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Review: Honey Bee Massage in Bangkok, Thailand

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Honey Bee Massage is a full service oily massage parlor located in Thailand’s capital city. This place is easy to find and navigate. They have a full English language website. The front desk staff speaks English fairly well too.

This massage parlor is part of a growing group of shops centered in Sukhumvit Soi 22. Bangkok Passion Massage which I reviewed in 2019 is also a part of the group.

massage girl from honey bee bangkok

While each place in this group has it’s own characteristics the shops can and do sometimes draw on the total talent pool. So for example a bisexual lady from Kiss Massage Bangkok might be called over to Honey Bee Massage if the situation calls for it.

Honey Bee Massage fits in nicely with what you could call a “kinky massage” scene that has popped up in Bangkok over the last decade. These shops try to cater to the diverse needs and requests of clients. So guys who are into things like feet or even golden showers can now usually find what they are looking for with little hassle. All it takes is a request.

Honey Bee Bangkok

The Honey Bee Massage shop is located in a small alley off of Sukhumvit Soi 22. The alley is located just a few hundred meters south of the main Sukhumvit strip. Though it can seem a lot further when walking on a hot and humid Bangkok day!

Although the venue is off the main road it is still very easy to locate. There is a big clear sign with English letters. There are also usually several women sitting in front of the store. The only confusing part about finding the place is picking it out in the tightly packed alley.

honey bee bangkok room

The alley is loaded with massage parlors including the aforementioned Bangkok Passion Massage and Kiss Massage Bangkok. There are also some unrelated massage parlors in the same little area. Though they all tend to offer similar services at comparative rates.

Honey Bee Massage isn’t a gigantic shop by any means. But it is big enough to allow for business to take place. In other words it is quite satisfactory. It is surely superior to some other massage venues in Asia which basically consist of cardboard cubicles with filthy floors.

The rooms at Honey Bee Massage are pretty good without being over the top luxurious. They have clean beds that are elevated off of the ground. Again this beats the all too common mattress on the ground seen in some other venues. Some rooms are also fitted out with jetted bath tubs which can add to the fun.

Staff, prices, service, and summary

There are usually just a handful of ladies on staff at Honey Bee Massage. But that is not necessarily a bad thing. The gals who do work here are skilled and experienced. As mentioned above other ladies can also be called in from the neighboring shops.

The gals who do work the shop are attractive and friendly. They all appear to be in their twenties. Though one or two could maybe be a little bit older. Some are perhaps a little more average than others too. But I haven’t seen any women I would call unattractive here. Considering their skill and willingness I wouldn’t hesitate to call them all lovely ladies.

Surprisingly some of the women working here can speak English better than most people involved in the mainstream Thai tourism industry. That’s not so common in Bangkok erotic massage parlors. Or anywhere in Bangkok really.

A variety of services are available. The cheapest is a quick 30 minute massage with handjob for just 1200 Baht ($35 USD). A one hour full service massage costs 2000 Baht ($58 USD). A whole set of other massage options are on the menu. They even cater to women and couples and they are happy to double up a session with an extra lady too.

Special requests can usually be accommodated too. They do it all within reason and occasionally with the aid of tips. Though for the most part these women aim to please and include it as a standard part of the session. Things like toys, costumes, and other clothing are even available on request. As a man partial to stockings I like this extra touch.

Honey Bee Massage is an easy to find easy going massage parlor with fair prices. The women are kind and skilled to the point that most will even try to go deep on a dong without request. It would be easy to lump this place in with countless others and call it average. But we must remember that most cities in the world lack these sorts of facilities all together. This is the kind of erotic massage parlor that helped make Bangkok’s adult entertainment famous. Three-and-a-half stars.

Honey Bee Massage. 261/4 Sukhumvit Soi 22, Bangkok, Thailand. Click here for a map. Open every day from 11:00 AM until 12:00 AM. Phone: +66 096-394-5872. Website:

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