We all know that 2020 was one hell of a year. That is no secret. Neither is the fact that billions of dollars are exchanged through the global sex industry. I report on as much sex work worldwide as resources allow. Yet there is so much I am unable to examine. That’s why I look to other interesting websites to fill me on everything I miss. When I find sites that worth looking at I pass them on to you the readers.
This is one of the earliest traditions of Rockit Reports. I have been publishing lists of the most interesting sex industry websites for nearly a decade. Going back and looking at past lists can help illuminate all the changes that have taken place in recent years. Looking forward to the current list can help shine a light on where things are going. With that said I present you with this list of the most interesting sex industry related websites of 2021.
It could be argued that Scrolller would be a better fit for my annual list of the best porn. Since those lists only include porn that is actually worth paying for I think Scrolller belongs here. It is a free to use website that allows users to scroll through an endless stream of pictures originally uploaded to Reddit. It’s sort of like Facebook but without the privacy violations and misinformation. The NSFW section includes everything from Gangbangs to GILFs.
Since you don’t have to sign up for anything to visit the website and scroll through the pictures there I guess it is more like Tumblr used to be. At least back before the infamous porn ban that destroyed that once great website and caused people like me to abandon it forever. You can sign up for a premium account at Scrolller though you certainly don’t have to. Nor do you need a Reddit account. You don’t have to view the NSFW pictures either. Though I don’t know what kind of man wouldn’t want to at least take a peak down the seemingly endless well of nudity available there.
Pattaya Mail
Las Vegas is commonly known as the city of sin. That mainly relates to gambling. Sure there are sex workers around buy prostitution is actually illegal in city limits. The legal brothels are further out in the hinterland of Nevada.
I don’t think sex is a sin. But there is probably no city more centered around sex than Pattaya, Thailand. The place actually transformed from a small relatively unknown fishing village into an internationally renown tourist town after western soldiers on release attracted working women to the area. The rest is history. And new history is made there every day.
The Pattaya Mail is perhaps the leading source of on the ground news coverage in Pattaya. Since there are so many sex workers and adult entertainment venues in the town it only makes sense to pay attention to the place. For people in the city and abroad Pattaya Mail offers a solid glimpse at what goes on in Pattaya Fun Town. While we’re on the subject Pattaya News Flash is also worth a look.
Stickman Bangkok is one of the oldest and longest running websites covering Thailand. The site which is not to be confused with the boy has quite the history. I will not get into that here but suffice it to say this website is read by many people for good reason. It covers the ins and outs of the land of smiles on a regular basis.
Of course not everything published on Stickman Bangkok relates to sex and the sex industry. But a lot of the content does in someway connect to the adult entertainment in the country and the relation foreign visitors and expats have to the scene and the ladies who work it. So it continues to be worth a look even if I disagree with a significant amount of the editorial content.
Decriminalizing Sex Work
Anyone who has paid attention probably knows that I advocate for the legalization of sex work. Decriminalizing Sex Work is a website based around the idea that sex work should be decriminalized. Their slogan is “End human trafficking. Promote health and safety.” That should tell you what you need to know.
This website is of interest to anyone interested in the persecution of sex workers and the fight to make sex work another accepted profession. They have a long way to go even if a majority of people in several major countries agree with the premise that prostitution should be legal. Especially when some of the more backwards parts of the world are passing newer and harsher laws. In any event the news section of this website is at least worth checking in on for anyone interested in the sex industry.
BBC – Sex Industry
No I am not talking about Big Black Cock or even Bitcoin Porn. The Beeb is known around the world for its broadcasting and reporting. Whatever you think of the British Broadcasting Corporation it is nice to know that they have a whole section of their website covering the sex industry.
Now this is hardly another Rockit Reports. But the BBC obviously has many more resources than I do. So they are able to keep their finger on the beating pulse of prostitution around the world quite well. I also appreciate that they don’t pick up original reporting from this website only to run as their own. That’s more than I can say for some other major news outlets.
The Independent
Here’s another one from Old Blighty. You have most likely heard of The Independent. But you may not know that they maintain an entire section on sex work that is done quite well. This part of their website is updated often with news from all around the world.
You may agree or disagree with the general editorial line of The Independent. Still you can more than likely get something out of the paper’s extensive reportage on sex work and the sex industry in general. Especially since they cover stories from all around the globe. It is definitely worth a look.
And that concludes this annual list of websites of interest to sex industry observers. If you enjoy what you read here you will probably like at least some of what the above sources publish. Since I am unable to update this website on a daily basis that should at least help you pass the time in between my posts.
The most interesting sex industry websites of 2020
Readers of this website are likely to be interested in the sex industry in general. Since this is certainly not the only place that covers the global sex trade it only makes sense that readers would also seek out other sources. I do too. That’s why I made this list of the most interesting sex industry sites of 2020.
I first created a list of interesting sex industry related websites way back in 2013. At the time Rockit Reports was relatively new and I was doing my best to write about all aspects of transactional sex and prostitution. What started then as a general post written on a whim later turned into a series of annual reports.
Drawing up lists of the most interesting sex industry websites is becoming more difficult as time goes on. And that’s not only because I find many of the newer clone sites that have sprung up recently to be rather dull. It seems less people are writing long form content and publishing it on dedicated websites. Countless pages like the Horribly Happy Hooker have simply gone idle. Sex workers still express themselves of course. But increasingly that happens in short quips posted on sites like Twitter.
Another factor is the mainstreaming of sex reporting that I mentioned in the beginning of 2020. When people can find reviews of blowjobs bars and brothels on mainstream sites and apps it becomes less likely that others will take the time to work on their own online outlets. Perhaps that is just the way it is. For now, I present you with this list of the most interesting sex industry websites of 2020.
Pro Con
Informed people usually come to their conclusions after researching a subject. One way to do that is to listen to opposing viewpoints. This is the source of debate which has long been a sign of a healthy democratic society. In these days when speech rights and open discussion seems to be under attack from many sides the internet continues to allow for dialogue.
Pro Con is a website that compiles arguments on both sides of subjects and presents them in an easy to use format. I am not especially interested in the website in general even though it is based on a good idea. But I do find the “Should prostitution be legal?” section of the Pro Con site quite useful.
As should be obvious I have long advocated for the legalization of sex work. It is one of the first things I ever wrote about here. I don’t mind exposing people to anti-prostitution arguments however. Such exposure only helps clarify and explain why selling sex should be legal.
Red Umbrella
Red Umbrella is a hosting service that was set up for sex workers. It was established in the wake of shut downs and seizures of all sorts. Red Umbrella describes itself as being “designed for sex workers (but also open to other marginalized business owners)”.
The Red Umbrella website itself might not be all that intriguing in those who simply observe the sex industry online. But it should be notable that such a service had to arise at all. No matter your position on the sex trade the mere fact that something like Red Umbrella was called for should be ominous.
Switter describes itself as a sex work-friendly social space. In recent years many social networks have been banning and blocking sex workers. So some people got together to and launched this setup to give them a place to go.
One of the people behind Switter calls it “a safe place for sex workers to communicate”. Yet it seems to be popular with more people than sex workers. According to one report it is the sixth largest instance of the Mastodon framework on the internet. Switter is apparently hosted in Austria.
As I have said in the past, ZENRA is one of the best Japanese porn websites in the world. They publish a wide range of Japanese porn with English subtitles that really bring the titles to life. You can enjoy Japanese AV without speaking a word of Japanese. But understanding what is going on only elevates the experience.
Now ZENRA also maintains a Japanese AV Blog that covers the Japanese porn industry in English. With regular updates the site covers the Japanese porn industry in full detail. Over the last few months there have been some really interesting posts about things like the origin of bukkake and the secret history of JAV.
Anyone with even a passing interest in Japanese porn will find something to read at the Zenra JAV blog. It can really help built up the back story and make all those great Japanese porn videos even more entertaining. It can also help narrow down a list of videos to watch. With countless Japanese AV videos available their post on Hitomi Tanaka’s ten best titty fucking scenes can really save time.
The Conversation
The Conversation is another website that publishes pieces from various viewpoints. The dedicated section on the topic of sex workers is obviously of most relevance here. Although the sex worker news section is not updated all that frequently it is a place to learn a lot about the sex industry world wide.
Over the last few years the site has published pieces on topics ranging from sex rights activism in Canada to laws against prostitution in India. Most of the material is well written and thought out. It is all certainly worth a look for those who want to know more. While the Conversation doesn’t cover the commercial sex industry from top to bottom it does help readers form a fuller picture of what goes on around the world.
That concludes my list for this year. Overall and taken together these sites give a snapshot of what the sex industry around the world is like to some extent. A complete overview of the entire global sex scene would take a life’s work. For nearly a decade I have done my best and covered what I can. I plan to continue on with that into the foreseeable future.
The most interesting sex industry websites of 2019
Many of the websites listed in the past have unfortunately gone idle or simply disappeared. Changes in the way big search engines rank sites surely has a lot to do with this. But so has the rise of social media, Youtube, and the way people use the internet today.
Call me old fashioned, but I still appreciate the written word. I believe that many of you do too. That’s why you’re here reading this site rather than watching cats chase shadows on Youtube. There is still more to read than any one person could cover in a lifetime. But some of the more useful and interesting information is now becoming more difficult to find. That too seems to have a lot to do with the way we find what we read. Increasingly the internet is being brought “under control” by the most powerful players. That is unfortunately reflected in this year’s list. But this is the reality we face.
Reason is an American libertarian magazine and website that promotes “free minds and free markets”. Whether or not you agree with their perspective, the site is a great resource for news on prostitution. The editorial stance of the site supports the decriminalization of prostitution. And the many articles they publish on the subject reflect that. They also do some good investigative reporting. Plus, they’re quite prescient. Several years ago they asked why there was no “uber for prostitution”. Not long after that Smooci emerged. How’s that for foresight?
Huff Post
Huff Post is another website that you may or not agree with. Started by Arianna Huffington, the site is widely considered to be an American liberal outlet. For our purposes the site is valuable because it gives significant coverage to sex work and related issues all around the world. Even I read the site regularly. If I didn’t, I would have missed out on the opening of the first ever brothel for people who don’t like human touch. What a loss that would have been!
Sex and Censorship
Sex and Censorship is yet another website that you may or may not agree with. But the thing that makes the site special is that the guy who writes it expects that! Jerry Barnett is an advocate of free speech in the UK. I first found his work when he published a book called Porn Panic. That book is worth a read, and so is Mister Barnett’s site. It’s updated regularly, and a lot of the content covers the way censorship in many forms intertwines with an ongoing war on sex work and human sexuality in general.
David J Ley, Ph.D.
I have been paying attention to Doctor Ley since I read his book The Myth of Sex Addiction in 2012. Doctor Ley has a lot of interesting and relevant things to say about sex. Often, he seems like a lone voice in the wilderness. But his material is no less right on the money, at least in most cases. Doctor Ley frequently writes at Psychology Today. A lot of his material there pertains to sex, non-monogamy, porn and popular misconceptions about sex addiction. It is certainly worth a look, as are the good doctor’s books.
And that’s the list for this year. Of course I still keep up with the active sites from previous years. I imagine that at least some of you do too. As times goes on I will keep looking for more relevant information regarding the commercial sex industry around the world. I am confident that new voices will continue to emerge in some form of another. We may just have to shovel through more shit to find them.
The most interesting sex industry websites in 2018
In the past I have had to limit my lists of interesting sites in the name of being concise. As time goes on that isn’t the case. There either aren’t as many new and exciting sex industry websites popping up as there used to be or in my advanced age I am missing all the novel material.
In any event I have still discovered some websites that should be of interest to anyone who enjoys reading this site. Some of these sites are a lot different than sites that appeared in past lists but as times change so do we.
The Economist
Anyone familiar with The Economist may think I have lost the plot by posting a link to it here. In fact I am not posting a link to The Economist in the abstract. Rather I am listing the prostitution topic page of The Economist website.
That’s not to say The Economist itself doesn’t deserve to be read by people interested in the sex industry. It is one of the only established international media outlets to call for the legalization of prostitution time and time again.
The prostitution topic page of economist.com isn’t updated daily or even monthly. Rather it is updated when The Economist publishes something on the subject. So the schedule is quite irregular. It’s still worth checking however both for the archive of material already available (with tiles like “Why the price of sex is falling”) and the potential for new things to come.
Hunkhands is the screen name of a Western man who gives women sensual massages in an attempt to make them squirt and records the action for all to see. Hunkhands doesn’t work with professional porn stars. He works with regular amateur women who mostly seem to hail from Asia. Burmese and Filipina women are among those included in the videos. There’s even a scene where a Chinese women’s husbands waits in a hotel lobby for her session to finish. I will link to the Hunkhands Xvideos page here even though he also has profiles with videos on other popular porn tube sites.
I have to admit that I get something approaching motion sickness when I watch the closeup footage filmed with a go pro mounted to the protagonist’s “finger banging” arm but but otherwise the content is original and entertaining. It may even be enlightening.
Some may wonder what a page like this is doing on a list of sites relevant to the sex industry. I reckon that making such videos with his face clearly in view and uploading them to the internet in what may or may not be a commercial endeavor places one in the commercial sex industry. At the very least it shows some level of bravery or openness which deserves recognition if not outright respect.
Adultwork is a UK-based website where sex workers can post their own profiles and ads. This allows them to promote themselves or seek out adult entertainment work. All sorts of posts appear on the site including want ads for porn actors and more. There are even “field reports” posted by people on the site.
Truthfully, the United Kingdom section of the Adultwork website is by far the busiest with sections for other countries like Cambodia usually being absolutely dead or riddled with spam.
Still Adultwork is notable as much for what it tries to be as what it actually is in reality. It gets a lot of use even in this day and age which must say something.
The most interesting sex industry websites in 2017
As regular readers and repeat readers of Rockit Reports surely know this site has published annual lists of the most interesting websites for sex industry watchers every year since 2013. While this site was actually launched at the end of 2012 that is still a pretty good record.
More than a few of the websites that appeared on past lists have either disappeared or gone static but that is no cause for alarm. Indeed I almost prefer it since it clear up time for me to search new sites to read and tell you about here.
What follows is the fifth list of the best websites around for commercial sex scene watchers today. I trust and hope that you will enjoy.
Future of Sex
The often-updated Future of Sex site covers everything new and exciting about human sexuality with a definitive slant toward technology. Things like virtual reality porn and teledidldonics are covered in real detail on a daily basis. While some of the writers and commentators on the site have a tendency to overestimate the effects of technology on human sexuality from time to time I still find the site informative and entertaining.
Adult Video News
Adult Video News is hardly a new name in adult entertainment. It started as a basic newsletter years ago then blossomed into a media network that became the main name in porn. The AVN website makes for interesting reading but not only when it comes to porn news. In fact it is most interesting when it covers other subjects that some may think are not even related. For instance it recently ran a very interesting story on the fight to legalize prostitution in California that is absolutely worth a read.
Sukhumvit Psycho
At some point in recent history the once infamous Sukhumvit Psycho website was reincarnated with a new look and feel. The site still covers the adult entertainment in Bangkok but it has a different layout and a more direct style. While I believe the original Sukhumvit Psycho site was run by a Frenchman the current incarnation appears to be written by a native English speaker. The original site was absolutely possible to read but some grammatical errors did get in the way of smooth viewing. I am no master of English literature but I do prefer sites with clear syntax. The original Sukhumvit Psycho site had much more content but I hold out hope that the new website will soon get back up to its once immense archives of information.
BJs in Bangkok
This Women of the World affiliated blog is updated periodically with interesting and often comical observations of expat life and adult entertainment in Thailand. It reminds me of the earliest version of Stickboy Bangkok which appeared on this list many years ago.
Pattaya One
Pattaya One has been reporting on the notorious Thai city of Pattaya for years. It has always made for good reading but it has become especially interesting in recent months since a campaign was launched to remake the image of the raunchy seaside town. On a somewhat related note the site Coconuts Yangon produces a never ending stream of reports about Burma, though they only rarely touch on the commercial sex scene in that country.
The Honest Courtesan
The The Honest Courtesan bills itself as a blog offering “frank commentary from an unretired call girl”. That is exactly what it provides. It’s always interesting to hear what sex workers themselves have to say. That of course was the impetus behind the creation of my Sex Talk book. The Honest Courtesan is well written, revealing, and thought provoking.
Asia Nights
The Asia Nights vlog covers a lot of the nightlife in Asia in visual form. There are many somewhat similar channels on Youtube including a few that focus more on the commercial sex industry but some make the unfortunate choice to secretly film the faces of working women and their customers in private settings which is something I certainly cannot condone. Still, with plans to fully launch a Rockit Reports video component in the very near future I find these sorts of channels are more interesting than ever.
So what do you think of this list? Were you familiar with everything listed here before reading this post or did I introduce you to something new? Don’t forget to sound off in the comments section.
The most interesting sex industry sites in 2016
Listing a collection of interesting websites for sex industry connoisseurs has become an annual tradition here at Rockit Reports. Although the lists aren’t released on the same date every year they have been published without fail since 2013.
Unfortunately a lot of the sites mentioned on past links have died off or gone defunct. The good news is that the internet is a wide world filled with all sorts of options for people with an interest in the commercial sex industry and human sexual relations in general. These options increase with each passing day.
FKK & Sauna Clubs Blog
I only started to cover FKK clubs with any real detail back in 2015. There is still much to be written. Most of it will pertain to reviews and reports. The FKK & Sauna Clubs Blog covers the world of FKK sex saunas in Europe in depth. The site is constantly being updated as its busy Twitter feed would indicate. Perhaps most interesting are the news aspects of the site that reveal whats going on in this part of the industry in English. Announcements of special events and appearances by special guest performers also appear with regularity.
Telegrams went the way of the dodo bird along time ago. The main reason was that other superior forms of communication came along making telegrams superfluous. There have always been jokes around the topic of strip-a-grams. Most were embedded in terrible sitcoms. It turns out that the ideas of the telegram, stripping and electronic communications have all been combined resulting in the Tittygram. You can now send a message written on a nice pair of hooters to anyone located anywhere in the world. Look how far we have come.
Tokyo Kinky
In last year’s list I included a link to Tokyo Reporter. That site mainly translates Japanese news stories into English. Quite a few of them have sexual overtones. Some are about sex and nothing else. If you don’t like to sort through the non-sexual topics to get to the good stuff you can check out Tokyo Kinky.
Tokyo Kinky is run by the people behind Kanojo Toys. It reports on a lot of the adult industry and hentai happenings in the land of the rising sun. It also contains a lot of interviews with Japanese porn stars.
Rocket News 24
RocketNews24 is not to be confused with this esteemed site. The spelling is different and the focus is too. If you are looking for non-sexual but interesting news coming out of Japan this is a great place to find it. The site does translate some news but it also publishes a lot of its own original work. It’s worth checking out.
Private Internet Access
Private Internet Access – This isn’t a site that one would check out on a daily basis. Instead it offers a very useful service to users. Users can install a small program on their computer and phone to hide their IP at all times and visit any website they want no matter where they are. When traveling to places like South Korea and Dubai this service can really come in handy. Rockit Reports is blocked in those countries but it can be easily accessed with the use of Private Internet Access. It can also be used to block adult sites other than Rockit Reports that are blocked in the other countries as well as other areas like Thailand and public Wifi access points around the world.
Harriet Sugar Cookie
Harriet Sugar Cookie is an Asian woman with an English accent. I don’t know her history but I would guess that she was probably born somewhere in Old Blighty. Harriet looks pretty good and constantly shows off her body in pictures and videos. There is a lot of content featuring other adult starlets on her site as well.
Perhaps most interesting are the write ups and other content she produces. Most of it is really unique. I’m not much into games but I have to admit I was curious to see her play bop it with another girl for some reason. The site is full of things like this. I was all set to run through some question and answers with Harriet for my series of sex industry interviews over a year ago but too many obstacles were put in my way.
Unfortunately Ms. Cookie had all sorts of requirements that even the most famous porn stars I have interviewed made no mention of, so I decided to bail on the whole thing. I still think her site is worth a look. She also broadcasts on Chaturbate where she does very hot live sex shows.
Alrincon originally launched in Spanish and still publishes in that language regularly. But th site also has an English section that can be fun to check out. The site aggregates and republishes all sorts of stuff from around the internet.
Pictures pulled from the public Instagram and Tumblr accounts of sexy women are a favorite but a lot of other content makes it up too. Screenshots from adult webcam broadcasts join viral videos, sex tape clips, and the occasionally humorous happening on this always updated internet outlet.
Do you enjoy these kinds of sites? Let me know. I’d like to have an idea of what interests readers most as I go through the next year with an eye open for sites to include in subsequent lists.
The best sex industry websites of 2015
Some traditions have already emerged here. One is the publication of regular lists of porn still worth paying for. Another is a yearly list of the best or at least the most interesting websites involving the sex industry. This year’s list is limited mainly because I haven’t discovered much new and exciting. But it is a list nonetheless. Perhaps I will find more in the future.
Chris Hashemi
I don’t remember how I came across this photographer’s website but I find myself checking back in on it from time to time to see what he’s been up to. While Chris shoots mainstream material the part of his site that interests me most is the section containing full image sets of female models that I’ve never seen anywhere else.
The photo shoots which range from lingerie to fully nude are tasteful yet alluring. The photographer has a great eye for choosing beautiful women to model and for using a camera. If I had the same skills I’d be able to produce better photographs when I visit Japanese porn star picture clubs like Starcats in Tokyo. Chris sells full sets of his nude photo shoots at reasonable rates but one doesn’t need to dig into their piggy bank to enjoy his photos.
Fap shows
There are a number of adult cam sites online but a select few seem to control most of the market. I have seen a few new sites emerge only to fold under the pressure soon after. Even more plentiful are white label sites which are basically just rehashes of already existing sites meant to earn internet marketers some commission.
Fap Shows came to my attention a few weeks ago when a representative of the site emailed to ask me to give it a look. I have to say that I’m honestly impressed with what I see. While Fap Shows follows the now-standard practice of letting viewers watch public broadcasts free it sets itself apart with a really intuitive and clean layout that makes using it a breeze. There’s no crap cluttering up your screen or slowing down your connection which unfortunately cannot be said about many other sites. Women and couples from all around the world broadcast in high quality and I got a great lag free connection even when visiting the site from underdeveloped countries where the internet is notoriously slow.
To get the full experience users don’t need to shell out a whole lot of dough. They can even get 10 credits just by signing up for an account which allows for interaction with the models by way of tipping. This facilities special requests, private shows and more. Of course talking to a busty 18-year-old nude European model over the internet can be addictive so it’s easy to find yourself breaking out the wallet to get more tokens. No worries though. That only leads to more fun!
SWAAY stands for Sex Work Activists Allies and You. That should be pretty self explanatory but just in case it’s not the site advocates for the rights of sex workers. With the war on sex work being waged so ferociously in many parts of the world it’s always good to find out how those under attack are feeling. Those so motivated can help out in various ways but there’s lots of information on the site even for those who don’t want to do that. One interesting but short section is aimed at clients and customers. I look forward to this being expanded at some point in the near future though I understand if the organization has more important things to do.
I’m obviously an advocate of the decriminalization of prostitution and I imagine most of the people who read this site are too so it should be clear why such an organization and website would be of interest. Another similar site that tackles current news from a similar perspective is Tits and Sass.
That’s it for this year. I’ll continue to keep my eyes pealed and add any new and exciting websites to the memory bank so they can be included in the next installment.
The most interesting sex industry websites of 2014
A year-and-a-half ago I made a list of sites of interest to the sex industry connoisseur. Now I’m presenting a new list of similarly interesting websites I’ve come across since. Who knows, if this site continues on this may become an annual feature. Something like the Emmy Awards, but obviously much more important to everyone around the world. I hope you’ll enjoy.
Japanese Sex Tour Guide
I’ve already mentioned this one a few times on the site but it’s worth writing about again here. This “fuzokupedia” aims to help foreigners in Japan navigate the massive commercial sex scene. The site’s owner provides a bit of free information but also wants to make a bit of bread for himself as a tour guide. Since he’s totally up front about his intentions I have no problems with that. He’s even shared information with users of this site in the past.
Bangkok Rough Guide
There are plenty of internet forums on the sex trade, and several focus exclusively on Thailand. Bangkok Rough Guide is one that I view, and I imagine many of my readers would find it useful or at least entertaining.
Some may wonder why I’m promoting a competitor here. I don’t view these kinds of sites as competition. Forums are forums and this is a edited website. I view these kinds of forums myself from time to time and find them to be a decent source of information. Of course everything has to be taken with a grain of salt and compared with my own knowledge and experience.
Tokyo Adult Guide
Tokyo Adult Guide has been around for a while though activity did seem to slow down and one point causing me to check out. When I started checking back in on the site recently I was happy to see that the forum was still intact and getting new reviews often enough to keep my interested.
Obviously the focus of the site is Tokyo. It’s not updated by the minute but it can be a good source of first hand information for those on the ground. As with anything similar though readers have to use their heads and not accept everything written here as fact.
Tokyo Reporter
Along with Japan’s massive and mostly above-ground commercial sex industry comes a number of publications to cover it. Some like Manzoku cover the fuzoku game exclusively but even some mainstream magazines and newspapers publish articles on the topic when they have something interesting to report.
What’s a guy who is interested but unable to read Japanese to do? Tokyo Reporter has you covered. The website has been around for a while and is largely based on summaries and translations of Japanese-language reports about the ins and outs of the pink industry in Japan.
A Womanizer’s Blog
This is a bit of an odd one, even for me. I first came across this one man show when doing some research on the commercial sex scene in Singapore. The author spends a bit of time writing about prostitution in Singapore, Hong Kong and China. There’s nothing ground breaking or innovative in that, but it can be a place to find relevant news on the subject rather than scouring the entire internet.
It’s not the news that makes me check back on A Womanizer’s Blog about once a month though. It’s the strange yet somewhat intriguing way the author presents his posts. Along with news about brothels and busts are seemingly random posts about attractive ladies the guy saw in the street, the kinds of girls he masturbates over, and politics. All of this is written in affected English and peppered with nude and semi-nude photographs of all types making for something that I find entertaining.
Geylang Checker
Another weird one from Singapore. This blog was apparently started by a jilted lover who found out her man preferred to spend money on sex in the Geylang area’s legal brothels than bone her for free. Like any rational person she responded by starting a website intending to out guys who visit Geylang in hopes that they would get into trouble with their significant others and even employers. Quite a lady. It makes you wonder why the guy who hurt her wouldn’t want to be with her, considering what a good person she seems to be.
Geylang Checker hasn’t been updated in a few months. Let’s hope it stays that way. Still it’s a good example of the kinds of people who abound on the outskirts of the sex industry and is interesting to me for that reason.
Rockit Recommends
What kind of list would this be if I didn’t include the best hotel review site launched this year? Rockit Recommends gives the low down on hotels in hot spots around the world. Each write up is aimed at the single male traveler which is a lot easier to deal with than combing through Trip Advisor reports looking for “warnings” of things like “possible red light districts nearby.”
The site is still small, but it is growing. More is to come in the future.
The most interesting sex industry websites of 2013
The internet is for porn. Mostly. But not only pics and videos, or even info given on a site like about the real life commercial sex industry. There’s a lot of interesting stuff out there, including the following sex industry related sites.
Peter Tips
Peter Tips blogs fairly regularly with detailed reviews on adult-oriented venues. While his focus is mainly strip clubs in various parts of the United States, he also covers strip clubs and sex shops (like the Hinomaru blowjob bar and New Hot Point hands on peep show in Tokyo, and the sex for sale scene in Thailand).
I don’t always agree with his reviews but they are informative and well done. It seems that Peter may be a bit more squeamish when it comes to purchasing direct sex services rather than just lap dances, but I still like what he does. The blog is definitely worth reading, and Peter seems to be a cool guy (he has commented on this site a few times and I hope to see more from him).
Mounting and counting
Mounting and Counting is the blog of an American woman who is, in her own words, “Dry Humping Toward a Secure Financial Future.”
Updates aren’t all that frequent, but the blog is interesting to read if you ever wonder what the day to day life of a woman in the sex industry is like. She also discusses things like considerations of what clubs to work at (and whether or not she should get into the “sugar daddy” or compensated dating scene.
Amber Cutie
Amber Cutie is one of the more popular models over at MyFreeCams, which in my opinion is the best adult webcam site on the internet. I don’t usually spend a lot of time viewing American models on MFC, but Amber clearly has quite a following.
While I have never dropped a dime on Amber, I find her site very interesting as she describes her life and thoughts. Interesting to see what’s going on in the world of a married cam girl who probably clears more money each month than you or I.
It’s also refreshing that the goal of the site doesn’t seem to be to make money. In fact, there’s no push to pay for anything!
There is a lively forum section where countless cam models and MFC customers converse. Topics of interest abound.
Happy Endingz
Happy Endingz is a trip through the mind of an American masseuse who makes a living giving guys happy ending massages (hands only, she fires employees who give oral!).
She seems to be very disdainful (and ignorant) of the Asian massage parlor industry in the United States, but her insight on a whole host of other topics makes for good reading.
As of late updates have been very few and far between, but there is a very extensive set of archives that could keep you busy for some time.
Check out her site at http://happyendingz.blogspot.com
Dollar Bill
Dollar Bill has spent years in the adult industry. He’s been a cabbie and a writer for adult publications. As of late he performs the duty of advertising Asian massage parlors and escorts in various publications and on websites.
A lot of what Bill writes is disagreeable or even uninteresting to me. But there’s so much other content that I find useful I continue to read.
It can all be fun just to look at and fill time until another list like this comes around.
This is an interesting guide – though I can’t say I love your review of me.
Dollar Bill
Thanks for stopping by and updating. Look forward to your continued posting.
Weekends are for scouring the archives here Rockit. I’m surprised that you never listed and reviewed Intl Sex Guide, now based in the Netherlands. If it were a physical, paper based guide, mine would be dog eared, marked up and a journal of a monger’s global journey.
I will probably mention that site at some point in the future. Cheers.