I’ve never put much stock into the all the hysteria over sex addiction. That said, I must admit that sex is the subject that is most on my mind. Bedding hundreds and hundreds over the years hasn’t put a damper on that. In fact it’s probably increased my sex drive even more. I’ve never tracked how many times fucking or related thoughts pop into my mind over the course of a day, but it happens quite a lot.
It’s not often that I’m far from some available action, but I don’t always have the opportunity, motivation or money needed to pursue it. During those times, porn and fetish sex webcams offer a welcome solace from the pains of being pussy-less. Maybe it is a sign of some kind of addiction, but I also often find myself looking for this kind of online entertainment right after finishing a session with a favorite provider.
There’s so much free adult content now available online that even a perpetual pervert like me would need several lifetimes to get through it all. At the rate that new content is being added, I’d never be able to catch up even if I converted to a religion that promised reincarnation. With all of that around and so easy to access without having to shell out a single cent, you might wonder why I would still pay for porn. Well I do, but only in rare instances.
There are a few websites that provide enough interesting content for me to justify the modest membership or purchase fees. I have been listing what I believe to be the best pay porn sites every year since 2014. Below you will find a list of porn that is still worth paying for right now. Afterward you can find previous lists of porn that is still worth paying for that have been preserved for posterity.
Porn that is still worth paying for in 2022
Technology has progressed by leaps and bounds in the years that this website has been online. Of course I am among the old guard who still thinks the written word is the best medium for sharing ideas. But I am also a fan of porn. So I have written about porn repeatedly while covering the global commercial sex industry as a whole. That includes pointing out the porn that is still worth paying for at a time when so much adult entertainment is freely available on the internet.
This is the ninth annual list of post still worth paying for that I have produced. I started writing about the subject way back in 2014 when I noticed an increasing number of people going on about the so-called death of porn. Of course that much heralded death never came. And in the time since porn has only become more popular and accessible to people all around the world.
At the same time the trend has been towards tube style streaming otherwise known as free porn. While the amateur content uploaded by people who make it is free the rest is not. If performers are paid to do a video it is not exactly “free” even if the end user pays nothing. All sorts of things are involved included ad revenue and affiliate programs. It’s a lot to get into. I may cover it in the future. But for now I think it’s enough to tell you about the porn that is still worth paying for in 2022.
Puta Locura
Puta Locura is one of the biggest and best porn sites to come out of Europe. Based in Spain it is run by the infamous Torbe. He is like a sort of a Spanish Ron Jeremy at least in terms of looks and performance. As far as I know he has never been up on charges or sucked his own cock on film.
As the name would suggest Puta Locura is in Spanish. Google translate says “Puta Locura” means “fucking madness” in English. I believe it means something closer to “crazy whore”. I am not an expert in the Spanish language. Thankfully I don’t have to be to enjoy the content on this website.
Puta Locura brings some of the features of Japanese AV to the western porn market. The site films some of the best and brightest porn stars of Europe and Latin America doing everything from blowbangs to gangbangs and even massive bukkake scenes. They put a lot of work in and have fun doing it as the final result shows.
I am old enough to remember when all porn came at a cost. It simply wasn’t available for free. Back then porn was shot on film. The quality was arguably better even if the quantity was much lower. On top of it all the producers seemed to seek out real beauties or actresses to perform. By the 90’s mainstream porn was more about bleach blondes with big boobs. Then the internet came and broke everything open. In many ways that was good. Though the overall attractiveness of the average porn star did seem to suffer.
Now there is Vixen. The name says it all. This website features some of the most beautiful women in the world doing it all on video. They’re not all California girls either. There is a wide range of ladies on the site including some truly sexy black women among others. The main thing they all have in common is that they are beautiful with tight fit bodies.
You don’t see a lot of tattoos on the performers at Vixen either. That is really refreshing in this day and age. When even the teller at the local bank branch has a full tattoo sleeve it is nice to be able to see some unspoiled beauty on the big screen back home. My Vixen membership allows that to happen. Nubile Films offers me similar quality and is at the very least worth a mention.
JAV HD isn’t as tough to translate as the Spanish site above. The letters stand for Japanese Adult Video High Definition. It’s all right there on the tin. You get exactly what you expect when you take out a membership to this site.
As regular readers will be aware I am a huge fan of Japanese pornography. I have been for many years. I can still remember when adult magazines sold in Tokyo started to get a little more hardcore and a lot less censored. That was a big thing at the time. Now you can find all the fun and excitement of Japanese porn on the internet with no censorship at all.
Don’t get me wrong. I still keep up on the official Japanese porn releases as they come through. And I continue to enjoy the translated Japanese porn videos published over at Zenra too. But the ease and convenience of JAV HD is tough to beat. I just log in and get instant access to as much high quality uncensored Japanese porn content as I could ever want or need. It’s more than worth the price of admission.
I included Many Vids on my list of porn worth paying for last year. That site was founded by former cam model Bella French who I interviewed years ago. Many Vids is filled with content from amateur and semi-pro performers who sell to the public. It is not direct as the Many Vids site plays the role of the middle man or marketplace. But it is pretty close. So even though they have repeatedly hit me with unwarranted take down notices simply for acknowledging that the site exists I have not removed all mentions of ManyVids from any past posts.
OnlyFans works a lot like Many Vids but there are some key differences. Rather than selling videos piecemeal performers set a monthly support price then upload content as they see fit. Guys who pay the price for membership get access to everything in inside. Those who don’t pay see nothing other than a white screen. You can’t simply surf to the OnlyFans homepage and find content. Instead you have to join a page of a lady you like.
OnlyFans has become world famous. It is so well known that it has become a sort of a household name. Popular music lyrics even reference women having OnlyFans pages to make money. This is the world we live in. That includes you and I and also a number of women who have moved from “real life sex work” to the virtual type thanks to this site. They are joined by many others including celebrities and university students looking for extra cash. In any event OnlyFans has quickly become one of the most notable porn outlets in the entire world.
Rumor has it that Only Fans is looking for billions in funding so that it can transition away from adult content. This is the same sort of thing we have seen in the past with countless other online platforms. They build themselves up with sex workers then discard them in an attempt at mainstream success. It rarely works. I imagine the same will be the case here if Only Fans does indeed ditch adult performers. For now at least it is one of the best sources of porn.
Many men like the ability to view as many new women nude as their wallets will allow. Others decry this as a degeneration of society or a precursor to the collapse of prostitution. Rather than make a value judgement on the situation I prefer to simply deal with the world as it actually exists. That means I spring for Only Fans access when it suits my fancy. So for me it is porn worth paying for. At least in some cases.
This is how things look to me as the year 2022 approaches. Only time will tell where things will go from here. I will continue to follow them as they develop. At least as time, energy and resources allow. I hope you will follow along with me and return again when I publish my next list of porn still paying for in year’s time. I am sure there will be a lot to talk about.
Porn worth paying for in 2021
Years ago more than a few people were loudly proclaiming the death of porn. Supposedly the entire industry was dying from a thousand cuts ranging from piracy to tube sites. Now there seems to be a resurgence in spending on commercial content.
I don’t have any hard scientific data to back up my claim. But I do know of many people who now live entirely from the proceeds of adult videos. Many of them are independent producers who shoot alone or with people they know. A lot of the money they make comes through direct sales or sites like Only Fans that allow models to sell videos to adults around the world in exchange for a cut of the money.
I have been alive long enough to remember when porn was actually somewhat tough to find. Back then we were more than happy to pay for the stuff. But even later as porn became more readily available I was still willing to pay to access quality material. The reasons for that ranged from getting access to new high quality content to supporting producers so they could make more of the kinds of scenes I like to see.
Monger in Asia
In the past I have featured several “sex tour” sites on my lists of best porn. Guys traveling around and shooting sex videos have made some very interesting sites. The most well known would have to be Asian Sex Diary. That would be followed by sites like Creampie in Asia with its Asian cameraman cum producer, Toticos based in the Dominican Republic, and African Casting.
Monger in Asia is the newest sites of this kind. It follows in the great tradition of fellow travelers but adds its own twist. Based in Southeast Asia, the site features videos of lovely ladies from Thailand and the Philippines. The scenarios vary. In some cases we see female maid applicants get put to the test. Other videos feature more straightforward pay for play. It’s all good. In several cases like the scene called “Beautiful Blond Filipina Teen Washes Her Sexy Slim Body” it’s simply fantastic.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Each man has their own idea of what is and isn’t beautiful. In my view it seems that Monger in Asia features more beautiful women than Asian Sex Diary. There are certainly beauties on Asian Sex Diary. But there are also many more models overall. So the ratio of good looks would still favor Monger in Asia. It does appear that the guy behind Monger in Asia is more selective in his models. He also appears to be better with the camera. What do you think?
Many Vids
Many Vids is a site where models of all sorts can sell their content. All sorts of videos can be found there. Whatever you are into you are likely find some content to scratch your itch. There are countless models on Many Vids and the number seems to grow daily. This explains why it is now the most popular clip site in the world.
Many Vids was founded by Bella French. I interviewed Bella French years ago when she was a cam model herself. We haven’t stayed in touch since then. She went on to head this multi-million dollar business. But she still has her own Many Vids page that contains some of her previous adult work. One of the most interesting videos there show her having sex with Mila Milan. I have also interviewed Mila for this site.
I actually prefer Many Vids to the aforementioned Only Fans simply because you can see previews of the videos before you make a purchase. When you show up at an Only Fans page you simply see a lot of locks over content that can only be viewed after you shell out for a membership. The Only Fans model might be more profitable for models and the people behind the site because of that. I am not sure. But it’s always good to be able to try before you buy. Many Vids allows for that as well as the purchase of individual videos.
R18 is the English-language version of the famed DMM site in Japan. R18 makes available most all of the new Japanese porn releases. You can preview videos and view box art and screenshots for free. If you want to watch any of the full length videos you just shell out a couple of bucks. Or you can take out a regular membership for a reasonable fee. They also run regular promotions including some great discounts.
Zenra is the best source of translated and subtitled Japanese porn in the world. That’s why it appeared on two past porn lists. Japan HDV is the best source of uncensored Japanese porn in high definition. But R18 has the largest overall archive of Japanese AV around. And it’s all organized and easily accessible to foreigners since the site is in English.
Massage Rooms
Massage Rooms is maybe the best massage themed porn site in existence these days. It is updated regularly with videos from a multiracial group of gals getting rubbed from top to bottom. You can see everything from lesbian oil massages to female happy endings on this site. Recently I watched a busty Asian work through a milking table, a tight Indian gal get rubbed with oil and fucked, and a Belarusian babe doing it doggy style all in a row.
If there is a lack of beautiful women in porn these days that is certainly not in evidence at Massage Rooms. I am constantly surprised by how many gorgeous and sexy women they are able to film. It doesn’t hurt that everything from the camera angles to the lighting is done perfect. As a fan of massage parlors and the lubed up look I can’t get enough of this. And it doesn’t cost much either. It’s definite value for money even though there are plenty of lengthy free previews of their content on Porn Hub.
Creampie Thais
Creampie Thais has been around for quite a while. I was already checking the site in the early days when I putting Rockit Reports together. It should say something that I continue to enjoy the site today. There are new updates that keep me coming back week after week. And I mean that in more ways than one.
Creampie Thais produces the highest quality Thai porn in the world, with the possible exception of Teen Thais. The guy behind the site also manages to find some of the sexiest gals around the adult industry in Thailand. Many have been bemoaning the slide in looks and fitness at farang oriented bars for some time. Yet Creampie Thais continues to film with attractive gals with nice bodies. And of course, they all end up with a loads in their boxes at the end of each scene.
Perhaps the best feature of Creampie Thais is that a membership to that site also includes access to several other Thai sex video sites. Regular readers may remember that the Go Go Auditions, Thai Pussy Massage and Tittiporn websites have all appeared on past lists of porn that is still worth paying for.
Porn worth paying for in 2020
Is there any porn worth paying for in 2020? Who still pays for porn anyway? The truth is that there is more than enough freely accessible porn to satiate the needs of pretty much anyone. Free to view sites like PornHub are filled with more videos than you could watch in a lifetime. And new videos are uploaded every minute. Yet some people do spend money in order to easily acquire the kind of adult videos they want to see. Or simply to support producers of porn they like to ensure more of the same stuff will continue to be made.
I started compiling annual lists of porn worth paying for way back in 2014. At the time people involved in the industry were talking a lot about “the death of porn”. Obviously porn is not dead. People continue to make it. And more than a few people continue to make money with it too. Surprisingly, there are still some pay sites worth spending on, plus some independent porn producers.
Dick on Trip
Dick on Trip follows a guy from the Czech Republic as he fucks women all over the world. So Dick on Trip follows in the vein of Asian Sex Diary which has been featured here many times before. The Dick on Trip site isn’t as personalized as ASD, and it doesn’t have a community forum either. On the other hand, it does have an arguably wider pool of women. In recent weeks I’ve seen Indonesian amateurs next to African babes and even some famous European porn stars. The guy stays busy.
Asian Sex Diary has also been expending over the last year. Recently the guy behind that site has done videos with lots of sexy African women and a couple of European gals as well. Of course he does stay true to his roots and the name of the site. I just saw a video he posted of a new Filipina model with tits that spray milk.
Zenra has appeared on this website before, and rightfully so. Now the site is even better than ever thanks to an upgrade and the addition of lots of new content. Zenra continues to provide real Japanese porn with English subtitles. Now it does it even better, with a lot of videos in high definition.
Years ago I thought nothing of squinting to see short pixelated videos of people having sex. But now that HD had become widespread and common, it’s hard to go back to the grainy stuff. Thankfully Japanese keeps cranking out high quality and unique porn and Zenra keeps subtitling it for those of us who aren’t fluent in Japanese. Judging by the interview with the guy behind Zenra I published earlier in the year, this site will keep providing well into the future.
Covert Japan
The aforementioned Dick on Trip follows a Czech guy who has sex with women all over the world. Covert Japan follows a Western guy who has sex with Japanese women in Japan. This is rather unique. There have been some foreigners in Japanese porn before. But I only know of one previous attempt to base an entire enterprise on a gaijin star doing Japanese starlets.
Earlier this year, I also did an interview with the guy behind the Covert Japan site that was pretty revealing. Knowing how much content he puts out on the site, I was surprised to learn that it is not a full time job for him. Perhaps if the site gets even more popular that will change.
Premium Bukkake
Premium Bukkake is another porn site that blends East and West. The Japanese AV practice of bukkake spread through western porn a while ago. It became so well known that the word bukkake itself even entered English parlance. But there have never been many western porn producers doing bukkake on the level it reached in the land of the rising sun.
Premium Bukkake has stepped up to fill the void in a major way. Every time I turn around they are releasing new videos of European women taking forty or fifty cum splashes to the face. I guess there are lots of ladies eager to try it out, or at least take home a nice pay check for withstanding such an onslaught. I find the topless gal who stands in the back and directs the semen especially interesting. I would love to do an interview with her.
Until I am able to get in touch with the lady in question, I will continue to keep my eyes open for new and interesting adult entertainment. You can rest assured that I will report on whatever I find. Assuming there is still some porn out there worth paying for in the years to come, you can find out about it here.
Porn worth paying for in 2019
Unbelievably, this list of porn still worth paying for in 2019 is the sixth list of its kind I have published on this site. If you would told me that Rockit Reports would be read by tens of millions of people when I started typing out my thoughts on the commercial sex industry back in 2012 I would have though you were crazy. But here we are. And here is my sixth annual list of porn that is still worth paying for.
If these lists seem to be getting shorter each year that’s only because there is less porn that is actually worth paying for as time goes on. I guess that will continue in the future until the point where there might not be any porn worth paying for at all.
That wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. A lot of the amateur content that countless people shoot and upload on tube sites every day of the week is actually better than much of the commercial stuff that was pushed in the height of the paid porn craze just a few decades ago. At least for now there are a few outlets putting out the kind of material that you might actually want to shell out some hard earned money to get view.
Dick Sucking Lips
Ever since Clips4Sale appeared on my original list of porn worth paying for in 2013 it seems that a lot of specific studios make their way into these posts too. That’s because some of the best and most innovative paid porn being released today is made available through the Clips4Sale site.
Dick Sucking Lips features POV style videos of some fantastic oral sex artists really going at it and showing off their skills. Fans of great blowjobs should really enjoy the videos at Dick Sucking Lips. The same goes for deep throat aficionados.
Early on a lot of the clips featured women wearing ski masks. Nowadays most of the videos star ladies in their full glory showing off their faces and everything else while they go at it. Some videos still feature women in masks. That’s fine by me. If it gets shy oral experts to show their stuff when they otherwise wouldn’t I’m all for it.
The thing about Dick Sucking Lips and other studios like it as that each clip can be purchased individually so there’s no need for memberships or recurring billing.
18 Auditions
18 Auditions publishes audition style porn videos of very good looking ladies along with some other clips featuring things like cosplay and group sex. It is all done very well with good lighting and camera angles while still maintaining an amateur feel.
The 18Auditions.com URL actually forwards viewers to a Manyvids studio page. Manyvids is a service like teh aformentioned Clips4Sale that allows people to publish their own videos to the internet. Manyvids is more modern looking that Clips4Sale though it is a newer site.
Probably the best aspect of 18 Auditions is the attractiveness of the models who feature on the site. Many are absolutely incredible from head to toe including more than a few eighteen and nineteen year old Asian women with impeccable bodies.
Indeed many of the models featured on 18 Auditions shoot a few scenes for the site then retire from porn entirely. So there is literally nowhere else to see them. With the clip store style set up videos can also be purchased individually.
Asian Sex Diary
Asian Sex Diary has either been featured or mentioned on several of my lists of porn worth paying for in the past. There is a good reason for that. It has been one of the most awesome porn sites ever created since it first emerged years ago.
For those still unaware the site documents the travels of John Tron as he travels the world and finds women to have sex with on camera. All of the scenes feature amateur women not seen elsewhere and all of the sex is bareback and usually ends with a creampie.
As the name suggest Asian Sex Diary mostly features Asian women. In recent years John has spread his travels even further and incorporated videos with European women into the site. There’s nothing wrong with that. The fact that John apparently caused a minor uproar in Indonesia after a video of him doing a local woman went viral there may or may not have something to do with the newfound diversity of models.
The newer but similar Creampie in Asia site that appeared on my 2018 list also continues to publish a lot of great content. I have to imagine that anyone who finds this site entertaining would also like both Asian Sex Diary and Creampie in Asia.
Date Slam
Date Slam is not a lot different from the Hookup Hotshot site that appeared on my last annual porn list. I guess this is some kind of a new trend in porn that reflects what is going on in the real world. I for one like what I see.
The basic premise of Date Slam is that a guy meets women on social media sites like Twitter and then takes them out on a date. The ultimate goal of course is to score on the dates and have sex. Each scenario is filmed from beginning to end with all videos concluding with bareback sex and usually a creampie finale.
This sounds similar to another good site and that is probably by design. And why not? When you’ve got a good thing go with it. While I am not partial to penises I can’t help but notice that the stunt dick that features in the videos looks quite familiar too. If you watch as much porn as I do you may recognize the rod too.
I am not so interested in the theme of Date Slam to be honest but the site is well designed and the content is great. It features some really fantastic amateur women from around the world including a hefty helping of European and Asian ladies. A few pros make it in the mix too but they do a good job.
All in all Date Slam is an interesting site that at the very least is worth a look. I happen to think that it’s actually worth taking out a membership.
If you have read some of my past lists of porn worth paying for and clicked on sites mentioned you have probably already seen Tittiporn. You may have just come across her while surfing porn more generally. And if you have come across her odds are you have also probably come from her too.
Tittiporn is a Thai porn starlet with a body to die for. She has one of the finest female frames to be found in Thailand or anywhere. She is slim and fit but she sports a serious pair of fun bags that are simply mesmerizing. She’s also quite pretty!
Nearly all adult video actresses take on stage names but the funny part about Tittiporn’s name is that it could actually be real in her land of origin. It’s a cutting coincidence that many English speaking guys in Thailand find themselves spending time with women with names like Porn and Beer.
As mentioned Tittiporn has done scenes for sites like Thai Pussy Massage and Gogo Bar Auditions but at Tittiporn.com you can see exclusive videos of her in all sorts of situations including sudsy soapy showers and plain old hardcore sex at which she really excels.
A great thing about Tittiporn’s site and the other sites in the same network is that they actually accept unused and unwanted gift cards as a form of payment. So the next time your boss gives you a “Christmas bonus” consisting of a $50 gift card to Crate Bath and Beyond fear not. You can convert it into a mebership to Tittiporn’s website with just a few clicks!
Porn that’s still worth paying for in 2018
Why do people still pay for porn? Or maybe I should ask, does anyone still pay for porn? Countless obituaries have been written for the commercial porn industry. Each one says that pay for porn is dead because everyone is turning to free porn instead of doling out dosh.
I don’t know how many of today’s porn viewers were ever paying for porn in the first place. I would guess that most either came of age when free online porn was already abundant or hail from countries where porn was never widely available before widespread adoption of the internet.
Some porn is still worth paying for
Perhaps I am an outdated old timer but I still maintain membership to a few porn sites. Those sites contain content I enjoy that I cannot find elsewhere without expending undue time and effort. It is a lot easier for me to plunk down $100 a year for Asian Sex Diary than to dig through various tube sites and blogs looking for bits and pieces of the vast amount of content available in that website’s membership area.
I know I’m not alone. If I was the porn industry would have collapsed by now and the massive stream of Japanese porn that the world has come to know and love would have dried up and disappeared.
I first compiled a list of porn worth paying for at the end of 2013. I never expected to make another list like it but then again I never expected this site to grow into what it has become today either. Rockit Reports turned five a few months ago and the sixth year is approaching fast. Four annual lists of porn that’s still worth paying for have been published here. Today I present you with the fifth.
Fuck the Geek
As the name suggests Fuck the Geek is a site where women are recorded fucking a geek. I’m not too interested in the “geek” but the seemingly never ending stream of hot new women that show up in the scenes is enough to keep me coming back regularly. There are a lot of really good looking and sexy women on the site that remind me of all the babes I used to see in New York City’s Central Park on warm summer days.
Membership to Fuck The Geek includes a ChickPass that gives access to several other pay sites that mainly focus on amateur and new women in the eastern United States. I particular like T&A Asians which is full of scenes with Asian women I haven’t seen anywhere else. I was debating whether to include Fuck The Geek or T&A Asians on this list but since a membership to one includes full access to the other its a moot point.
Creampie in Asia
Creampie in Asia is a great new site that is a lot like Asian Sex Diary. But while Asian Sex Diary follows the travels of a European guy the new Creampie in Asia site is done by a Japanese camera man. His main motivation seems to be to blow loads in lots of women around Asia and upload videos of it to the internet for all to see.
Creampie in Asia is not better or worse than Asian Sex Diary. It compliments it. ASD has been around much longer so it obviously has more material in the archive. Creampie in Asia is newer but there is already a lot of footage in the members area.
Creampie in Asia footage is shot on high quality cameras in the same kind of way as POV Japanese porn. You might think it would be easy to record yourself having sex but the existence of so much shaky camera crap on the internet proves otherwise. The site also stars some absolutely stunning women. Quite a few of them seem to have come out of the bars.
Additionally Creampie in Asia includes some uncensored scenes with Japanese women I have not ever seen in any other videos. We’re talking real Japanese amateurs without any blurred out vaginas!
Those who enjoy Creampie in Asia will surely also enjoy Creampie Thais. That site has been online for years and has built up a solid collection of hot creampie videos with very sexy Thai women. Most guys only wish the Thai go go bars were filled with the kinds of women who appear in those scenes.
If you want to look at Asian Sex Diary when you’re in Southeast Asia you need to use a VPN (which you probably should have anyway). For whatever reason both Creampie in Asia and Creampies Thais are open to viewing from the region without the need for any special measures.
Box Truck Sex
A few readers have complained that Rockit Reports focuses too much on Asia. As I explained in a recent comment I believe Asia is the most vibrant part of the world right now. It is also home to lots of venues begging to be covered on a site like this.
Of course I have covered other parts of the world too. That includes Europe and Latin America. More is set to follow. I am not only interested in Asian women or the commercial sex industry in that part of the world. The same goes for porn!
Box Truck Sex is a great professional site filled with footage of people fucking in public. How do they get away with it? They have sex in the back of a truck with walls made of two way mirrors. So the people fucking and the guy recording them can look out but the people in the street only a few steps away remain completely unaware.
With some of the truly crazy stuff going down in Europe these days it is nice to see a creative use of a box truck that doesn’t involve destruction. So far the site has recorded scenes in Prague, Barcelona and Budapest. Scenes are planned for Paris soon.
The way the scenes are shot and where they are recorded aren’t the only good things about Box Truck Sex to be sure. The women staring in the videos are the main attraction. With scenes featuring gals like the incredibly hot Bella Aviva and Katie Montana it’s hard to go wrong!
Thai Pussy Massage
More Asian porn? Well what can I say? I am attracted to Thai women and I love oily massages. Thai Pussy Massage is one of the newer porn sites on the scene and it contains plenty of both.
There is something very erotic about watching a toned and tanned Thai girl getting a slow full body rub down. It gets even better when the massage moves from the external to the internal. The women in the videos seem to really get into it too.
That’s a refreshing change from some of the straight “wham bam thank you mam” stuff you see in most Southeast Asian sex videos. There is room for that too but it’s nice to have a break.
Nearly all of the scenes I’ve seen on the site end with full bareback sex and a creampie finish. I guess the guy doing the body rubs can’t hold back. I can’t blame him. Just seeing the lathered up shiny sexy bodies of the Thai women in the scenes on my screen is enough to work me up in a state of near frenzy.
Hookup Hotshot
I only became aware of Hookup Hotshot a few days before putting this list together but so far I really like what I see.
Although I found sites like Bang Bros entertaining at some point in the past I burnt out on that type of professional presentation years ago. Hookup Hotshot is filmed in high enough quality to come out of any pro porn studio but it still has an edge and uniqueness that makes it fun to watch.
The premise behind the site is that the protagonist hooks up with various women and somehow manages to capture it all on high resolution video shot from perfect angles. Of course the women are really models and they know they are on video but that takes away absolutely nothing from the awesome content in the members section of this site.
I haven’t tried my hand at bedding an American gal in a while but women I see on this site like Daizy Cooper and Rose Darling renew my interest. I don’t know where the models come from but they’re hot enough to make me want to fire up the wannabango and go searching for them or at least women who look like them.
In the meantime I’m satisfied with my membership that lets me enjoy videos of them enjoying themselves in the privacy of my own room.
Porn worth paying for in 2017
In the years that Rockit Reports has been online some annual traditions have emerged. One is a list of websites of interest to sex industry aficionados that I have been publishing each year since 2013. Another is a list of porn worth paying for that I have also published without fail since that same year.
Originally I had no intention to develop these annual traditions. Early on I was basically finding my way as I went. I simply started with an idea to write about something that I thought would entertaining and interesting to both me and the audience of readers that I have developed.
Over the course of each passing year I come across many new sites along with sites that are new to me. I keep some of these to myself. Many others are quickly forgotten. Still a few stand out and get added to a list that I like to present to readers of this site. Rather than make short posts throughout the year I have developed the practice of posting them in organized lists. This seems to be the most effective way to present the information.
As time goes on there seems to be less reason for people to pay for porn. It has long been possible to find enough pictures and short video clips to get off to for free with the power of the internet. Even in the early dial up days guys could pull up enough erotic pictures to fill the spank bank. In recent years however it has become even easier. Nowadays guys can pull up full length high definition videos of nearly any sexual scenario they can imagine by doing nothing more than typing a phrase into Google. The presence of smart phones in nearly every pocket has only made this easier.
Additionally more and more people are uploading their own porn to the internet for everyone to see. A lot of couples are getting into the habit of sharing their sexual escapades with the world. Some of them charge money for the content they create but the vast majority simply post it on free tube sites and blogs.
Yet the professional porn industry continues to survive. It doesn’t rake in the huge amount of money that it did in years past but the fact that it continues to produce and release videos with regularity shows that income is still being pulled in. Some of that money undoubtedly comes from older customers who aren’t technologically savvy enough to pull up free porn. The vast majority however probably comes from guys who are really into it. Some may enjoy high quality porn produced by professional studios. Some may enjoy having scenes before they make it to the rest of the population. Some look for fetish material that is more difficult to find on the free sites. And some are undoubtedly obsessed fans of porn that enjoy supporting the industry and their favorite stars. The latter type of people can also be found among music fans.
In any event I now present to you my list of the porn that’s still worth paying for in 2017. Even if the vast majority of you would never even think about shelling out a single cent for porn in the age of the tube sites I still think that you will find some enjoyment here. Those who do pay a bit for porn from time to time can feel satisfied in the knowledge that a small percentage of the membership fees paid to these sites after clicking some of the links below come back to help Rockit Reports in the form of affiliate rewards.
Pacino’s Adventures
Pacino’s Adventures seems to have been online for years. I remember coming across is long before Rockit Reports was even an idea in my head. The site isn’t all that out of the ordinary but the people behind it have the uncanny ability to find new and very attractive models to film.
Everything is done in high quality video and it is all enough to make me go back to chasing Latina tail which is something I haven’t done in a while. Just look at the models! I can barely type the name Sara out without feeling a stir in my pants.
Go Go Auditions
Go Go Auditions is a little more familiar to me. It contains high quality videos of Thai women who for the most part are very attractive and sporting amazing bodies. That’s not necessarily what is seen in most real go go bars in Thailand today.
While there are some hot chicks working the poles the chubby set seems to be getting a lot more common. While the go go auditions shown in these videos are slightly dubious there is not doubt that at least some of the women who appear in them have traded favors for cash in the past.
Submit Your Thai
Submit your Thai also features Thai women. The premise is that the photographs are contributed by readers from around the globe. This allows users to see a wide variety of Thai women in all sorts of situations and poses.
Submit Your Thai has a lot of content that is very interesting to peruse. Those who spend any time searching the net for these kinds of things knows that there is a lot of amateur Thai content online. Since this is an official site you might feel better knowing that the content was sourced and published with the consent of the people involved since that seems to be a requirement for commercial pornographic websites.
Roc & Shay
I sometimes wonder how Roc & Shay make money. I see so much of their content on the tube sites. Since it is for the most part uploaded by official accounts associated with the website it must work well as promotion. And why wouldn’t it?
This black couple really gets down in all sorts of way. I’m a man who likes novelty and I often tire of seeing the same woman over and over but for some reason watching Shay’s big butt bounce up and down never seems to get old. I may have to look out for some black babes after finding some Latina lovers!
Nubile Films
Nubile Films also publishes a lot of their content on tube sites. Apparently this is a good method to attract people to a website. The videos they upload are shorter than the content on the website but they are still more than long enough to help guys get off. The fact that so many people join this site even after having access to the videos on the tube sites demonstrates just how good Nubile Films is.
Nubile Films use the hottest models around and shoot incredibly erotic scenes in ultra high quality video. What’s not to love? The other sites in the network are great too. I saw one of the most perfect sets of perky tits of my life on Nubiles Porn.
Zenra received honorable mention on last year’s list. This year it moves up to a full spot. How could it be otherwise? Anyone who watches “Aoyama Massage Clinic for Women 91” on the site and doesn’t feel movement down below may need more than Viagra to get hard.
Zenra continues to publish all sorts of interesting and entertaining Japanese adult videos with full English subtitles! The weird world of Japanese porn gets a little clearer with the help of dialogue that can actually be followed. That doesn’t make it any less hentai however. Zenra seems to go out of its way to publish some of the more odd behaviors caught on film in the land of the rising sun.
While I’ve never been big on the race obsession that usually drives sites like these I can’t help but admit that I find the content published on Blacked to be absolutely fantastic. The videos are very well done. They are shot in very high quality and feature some of the hottest western women I have seen in porn for years.
A stop in any Midwestern US McDonald’s will make you wonder where the producers find the ultra hot blondes and brunettes to take big black boners on film. Kylie Page and Megan Rain are super sexy. There’s lots of content here to enjoy.
Cherry Hotwife
Cherry Hot Wife tells the tale of a cheating Asian hotwife complete with pictures, videos and write up accounts. Cherry first made her impact online by posting a lot of hot pics of her alone and with different guys on her Tumblr page. That led to the creation of this site.
The Cherry Hotwife site has changed a few times but each update shows improvement. This is one of the most unique and interesting porn sites around and it would be impossible to deny just how hot Cherry is. I look forward to seeing what she has planned for the future.
Sperm Mania
It is clear to see that the Japanese porn practice of bukkake has made a major splash around the world. The Japanese word itself has come to be familiar to millions of men who speak all sorts of languages. Originally used as a creative way to get around censorship the act of shooting cum all over faces in groups soon caught on and spread to Western porn and even casual swinger parties. The initial shock and rage seems to have worn off.
Even in Japan there is less bukkake porn produced than their used to be. For those who love to see the liquid yet yearn for new and creative approaches there is Sperm Mania. This is without a doubt the best bukkake site around. According to the site’s management the largest bukkake featured on the site shows more than 50 guys spraying down a single gal. Wow.
Asian Girl Katsumi
And finally honorable mention goes to the Asian Girl Katsumi Clips4Sale studio. I included Clips4Sale on my first list of porn worth paying for. On a later list I included the Mark’s Head Bobbers and Handjobbers studio. Not long after I was even able to interview Mark.
Katsumi’s studio looks quite similar to Mark’s in many ways though the same lady is in all of the videos. She’s quite sexy and knows how to make a cock squirt. Although her name is Japanese she sure looks Thai to me. I could be wrong of course. Unfortunately the studio hasn’t updated in a while which is a real shame. Hopefully it will start churning out scenes again soon but if not there is still a lot of old content to work with.
Porn worth paying for in 2016
Some annual traditions have already emerged in the short time since Rockit Reports first went online back in 2012. Today I report on interesting porn websites that are worth shelling out money for in my view. This will be the third time I have compiled such a list of porn that’s still worth paying for.
It all started at the end of 2013 when I made the first list of porn worth paying for in response to a question asking how I could justify dropping money on porn in a world when so much of it was available for free online. It wasn’t the first time I came across such an inquiry. Earlier a person asked why I would spend money on adult webcam models from countries like the Philippines when it was possible to simply travel to that country and have sex with with similar women often for less than it cost to view a single private broadcast.
On occasion I address questions and comments that come my way even though Rockit Reports is not an adult Dear Abby. I tend to turn input into posts only when I think it will help create good content for the readers. As I have said time and time again the goal of this website is simply to entertain. So it is that a question led to a list that has now become regular practice. Let the list of porn worth paying for in 2016 begin!
Fantasy Massage
Fantasy Massage is in the same network as Massage-Parlor.com which appeared on my original list of porn worth paying for. As the name would suggest Fantasy Massage is a little more creative than that site and most other massage themed sites on the internet. Everything from lesbian nuru massage to pool side rub downs are covered and they’re always coming up with new stuff. A scene called “Mom’s Day Job” that was added to the site last month that is absolutely incredible. Best of all members can submit their own fantasies to the site. When selected these stories are be turned into actual scenes for all to enjoy.
Truth be told there is probably enough massage parlor content floating around on free tube websites to last a lifetime. Still a membership at Fantasy Massage is worth the money for the quality and amount of content produced along with the amount of imagination that goes into it. Being able to direct scenes by submitting suggestions is just another reason to sign up. I also enjoy All Girl Massage and Milking Table for reasons that should be obvious. Luckily a membership at Fantasy Massage gives me access to those sites and more.
Teen Thais
I have listed Thai porn websites on previous lists but somehow Teen Thais escaped me until recently. I am very impressed. The site is updated often, the models are very attractive and the filming is done in a way that reminds me of top quality Japanese adult video.
There are so many sites with content featuring Thai women that I may have to compile a list of the best Thai porn sites in the same way that I made a list of the best Japanese porn websites earlier this year. For now I am happy to mention Teen Thais here.
Wow Girls
Wow Girls is similar to sites like 18 Only Girls that appeared on previous lists in that it produces a constant stream of high resolution images and videos of very attractive nubile women.
While it is certainly possible to find a seemingly endless supply of free videos on tube sites it isn’t easy to cut through all the poorly done work and find the prime material. For a nominal fee members at Wow Girls get access to a regularly updated library that is expertly curated.
I jerk off 100 strangers
I Jerk Off 100 Strangers appeared on the first list of porn worth paying for published on this site. At the time I mentioned that it was full of interesting studios. The Mark’s Head Bobbers studio appeared on last year’s list. This studio is another standout that has gained some well deserved notoriety.
The protagonist Lilu is a European lady who jerks and occasionally sucks rock hard cocks slowly until they absolutely explode usually leaving her with a cum covered face and/or clothes in the process. The studio is regularly updated but there is even a second studio called HandJob by LiLu online for those who want more. I have reached out to LiLu for an interview. Thankfully she got back to me and I was able to do a question and answer session for this site.
Little Brown Fucking Machines
Taking its name from a term that originated during the Vietnam War the LBFM site has produced quality content for years. This site appeared as an honorable mention on last years list but with continued growth it now deserves a full spot on the list. LBFM mainly shoots with amateur and semi-professional Filipinas who have not appeared on video elsewhere.
The content is raw and original and gives a good look at Filipina women in all states of undress. Mainly these are the kinds of gals that work in go go bars but there are also more innocent ladies including some nineteen and twenty-year-olds who have not otherwise done adult work. The occasional Asian porn star also shows up at times but the main draw of the site is the constant stream of new and fit models who give the site more than enough value to make at least a one month membership worthwhile in my opinion.
Battle Bang
Battlebang isn’t as sexually alluring as it is simply intriguing. While I’m not really a fan of mixed martial arts and I have probably been overexposed to some mainstream American porn stars I have to admit there is something about Battlebang that draws me in.
Each episode on the site starts with two fighters brawling to see who will win the chance to have sex with a porn star. Both the combat and the sex takes place in the ring. Some say porn is dead. It could explain attempts to reach out into other more profitable industries but who knows. At the very least this site points to the innovative nature of porn producers in the United States. They’re not quite up to the level of their Japanese counterparts but if sites like Battlebang are any indication they could get there one day.
Bambulax is similar to Toticos which appeared on my first list. Whereas Toticos is filmed by a guy living in the Dominican Republic, Bambulax is filmed by a guy in Africa.
It is pretty rare to come across commercially filmed porn from Africa. The guy behind Bambulax operates and films on the same level as many amateurs but has put his work on a website in order to make some money. A 30 day subscription is only 3 Euros so I’m not sure how much he brings in. African Fuck Tour has more content but also charges a higher fee for membership.
Czech Streets
Czech Streets features real street pick ups in the Czech Republic that lead to sex. The sex is always filmed and often takes place in public places.
Obviously women have to sign model releases and show ID to appear on a website like this so it is up to the viewer to decide how authentic Czech Streets is but in any event it does offer a good view of the Czech Republic which can be tough to find in adult film. On top of that membership at Czech Streets includes memberships for other interesting sites like Czech Experiment and Czech Harem.
Honorable mention goes to R18.com which is home to the largest and best organized library of Japanese porn on the internet. With countless new content being released in Japan every day it is great to finally have a site like R18 around to stay in the loop. I have also spent significant time viewing Legs Japan this year. The material on that site is uncensored and so expertly shot that it is hard to stay away.
Zenra is another site I discovered this year that I keep checking back on. It hosts heaps of high quality Japanese porn with subtitles in English to help viewers keep up with some of the interesting and at times nearly insane stuff that goes on.
Finally I should mention my one and only DVD purchase of the year which was a Japanese Soft on Demand release staring Mana Sakura with a title that translates to something like “High End Lingerie.” Although I rarely purchase or view discs of any kind anymore I simply couldn’t resist picking this up when I came across it in an adult store in Japan. I wasn’t disappointed and I have to admit it was almost fun to open up a package like this after years of being mostly digital. Those who want to check out the DVD without traveling to Japan will be happy to know that it is available at J-List.
Porn worth paying for in 2015
I have come across a few other outlets in the last year that are also worth a bit of hard earned. So here you have the porn that’s still worth paying for in 2015. Perhaps this will become an annual tradition, at least until there is no longer any kind of commercial porn industry around at all.
Who knows? Such a disappearance could happen. Especially since there’s enough free porn on the internet to swamp every office in the world for the next millennium or so. We may have already reached the point of peak porn but I doubt it. It seems that smart phones and camera continue to creep further into our private lives by the day.
A few diehards continue to produce high quality and original adult entertainment. Some claim to do it to keep the “art” alive. More are honest enough to say that they still make money at it. The run of the mill stuff is a dime a dozen now, but the really good sex movies may always have a market.
As technology progresses I think adult webcam sites will continue to grow. There’s no way to share the fun and excitement that comes with a live show after the fact. The ability to direct a live sex show simply can’t be downloaded and passed on. It makes sense that money will be spent on that. Porn made without much direction will continue to have a tough time of it. Only the material that can motivate viewers to break out their wallets and wait for the next update will continue to rake it in.
So, without further adieu, these are the sites I think are worth paying for in 2015.
1. Filipina Candy – Last year’s list contained two websites that feature Filipina models and performers. I’ve known about those sites for a while. Filipina Candy is a site that I only came across a few months ago. Needless to say I was impressed with what I saw. The layout of the site isn’t the most modern around but who cares? If content is king, Filipina Candy deserves a crown of some sort. The models on the site are all great looking. Some are absolutely stunning. They all have fantastic bodies and there are plenty of smiles to go around which means the gals were either having fun or they are great actors. Either makes for great performances. Some of you may remember that I posted an interview with the guy behind Filipina Candy a few months ago.
2. Sex Boss POV – Most of the porn sites listed this year stand out because of their scenes are shot well and presented in high quality. Sex Box POV is no exception. But no amount of HD broadcasting alone is enough to make it on this esteemed Rockit rundown. Sex Boss POV stands apart because of it’s innovative smartphone-friendly approach. Scenes for Sex Boss POV are shot vertically rather than horizontally so that they fit perfectly on phone screens while the devices are held in-hand. Check it out to see what I’m talking about.
3. Red Light Sex Trips – The idea behind this site is that a team of guides takes visitors to the legal brothels of Amsterdam’s famous red light district for a session with a prostitute. Of course neither the visitors nor the prostitutes mind that it’s all being filmed to broadcast on the internet. In this age of reality television one might actually believe the scenario. I think it’s more probable that the women are professional performers. It seems to be the most likely conclusion. Still the theme is an interesting one and it sets the site apart from many others out there. Guys who want to experience the pay for play scene without any risk could especially find this to their liking. In any event I could be wrong. Who can say that the women in these movies aren’t actually sex sellers looking for a little extra money? I’m sure at least a few of them are.
4. 18 Only Girls – With so many women doing porn of various types it can be difficult to find anything fresh or original. Most producers seem to take whoever shows up on their doorstep looking for a gig. Guys looking for serious beauties often have to dig through heaps of average material. 18Onlygirls has some of the most beautiful European woman of any site I’ve ever come across and all of their footage is shot very well. I’m no videographer but whatever they are doing is right. The content is so high quality that it almost appears to be jumping off of the screen. Believe me when I say I wish it was.
5. Mark’s Head Bobbers and Hand Jobbers – I mentioned Clips4Sale in the list last year. Mark’s Head Bobbers and Hand Jobbers is one of the best studios broadcasting on that platform. Mark Rockwell describes himself as a regular guy shooting the kind of porn that he’d like to see. It turns out that it’s also the kind of porn that I and countless other guys would like to see. Mark has a great choice in models and he definitely knows how to use a camera. You might think that all pornographers would be great behind the lens but the abundance of close ups of sweaty male asses and orgasm faces proves otherwise. Regular updates keep guys coming back to Mark’s studio and it’s easy to see why. He’s even shot scenes with cam model Little Mina whom I interviewed on this site a few months ago. I tried to interview Mark but he never wrote me back. Oh well, I can still enjoy the videos!
6. Prostitute Movies – Since you’re reading this entry on Rockit Reports there’s a good chance you’re interested in the subject matter. Prostitute Movies is a premium tube site that shows movies involving massage parlors, street walkers, escorts and more. Much of the material appears to be amateur or shot with hidden cameras and I’m sure I’ve seen some of it elsewhere. I guess that guys with a ton of time on their hands can hunt this sort of content down but those with put a premium on their free days and hours would be more likely to shell out a little dough to get access to a seemingly unlimited supply of the kind of entertainment they find interesting. The website looks a little rudimentary but that’s all part of the charm. The functionality is top notch.
Honorable mention goes to MormonGirlz.com. The owners of this porn outlet graciously agreed to give me a temporary username and password so I could review their site. It’s a very interesting concept and probably completely unique in the world. If the name didn’t give it away the site broadcasts “the secret, forbidden desires of young Mormon girls.” I don’t have much knowledge on the subject matter and as the site was brand new when I reviewed it there wasn’t a lot of content online. I’ve checked back since and there have been weekly updates adding a lot more to the site. Some of the women featured are quite hot though most are of a “girl next door” quality, which makes sense considering the topic.
Further mention goes to Little Brown Fucking Machines. The site has been around for a while but it seems to have gone through a few revisions. In any event it continues to feature some very beautiful and sexy Filipina women.
Porn worth paying for in 2014

1. Asian Sex Diary – In my opinion Asian Sex Diary is one of the most interesting developments in recent porn history. It could almost be described as a more explicit version of my site, though with a lot more emphasis on detailing the actual action. It’s the video diary of one man who travels through Asia finding new women to bed on a regular basis. Updates are frequent, the videos are done really well and there is even some information given about where to have fun in a particular location. With a format like this you want to stay tuned on a regular basis so it makes sense to sign up as a member.
2. Clips4Sale – This is basically a porn broker. Clips4Sale let’s content providers sell their videos to the world. It’s a great place to find unique, amateur and fetish content that can be tougher to locate elsewhere since it allows small operations to get their videos out to a large audience. Granted I’m not into some of the stuff available here. For example, I will never understand the appeal of videos of guys getting kicked in the nuts or “giant women.” But to each his own. Some of the most popular pages on the site are also understandably some of the best (Klixen’s Handjobs comes to mind). Recently there seem to be more pages filled with the kind of generic porn you can find freely all over the web. It’s easy enough to ignore it, but it can be a bit of a pain when you’re trying to find the good stuff. The site also seems to be a little behind in terms of technology but it’s nothing that gets in the way of my enjoyment. Clips are purchased one at a time at Clips4Sale, in ala carte style. Prices start at $2. If you really like a particular page you can sometimes save money by signing up as a member of that particular producer and viewing all videos for a set period of time.
3. Toticos – Toticos is filmed on location in the north coast of the Dominican Republic, an area that has become infamous for it’s commercial sex scene. Like Asian Sex Diary, this site is based on the adventures of one man. It’s not updated as frequently as the aforementioned site, but it does include a lot of information on navigating the Dominican sex scene, with proof of concept in the form of very interesting videos shot with sexy Latinas.
4. Asian Candy Pop – There is a lot of Thai porn content out there. Some of it is good, most of it is amateur. Asian Candy Pop finds some of the most attractive women in Thailand and features them in super high quality videos that match the most professional content you can find. After you view some of these incredibly edited, high resolution videos, you may have a hard time going back to the grainy cellphone camera footage. They upload enough of their own stuff to the free tube sites to keep you wanking, but a membership to the actual site gives you a lot more. As the site’s director Morshe said in this interview I did with him, “We’ve worked really hard on Asiancandypop and I hope you guys appreciate it. Even if you can’t put any money to the cause, we just want to make Asian porn better. It really is a labor of love.”
5. Massage Parlor – When you’ve had as many amazing massage parlor experiences as I have (ranging from Korean massage parlors and Chinese massage parlors to Macau saunas and Seoul jack shacks), you begin to develop a longing for the sensation of sexy women sensually washing your body off before rubbing you down and giving you an amazing release. For those times when you can’t get out to an actual massage shop for whatever reason, massage parlor porn can really come in handy. Massage-Parlor.com and it’s sister site Soapy Massage provide really professional content with incredibly attractive and skilled women. This level of production is worth paying for even in this age of adult entertainment abundance.
6. Tuk Tuk Patrol – Tuk Tuk Patrol is another quality site focusing on Thai women. What makes this site stand out is the way it’s done. Updates are constant and videos come with entertaining back stories and information. It’s interesting to watch these guys move from one pussy to the next, documenting it all on high resolution video for the rest of us to see. There’s something special about this site that makes it more than worth the rather inexpensive membership fee. For guys who punt around Thailand or just wish they could, it’s certainly something to see. To get a better idea of what goes on behind the scenes, make sure to read my interview with the guy behind Tuk Tuk Patrol.
7. Trike Patrol – As you could probably guess, Trike Patrol is a sister site of Tuk Tuk Patrol. Whereas tuk tuks are common forms of transportation throughout Thailand and other parts of Southeast Asia, the “same same but different” trike is the main method of getting around in the Philippines. This site is very similar to Tuk Tuk Patrol, but it features Filipinas rather than Thai women. Since variety is the spice of life, I maintain memberships for both. No word yet if the producers of these sites have any plans to produce a “Motodop Patrol” site for cheap charlies.
And there you have it, enough online entertainment to empty your wallet and your nutsack simultaneously.
I am becoming a memeber at MyAsianDiary (cliked link from your page .. hopefully you get a part of it) … it looks great and I wanna learn how to do it. Thanks much
Thanks a lot. I’m sure you will enjoy. Let me know what you think. Cheers!
asian sex diary still going strong years later
Indeed. It continues to expand while many other pay porn sites have collapsed. Cheers.