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How Chinese Massage Parlor Happy Endings Work

There’s a lot of rumor and innuendo floating around out there about massage parlors and “happy endings” in the United States. Let someone who has done the research fill you in. There are two main kinds of Asian massage parlors (AMP) that offer extra services in the US: Korean Massage Parlors and Chinese Massage Parlors. Today I’ll talk about Chinese massage parlors.

When I say Chinese massage parlor I am talking about a particular kind of place. I am not describing every massage parlor with a Chinese name or Chinese people on staff. Obviously there are massage parlors with Chinese names, staff or owners that do not offer anything other than body rubs. On the other hand there are some Chinese owned and staffed places that offer more than just massages to customers. Those places which have come to be known as “Chinese massage parlors” in circles with an interest in Asian massage parlors are the places I am examining in this post.

While this post will tell you how Chinese massage parlors work in full detail it will not illustrate what goes down in pictures or videos. If you want to see what happens in Chinese massage parlors with your own eyes you should check out the many massage parlor videos at Prostitute Movies.

Chinese massage parlors can be found in almost every major city in the United States and sometimes even in suburbs and rural areas. They often provide body massages along with additional services at least in some cases.

Hints of happy endings

Single male customers who visit a Chinese massage parlor will usually get a poor to decent massage followed by a hand job hand ending finish. On some occasions, especially in “fly by night” setups in residential buildings that come and go from one day to the next, customers may be offered oral sex or even full service.

There are some signs that can help customers figure out whether or not a Chinese massage parlor offers extras. If it is open into the late night or early morning or advertises on websites alongside escorts there’s a good chance there are extras on offer. But there are no guarantees. Some “legit” places have become wise and will advertise on adult oriented websites in order to fool unsuspecting guys into visiting. When they show up, those guys get nothing more than a back rub.

Chinese massage shop

Where extras are on offer at a Chinese massage parlor it’s accepted as a normal part of service. The logic is that such a release is necessary for “full release” on the part of the male clientele. At least that’s the theory. In some cases the simple fact is that masseuses massage particular body parts so that they can make more money.

Chinese massage parlors often operate in a sort of gray area and service follows as such. These aren’t straight forward brothels where guys just walk in and get fucked. Instead they are places where massages are concluded with offers for further work on the parts between the thighs.

This is by design and intended both for the safety of the staff and venues and as a part of creating an overall relaxing atmosphere. After all relaxation is the entire point of massage!

Massage parlor extras

If extras are on offer, the masseuses will normally make it known. They don’t typically wait for customers to make a move. Any guy who shows up at a massage parlor being aggressive and pushing for more than a massage would be asking for trouble. In fact such behavior would probably be illegal and grounds for a masseuse to end a session or even call in the powers that be.

Frequent visitors to happy ending massage parlors in the United States don’t normally ask for any extra services. They simply lay back and receive them as they come. Some masseuses who do offer extra services may even turn down a guy who asks for them directly since they could fear that the customer is in fact a member of law enforcement trying to cause a problem.

Nowadays the internet offers a wide range of information that was not available to massage parlor aficionados even a few years ago. While some guys will still “take one for the team” and visit a massage parlor not covered online to see if they can get a happy ending the vast majority of customers today research massage parlors in advance in order to find a place to their liking.

Booking a session

When a guy looking for a happy ending enters a massage parlor for the first time they typically ask for a one hour massage. That’s true even when a 30 minute massage is available for less money. That is because as a first time visitor they are more likely to get extras with a one hour massage than they are with a thirty minute sessions. Guys who opt for a short session may be branded as a “cheap charlie” off the bat and receive nothing more than a mediocre rub down.

Unlike Korean massage parlors, the women who work at Chinese massage parlors almost never wear any kind of sexy lingerie. While some of the higher end and better established places may have women in their twenties in somewhat sexy uniforms on staff, the vast majority of Chinese massage parlors will have middle aged or even older women working. Of course looks are no indication of skill and some of the oldest women are the most renown for their abilities.

The staff at most Chinese massage parlors will ask unfamiliar customers if they have visited before. Some sources say that guys who want extra service must answer yes to this question no matter what the truth actually is. I don’t believe that is true. Guys who say things like “no, but I go to another place” or “no, but my friend told me to come” seem just as likely to get extra services. Even those who truthfully say “no” and leave it at that are often offered extras.

Prices and procedures

The usual rate at Chinese massage parlors is 40 to 50 dollars for an hour massage. Some places may ask for as much as 80 or even 100. There are also some cheaper places around but they are becoming rarer with each passing day. Payment is typically rendered after a massage is given though some places mask ask for payment up front if they feel there is a risk of being shorted.

Chinese massage parlor

The most high end Chinese massage parlors offer table showers. These involve the customer laying down on a padded table in a wash room and being cleaned from head to toe. Some middle of the road places will allow customers to shower themselves in a private stand up shower before or after the massage. Most places will offer neither.

At the start of the massage sessions customers are led to a room and told to take off their clothes. Some rooms are plain but normal with walls that go up to the ceiling and locking doors. Other rooms are nothing more than four thin dividers around a massage table and a curtain for a door. After the customers are in the room the masseuse or manager who led them to the room will leave.

Nude massage or not?

For an oil massage in a Chinese massage parlor it is normal for the customer to get naked. Some customers who were fearful or nervous and left on their underwear have been told to remove them even at so called legitimate massage places. That’s because it is difficult to do a massage on a customer wearing underwear.

Most regulars to happy ending massage parlors say they get naked and sit down waiting for their masseuse to return, though others report covering themselves up with a towel. The idea some have is that customers who show they are comfortable in the nude put the masseuses at ease and lessen any idea that the customers may in fact be cops.

In any event after the masseuse enters the room the customer is told to lay down face first on the table. Their body is then covered up in a towel. The towel is moved around as the massage progresses but is normally not totally removed from the body until much later.

Oil massage and soft touch

Massages at Chinese massage parlors are typically done with the use of oil. Some customers don’t want to be covered in oil. They have different reasons. Some don’t want to be oiled up if they can’t shower afterwards. Others fear that suspicious significant others will notice the oil at home. And a few probablu just find it uncomfortable. Normally customers can request that a massage be done without oil but in that case it is normally a lot less comfortable. In some cases a sort of talcum powder can be used instead of oil.

With or without oil the masseuses often ask customers if they want a hard or soft massage with their limited English. A hard massage involves varying amounts of pressure being applied to the customers back, buttocks and legs. A soft massage usually means the masseuse will lightly run her fingers over the customer’s, giving him goosebumps and quite possibly getting him erect. Customers focused on getting a happy ending will usually ask for a soft massage if given the option. The idea is that soft massage is more likely to lead to a happy ending. That’s why people on websites about massage parlors often refer to a happy ending as “soft touch” when they write reviews.

Mutual contact

Some who frequent Chinese massage parlors often report that they will try to touch their masseuses lightly on the leg during their massages. According to them the masseuses will pull away if extras are not available or stay put if they are. I don’t think there’s much validity to this. In any case it sounds a little creepy.

Sexy Chinese massage

I have no way to know but I would imagine that most masseuses would much prefer that customers simply try to strike up a conversation with them. They would probably appreciate it and even be happy to be able to practice their English and get a break from the monotony of rubbing the backs of semi-sleeping guys day after day.

The happy ending

During the massage things will often get a bit sexy at least from the point of view of the customer. When the masseuse is rubbing legs, buttocks and thighs customers often get turned on. This doesn’t seem to be much of a problem even for places that don’t offer extras.

Since erections can be totally involuntary during a massage they are often ignored. On the other hand customers who maintain an erection for a sustained period of time are probably more likely to be noticed.

At some point during any massage customers are asked to flip over and lie on their back. That’s where things can get iffy though they eventually become a lot more clear.

After getting their legs and backsides rubbed customers will sometimes be erect. Flipping over and having the towel moved makes that very obvious. Sometimes a masseuse will ask the question “do you want to turn over?” For guys in the know that itself can be an offer for extras. More usually the masseuse just say turn over or “flip” and start rubbing the inside of the legs. Eventually, if extras are offered, they will move closer to the penis and balls. They may even tease the groin or go as far as grabbing the stick or balls. At that point will either move directly to performing a hand job or they will ask the customer questions like “do you want anything else?” or make a hand motion signaling a hand job and ask “okay?”

Tipping for extras

At most Chinese massage places in America where extras are on offer prices are not discussed before hand. When prices are discussed up front it is often a sign of poor services to come but there are always exceptions. In any case, hand job happy endings can range from fast and mechanical to slow, oily and erotic. No matter the style of service customers nearly always get emptied sooner rather than later.

During a happy ending at a Chinese massage parlor the masseuse may get topless or even naked. But this is usually not the case. Some regulars find that they can gain more access if they visit repeatedly and offer to tip more once the service is already underway.

Most masseuses do seem to be okay with customers touching them over their clothes during a happy ending hand job. But some are not. Since it’s all a gray area there are no hard and fast rules. Ultimately the easiest way for anyone to get consent is usually to ask for it. But human interactions can be complicated.

At the completion of a happy ending customers are usually cleaned up by the masseuse with either tissues or warm wet towels. After that the masseuse leaves the room. Customers them get dressed and head out to the front desk to pay. At around the same time, customers tip their masseuses directly for their services.

Again there aren’t any hard and fast rules. Generally speaking the normal tip for a handjob is around forty dollars. Obviously some guys give more. A few may even give less, but they aren’t as likely to receive good service if they return. At times masseuses will come right out and ask for a certain amount and it is sometimes more than forty dollars.

Legitimate massage

If the masseuse simply says “okay that’s it” and leaves the room at the end of a massage, that means extras aren’t being offered. Guys who explore massage parlors in an attempt to find places that offer happy ending accept that possibility. That’s part of their fun. The standard tip at places that do not offer happy endings is around ten dollars.

There are definitely some women working in legitimate massage parlors who make exceptions. For whatever reason they might break protocol and go the extra mile with a client. There isn’t any science to this, so there isn’t much that can be said on the subject. Suffice it to say that it does happen.

It’s also the case that there are plenty of massage parlors that do nothing but massages. One shouldn’t assume that ever massage parlor is a front for a handjob shop. Most of them probably are not. Even if they are owned and operated by Chinese people.

Repeat visits and add ons

After a customer becomes familiar with a place that offers extra services they often return. Who would expect otherwise? A decent service at a good price has long been a recipe for success in business. Things don’t change just because a man’s twig and berries get involved.

Once customers become known to massage parlor staff they are more likely to get sexual services with far less uncertainty. They may may opt for a 30 minute massage if the happy ending is all they’re after. In that case the tip remains the same. They may also inquire about four and even six handed massages which ads another masseuse or two. That is available at many Chinese massage parlors that offer extras and even some that don’t. Obviously each masseuse involved expects to be tipped for a many handed massage.

Jack shacks

Earlier I alluded to fly by night Chinese massage places set up in houses and apartments. In the past, these less common set ups could be found in listings in the backs of “alternative papers” available freely in various cities. Later the ads migrated to the internet. They are usually short and to the point, saying things like “Asian massage, 555-555-5555.”

Since the places are private and often located in residential areas where business is not technically allowed customers have to call ahead to make an appointment and get directions. These spots are discreet. Customers sometimes have to call two or even three times to gain admission. Then they are let inside only to have one or two doors locked behind them.

Once inside customers get a half-ass massage and then are asked what else they want. Hand jobs are standard services offered in these kinds of places but sometimes customers will be offered oral sex.

Knocking shops

Some of the older women will perform oral sex without protection but others require it even if its not effective. So there are customers who bring their own condoms. Those who don’t will sometimes find masseuses doing something strange like covering a penis in plastic wrap before popping it in their mouth.

Guys who become regular and trusted visitors of these places can even be offered full service. If the women who get to know them or take a liking to them it is quite possible. The women who perform full service obviously do it because they can get more money but there are cases when they simply want to get some enjoyment for themselves and take the opportunity of using a trusted guy to get off on.

Prices are normally negotiated up front in these places. Customers may pay 40 dollars for an hour massage then negotiate other costs for further services. Sometimes customers can get away with paying a lot less than they would pay at a “normal” Chinese jack shack. Other times the rates are about the same.

In one place I used to know, the sexy middle-aged Chinese manager also did massages. She got really into her work and went above and beyond the call of duty. She’d jerk and blow customers with her big round boobs out without even asking for a tip! At forty dollars a go all included it was quite a bargain in comparison to the competition. Of course it didn’t last. These places never do. That’s something that regular customers are aware of.


As you should be able to tell from reading this, things are widely variable with Chinese massage parlors. Fans of the places usually have laid back attitudes and simply go with whatever comes. It is not like there is a central playbook that every Chinese masseuse and massage parlor operator follows. This is just a general overview of a certain kind of Chinese massage parlor that is quite widespread.

The Korean massage parlors have somewhat more straight forward and set-in-stone routines. In those massage parlors full service is more or less standard. Again all of this only applies to a certain subset of places. Even those are limited to the United States.

Things are much different elsewhere in the world. I continue to report on various massage parlors the world over on this website. You can dig through the content if you are interested in learning about Chinese massage parlors in places like Germany or Taiwan. I will continue to do research on this interesting topic and post my findings here. I publish this material for your entertainment. I hope that you will find it enjoyable to read.

105 thoughts on “How Chinese Massage Parlor Happy Endings Work”

  1. First, well done on the general and detailed info I’ve read. Much appreciated, thanks. But here’s a toughie … apart from Macau, Taiwan and HK, anything on the scene in mainland China? Particularly Beijing?

    1. There’s tons of action in Mainland China, though it depends on the exact location and whether or not there is a crackdown in effect. I plan to add some info in the future, but as always I have to balance risk and reward. I would really hate to cause problems for anyone. Thanks for your comment!

    1. Thanks for the comment. I guess that would depend on the power of your significant other’s olfactory senses. Usually scent-free oil is used, but not always. In many cases you request that they not use oil. They often have other options like powder or lotion, or can simply massage you through a towel which doesn’t require any lubricant.

  2. Outstanding information. I wish I had this information 10 years ago when I first walked into a massage parlor. Actually it was kinda fun not knowing…

    1. Thanks. Indeed there was some fun thrown in with the mystery. You can still get that when checking out new places that haven’t yet been reviewed online though! Cheers.

    1. Hi Gina. This is the second or third time someone has asked this on the site. I’m no expert but from what I know it’s tough for women to get extra services in most Asian massage parlors. You might check some reviews online to find exception. The best route for a woman to go is to search for tantra massage (specifically “yoni massage”) in their area, as that is guaranteed to give the desired results. Let us know how you make out. Cheers.

  3. For the females, I always take a female companion to the massage establishment. I never go solo, plus the females love the attention!

    1. Extras are usually limited to the hands at Chinese shops, as described here in the post. When I’ve seen oral or (rarely) full service available, it’s always been covered. Cheers.

  4. I went in 2012 to my first and only massage parlor in New Jersey (you can get to the listings through Backpage). There was an Asian parlor and a Russian parlor right next to each other. I went with the Russian. I knocked on the door; and did not call ahead. There was only one woman working; she let me in the door. She was late 40’s; and average looking. I had no clue what the hell I was doing; I was 35 at the time. I took my clothes off but did not take off my underwear. I got on the table as she instructed me to do so. This is what happened…….We got into a long, one hour conversation while she was massaging me about 20 different intimate topics; almost like a therapist. I was on the rocks with my girlfriend at the time; so I need to unload; and she also needed to unload (through conversation). About Minute 30; she started fingering my asshole gently; and was spending a lot of time in my crotch area from the rear. This was all new to me; so I put my asshole a few inches off the ground; so she could get more access; and it was also a signal that I was enjoying it. She gave me the direct order to turn-over; and she took off her clothes, totally naked. I literally had my finger in her pussy; she at one point jumped on the table and straddled my cock. She put her mouth on the tip of my cock too. But 90% of the time I was getting jerked off. Nothing new…’s what happened next. After I blew a load; she did not ask me to leave. We continued talking while I reloaded for a second cum shot. She then proceeded to jack me off a 2nd time. I had to tell….this is how much I have in my wallet; its’ all yours. But I did not know if this was turning real, or whether this was all part of the act. After my second load; there was no desire on her end for me to leave. She wanted my phone number (remember, I had knocked on the door); and I was not interested in giving her my number. Some friends of mine think she may have been cultivating a customer she thought was loaded; others think there was legit interest. I am not really sure. It was a Friday afternoon; so there were no customers; so maybe that’s why I got my cock n’ balls jerked off for a few hours. I gave her 60; with an 80 tip. I got home and jumped in the pool immediately to get her pussy juices, oil, and overall stench off of my body. I was in a public pool; so my co-residents had to swim in rub n’ tug jizz and cunt juice. This is what actually happened. I never went again; its’ 2014- and I am tempted to go back; but the experience was very overwhelming.

  5. Have you used the site Rub Maps?

    If so, how good is Rub Maps when getting more info for the a specific parlor? I’ve been to the site and seen someone near my house i’m interested in.

  6. I speak Chinese and even some Korean I am never shy about what I want . Maybe speaking Chinese helps . I walk in and tell them straight up that I want a sexy girl. When they leave to take off their clothes and come back in I am naked and stroking it … They relax and they know I am NOT a COP, Police would NEVER do that and jerking off is not illeagal in a private place… I NEVER get a bad response. I take control . I am good at massage as I ran many many Korean Massage parlours back in the 80’s and 90’s in NYC so I might massage their shoulders a bit .. They like it cause they get tired also! Police would NEVER do that . Then I’ll go two ways 1 way is if I am not sure if they will fuck I will let them massage me with some small talk in Chinese .. I do two things to guage their hornyness.. I massage their thighs and legs as they massage me and see if they let me stroke their pussy outside their clothes or inside. If they do then I know they are open to sexual action. If I want to have fun with a seemingly shy girl I suspect is in to it ( I can tell by her body language and approach ) I let her massage me and when she gets to my lower back I do my best to induce an erection and start to move my hips and thrust like I am very aroused . I ALWAYS get a god response ( many Chinese girls are horny especially if they have not been in the USA long and are doing these jobs partially to make money and partially to experiment sexually . YES I said to experiment sexually .. I have made “dates” out of quite a few of these girls over the years ( how do you think I got involved in the Korean Massage business) throwing them a good fuck and being KInky can be a plus if you are a decent looking and ( importantly EDUCATED ) guy . That means fucking them good and cum in their mouth if they will let you ( that usually means I will be getting a call if I leave my number to meet later ) you just have to know how to bring that side out of them. When you do they love it .. Yes I am talking about Queens where I have even been able to go bareback ( I never worry about disease been fucking Koreans and Chinese bareback in NYC since the 80’s and never caught a cold ) The other approach is I think ther e is some “Hap Si Da” ( that’s korean for screwing around) going on is I tell them I got layed at that place before if I did and that I am horny and need sex .. straight up .. if the girl I choose cannot or has her period she will call out for another girl that can if she can .. and I again take control .
    NEVER rude.. just confident and direct .. There are several types of women that go for this work. The ones that are the most fun are teh “dabblers” they do it for a short time out of curiosity , sexuall curiosity , general horniness ( yes there are women that are pervs and are fascinated by strangers cocks and doing these things .. and the generally horny and lazy babes that like to get paid to play around sexually with different guys ( not all customers are revolting and in Japan even these guys can many times be considered “cute” if you are decent looking you may just make that girl’s day! I found an area in Queens where I can always get a decent massage and sexual play of FS from a number of places.. I would not call this prostitution as it it not tit for tat .. I do always tip well but not extravagantly Some of teh best fun happens when I bring a girl in and I and teh Massage girl both massage my GF I prearrange with her to get turned on and moan and groan and pull my cock out and suck on me while theChinese girls looks on in amazement .. they usually get turned on and the real fun begins ! It’s great ! Production line places may be production line experiences but getting a girl from NE China ( the horniest) who has only been in teh USA a few weeks or months and exposing her to porn ( bring some) and other kinky diversions for teh first time in these places is REAL FUN ..

  7. As for Craig it is OBVIOUS that your Russian lady was horny and into you .. don’t sell your self short . These are human beings that have hearts and feelings. I can count quite a few girls I met EXACTLY like you did that I had known for years and who even loved the crap out of me , giving ME thousands of dollars , meeting my family and sex any time I and they wanted and needed Fairy tales Do come true .. not all th etime but they DO

    1. There are massage parlors all over Hong Kong that offer various levels of service, along with walk up brothels and other venues. I’ve written about some on this site previously. Cheers.

  8. There are a lot of Chinese owned beauty salons in NYC that appear to offer massage services. These places often cut hair in the front, and offer massage services and a sometimes a standing shower in the back. (Usually no table shower.) In your experience, do these style places tend to offer extras, or completely legitimate?

    1. I know that a few places like that I’m Chinatown offer happy endings by hand from middle aged to older ladies, but that doesn’t mean they all do. Cheers.

    2. Never had an experience in that situation as you described I tend to think that these days they are just legit but the scene can change at any time as places are getting more bold

  9. let’s face facts here, 99.9% of men just want is sex like charlie and alan harper and they both suck like dogshit. real men know how to get a real massage with a foot job happy ending for some men don’t want sex but female feet wanking them. i get a more intense release when i’m being wanked with female feet.

  10. You mentioned that the standard tip for a hand finish was somewhere around 40 dollars. Is that still the case? Do you know how the rates compare in more expensive areas like Las Vegas or San Francisco?

    Also, you mentioned sometimes offering to tip a bit extra. What sorts of things deserve an extra tip and what is generally considered a fair amount? I mean, when someone has you by the man-tackle, you want to follow good etiquette! :P

    1. As far as I know prices are still generally the same though there can be some variations between shops. Most of these places are located in or near big cities and so the prices are almost always similar no matter where in the country they are. A few hidden gems in NYC are very cheap though. Extra services cost more when they are available typically going up in twenty or forty dollar increments as things progress. Cheers.

    1. I guess a lot of people have concerns of all sorts is one reason many don’t go to these kinds of places. I can’t offer anything more than information that I have and even then only with the intention of entertaining readers. Cheers!

  11. I’ve found a fantastic Chinese massage place and have been 6 or 7 times. On the very first massage, the masseuse was extremely good and said she liked massaging me very much. I was erect for most of that massage and for every massage with her since. Things have gotten sexier and sexier with her each time I’ve been there. On the last occasion, she started to give me a hand job, but it was done very rapidly and mechanically without oil and not on the right spot. How can I get her to go slowly and use oil? should I just show her? And ask her to use oil? She and I have a good understanding and it seems we like each other very much. However, she speaks only a few words of English, and because this place looks very professional and Yelp reviews all say it’s “not one of THOSE places” she put her hand on my mouth when I started to say something to make her stimulate me differently, like she had to be careful that no one knew what she was doing. She has the most sensual touch on every other part of my body (better touch than ANY woman I’ve ever had contact with!), I just wish she could finish me off in the same sensual way. Any ideas?

    1. Hi. Obviously I don’t give advice on this website which is for entertainment only. My experiences in Chinese massage parlors were always initiated by the service providers except in one or two instances when I ran into “legit” places and ended up dating with the masseuses outside of the place. In some places things progress naturally and in some they are limited or just never come. There may not be any thing a punter can do. Cheers.

  12. Hi, it’s SC again. In your previous reply you mentioned that the cost of extras generally goes up in $20 or $40 increments. What actually counts as an add-on though? If a table shower is offered at no extra charge (to the house) with a massage on request, should the masseuse be tipped extra for the extra work, or is it still a $40 tip?

    Also, do you have any ideas on how to keep safe in these sorts of places? I mean both in terms of getting scammed and getting caught red handed by people you would rather not know about it.

    1. Most Chinese places I’ve been to do not have table showers. The few that do tend to ask for a higher house fee but the tip generally remains the same. Most Chinese places only offer hand service if they offer any additional services at all and they generally expect an extra 40 to 60 for that. A few may offer more especially to repeat customers but that usually comes with an expectation of a higher tip too. Table showers are more common at Korean places that offer more services. Guys who know how things work before they arrive generally have little chance of being scammed and I don’t think it’s all that common anyway. Most places want to avoid pissing people off which could attract the kind of people who they don’t want to have problems with. That can only be avoided to some extent and a lot of it has to do with luck. Of course this website is only for entertainment so I can’t offer any advice. Cheers.

  13. How do you know when to ask for more? I usually get hj at regular place, last time i was there girl leaned over for a kiss while doing it. Is there a sign i can advance from there?

    1. I don’t recommend anything. This website is for entertainment only. I have never asked for anything at a Chinese massage parlor but things were offered to me at times. Cheers.

    2. After being too shy for many years, now I just ask. If they don’t go that far, often they feel a little bad about saying no, and so they try harder doing what they are willing to do.

  14. I don’t understand something. Let’s say they ask for $40 for a hj, is it expected that you tip more money on top of that, or is the $40 sufficient?

    1. Typically there are no set prices for special services. That would probably cause problems. Usually a certain tip is agreed upon or simply understood by regulars for those who provide a particular service. For example a 40 tip may be fitting for a hand job at a particular place. So the money handed over is typically a house fee and then a tip. In some rare cases the house collects their fee and the tip up front and that includes everything. Cheers.

  15. How do you typically position your dick during massages? Any difference on a known place that gives HE vs a non HE place.

    1. My penis stays in the same position during most activities in life including massages. Most massages mainly take place with a naked customer laying down on their stomach. When a happy ending is offered it is typically done when the customer is instructed to flip over toward the end of the session. Places that offer happy endings tend to be more discreet and open during later hours but that’s not a rule. Cheers.

  16. Hi Rockit, I’m going to try to explain this the best I can and I could really use your insight on this situation is got into at a chinese message Parlor In CA, so I’ve been to this place at least 3 times, the fourth time I went though was different, meaning that I went there got the usual but unlike the other times I was charged a allot less yet I did everything right, but here’s when it went into the most unexpected moment, it was only afterwards that the messeus that gave me the message invited me into the room where I belive was there living quarters/observation room, keep in mind that there were only 3 girls there and the mamma-san wasn’t there, anyways they the one that brought me in there was going on about to the other 2 messeus about how attractive I looked and they wanted me to hang out with them for a bit, then I was offered by one of the other messeus if I wanted to go for another message and if I wanted another one of them to be a part of it, I just accepted one of them, but I felt there was more to it, not only did I think that I just got hustled for more money out of my wallet, but I’m pretty sure she was a gajin Hunter, because she asked if I wanted to give her a baby after she finished with me and we were talking for a bit, but here’s where the rocket shothe off, after we finished talking she still wanted me to hang out and talk with them, the odd thing is that they fed me, but like as I was of royalty, to top it off one of them after an hour I had to leave I was asked by one of them 2 things that if I wanted to do it with all 3 of them the next time I came in and if I was going to come in the next day, I regretfully said yes, Now not only am I confused but I’m stuck, 1 or 2 of the messeus were Korean but the other was Chinese I belive, I would really like to know what you make of this and what advise you have for me. ?

    1. I don’t give advice. This website is for entertainment only. I only know of one place in America where Koreans and Chinese work together and it’s a sort of assembly of independent contractors. I’ve spent time with masseuses outside of work and most of them were very kind and genuine. I’ve had some great erotic fun with a few outside of work too. Cheers.

  17. Good article. You are spot on about asking for extras. Almost every time I get a happy ending it’s prefaced with taint and scrotum teasing before the flip. If you subtly show you are enjoying this you will at least get a HJ. Only once did I get a verbal offer. In this case, she knew I had been there before and seen another masseuse. She asked me what the other one did and I lied. Got me total nudity and FS. Seemed she didn’t want to be outdone! An awesome memory!

  18. Wow. Just had my first experience at an AMP and your details are so spot on its eerie. Great article for anyone curious about this.

  19. Amazing. I went for a 60 minute massage at a Chinese massage parlor in a private room and I had my first HJ at such an establishment. The experience in general was dead-on to how you described it including the “tip” of $40 for a HJ happy ending. The massage was actually very good and towards the end she asked me to flip over and started massaging my chess and then moved down asking if I also wanted “that” massaged. I have a few questions that you may be able to answer.

    The private room walls separating the rooms only went up 7 feet and not all the way up to the ceiling enclosing the room. So privacy was a little limited. Room had no door but a flimsy cloth screen which you can kind-of see people walking by the hall way. Is this normal? I had a hard time staying quiet as the happy ending was erupting and it would have been nicer to have been in a real enclosed room with a real door.

    As for the HJ I am in my 50’s and I have NEVER had such a fast and wonderful HJ in my entire life. She grabbed my balls in one hand with a special grip and with the other hand stroked me in a way that was new to me – it was amazing and wonderful. I came in less than a minute. Do they use a special technique? I mean this was not a normal HJ.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I would guess that people who do anything for a living would be better at it than people who are less practiced or amateur. Different places have different set ups. There are massage shops with luxurious rooms and saunas but most tend to be on the cheap side. Partial walls and curtains are pretty common. Cheers.

  20. Great Article. Thumbs up.

    I am new in NYC, and I will love recommendations of some safe and legit massage parlors, where I can have a massage with happy ending.

    Thank you

  21. rockit,

    First of all, I’d like to say thank you for creating and maintaining this website. I just recently learned about the world of AMP and was keen on learning more. Your article above is exactly what I was looking for and could not find anywhere else on the net.

    Would you say that one should not expect anything extra during the first visit, especially if one looks like LE (fit, shaved head, etc.)? Or, would it be an indication that the place does not offer extra services even though it is reviewed at rubmaps? Any insight would be much appreciated.


    1. Thanks for the comment. Typically a place that offers extra offers them to first time customers though in some places individual providers do extras while others do not so customers are subject to the luck of the draw. Cheers.

  22. In suburban LA, the girls in the parlor get you horny and basically have you beat yourself off to avoid getting arrested. It works pretty well, no cheating or guilt complexes.

  23. I’ve been to same Chinese AMP about 4 times. Each time seems little more flirt. The last time when she was done she put her hand on my crotch over the towel and said ok that is it. She doesn’t speak much English but enough. Am I reading into things? How do I see if can go to next level without getting kicked out. She is older I would say in 50’s or early 60s. many of the things you had in article fit to a tee. First time I went not expecting anything. Put me in room with door, everything clean and nice. Said to take off clothes and lay on table. I asked if I should leave on underwear and he said yes. So I laid face down, the lady came in and started. She pushed down my underwear half way to massage, then without asking me she just took all the way off. She massaged my buttocks etc. never really accidentally touching my penis. Would I know buy now if could go next level? First massage was great I tipped $20 and have done so each time. Did I start off too high?

    1. This site is for entertainment only. Without advising your particular situation I can say that normally places that offer erotic services provide them on the first visit. Few places suddenly start offering extras on the third or forth visit. Cheers.

      1. Thanks for reply. This place open early morning and until 10pm in strip shopping center nice area of the city. Windows covered with advertisement can’t see in. dark once inside where rooms are. One time she took me back holding my hand. When done usually leans to my ear to say done etc. I’m not sure if I’m missing clues and if I’m supposed to do something.

        1. I believe you are missing several cues, especially the hand holding. Next time tell her you’re happy to see her again. Next time leave yourself naked. I also let them know with moans if they’re getting close to the twig and berries, and of course never let an erection go unnoticed.

          I also leave an additional $20 on the table so she can see there’s a nice tip coming. I enjoy even the 50ish Chinese and Koreans, they’re usually quite adept.

        2. So the on the previous occasion she was rubbing my leg, I said that feels real nice. She kept looking at the clock. A small towel was over my crotch so she could rub my leg, then she put her hand on my crotch and rubbed for a few minutes over the towel. Then when time was up she said finished. I tipped her $30, normally I tip $20. The following week I went back and nothing….

  24. Does she find anything under the towel responding to her touch? Sounds like either it’s a firmly no-go place, or she’s not getting signals back from you. As a Rockit said, in cooperating AMPs it is rare the release isn’t offered upon first visit.

    You may need to find another shop.

    1. Thanks for the comment. Scams seem to be much more common in some massage parlors in Chinese cities than they are at Chinese massage parlors in the US. Cheers.

  25. This article and the comment section is worth a million bucks. I actually printed this entire page. I found this place on bedpage. I know they’re afraid of cops and all, so I know how to act. Thank you!

  26. i laugh when i read things like this. Happy endings have been going on at all AMP’s since they ever started in this country! they have tons of places in my state so they are making lots of money and the women are sending most of the money home to support the family and grandchildren! most are married or even grandmas! i do stay away from the old ones and i know where the younger ones work.
    just don’t expect to get a HE at a massage envy or similar!!

  27. You mentioned that the tip for a hand job is 40 dollars whether you receive a 30 minute or 60 minute session. Is that still true if you receive a 90 minute or 120 minute session? Thanks.

    1. There are no concrete rules that apply to every Chinese run massage parlor providing handjobs in the US. Some people give more or less depending on any number of factors. Cheers.

  28. I know this thread is a few years old and I am just noticing this. Here are my “stories” for entertainment only. Below are signs that the masseuses maybe offering extra services.

    These are mostly AMPs in Northern California, including a few in Las Vegas and LA. Almost all AMPs that offers table shower offers extras. Always take table shower option when offered. That is where the negotiations starts. Because W during the wash, if they start washing your twig and berries by hand they will either give you the extra there or later.

    I always tip $20 for a regular 1 hour massage without extras.
    $40 to $60 for a good HJ.
    $80 to $100 for a BJ
    $120 to $200 for FS
    Tip well if you like the services and wants to come back.
    I have gotten freebies FS and ended up dating one for a few years.

    Be clean take a shower before you go to any massage places. Take the shower again if they offers you? Always take all your clothes off and lay on the table with the towel covering your butt. The masseuses will adjust it for you when she comes in. Most AMP will ask for payments up front especially if it’s your first time there. Flash your money when you pay, and leaves the change on the table in the room or a large bill there or where the masseuses can see. That is bait money for Happy Ending.

    I drape my arms and let them hang off the side of the massage table. Most of the time if the masseuses is going to offer something later, she will stand very close and straddle your arm or shoulder and rub her legs or crotch on you. She will also massage from your head area and stretch herself over your head so her breasts will touch or rub against your head. When she massages your thigh area, she will let you know when she keep “accidentally” touch your balls. She may also lift your thighs up a little and reach under.and “accidentally” touch your twig there. The aggressive ones will just massage your twig and berries at that point. Some will oil your buttocks well and massage quite a bit between your butt a and all the way down to your berries.

    Some are less aggressive and won’t be doing those things around your thighs area. But on the flip to your front, they will massage your head area, the signs will start with them straddling your head and press their crotch on your head. They will lean forward as they reach to your chest so you can feel their stomach and their breasts on you face and body. Most men will be fully erected by now if not earlier. The masseuses will also do soft touch or feather touch on your stomach by this time to encourage a erection if you haven’t have one yet.

  29. Not much to add to Vinster’s detailed rundown. Along he eastern seaboard I’ve paid $60-80 for an hour, and also tip similarly: 20 for a good rub, 40 for a handshake, 100 oral and I paid 140 for the full service option just a week ago.

    Most common are Korean AMPs, with a smattering of Chinese and only a few Thai here and there. Had a nice Thai MILF give me a Brazilian wax, excellent rubdown and a handshake, 120 minutes total for $200, early on the week.

      1. I’ve been remiss, but fortunately the lady who waxes and massages had become my monthly go to. The “subject” came up after the wax and during the massage when she worked my cheeks and berries so expertly that I rose up on my knees to give her greater access. The handshake ensued, and is my regular spa day relief.

  30. happy ending: it doesn’t make any sense to spend 45 min being rubbed down, all the aches and pains rectified, AND THEN, POW she’s pounding your cock, all your efforts and energy are ready to burst. The entire process off relaxation is gone. Your all tense and can’t think of anything other than exploding.
    Have a haapy beginning and enjoy your massage!

  31. Your article was written in 2012. You mentioned that the tip for a hand job is 40 dollars and for a legit massage is 10 dollars. Is that still the situation? If not can you provide some updates. Thanks.

    1. There are no hard and fast rules. This is a general informational article. Despite the date on the article the overall gist of the information is still accurate. And in any event this website is only for entertainment. Cheers.

  32. Thank you so much for this! My husband goes to the local parlors sometimes, with my awareness, and will answer questions but I can tell discussing it with me embarrasses him a bit or ruins the sexiness of going. So your detailed report clarifies things
    FYI as a woman most “regular” massage parlors could be a happy ending for me (even if the therapist is female)… the line always seems to get crossed… but it’s hard for me to orgasm that way so I don’t encourage the attempt.

    1. Thanks for the comment Nicole. I would be interested in hearing more about your experiences with massage parlors. I am sure I am not alone. Cheers!

  33. This is a very good article and covers many of the facets within this industry. Inflation has arrived $60 1 hr massages are most common and a few places request $70 1 hr massages are offered , $60 tip is quite common and $80 is almost expected if happy ending is accompanied with touching & breast play/sucking nips of the massage girl. Very few places offer full service and several communities have cracked down on the hand job services and often requiring some kind of authentic massage school verification.

  34. I’ve been going to the same Chinese massage parlor for a year now. I typically tip same amount as massage price, for 60 minutes massage). I now receive a great massage and finish with a very skilled hand job, some tit play. They always go on after release to make sure I’m completely empty, getting every drop out and a sensual wet towel cleanup, and they dress me afterwards. Worth every dollar. I’m going to try a 4 hand next time.

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