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Review: Silver Star 2 in Pattaya, Thailand

Most tourist heavy areas of Thailand are home to numerous agogos. In some places there can be so many crammed so close together that one blends in with another. With most operating a very similar model and even staffing similar gals it just doesn’t make sense for me to try and review every go go bar in the Land of Smiles.

Over the last three years I’ve reviewed a few go go bars in Thailand. Some were just general reviews to comment on places I’ve visited. Others were meant to shed some light on more unique venues. Silver Star 2 (not to be confused with Silver Star 1 located one street over on Soi 8) in Pattaya deserves a mention for the quality of its nightly entertainment which is a fun and interactive echo of the rowdy days of go go old.

Silver Star 2 Agogo

Silver Star 2 isn’t located on Pattaya’s famous Walking Street. That’s a good thing for serious punters. As I’ve written here before Walking Street is turning into something of an open circus where group tours from China and Korea mix with Eastern Europe families on vacation, walking up and down the over crowded stretch gawking at the bars and snapping pictures of unwilling models. Silver Star gets its share of customers but it never gets crowded or overrun with rubberneckers.

Silver Star 2 could probably be missed by someone who wasn’t looking for it. In the mix of neon lights and beer bar girls calling guys in from the street that emerges after dark on lower Soi 7 one could conceivably walk right under the giant silhouette of a woman straddling the street. Anyone would was actively looking for the Silver Star 2 or an agogo bar in general should have no problems though.

It’s not a large place but it certainly has enough room to fit the punters who find their way inside. Walls around the raised stage are lined with seats and there are more seats around the large bathtub toward the back.

Nude dancers

That stage and bathtub are worth noting. The stage is always filled with at least a half dozen gals. Usually the number is double that. Unlike some of the more modest spots around town the majority of the girls dancing at Silver Star are either topless or fully nude. They aren’t the hottest girls in the world but most look good enough and a few could even be described as gems. The fun bags on display are almost universally good too. I’ve never seen any serious saggers or hangers here.

When a customer buys a lady drink for a gal dancing at the Silver Star they can expect that she will promptly join him. If she was dancing topless she’ll likely remain topless when she comes over. A little bit of fondling is even common. I haven’t seen anything too extreme on the floor between customers and staff members but some fun is certainly being had.

The mamasans at Silver Star 2 are attentive and easy going. When they notice a guy sitting alone or expressing interest in a girl they’re quick to show up to help move things along. They are also quick to back away when a customer indicates that he’s not interested in barfining a gal at the moment.

All of the women working at Silver Star 2 seem to be up for going out with customers. More than a few could even be described as eager. Quoted rates are pretty standard. I haven’t heard of any price gouging. They don’t pressure punters for drinks either.

The bath tub show

Unlike the staff at some other go go bars in Thailand the staff members at Silver Star aren’t in a rush to put their clothes back on when they’re rotated off stage either. It’s not out of the norm to see a half dozen or more gals sitting or strutting around with their tits out at any given time. Considering how nice some of the knobs I’ve seen at Silver Star 2 are that’s a real treat.

The most entertaining aspect of the nightly goings on at Silver Star 2 is the bath tub show. These shows start early and seem to keep going well into the late hours. There’s not a lot of time spent with an empty tub. The bubble filled bath is usually occupied by two fully nude Thai ladies with good bodies. They get into all sorts of fun with each other before eventually turning their attention to any guys sitting around the tub.

I’ll leave it up to you to imagine what that fun entails but suffice it to say it involves a lot of hands on activities and plenty of ice cubes. Don’t come crying to me if one of those ice cubes emerges from a dark place and lands in your 130 Baht drink though.


I’m not big on tipping gals for dancing at Thai go go bars. They’re becoming enough like the sexless strip clubs of the United States as it is. At the Silver Star 2 I can see where it would be deserved for the women sliding around in the suds. Even I’ve shelled out a few Baht for these babes after a particularly rousing round of bath time bounce.

There are only a couple of downsides to Silver Star 2. The first is the bathroom attendant. I know that these are not uncommon in Thai go go bars but the fact is I’m never going to get used to a guy giving me a shoulder and back rub while I’m standing at the urinal relieving myself. There’s also an uncomfortable pressure to tip the guy. I don’t mind tipping when I feel its deserved but I don’t like being pushed to do it either. That’s especially true in Thailand where tipping isn’t standard practice.

The second downside is that the staff is not loaded with stunners. I guess that’s to be expected considering the location and type of entertaining that goes on here, but I can’t help but long for the super sexy hard body babes that pack in to some of the more well known a go gos.

I give Silver Star 2 a solid three-and-a-half stars. It’s hardly the best agogo in Pattaya but it does offer the kind of raunchy adult entertainment that used to be common. You know, back before the introduction of coyote dancers and girls who don’t do barfines. Either that or I’m looking on the past through golden goggles which is entirely possible.

Silver Star 2. Beach Road Soi 7, Pattaya, Thailand. Click here for a map. Open every day from 7:00 PM until 3:00 AM.

25 thoughts on “Review: Silver Star 2 in Pattaya, Thailand”

  1. Great review. LOL moments: surely you don’t mean the vernacular version of “knobs” on display, and the shoulder/back rub attendant in the WC. Really?? I can’t imagine a dude working my shoulders while I’m trying to drain the lizard! Thanks as always Rockit

    1. There are a few uses for that term that don’t apply to doors. The back rub guy is real and not limited to this place. They can be found in go go bars and clubs all over the place unfortunately. Thanks for the comment Jack.

    2. My first meeting with “the attendant” was in the Philippines and it creeped me out. I totally agree with Rockit on this, there’s just something wrong with a guy massaging your shoulders while you’re taking a piss… Even when they do nothing but hand you a wet towel or something, the pressure to tip them is uncomfortable. Sometimes I’ve given them money just so that they would stay the hell away from me lol.

  2. Hey Rockit, your reviews are amazing as always. However, I had a few queries regarding gogo bars.
    If one decides to bar fine a girl from one of these gogo bars, then how does one exactly negotiate? Do we have to pay the entire money before taking her back to the hotel? Or should we pay after the services?

    Also, I’ve heard a lot of bar girls go to nightclubs on Walking Street after the gogo bars shut down to earn some extra cash. Do they carry their bar IDs along with them? I brought this question to your notice since many hotels ask girls to leave their IDs at the reservation desk.
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Normally a customer pays a barfine to the bar then gives a separate tip for the lady he takes out of the bar and pays that at the end of their time together. The bar fine is meant to compensate a bar for its loss of a salaried employee and is not supposed to be related to the sale of sex. What the woman does with the customer is then between those two individuals. Some customers negotiate tips in the bar even though they pay them later. Some give the going rate for the area at the end of the meeting without saying much of anything about it. Some wait until the end and pay whatever the woman asks for. In other places things are different. Things can also be different in Thailand in certain situations. I’ve heard of overzealous mamasans or women scared of certain customers or customers of certain nationalities asking for a bar fine and tip up front. Most women working in bars in Pattaya carry an ID card though there are many who don’t. There are also some who carry ID cards that belong to other people. Customers worried about this usually raise the question in the bar before paying any barfine. Keep in mind that I am just relaying information. I don’t recommend anything and this website is for entertainment only. Cheers.

  3. As always, great information. Hoping to visit this land of smiles soon and I’m curious what an appropriate top to a lady would be? I know that a tip would be valued on the service received but looking for an estimate as I know the. Alsatian of the Baht is different from CAD or USD

  4. I’ve friended a handful of Pattaya bar girls on Facebook, and they are mostly able (and certainly willing) to meet up with me for the night if I cover the cost of their lost earnings. Great thing is they know which spots are happening that night and they often drag their girlfriends along with them in the hopes that one farang will magnetically draw several more. The range you give is about right, Rockit.

  5. I went there yesterday. Many girls but only a few of them are pretty. Good one there was you can lick the shower girl’s pussy if you buy her a drink :-) I did and it was sweet ha ha… I might go back again before I leave Pattaya. BTW the place is not cheap – 150 baht for bottle of beer and same for the lady drink. Anyway I enjoyed with the girls I met.

    1. Thanks for the report. The price for drinks isn’t too bad especially when considering the current exchange rates. Most regular bars in cities like New York and Chicago charge more for drinks. Cheers.

  6. Hi Rockit, I was in Soi 7 & 8 the other night thinking I would show my buddy a couple of beer bar strips on his first visit to Pattaya. It had certainly changed with a lot of development since I was first there in the late 80’s and early 90’s. We stumbled upon the Silver Star 2 and went in and enjoyed the nude dancers on stage and the Jacuzzi ping pong and ice dropped into a punters drink shows. A sexy dancer I reckon was about 35 or so came over and joined me for a drink. She remained nude with me but for a tiny white sash across her lap not covering anything and some sexy heels. My hungry eyes were instantly attracted to her. Only one thing I didn’t like at all was the drinks waitresses watch you like a hawk to renew yours or the ladies drink in a very pressuring manner. One of them absolutely screamed at me to pay the bar fine for the lady sitting with me. If this had taken place at a local bar in my home town I reckon I would have spat in her face – that’s how disgusted I was with her complete lack of manners. But the good thing was – it didn’t put me off – I paid the 700 Baht bar fine & left with the sexy woman on my side back to my room. I asked her to bring the little white sash and her sexy high heels to give me a private show back in my room – not a problem at all, she happily obliged. She could see I was a bit pissed off still with the drinks waitress but when we got back to my room and the soapy shower together she was more than happy to turn on the porn star experience for me. A really great time was had screwing each other’s brains out every which way after a sexy show for starters. I look forward to making a return there soon. Cheers.

    1. Thanks for the report. Waitresses in places like these are often either quiet and bored or loud and boisterous. Cheers.

  7. A friend in Pattaya said there is still a “For sale” sign on the building. Lets hope it remains a Go go.

    Probably liked Silver Star 1 better as a Bar (but a terrible smell). However, I had good sex with girls from Silver Star 2. One instant. Just arrived in Pattaya. Jet lagged and stayed at the Hilton so aimed for Bars on soi 7-8. Took 2 “mature” girls from Silver Star 2 (no dogs though) to a shorttime hotel nearby. I went down on one girl and the other tried to “lick around my liver” from behind. One of my best experiences in Pattaya. Cheers.

  8. Apparantly Silver Star 2 will be rebuilt as a big luxury cannabis shop. It feels like a risky investment, and pot-fumes might be a turnoff for many visitors to soi 7.

    A big chance the coming new goverment will outlaw recreational use, I would applaud that. Cheers

      1. Nick Dean, who has a Bar and a Hotel on Soi 7, mentioned it in a video.

        Regardless if they change the cannabis laws or not, is there really a market for a big shop on soi 7? I have seen reports that some cannabis-venues in Bangkok are struggling.

        1. Thanks. I haven’t seen his video. I am not sure about the market. Or at least I don’t know what the demand actually is. Though I can say the supply side seems to be pretty large in Thailand with these sorts of shops popping up all over. Perhaps this is a part of the plan to transform Pattaya into a family friendly tourist destination. Cheers.

  9. Dont know how the weed-venue that replaced Silver Star is doing.., but on the same soi (7) a new a go go will open (before high season), this according to a video by Nick Dean, its located opposite the Blackwood hotel. “Catch me a go go” will be the name.

    I liked the side soi gogos, Silver Star 1-2, Nevada et al. I “think” it might be one remaining a go go on soi Yamoto/ or soi Post Office?

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