Tia Ling interview – Asian American porn star
Tia Ling is one of most adventurous and sensual porn stars to emerge in recent history. As she explained, she started out as a stripper… More »Tia Ling interview – Asian American porn star
Tia Ling is one of most adventurous and sensual porn stars to emerge in recent history. As she explained, she started out as a stripper… More »Tia Ling interview – Asian American porn star
My ongoing series of interviews with sex workers has really been picking up steam. I’ve contacted a few people around the industry and the responses… More »Interview with Asian-American porn star Lana Violet
Welcome to yet another installment of my ongoing series of interviews with people in and around the sex industry. This time I was lucky enough… More »Interview with webcam and fetish model AstroDomina
Not to be confused with the large soapy massage parlor with a similar name, the P.P. Massage being reviewed here is a small oily massage… More »Review: P.P. Massage in Pattaya, Thailand (CLOSED)
Today I present a question and answer session I just completed with writer P.C. Anders. If you are unfamiliar with the man, P.C. Anders is… More »Interview with erotic massage book author P.C. Anders
There’s isn’t much in this post that’s going to help you. At the very most it might entertain you or at least jog some positive… More »Niya Yu was one of the best porn stars ever
Anyone who watches even a bit of porn will probably have noticed the recent proliferation of these shiny jeweled butt plugs jammed up plenty of… More »Where did all these jeweled butt plugs come from?
For the latest in a now ongoing installment of interviews on the site, I was lucky enough to interview adult entertainer Mila Milan. I first… More »Interview with international porn star Mila Milan
I recently read a news article on the bust of a massage parlors in the United States. The bust netted 2 women at the end… More »Why do men pay for sex?
What is the average American porn star like? Is this a question you’ve asked yourself? Even if it is, I’ll guarantee you didn’t go as… More »What is the average American porn star like?
A significant percentage of the traffic to this website comes from people entering phrases into a search engine such as “how can I know if… More »Where to get a happy ending massage in the US
Today I want to take time out to thank my readers, who continue to grow in great numbers on a daily basis. This website is… More »Thank you for helping me access more tits and ass!
Have you heard of the new Iceland porn born? Destined to be as completely ineffective as every other method of censorship that has come before… More »Why is porn banned in Iceland?
Riku Hinano is a hot little tanned Japanese AV star. I’ve written before on the greatness of Japanese gyaru. As an admitted fan of these… More »From regular Japanese girl to gyaru: Riku Hinano
My Friend You is nestled at the eastern end of the notorious Soi 6 in Pattaya, Thailand. It is one of many bars in a… More »Review: My Friend You Bar in Pattaya, Thailand
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Jay Walken, the author of several books based in Southeast Asia that would be of interest to many… More »Interview with erotica author Jay Walken
Gentlemen, Tokyo’s borderline Governor Shintaro Ishihara has finally left the building, taking along with him his morality police according to much of the adult media.… More »Japan’s sex industry expands and lowers rates
Here’s an increasingly common question from men: should I shave my pubes? Excuse the pun, but there is no clear cut answer. It really depends… More »Should guys shave their pubes?
Rola Takizawa (aka Lola Misaki) just made her debut in Japanese AV in late 2012. Yet she has already become something of a celebrity in… More »Is AV star Rola Takizawa now working as prostitute?
According a sex-oriented myth-busting section in the Japanese publication Nikkan Gendai, a Japanese prostitute says she can tell whether or not a man is healthy… More »Taste testing cum for diseases in Japan
Dr BJ’s Salon is the preeminent blowjob bar in Thailand, a country that has probably more blowjob bars than any other country in the world barring Japan… More »Review: Dr BJ’s Salon in Bangkok, Thailand (CLOSED)
Honey Massage is one of the most easily accessible if not most well-known soapy massage places in Pattaya, Thailand. That’s so true that the road… More »Review: Honey Massage in Pattaya, Thailand
In a move apparently meant to bolster Japan’s bid to host that Olympics that doesn’t seem to interest anyone other than Tokyo’s beloved governor Shintaro… More »Japan’s strip clubs are under attack
There is a very interesting, if sensationalist, five part article over at Vietnam’s Tuoi Tre News about what it’s like working in a massage parlor… More »What it’s like to work in a Vietnamese massage parlor