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Massage parlors near Seoul International Airport

Incheon Airport in Seoul, South Korea is one of the biggest and best airports anywhere in the world. If you fly in Asia, there is a good chance you’ll stop there at least once. The airport has plenty to do inside including a museum and an ice skating rink. But there’s nowhere for a guy to go and drain his balls on a quick stopover. Or is there?

South Korea is home to quite a large adult entertainment industry. But most of it is closed to foreign men. In part due to this atmosphere there are escort agencies catering to foreign guys in the country. But they require advance booking and the use of a guest friendly hotel. Still there are several venues open to foreigners within reasonable range of the airport.

The AREX train to Unseo

South Korea’s public transportation system is cheap, clean and efficient. And in this case it’ll take you right to an area filled with massage parlors in a matter of minutes. There are other things in the are too as I will explain.

There is a train connected to the airport called the Airport Express train or AREX. It’s easy to find by following the signs in the airport or simply asking someone. There’s an automated ticket machine which provides instructions in many languages including English. Unseo is just two stops from the airport. It is a small town built recently for airport workers and travelers. It’s full of hotels and restaurants and not much else. The total trip on the train takes less than five minutes.

inside Incheon Airport

When you arrive at Unseo Station, you will see that there is only one exit. Straight out of the exit there is a large public square. Past that there is a single visible traffic light. Just beyond that light lies the center of the town. The layout is simple. You won’t get lost. The whole town is surrounded on all sides by trees, trains and the like anyway, so there is simply no way to wonder out of it!

After going straight through the intersection with the station behind you, you will soon see a 7Eleven convenience store on your right.  After passing this convenience store, you will start seeing signs for massage parlors on the street. They will be made of wood or inflated and lit up. They will say things like “Thai Massage” or “Sports Massage.”

Massage parlors in Unseo

The Thai Massage place will be first. It is on the fifth floor of the building with the sign. If look up from the street, you will see that the windows of the entire fifth floor are blocked out with “Thai massage” signs. Just enter the building and head up via the elevator.

There are plenty more places in this small area. If you cross the street, the first building has a shop called “Wellbeing Massage” on the third floor. Again, just enter the building lobby and head up on the elevator.

In the buildings surrounding this place, there are several more massage parlors. Look for inflatable signs, double barber poles (a sign of sex shops in much of Asia), and the numerous advertisements thrown on the ground. Almost all of the big square buildings you will encounter after waling a block past the Thai Massage place will have at least one massage parlor inside.

If for some odd reason you have trouble, there are even ads inside all the elevators next to the floor numbers. They even have illustrations of massage in case you can’t read. The signs are usually in English, Korean and Japanese. This indicates foreigner friendliness.

Prices and services

The prices seem to be relatively uniform. The norm seems to be 150,000 won ($140 USD). Some may try to negotiate though I doubt it has much of any result. The price is basically the price. You usually pay up front to the same mamasan who greets you.

After payment, you’ll be taken to your massage room. These are clean and private. You masseuse will come in next.

The women that work in these shops seem to all be in their thirties or forties. They are professionals of moderate looks. It seems the level of English spoken at massage parlors in this area is higher than those in Seoul proper too, probably from the influx of travelers.

You will be told to strip of your clothes. When you get down to your bare ass, you’ll be wrapped in a towel and taken to the table shower room. Here you’ll get a back and front soapy scrub by hand. Extra attention will probably be paid to your tender bits.

When you get back to the room your masseuse will give you a short soft massage followed by standard full service. No hand relief here, you get to go inside (with a latex sheath of course). Oral is on the menu too! After a few positions she’ll have you shooting. After that, you lay back and let her clean you up. Depending on how much time you’ve used up doing the do, she may give you a little more soft massage or chit chat.

Clean up and summary

When you’ve finished, get dressed and head out the door. Tipping is neither required or expected in South Korea. And these places are no exception.

All-in-all, these massage shops are a lot like the Korean massage parlors in other parts of the world. They are just a lot closer to home as it were.

Cheaper and arguably better service is available on Hooker Hill and places like Belle. There are also a number of independent escorts around. But those are all the way in Seoul. Unseo seems like the most convenient option for any guy who is stuck in the airport and wants to blow a load. You can get there from the airport, do your business, and get back in about an hour if everything goes right.

Gimpo Airport in Seoul is not far from Incheon Airport and is connected by train. You can also get to these massage parlors by train from Gimpo by simply traveling in the opposite direction. There’s nothing else to it. The total trip from Gimpo should take 15-20 minutes each way via rail.

An update

Years ago when this website was still in its infancy, I published an article on happy ending massage parlors in the immediate vicinity of South Korea’s Incheon International Airport. In the years that have passed since that piece was put online many people have commented. More than a few seem to question or otherwise challenge my findings.

As explained many times this website is only intended for entertainment. I don’t recommend that anyone do anything. I simply report on what I know. At times I may be wrong. When I am I don’t mind that readers point it out. In fact I welcome that sort of input which helps me expand my knowledge on the global industry. Although I do have extensive knowledge on the seedy happenings in many cities around the world I cannot be everywhere at all times.

Massage parlors in Unseo

I first reported on the adult entertainment in Unseo in 2013. I was passing on accurate information to the best of my knowledge. Things change with time and they change even more in the adult entertainment industry than they do in most other aspects of life. Because of that I thought it might be possible that the kinds of places I reported about near the airport had closed up shop. Especially since reports of people unable to location such facilities seem to have grown with time. For that reason I decided to do a more recent investigation in 2017. What I found is that there are the same amount of adult oriented massage parlors operating in the area now as there were before, if not more.

I am unable to report on every single adult related business in the area at the moment. Even if I had the extensive amount of time and resources required to check out every business club, karaoke room and massage parlor in the area I would probably apply it elsewhere. I prefer to keep things interesting by covering a wide variety of areas and subjects. Besides some places are difficult to cover in any real depth. So rather than try to figure out what goes down in every bar and club around I will instead cover a handful of massage parlors in an effort to show that my previous reporting was indeed accurate.

Of course this is all unfixed. Anything could change from one minute to the next. A place could close tomorrow or change its mode of operation. One guy could be denied a service that is extended to most others on the basis on any number of circumstances. There’s a reason the phrase “your mileage may vary” is so often used when people talk about the commercial sex industry.

Cool Massage

Cool Massage which is not be confused with the similarly named Cool massage parlor in Gangnam is located in a pedestrian courtyard just outside of the Unseo train station the AREX train line. This line connects directly to the airport which is only two stops away. Cool is located on the fifth floor. Customers walk inside to a small lobby and pay for their sessions which run 180,000 Won ($162 USD). This includes a full service massage and a table shower from a women in her thirties or forties who can speak basic English. These women tend to be fairly attractive for their age and skilled in their work.

King Massage

King Massage is another Korean massage place located on the road leading straight out of the local train station. It is boldly advertised and signs on all four sides of the building can be seen from blocks away. Like most of the other massage facilities in the area King advertises in English and Korean. This is one sign that it is foreigner friendly. Another is that everything in this part of Korea seems to be. King has much nicer facilities than Cool Massage. The lobby is clean and open and looks a lot like a real spa would. I would wonder if any couples or families would wander in if the place wasn’t tucked away up a flight of stairs. Standard full service sessions including table showers are available for the usual price. They tend to be nothing out of the ordinary. The women are standard for the area too.

Sun Massage

I published a full review of Sun Massage a while back. Located about a block from King on the same street it is a little closer to the train station. The place basically operates like the others around. The lobby is nicer than the lobby at Cool but the rooms are no better. They serve their purpose and are definitely superior to the quarters of questionable structural integrity used by some places in countries like Cambodia and Thailand but they are nothing pretty. While I doubt that anyone visits a place like Sun for the rooms it does help to note things like this when painting a picture of the local scene. There is always a variance among staff and services but a lot of the women at Sun seem to lean toward the mechanical and can be real clock watchers. A full service session runs 150,000 Won ($135 USD). Foreign customers are accepted but rushed through a short table shower and romp session that can end in well under thirty minutes. The women look no better or worse than those at the two places mentioned above.

More massage parlors

There are at least three other massage parlors operating in the area including the Thai Massage place located just outside of the train station that I reported on in my first article on the area. Since Thai massage parlors in South Korea usually don’t offer any special services that can be ignored for statistically purposes. Still, that means that there are at least five places like this total operating in a very small area. It’s likely that there are even more massage parlors that I have missed. As stated I did not set out to do a full investigation. I was simply interested in checking my previous work.

Some of the massage parlors in the area have signs saying that are open 24 hours. Most seem to be even if they don’t. Being open isn’t the same as operating at full capacity however. A lot of the places go dormant in the early morning hours and there are moments when guys can even wander in to lobbies without seeing a single person. I guess everyone has to sleep and off hours with few visitors would seem to be the most opportune time to get some shuteye.

I don’t have much else to say on the subject though I do find it puzzling that some people seem to be unable to locate all of these very public shops. I cannot chalk that up to an inability to read Korean. While the Korean word massage (마사지) is easy enough to recognize even for those who do not understand the language it is not necessary to know it since plenty of places have signs in English (and Japanese and Chinese) too. I can’t really chalk it up to anything. It’s simply tough to miss big glowing signs saying “massage”.

I guess this will remain one of life’s great mysteries.

74 thoughts on “Massage parlors near Seoul International Airport”

  1. Hello! informative blog site you have here. i was recetly at incheon airport for a layover and what you’ve given me is a fantastic time idea to kill time. But since it’s just a layover, I really don’t have Korean Won except for Canadian $ and Visa. How do I go around this? miney changer in the are, etc.. and you didn’t mention in ur blog how to grt back to the airport. i think I would still need to catch that flight back.. And would there be any issue getting in and out of the airport like visa etc?

    1. Hi Neal, thanks for reading and commenting. You can exchange your money for Won easily at the airport (truly one of the nicest airports in the world, with just about everything you could ask for including plenty of money changers). Alternatively you could hit an ATM machine in the airport. They only spit out Won. Won is an internationally respected currency, so you’ll have no problem switching it back to your home currency if you have any left over. You will have to go through immigration when you land and before transferring to your gate, regardless of whether or not you leave the airport. You can take the same train back to the airport. The distance and cost is same. Just backtrack to the station where you can buy another ticket (if you didn’t buy a return before you boarded). There are machines that have English options where you can buy tickets with cash or you can visit the manned ticket window. The station is tiny so it’s impossible to get lost. Trains come every few minutes (except midnight to 5 am when they don’t run). Here’s the website for the train:

  2. I am comming 24 th Apr. for one night stay in Hotel Hayat .I wants to spend a night with young lady .how much her
    cost for every things.i want to know.Pls reply tome. thank you.

    1. Thanks for visiting and commenting. I have no idea about your needs and who you can meet. The only thing I can do here is provide some general info, which of course is all fictional and intended for adult entertainment ;)

    1. I’m pretty sure they’ll let you in 24 hours. I’m sure that at least one is marked “24 hours” right on the sign. I can’t guarantee anything though. It’s only a short ride from the airport, you won’t lose anything if you can’t gain entrance.

  3. Hey, it’s fun to view your blogs and I certainly benefit a lot from them. I have a layover at Incheon international airport for one night in August, and my flight will arrive about 1am locally and depart at noon, so what do you suggest me to have fun if I already booked a hotel in the airport area? Thank you bro

    1. Hi. Your best bet (in that area with that kind of time frame) would probably be the massage options mentioned in this post. Not enough room for much else. Cheers!

  4. I asked earlier about the Thai Massage I have been twice and both times told they do not offer extras.
    I tried Korean place in the building behind The Thai place 180kw and service was very bad, no touching
    below the waist no BJ at all. I just got up and left. The Thai place is good for just massage 80kw for 2 hr.

    1. Thanks for reporting back. Sorry about the lack of extras. Did you have the same masseuse both times? I was back in the area recently and seems that at least one of the places has closed. Even with that there are still at least three shops. I can confirm that two of those offer the full course of extras. A report from another gentleman says the same of one of these shops. I haven’t been to the Thai shop. Of course things can change and your mileage may vary at any time. Cheers.

  5. Hi there!
    Sounds interesting since I’ll have a 6 hour layover in Incheon.
    Which one would you recommend?
    Is the payment for one hour?


    1. Hi. The payment is for one session, usually billed as an hour. It may not actually last an hour. I don’t really have any reason to recommend one place over another. Any of the places should do, though there are some recent reports that the Thai place is not offering extra services. Cheers.

  6. I have just been in Unseo following your instructions.
    There is no indications in English in the elevators and of course there is no extra service.
    Probably it works for locals soeaking Korean…

    1. Hi. Thanks for your comment. These places aren’t exactly aimed at locals (as the Anmas and some other operations I’ve described on this site are). The prices and location don’t really match with that. I’ve been to the area and the post was based on what I saw with my own eyes. I know for a fact that at least two elevators in the area contain signage in English (and Japanese). The accuracy of the report was verified by a commenter or two. How many buildings did you try? It seems that at least one may only be offering legitimate massage. It pays to shop around, especially in a small area like that. Cheers.

    2. Ok
      I tried two buildings and not the THAI one given the comment from another guy.
      I will be again in the way back.
      Why you don’t mention the name of the place(s) you visited and got the extra services?

      1. Look for the English signs, that may help. There are a few reasons I didn’t post exact info. One is that I visited on separate occasions, before I had this site, and didn’t record and can’t recall exact names or locations. Another is that these places tend to come and go from one location to another, so I didn’t want to post contact info on a place that may not be there. Finally, the area is small enough for people to explore on their own without much hassle. If I get a chance to revisit sometime soon, I will try to put a map together with exact information. I’m quite sure that there are still several places in operation. Let us know how you come out. Cheers.

  7. I’ve recently been to one of these joints, but it’s a total waste of time and money. The one I went to is one called “body massage,” one block down from the “thai.” It’s like on the 3rd floor. They charged 150k for full service, in return I had intimacy with a 35+, really far below-average-looking woman (and with almost zero massage skill). Dude, believe me, either you head to Seoul downtown and use the money to bang some young hot chicks, or you stay at the airport to enjoy several rounds of ginseng chicken soups. You’d be a much happier man.

    1. Hi. Thanks for the comment. Different people have different views, frames of reference, and experiences. One hit is another miss, and one guy’s gem is another guy’s slapper. That’s why they always say your mileage may very. The action near the airport isn’t the best, but it is action and it’s easily available to guys on layovers. That’s more than can be said for most airports. I haven’t tried the ginseng chicken soup but it’s must be great if you prefer it to women! Cheers.

  8. Hit the body massage place mentioned above. Introduced to a friendly 32 y/o who did full service. Head and bang with condom of course. Massage was okay but not something you’d normally pay for. Quick and easy to find with the directions listed above. If you’re looking to get laid it was pretty spot on.

    1. Guys aren’t my scene so I wouldn’t have any idea if there was a male massage service available, but knowing what I do about South Korea I very much doubt it. I have heard rumors that there are places gay guys meet but I’ve never had any reason to investigate them. Cheers.

    2. Yes. There is a gay boarding house in Hwasung city that local gays go to meet and bang each other. I heard it is free except for the room charge. I also heard some bar like that in Prague. In Madrid, I have seen guys sucking each other in public in a heterosexual porn movie theater.

  9. Great post and instructions. I can confirm for certain that the Thai place listed as the first massage spot you see is not what you’re after if you are reading this blog. You can tell by the lobby. It is a proper spa. If you want a two hour Thai or aromatherapy massage, it’s perfect but you won’t get any extras.

    But Rockit is absolutely right. Wander around and you’ll soon find someone willing to sort you out. I was pretty pushed for time but didn’t have any problems. I can’t remember the building but I wouldn’t recommend it anyway. It was fine for what I wanted but she wasn’t exactly hot, or young, or skilled. Better than sitting in the airport though!

  10. just had a 12 hour layover and saw this post…. I tried it out and i was back at the airport in 1 1/2 hours. Nice girl,nice for action 150000 won. thanks!

  11. Just for a bit of extra info, I”ve tried a couple around the area. The 5F green sign near the main intersection always gives good service. I’ve been there a couple times and been quoted between 140,000-200,000. The girls are all around their early 30’s so not as young as you might want but I’ve never had to complain. I went to one with a pink sign on a 5F not far away and I wasn’t at all impressed. Older unattractive woman who couldn’t even get me to finish up.

    There’s a new Thai place opened up in the same building as Dunkin’ Donuts near the Sky Hotel. I have no idea if it offers extra services but I’ve seen it closed in the day and never at night so I imagine it probably does. Hope this helps!

  12. Wow, great site. I was drawn in by your posts from places I knew, but I’ve transmitted Incheon many times and never knew about the ease of local service. I hope to sample the “boom boom bop” soon and will report back!

  13. Hi, any update regarding the latest massage places at incheon with happy ending ? I’ll be there in few days times and hope someone will guide me for that.

  14. Hey rockit, where would you recommend i go for full service from an older women?
    I know barbershops are usually staffed by them, but are they in Unseo? What other part of Seoul would be worth checking out?

    1. Hi Dan. I don’t make recommendations here. This website is for entertainment purposes only. I didn’t notice any special barbershops in Unseo but then again I have very little experience there. They could be in existence. It’s more common to find them in Seoul and as you said they are often staffed by older women. Cheers.

  15. First time posting on your site, Rockit. Great stuff you have here.

    I have an 11-hour layover in Seoul coming up due to horrible ticket planning by my travel agent. Anyways, with immigration and checking it 2-hours before a flight, that leaves me with a whole 8 hours.

    I’m guessing venturing into Seoul will be more useful for me. My question is, do any of those foreigner-friendly anmas offer the full-blown Macau-style spa service? 24-hour lounge area, food, drinks, and of course massage? That would be ideal for me as I can rest it up, sleep, relax, and of course release some stress.


  16. Is there pubs there in Unseo for a good drink before the massage? I am happy with your blog on a good massage with HJ. I will be trying out this Friday.

    1. Korean pubs are a little different than Western pubs. People don’t usually go to them alone and the seating is commonly for groups. There are many places for people to drink in Unseo but I don’t know if any are set up for single guys. Cheers.

  17. I am leaving the country in a week and wanted to know if these places are open during the afternoon at all since my flight is in the evening.

    1. The places I was aware of said they were open twenty four hours but I haven’t been to them in years and I have no way to confirm. Cheers.

    2. Jay, I have just come back from a stopover at Incheon international. I went looking for these institutions in Unseo and I couldn’t find them (spent almost 3 has searching). All signs indicating such businesses were not on view. All advertising I saw were for food. Have since discovered that a number of these places in surrounding areas were raided and closed down. Those who paid by credit card now have their details known and they’ve got thousands. I asked several taxi drivers where they were and all I got were blank looks. Hope you have better luck than I did.

    3. I can now confirm that there are many massage parlors still in the area. They are open, functioning and openly advertising with large signs at the street level and on the sides of the buildings. I will report more soon. Cheers.

  18. PS for those who wish to look for these massage parlours using the directions at the top of the page, I suggest you print it out as a Korean government website for the reporting of offensive material blocks you from viewing them.

  19. Update for you mongers:

    To above directions, they are absolutely accurate and you cant go wrong (if you do then you should not be allowed to travel alone!).

    However posted that there was nothing there after 3hrs of looking must have been in the wrong place (I counted at least 6 probable locations in one loop of the area – its not that big).

    I only ventured into one (5F) – it looked clean and safe, though the lady wouldnt show me the girls until i paid 150k kwon and had gone to a room. She had a choice of two but would give me no details until I paid and, after i asked, she said she would not return my money if i didnt like (i could change the girl/woman/granny but if I chose neither then my loss) – sorry but I couldnt agree those terms … I have been conned enough times to know better. Instead I left.

    I walked around the whole area, some bars and restaurants looked nice but again, I didnt try.

    I called one of the big billboard massage places but they confirmed just massage.

    If you need to unload and have no issue with pot-luck with you money then try or at least have a look around.

    I am on route to KL, where for this money I can get a hottie of my choosing for the night or two for a couple of hours.

    Doing the maths, weighing the risks, i decided to let my brain lead for a change and kept johny safe and money in my pocket.

    Cheers anyway – maybe next time i will look.

    1. As this report and a post I will soon publish confirm sex is still on sale near the Seoul Incheon airport. While anything is possible it is almost unheard of to be ripped off in South Korea with the exception of Filipina staffed juicy bars near US army bases that are organized to extract money from soldiers. Cheers.

    2. I went to check out the district. It’s got many shops, restaurants and even a jjimjilbang sauna at really reasonable prices. Groups of Chinese tourists seem to spend hours before going back to China. I’ve seen very few westerners and 7or 8 massage parlors and some of them seemed like closed down but seem to be in operation secretly. I’ve not seen any advertisement of the hankypahnky places here online even in Korean and I am surprised Rockit has found the town so convenient and fun near the airport. Keep up the good work!!

      1. There are probably a dozen shops just up the street from the train station advertising massage in Korean and English (and usually a few other languages) with signs on the sides of buildings and in streets. In fact there seem to be more now than when I wrote the original report years ago. I will probably report on this area again in the near future. Cheers.

  20. Some news from Unseo Korea !
    After reading your information on Unseo , I set up a 17hr layover in Korea .
    First of all , you are spot on about the ease of getting around Unsea ,,
    Unseo was the 2nd stop on the train ,, easy easy easy …
    However let me update your followers on the massage situation .
    I was there 08/28/17 . as you said ,,, simply get off the train , walk across the street and you are “there ” ..some of your readers expressed problems finding the massage places ,, well ya got to be blind .. but also you need to look up at the windows 3d 4th 5th floor ,, you will see the massage pictures . cant really miss them ,!
    NOW THE BAD NEWS ! I visited 2 places first was the place across the street from the Queen hotel ,, 3 floor . I was suspicious when the price was only 60,000 , but gave it a shot anyway . the girl was not a model , but attractive . Paid my money and went to the room and was given a small bag with a fish net kind of underwear ! mmmm again my hopes fell . gave me a respectable massage and told me ” massage over ” ! .. what the hell ,, 60,000 didn’t really expect much .
    next I walked through the main street looking for a whiskey bar . The matron from a restaurant actually led me about 2 blocks to what looked like a bar that served whiskey ,,, (long story short ) was a “B” bar ,, and i was not interested in buying drinks for a worn out russian !!!
    that is not the bad news ,, the bad news was the KING SPA !! Rockit ,, dont know when you were there last , but I am telling all your readers ,,, DO NOT GO THERE !
    easy easy to find , 11:30 pm i arrived ,, went upstairs ,, paid a somewhat attractive mamsan the 100,000 (not the 140 i expected ) taken to the room ,,,given a pair of boxer shorts ,, and got ready .
    there was no shower ,,,
    the girl was what seemed to be a seriously worn out chinese hooker with huge breast .
    gave me the worst massage of my life ,,
    no english but made it clear she would do extra , but wanted another 55000 . Well that amounts to about what you told us to expect to pay .
    BUT ,, there was no way i was dipping my dick in that woman !! via sign language again , i made it clear i only wanted a blowjob …
    she charge my card ,,
    greased up my dick and began the worst hand job ever ,,,
    I tried to get her mouth on my dick but now way ,, she just put more oil on my dick … after all the oil i couldn’t really feel anything !! I simply got up ,, wiped my dick off ,,, got dressed and left .. minus 170,000.
    that was two strike outs in less than 3 hours ,, enough for me ..
    I was hot to try the King Spa ,, and experience the full experience sounded like the perfect quick stop .. but as of 2 days ago , It is no longer the place you described !
    I am not done with Korea ,, but next time I will go deeper into Seoul. The Korean girlls/women are soooo hot ! But my 17 hours was not enough to get deeper into the city .
    I look forward to post from others that can give first hand stories of successful adventures .
    But I would advise ,, stay away from King Spa .. 6 floor … a huge waste of time and money .

  21. Wow. So funny to see all these replies, over such time span. I’m not gonna ramble on to some great extent, but I will say kudos to you for the long and informational post. I’m really curious will you reply to this one. But I am currently in Incheon @ Orakai Songdo Park Hotel – any tips for me where to go and look for some action? How do I know is my hotel is “guest” friendly? Meaning of bringing someone to my room? Just ask on front desk? I’ve got about two – two and half days here, so I reckon that’s decent amount of time to move around. What would your advice be?

    1. Thanks for the comment. There is definitely no shortage of massage parlors in the area though I don’t know how many are open or accepting foreign customers right now. As far as I know hotels in that part of the world don’t really limit visits to hotel rooms. That may be a moot point because I don’t know how many woman are visiting hotels at this time anyway. In any event I don’t make recommendations as this website is only meant to entertain. Cheers.

  22. King Massage is still open. Great experience there. I also went to two other massages in the area. The massages are good but the extras are too mechanical for my taste.

  23. Any thoughts on parlors accepting American guys of Indian origin? Planning to be there mid December and wondering what the experience would be like.

    1. From what I hear there is significant discrimination against “Indian looking” people across Asia. I don’t know about individual providers and businesses in Seoul. Cheers.

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