working girls ey lads? Maybe another 30 months??

            200. Actually I saw in a State-Run Paper of Record from Hanoi Mickael my boy. One of these days you’ll learn to listen to old Corey. Or you will keep on getting your heart broken! Keep your hands on your dick!!!

            201. Mate, I’m in Vietnam this month and my dick is not in my hands like yours but in Saigon delices. Nice party yesterday with 2 early 20’s working so hard on my Johnny. You’re the last one to be scared and not traveling you wanker, we have all moved on. Enjoy youporn hahahah!

            202. Select your sources mate, in other words use your brain. Internet is full of contradictory info, you’re obviously not at the level yet to navigate properly through it so stay quiet and learn first before barking.

            203. HAHAHAHAH Vietnam has suspended visa waivers, issuing of visas, and the entry into Vietnam for most foreign nationals, regardless of vaccination status. There are a very small number of exceptions for diplomats on official business and certain high-skilled workers and for foreigners and overseas visitors holding valid permanent or temporary residence cards, visas and visa exemption certificates. These people do not need to obtain prior approval from ministries and local authorities before entering. HAHAHAHHAHA

            204. Our poor little idiot-friend corey must be so depressed seeing so many countries reopening that he’s too busy crying on his wishes not materializing with no time anymore to post scary fake news on the virus. Mate it feel so good empty balls in a sweet Thai cutie you should try! It’s fuuuuuuuun here come over and we’ll have some beers! What are you afraid of? Covid? Hahahaha. Cheers

            205. The latest news today- New deltacron variant discovered in Europe. WHO COVID-19 technical lead Maria Van Kerkhove, said at a news conference “the pandemic is far from over.”

              The United States is averaging 1,291 Covid-19 deaths per day.

              China continues to lock down as omicron spreads fast.

              Pfizer chief Albert Bourla says fully vaccinated people will need a fourth shot later in 2022, and that COVID-19 is not going to go away in the coming years.

              18 countries are now fully open to travel. They include holiday hot spots known for their sexy women and nightlife like Montenegro, Slovenia, Jordan and Iceland.

              Visitors from Australia, regardless of vaccination status, need to provide a negative COVID-19 test result and quarantine to enter Thailand. Visitors from Australia cannot enter Japan.

            206. Interesting. You are the only one in the world who still think quarantine is needed to enter Thailand. Example: I just came in again, no quarantine, just 2h to get the result. No tracking, the app is just to receive your result mate! Then the fun is full on. Nice to see the good vibes coming back in the key spots. I know you won’t like it hence I feel for you. You prefer quarantine etc. Sorry you’ll miss that. Oh and by the way you don’t need to test anymore before leaving your country, just test on arrival and an atk you do by yourself after few days. Takes 1 min. Facts mate not legends.

            207. The latest news today- Foreign affairs ministry reminds tourists Thailand’s land borders mostly still closed
              Two years into Thailand’s reaction to the Covid pandemic, Thailand’s State of Emergency will remain in effect

              The CCSA has announced that starting April 1, travellers arriving in Thailand from abroad won’t have to take pre-arrival Covid-19 tests. Visitors must still take RT-PCR tests once they arrive in Thailand. Under the Test & Go and Sandbox schemes, visitors must also still take antigen self-tests (ATK) five days after arriving, monitored at their hotels. International arrivals must also still have Covid-19 insurance coverage of at least US$20,000.

              Positive tests result in mandatory 10 day quarantine in a government approved cell

            208. Hey Petey my boy make sure you get all your drinks in before 23:00 when the booze is banned for the night. Have fun with your mask on and don’t forget your app! It’s gonna be another DRYYYYYYYY SONKGRAN hahhaahahahahahahaha

            209. App is gone from my phone at the minute I got my results. Songkran won’t be dry this year government confirmed already. Mask is not on when I do DATY to the cute girls on Sukhumvit. My balls get emptied twice a day so far and both thank you to stay far from the fun. You may want to see glasses half empty only it’s your nature but normal people are enjoying what you don’t!! Hahahahahaha

            210. Our friend Mr Corey is sooooo quiet since all Southeast Asian countries are fully reopening and his predictions are not materializing as usual. Hey mate come around instead of hiding in your boring country with your sad life there’s so much fun to have here! Cheers hahahahahaha

            211. The latest news today-Even after Thailand relaxed its requirements on testing and health insurance, the number of international arrivals has been between 5-8% of pre-Covid levels, according to the Thai tourism ministry.

              With a midnight curfew, tracking apps, raids and 90% of fun stuff being closed who would bother other than the hardcore sex addicts??HAHAHAHAHAHA

            212. Countries still fully and completely closed to tourists-
              Hong Kong
              New Zealand

              Asian countries fully open with no restrictions or requirements for most visitors at this time-

            213. Well the reality from the ground is no curfew, no tracking app, no raids and lots of venue opening / reopening. Working in the tourism business I see our volume at country level being back to 75% of what we had in 2019. China cannot travel? Best news ever! It has never been as pleasant as now to visit Thailand, without all the cheap group tours messing up every places. And remember they were 35% of the international arrivals pre covid.
              There’s the world you see on your laptop wanking on women you’ll never touch, and there’s the reality on the ground you’ll never understand because you are thousand miles away from the fun. A piece of advice? If you don’t know then just don’t pretend you do.

              1. Thanks for the comment. Although there actually is an alcohol curfew in place. It was recently extended to midnight a day after at least two venues in Pattaya were raided for selling alcohol too late. This was reported over at The Thaiger. Adult venues like bars that are open are officially operating as “restaurants” at the moment to get around restrictions. Cheers.

                1. Indeed, alcohol ban from midnight on SOME venues is not a curfew. Words have their meaning. Such as tracking apps, it was never that, just the channel to receive the result of the test, and anyway not in place anymore with the termination of the test & go. Cheers

            214. 75% of tourist numbers from pre-pandemic. Where is that? Stickman writes about dire situation in Hua Hin. Koh Samui and Pattaya probably have 10-20-30% (at best) compared to a normal year. And please dont repeat that people from Bangkok come down for the weekend and stroll the beach and stay at a few upmarket hotels. A friend is in Pattaya now, talked to him today, it looks very bad. A good high season from november? Could be but I would not bet on it, many factors in play. Cheers.

            215. Hey Mr Alex I give my view on every single post thinking people care for my opinion. Are you in Thailand currently? I don’t think so. Then why are you talking? How can you know and get a feel of things? From your “friends”? The 7 hotels I’m covering are indeed back to 75% of the volume we had in 2019 at the same time and 5 of them are in Bangkok. These are stats based on 1900 rooms inventory in total. The fact is the occupancy increases by 2 digits month on month since the beginning of the year and with the latest developments in and outside Thailand it’s gonna sustain the growth. Now stop talking and commenting everything and just come mate. There’s lot of fun to have. Yes things are different than pre covid and in my personal opinion it’s a good change focusing more on quality. Cheers.

              1. I appreciate your on the ground and in the hospitality business perspective. Couldn’t agree more on how the staunching of group tours significantly improves how much there is to enjoy in Thailand. I was there through September 2020, so after the country started opening up (before the next, serious wave) and was selfishly thrilled at empty beaches and even the lack of drunken mongers. I had zero problem finding many eager companions through TF, although I also know that the intervening months made things very difficult all around.

            216. I have spent a long time in Thailand, working and recreation. I have many current contacts on the ground. Great if your business in Bangkok is doing ok Mark, but the situation in tourist related areas is dire, in Hua Hin, Koh Samui, Pattaya, parts of the tourist infrastructure is gone, other places have a lot less customers – why do you have a problem acknowledging that. Talk to people in Pattaya. Watch vloggers. The proof is in the pudding, we can afterwards look at numbers of International arrivals – nobody belives predictions from TAT.

              Chinese tourists. Yes, unlikely they will be back this year. More and more chinese travelers became FIT but even so called zero dollar tourgroups generate much needed cash for Thailand, for example wages for the people working in the service industry. If we care about Thailand we should hope the Chinese return.

              And Dude, dont get personal, you threw shit at me earlier this year, I should have told you back then that its fucking unacceptable. Have a great life.

            217. The latest news today-The highly infectious and immune-resistant Omicron BA.2 and BA.2.12.1 subvariants are causing a new surge of infections across the US. On 4 May 2022, 119,865 official new infections were recorded in the US.
              BA.2.12.1, BA.4 and BA.5 found in Australia, with a 7 day average of 41,000 daily infections. The arrival of Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 were marked by their ability to significantly evade a previous antibody response through past infection or vaccination.

            218. Hahahaha spot on all! Just lovin’ seeing you barking, Alex, Corey, Rockit same state of mind, terrific! At least Jack has a functioning brain he’s using. Well, yes covid implies massive changes, yet fun is there and that’s all what matter to me. Plus a much more pleasant atmosphere than pre pandemic without the 10+ million group tours from China, it’s heaven! 10%,20%,50% from pre pandemic volume who cares?! Life is not about quantity but quality, but you sexpats with a dick as brain cannot understand that. Example: for some Pattaya is just a pussy place, for others it’s a beach destination 2h from bkk with nice family resorts, cool restaurants by the sea especially when you get out of the city center, lots to enjoy like sea fishing, water sports etc. It’s all about who we are before putting an opinion on a situation and the way you guys see the time we are in says a lot about that. Cheeeeers!

              1. I would imagine that people working in tourism would care about the number of inbound tourists. Enjoy beautiful Pattaya beach. Cheers.

            219. Rockit, in case you don’t know the shop, check Momo Massage in Thonglor next time you’re around. It’s a few meters away from the BTS exit 3 in a tiny soi, very discreet yet easy to find. Not a nuru place FYI.

              Top top quality ladies at more affordable price vs Mitu, Doki, Daisy etc. I’ve visited the shop 4 times in the past 2 months and I’m quite amazed by the quality of service and gals. Only 20’s with most in their early, slim, fit, cute and really pretty, basically you can’t get it wrong and there’s always at least 5 ladies to pick from.
              Thb300 for the jaccuzzi room is a bargain and I highly recommend. You end up paying thb 2800 for 90 minutes, 2 shots in a nice room with a A type girl. The mamasan is not the friendliest on earth but the girls make it.

              Special mention to Mikki, 22yo little cracker with a body to die for and a great conversation, she’s totally fluent as she lived 2 years in Australia and traveled a lot in her young life. She’s cute, funny, smart, fun and hooooooooot. Stunning blowjob and the doggy you’ve ever dreamed to have.. Probably the best massage experience I had in my 6+ years in bkk. Cheers

              1. Thanks for the detailed report! I have heard of Momo. I don’t think I have been there. It sounds like a nice place. I will try to stop by the next time I am in Bangkok. Cheers.

            220. The latest news today-Virus mutations aren’t slowing down. Australia has three new subvariants spreading and the second-highest daily infection rate in the world. In the first four months of this year alone, there have been more than twice as many deaths than in the rest of the pandemic, Health authorities are warning of worse winter surges in both Covid and the flu.
              The administration of United States President Joe Biden forecasts a fall and winter wave of COVID-19 amid waning of vaccine immunity, with a potential for 100 million infections and upticks in deaths and hospitalizations.
              Reports of new coronavirus cases have doubled in the past month as Omicron subvariants have spread across the country. Cases are already increasing. Some places, including Hawaii, Maine and Puerto Rico, have seen recent case counts approach or surpass the levels seen during last year’s Delta surge. Hospitalizations are also on the rise.
              Beijing races to contain ‘urgent and grim’ Covid outbreak as Shanghai lockdown continues
              So far, in 2022, Thailand has attracted well under 1 million international arrivals. PM hopes that number may reach 20 million in 2023, if Covid dissipates. Before COVID, Thailand had over 40 million annual visitors.
              Japan remains closed to tourism with no plans to reopen. Same for China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, representing almost a quarter of the world’s population.

            221. The latest stats today. 300k international visitors in Thailand on the 1st week of May following the termination of the Test & Go. This is more than full month of April. May on track to exceed 1m visitors vs 2.7m in the same month in 2019. Cheers

              Not bad knowing there’s no test required for only 1 month. Some other projections estimate Q3 at 750k / month and Q4 at 1.5m. Take just 2018 with its 32m visitors in the year and remove the 28% of Chinese it was 23m visitors vs 10 this year. Not at the level yet but at a more than respectable level already, same as what the country was seeing in the early 10’s. Cheers

            223. Had a walk on Soi 33 yesterday, nice to see so many shops open. A few new that I’ll check later, but I was first attracted by Dream Heaven that is now located there. 6 women on staff at 4pm but none of my taste so I stopped by Akane (yes still there!). 15 ladies available like in the good old days. Cheers

              1. Thanks for the on the ground report. Some shops in Bangkok say they are nearly back to pre-pandemic levels of business. Cheers!

                1. Message posted today on Daisy Dream LINE account:

                  Dear Daisy Dream lovers

                  Following the previous message we are receiving a lot of success and a lot of phone calls

                  Thank you so much for your interest ❤️

                  It is impossible to handle all the phone calls at the moment unfortunately.

                  Please remember that booking is not mandatory at all. You can come to the shop and sit comfortably in the lounge and take your time to choose a girl. Our awesome mamasan will help you.

                  Than you again for all your love and see you soon at Daisy Dream

                  … Yep, business is back. Cheers.

            224. India will probably be an even stronger market for Thai tourism. And many tourist areas adapt to this with new venues Hopefully Indian tourists will “mature” and better understand how to behave, but its a learing curve – and European travelers misbehaved when travel was less common (and some Westerners still act badly).

              However, prognosis from TAT are never more than hot air…

            225. Wait @Peter, Akane is still open? I thought they closed both locations back in 2019?

              It was a niche shop but I enjoyed many cat baths and P-spot massages finishing with bagged oral.

              1. Yes it still there! At least on soi 33, the one next to Central Embassy closed a few years ago before the pandemic.
                I had a 1h session with Anna, not the best experience to be honest, decent but quite mechanical. I wouldn’t recommend. But hey that’s a cheap place and still a decent value for money, you can get a 40 min session with basic nuru massage and BJ for THB 1280. Ideal for a quick break when passing by the area. Cheers.

            226. Thailand pass not required anymore from 1st July. All venues incl bars getting back to normal operations. The city is changing fast with lots of venues opening / reopening and the key spots are getting busier everyday. COVID is behind, full stop.

            227. Funny Corey is gone hopefully forever. The guy must be browsing for hours to find a bad news on COVID without any success. You used to be quite communicative to share bad stuff, why don’t you report on the current status anymore? Because you only do bad news? Hahaha what a mindest.
              Hey mate we know you’re watching! Be fair play in the lost too, acknowledge that you got it wrong mate. Open your eyes it won’t take 2 more years before people travel and have fun again hahaha. And now come don’t be scared of the virus I’m sure you’re vaccinated hahahaha. Cheers amigo!

            228. The latest news today- Thailand’s tourism far from recovering with huge jobs and business losses in last two years. Though tourism has picked up in recent months, the industry is far from recovering, with huge jobs and business losses

              I was gettin geared up to go now that they dropped all requirements. but mates say pattaya is nothing but old women and half the town is empty. Walking Street is half dark, filled with indians

              still can’t get to Japan either.

              So unfortunately still stuck here for now.

            229. The latest news today- Thailand expects 9.3 million foreign arrivals this year, a far cry from the 40 million visitors in 2019. Arrivals are expected to reach 24 million, or 60% of pre-pandemic levels, as far off as 2024, the World Bank said in a report Wednesday. “Tourists will return, but our survival will be challenging,” Tourism Council of Thailand President Chamnan Srisawat said. “Less than half of tourism businesses have resumed, and those that are open again don’t have enough customers to operate profitably.”

              No wonder the agogo bars are still empty! I originally thought 3 years for back to normal. Looking more and more like it could be 5+

            230. Well gents.. Sad news.. Corey is not Corey anymore. I mean the guy seems alive but the passion has fade away..

              Well, my turn.

              The latest news today, from the ground, not from an imagination lost in a countey side somewhere on the planet.
              Gogos are buuuuuuuusy, June has seen almost same number of international tourists as 2019…yes without Chinese!! What a heaven… And promising outlook for when they’ll back. Q4 this year is expected to be above 2019. Every day some new flights are rescheduled but the prices remain high because the demand is too high! Some massage parlors refuse customers because not enough staff or advice they cannot handle the large volume of messages.

              But hey man! Stay away from here we don’t need you ahahah it’s obviously dead here no fun to have at all! Cheers from Bangkok Sukhumvit soi 4 hahahaha

            231. 3.1 millions international arrivals in Thailand in October. Comparable level with 2019. Without China travelling, and marginal Japanese and Korea volume compared to pre pandemic. And these were the highest source markets back then. Who said here that it will never be back to the same level, or best case take at least 5 years?

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