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Russian Roulette? The real risks of going bareback

Just how dangerous is unprotected sex? What are the real risks involved in going in bareback? There is a lot of talk floating around out there, but not a whole lot of it is backed up by facts. To some extent that is understandable. Everything isn’t always cut and dry. But it is something we can talk about.

I’ve been around the world a few times. And I’ve been with thousands of women as I’m made my way from one place to the next. It took a while, but it was a fun mountain to climb. I would like to say that I’ve used condoms one-hundred percent of the time. But that would be a big lie and I prefer to be truthful with my readers.

Dad at 13 cover of the Sun

With non-pro scores, I usually let the woman dictate what they want. If they don’t ask for a condom, I might not either. It really depends on the situation and my gut feeling. That’s not very scientific, but it’s done me right so far. I’ve never had a non-pro ask me to put a condom on for oral, or use anything to go down on her. At least half have asked me to rubber up for vaginal intercourse. It is more common in the US than anywhere else. Plenty of Thai women also have asked me or told me to use a rubber. Only a few women have in China, South Korea, and Japan. Almost none have in the Philippines. I would say that my total usage rate for non-working women over my lifetime is probably around 75 or 80 percent.

With professionals the rate is a little higher, but probably not as much as it should be. Ideally it would be a one hundred percent sure thing. The truth is, I haven’t always strapped up. And many others guys are in the same boat.

Prostitutes and condoms

The majority of working women around the world will ask their clients to strap up. Many will even demand it. That’s especially true of the real pros in massage parlors and brothels in places like the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Macau, New Zealand and the Netherlands.

In some places like Angeles City however, it’s rarely asked and almost never required. Although it has a similarly huge sex industry, Thailand has gotten a lot more pro-condom over the last two decades, mostly in response to a high rate of HIV infection. There are an increasing number of independent escorts around the world offering bareback sex at a premium. And there are also big “AO” bareback sex parties in Germany where pros let guys go in raw; but that’s another post all together.

Bareback blowjobs

The vast majority of blowjobs I have received over the years were done without a rubber. I have received oral with a condom in some massage parlors, places like New Hot Point, and even a few Japanese blowjob bars. Most of the time though, my salami is sucked unwrapped. All of this activity has only caused me problems twice in my life. In both cases it required a shot of antibiotics to fix.

In my experience it is somewhat rare to catch anything by simply getting blown. Over at MedHelp one of the doctors who helped write the American standards on the subject says as much. Now, please don’t take this to mean you can’t get anything. There is a real risk. But it’s lower than some may think.

Bareback butt sex

I’ve only gone in one pay for play provider’s butt without a rain jacket many years ago. It wasn’t one of my brightest moments, but in my defense she was a semi-pro university student that I had already been barebacking for months. At least I think that’s a defense. I didn’t catch anything from that experience but I did end up with a tiny bit of mud on the helmet. It was the first and hopefully last occurrence of that little nightmare in my life.

Wrapping up

As to other types of protection: I tried the female condom once and both the woman involved and I were totally turned off by it. I also used a dental dam once. I wouldn’t do it again. I’d rather stay home and jack off to a hot 19 year old spinner on a cam site.

I’ve also broken a few condoms in the heat of the moment. If I had to guess, I’d say that had happened around two dozen times, including once with a well worn working women that left me a bit shaken. I’ve always caught the break a moment or two after it has happened when things suddenly started to feel a whole lot better. The only exception was one late night romp in Thailand when I didn’t realize the rubber broke until I finished inside. Thankfully, I’ve never gotten any illnesses after a break.

That’s my “wrap sheet”, although it’s not the main point of this article. Anecdotes don’t tell the whole story, even though some would like to pretend otherwise. The goal, expressed in a round about way in the opening lines of this post, is to get down to some information that is actually tested and verifiable.

Unprotected sex stats

There was a good post on the Sex and Sensibilities website on exactly this subject. Among other things, it says:

“….HIV and Hepatitis C infection rates HIV transmission via receptive anal sex (receiving the penis into the anus, also known as bottoming) at 1.4%. This means that an average of one transmission occurred for every 71 exposures. This risk was similar regardless of whether the receptive partner was a man or woman.

“In comparison, CATIE estimated the risk of HIV transmission through receptive vaginal sex (receiving the penis in the vagina) to be 0.08%, equivalent to 1 transmission per 1,250 exposures.

“HIV transmission for insertive vaginal sex (inserting the penis into the vagina) was estimated to be 0.04%, equivalent to 1 transmission per 2,500 exposures.”

The author is in the Philippines, but she quotes a study from Canada. Not that it matters. We are all humans. I’d actually like to see a similar test done in the Philippines directly since condom use is so spotty there, even among the people who bang for a living.

There have been many other studies done that have had similar results. Of course I don’t need a study to tell me that going bareback in a heroin-addicted transsexual hooker’s ass is more risky than getting a blowjob from a 18-year-old virgin. But it’s nice to have some hard numbers to look at.

Unfortunately, that’s all you really can do: look at them. They might work for big dreamers in even bigger bureaucratic offices trying to formulate policies, but they don’t mean much for individual cases. The Canadian study says the chances of getting HIV from unprotected penetrative vaginal sex are 1 in 2,500. Does that mean you can fuck 2,499 infected women without contracting the disease? Definitely not. One session can put you down for the count if the moon and stars are aligned just right to ruin your life. There are many factors. A woman might have an internal injury that causes her to bleed, for example.

Why do guys go bareback?

In my experience there seems to be a sort of age divide when it comes to condom use and the attitudes surrounding it among men.

Older guys have been dipping their wicks since before the term AIDS was ever heard of. They tend to be pretty loose with the condom use. That’s even true of a lot married guys who go to hookers. I used to think that was odd before I realized that they had no fear of bringing diseases home to their wives because they never have sex with their spouses anyway.

Guys in their thirties and forties cut their teeth while the AIDS crisis was in full bloom. They learned to fuck while sex education and condom campaigns were being thrown all over the place. They couldn’t miss it. This age group is the most likely to be scared of sex and use condoms in any and all situations. Some of these guys go to extremes, with such paranoia that I wonder if they don’t crawl into a full body wet suit to cross the street.

Finally there are the guys in their late teens and twenties. These young bucks came up after the AIDS crisis was brought under control. Oh wait, that never really happened. I guess their lack of regard for condoms is due to a lessening in coverage of HIV infections, improved medicines that mean HIV isn’t necessarily a death sentence anymore, burnout on safe sex campaigns, the elimination of sex ed in many places, and the general apathy and nihilism of guys growing up in the 21st century.

This is my perspective anyway. I’ve also heard things from sex workers about certain nationalities preferring to go in raw. But I don’t know what validity that has. In any case there are always exceptions.

How risky is bareback sex?

So back to the original question: what are the risks with bareback sex? There are many. Most of the things you can acquire are curable. A few are not. Some can be fatal. Some like molluscum contagiosum are just downright nasty.

In other words, it’s better to take advice on condom use from people who study sexual diseases for a living than the Pope. Or me. Those people say you should wear a condom to give you the best chance at staying healthy. I’ve compiled a list of the best condoms here. Sometimes switching up brands or models can help you get over “rubber burn out”, and I’m not talking about car racing here.

Risk and reward are things that have to be balanced and measured in any situation. Educating yourself is an important part of being able to make decisions you can live with. Ultimately, each man has to make his own decisions in life.

Finally, remember that while I know a lot about getting laid, I’m no health expert. Consult one if you have questions or need help dealing with safe sex and/or disease.

36 thoughts on “Russian Roulette? The real risks of going bareback”

  1. In 13 years of frequently visiting blow-job bars in Thailand, I have never seen, or heard of any girls catching anything that wasn’t fixable. Some of them worked in the same bar for 7 years and quit to have a baby or found a boyfriend to take care of them, so they presumably didn’t have anything when they quit working after all those years. The workers in BJ bars are very close, almost like a family, so I can imagine if one were to get something serious it would spook the others and they might all quit, or start asking to blow with a condom. Nothing ever happened. Catching other STD’s did happen occasionally, some girls were quite open about it, and i caught something one time in 13 years and antibiotics did the trick. Full service is another thing though, and you should always glove up. However, in Pattaya, I only know of beach girls getting the big one plus one foreigner.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I would imagine that if and when BJ bar girls get something it would be gonorrhea in the throat. That is usually asymptomatic, and the only way to find out about it would be to check for it specifically in the throat (it doesn’t spread from there to the genitals). I have heard of a few guys getting drippy dick after visiting BJ bars. Antibiotics cured them right up, but it is a bit worrying that a strain resistant to all known cures is now floating around (Google it). I don’t know any guys who have got the big one from working women, but I don’t talk to a lot of guys about things like that. I don’t imagine they’d go around flaunting it. As for working women, I’ve met a few who admitted to having it and been to some places where coworkers pointed out girls and warned me (no way to know if it was legit or they were trying to eliminate competition). Scary stuff, but life in general is pretty risky. Good to know that it’s not as easy as catching a cold at the very least! Some BJ bars in Japan require condoms, though certainly not all. Once I visited a well known shop that was always bareback and the woman on staff asked if I would mind if she used a rubber. I figured she probably knew something and so went ahead with it.

    2. I have seen numerous studies that show that the risk of a man contracting HIV through unprotected vaginal sex is .4% If you are circumcised your odds of contracting HIV is cut in half again.

      Your risk of HIV via a BBBJ is next to 0.

      Even if you are using a condom properly there are SEVERAL STD’s that you can catch. Syphilis, HPV, Genital Warts, Crabs etc….

      1. Those kinds of statistics can be deceptive though. If a guy has abrasions on his penis for example that may amplify the risk. Condoms aren’t great but they are probably the best option for people who want to stay safe outside of avoiding sex all together. Cheers.

    1. I’m not a doctor but I recently read an interview with one that said 60 percent or more of unmarried women have hsv-2 by the time they reach the age of 40 and virtually all humans have hsv-1 by the time they become elderly. I’ve never had an outbreak of either and I’m up there, but that’s what they say. I’d also note that herpes wasn’t considered serious until about 35 years ago and condoms don’t necessarily protect from it. It seems the only way to avoid it completely would be to abstain from sexual contact and even kissing from birth. Cheers.

    2. I have been with around 250 escorts, around 50 of those were without any protection. Never once got a single std. met a few girls on tinder over the course of a year and had sex with 6 of them all unprotected however the last one was the last time i will ever be able to have unprotected sex again, she gave me herpes… it was inevitable really. I had a good run and dont regret any of the times. I though i was good at picking the safe girls, but You can never tell who will screw you up in the end.

  2. “Finally there are the guys in their 20′s and late teens. These young bucks came up after the AIDS crisis was brought under control. Oh wait, that never really happened. I guess their lack of regard for condoms is due to a lessening in coverage of HIV infections, improved medicines that mean HIV isn’t necessarily a death sentence anymore, burnout on safe sex campaigns, the elimination of sex ed in many places, and the general apathy and nihilism of guys growing up in the 21st century.”

    There is also the factor that during the past decade or so the overwhelming and easily observable empirical evidence has caught up with and in most ways trumped “theory” and continues to do so with every passing year. After 35+ years worth of warnings of a pending heterosexual HIV epidemic, one would be hard pressed today to find a fully researched and investigated case of a heterosexual man having gotten HIV through conventional vaginal sex and no other way. That is, a man for whom it can be credibly proven has never had a blood transfusion, never shared needles and never, not even once, had sex with another man. I say “conventional” vaginal sex because what goes on in certain Sub-Saharan African countries with regard to marital and sexual rituals can involve blood-letting on an extraordinary level and, as one might expect, that is very likely the contributing factor in woman-to-man vaginal transmission there.

    But outside of those extraordinary circumstances, one should presume that even the theoretical “1 transmission per 2,500 exposures” regarding woman-to-man vaginal transmission, would by now, 35+ years in, have placed dozens, hundreds, perhaps thousands of play-for-pay customers who frequent Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia, etc. (just to mention the pertinent play-for-pay regions, much less the USA or the U.K.) in the hospital fighting for their lives, loaded with credible testimonies that all they ever did was engage in vaginal and oral sex with play-for-pay ladies in those countries, never bedded down with a ladyboy, never shared a needle, and so on. Yet I am not aware of any reliable news agency profiling even so much as one such customer/hospital patient, one such “survivor” even. And that is despite the fact that their doing so would be tempting on every sensational, newsworthy, ratings-grabbing level.

    It is hard to keep the fear and hysteria going decade after decade without many if any fully researched and documented individual case histories to point to and review other than the “I heard of a guy who…” and the “My cousin knows a bar girl whose uncle met a man who…” variety.

    1. I don’t want to have a long drawn out debate about the question, but the conditions you lay down aren’t really fair. You can’t say straight guys never get HIV, then write off all of the straight guys who have HIV as not really being straight. Surely you can see that claiming “straight guys don’t get HIV, if a guy has HIV he isn’t straight” is circular reasoning.

      I was reading the documentation of a conversation between medical experts once and they were talking about oral sex. Most agree that it’s a low risk practice for HIV transmission and some experts even say it’s practically a no risk practice. But one raised an objection to this characterization because there’s really no way to find and document a case of a person with HIV who says they have only even done oral sex and further still prove that this isn’t a lie (besides, people who have oral with each other usually have other kinds of sex too and it’s impossible to pinpoint which kind of sex or even which exposure led to a particular infection). I imagine the same is true in documenting HIV positive heterosexual men, not to mention that individual HIV cases aren’t usually broadcast to the world.

      There is plenty evidence of heterosexual transmission. You can read studies on straight “discordant couples” with only one person in the relationship or marriage having HIV. After a certain time period many of the previously negative partners are infected.

      Considering factors like menstrual bleeding, nicks and cuts, lesions from herpes and warts and all sorts of other variables it’s safe to say that there is a risk there even if it was proven that vaginal sex couldn’t normally lead to transmission. So it’s something we all have to face and deal with.

      TRUVADA seems to have a ton of promise. It may be the best thing out there at the moment but hopefully something else will come along so that HIV is no longer any more of a worry than the clap.


  3. “You can’t say straight guys never get HIV, then write off all of the straight guys who have HIV as not really being straight.”

    I didn’t say that.

    1. This kind of thinking is a result of brainwashing. Many of you on here are too young to understand HOW the funding for AIDS research was started.

      According to the CDC in 2010 there were 40100 new cases of HIV diagnosed. 2500 of those cases were White/Hispanic/Latino straight women. That accounted for 6.2% of the overall population.

      72% of those infected were GAY MEN 2.7% were Black men who shoot up.

      According to the CDC the risk of contracting HIV through insertive vaginal sex is 4/10,000. If you are circumcised your are looking at 2/10,000.

      Unprotected vaginal sex is not riskless but it is nowhere near as dangerous as the fear mongers would lead you to believe. You have as great or a greater risk of catching HPV, Genital Warts, Syphilis, crabs and Molluscum Contagiosum WITH PROPER USE OF A CONDOM.

      Yes, a condom when used properly WILL protect you from HIV infection. But to suggest (which almost all fear mongers do) that a condom is somehow “Safe sex” is utter ignorance.

      Sorry but I dont shoot up, I am not bi or gay. I dont get into anal and am into oral and vaginal sex. To me, the ~2/10,000 risk is lower than my risk of getting any of the other things I can catch WITH a condom.

      The bottom line is whether you use a condom or not YOU ARE ACCEPTING RISK OF GETTING AN STD

      1. I agree that there is risk with anything but you can do things to limit risk, like wearing a seat belt while driving. Additionally HIV is the only sexually transmitted infection that can kill you so people tend to give it more weight. And statistics can be misleading. Heterosexuals show the most new HIV infections of any group in some countries. Cheers.

    2. To understand the whole Condom= Safe sex lie, you have to understand HOW this propaganda came into being. In the early 1980’s Aids started to become a disease that was discovered in the gay community primarily on the west coast. The countries acceptance of gays in the early 1980’s was NOT at all like it is today. This was problematic for researchers who were finding funding for research of this disease incredibly difficult. In order to raise awareness and obtain serious funding grants Aids had to become more than just a Gay disease.

      The singular problem I have with the propaganda is that it is exceedingly difficult to get to the scientific data. Why? Because there ARE risks with unprotected sex. That said, the data makes it VERY, VERY clear…. unprotected vaginal sex accounts for a very, very small % of those infected with HIV. That said, men who are circumcised decrease their risk of infection by as much as 60%

      Here is the truly frightening FACT: According to the CDC Condom use lowers the Risk of HIV infection by as much as 80%

      Or you still have a 20% OR MORE risk of infection WITH a condom!

      It is equally important to understand that HIV is a BLOOD DISEASE. Transmission to a woman occurs most easily if their is vaginal tearing during sex. For men, if there are open sores…. what no one is willing to say is whether it is possible to become infected if there is no vaginal tearing and the male does not have any open sores on his penis. While women infected with HIV who have sex with other women can possibly transmit HIV through vaginal secretions and menstrual blood, there are no documented cases of females infected with HIV through sex with another female.

      This seems to strongly indicate that apart from vaginal tearing and open sores on the male penis it is rather difficult for a man to become infected.

      3 different peer reviewed studies show that insertive vaginal sex carries ~ .4% chance of infection and less if the man is circumcised.

      My biggest beef is the absolute lie that Condoms = safe or even safer sex. It is simply NOT true

    3. Most organizations now refer to sex with a condom as “safer sex” meaning it is less risky than sex without a condom. Cheers.

  4. I have been with 26 escort providers only 4 of em I haven’t wore condoms I’m 29 of age i’ve been doing this since 2012 but lately I have been slacking I live in NYC so if I keep this up and don’t start using condoms again what my risk of catching HIV

    1. Sorry, I’m not a doctor or a scientist so I can’t answer that. I doubt even they would be able to quantify the risk since there are so many variables. A safer bet would be to use condoms all the time. The only truly safe bet would be not to have sex ever again, though you could still die from cancer, a car crash or being hit by a falling piece of concrete. Cheers.

  5. “Finally there are the guys in their 20’s and late teens. These young bucks came up after the AIDS crisis was brought under control. Oh wait, that never really happened. I guess their lack of regard for condoms is due to a lessening in coverage of HIV infections, improved medicines that mean HIV isn’t necessarily a death sentence anymore, burnout on safe sex campaigns, the elimination of sex ed in many places, and the general apathy and nihilism of guys growing up in the 21st century.”

    I think that you actually provided the correct reason for this “recklessness” in this very article.

    “As to other types of protection: I tried the female condom once and both the woman involved and I were totally turned off by it. I also used a dental dam once. I wouldn’t do it again. I’d rather stay home and jack off to a hot 19 year old spinner on Chaturbate.”

    I’d rather stay home and jack off to a hot 19 year old spinner.

    You see, the younger generation has had access to vast amounts of free porn (some hi quality, and some very, very inexpensive HQ stuff). One thing that that has done, in many cases, is cause a distaste for condoms. I personally despise any porn shot with a condom in all but the most extreme cases, and the times when I’m okay with condom usage in my pornography (fetish porn that is extremely rough and/or degrading) aren’t acceptable to the “all porn needs to be shot with condoms crowd” anyways, which is pretty ironic. These same crowds don’t pay for their pornography, which makes their whole hypocritical arguments a joke.

    But I digress. I was circumcised later in life, and the biggest thing that I noticed afterwards was a large loss in sensation. I’d rather jack off to porn than fuck with condoms, because fucking with condoms ensures I don’t feel shit.

    I feel weird having sex with condoms, seeing the female enjoy herself while I’m just numbly pumping away, almost bored, feeling empty and unsatisfied. It seems pointless, like I’m having sex that I can’t really feel that the other party is enjoying because I’ve got this primal urge to “mate,” but instead of doing that I’m pumping my dick in plastic. Maybe I could get into it if I were to turn into a complete whorehound just from the enjoyment/novelty of banging different chicks all the time, as well as having them do things that many “decent” women might be nervous about.

    It is a major cultural problem, I think.

    As a side note, I stopped having sex for a LONG time (personal reasons, lack of enjoyment, boredom, loss of interest), and actually caught Molluscum contagiosum from some stripper. –The nasty disease you linked to lol. New years day I was depressed about a few things and went to a strip club for the 7th time in my entire life (literally, it averaged out to 7 times over the course of 10 years).

    I had a lot of money in my savings account and decided to blow it on strippers. A couple offered “extras” that I didn’t take them up on, lol that was an experience/shocker, and honestly it had been years since I got laid so I really did think about it and actually got the phone number of one of them.

    I didn’t wear underwear on purpose, just khaki pants. I wanted to bust a nut while getting a lapdance. It was my first time in that particular stripclub and I was surprised to find out that the strippers there firmly had in mind to MAKE me bust a nut ( I never did). But my khaki pants did rub me raw.

    One incredibly skanky girl grabbed my dick while she was dancing (it was an empty weekday, new years eve was the night before) and she offered me discount dances (they do discounts when announced at certain times.) She said she was from Guam or some shit and had Doctor Seuss leggings with stripes like the fuckin cat in the hat.

    Bad mistake, she was pilled out, unfocused, broke my dances in two, and then actually thought I was going to be a source of a ride home after I paid to fuck her, and if that wouldn’t work I could do her in the back room but would have to tip out the staff to look the other way.

    I would’ve actually been down with getting my dick sucked, but her pushiness was a turn off, and I wasn’t going to pay full service prices for just a dick suck. Waste of time.

    I got about 5 other lapdances, the last was from the 2nd chick who offered a fuck for some bucks. White girl with a big booty, I was into it, she went hard, positioned my dick in such a way that it rubbed her clit and I’m pretty sure she came a little bit. Gave me her phone number, we talked about the process, what cracked me up was she talked about picking up some food before hand (she mustve been hungry or some shit), and she put her number into my phone with her stage name as well as her real name.

    I really was considering it, however a few days later, a big ass bump popped up on my dick. Mind you, I paid for no “extras” had my dick in my pants the whole time, didn’t wear underwear, and only get a little bit risky when the bitch from Guam briefly simulated oral sex over the pants on my hard dick (she had add or some shit though, I would’ve bit if she wasn’t so impatient–thank god I didn’t).

    So, the bump. It was random, and I hadn’t had sex in any time frame that would make actually having sex a vector (Fuck it, might as well jack to porn mentality and whatnot). It was persistent, probably a month and a half later it went away but then another one appeared underneath (at this point I was observing a strict hygiene regiment). A smaller one as well, although I lanced it early on and it got really small. Overall, it took me about until May to finally be completely rid of it all, and it wasn’t pleasant

    I wasn’t as pissed as I thought I would be or as upset either. I’ve just been working, doing the “right thing” and going home for so long, bored out of my mind, but always imagined that I might lose my shit. I didn’t

    But, what probably helped was the knowledge that this is one of the STD’s that isn’t permanent.

    I’ve really been wanting to get my knob slobbed by a chick recently. Condoms seem pointless for the most part because I can’t feel enough in them to actually have an orgasm accept in certain circumstances.

    I’m completely clean, my only concern is GETTING an std from a working girl, and the biggest STD’s that frighten me are the permanent ones.

    They say herpes aren’t effectively protected against by condoms so I was wondering: If I pay a chick for anal sex with a condom, would that lessen my chances of herpes?

    I’ve got oral HIV tests for them to take beforehand as well, and I’ve been thinking on it: If she isn’t willing to take it then screw it, I’ll find a chick who is.

    I know this is a long meandering comment, but I really do appreciate this blog and look forward to reading the archives and enjoying everything it has to offer, such blunt honesty is really appreciated and the experiences you document are awesome.

    1. I’m not a doctor but I don’t think fucking someone in the ass is a good method for reducing the risk of anything. The only way to avoid disease for certain is to abstain from contact with other humans, though you can apparently get scabies and molluscum contagiosum from a towel or bed sheet so even that might not be foolproof. Cheers.

  6. Hi everyone, I just want to say that I’ve done just one bareback blowjob with a prostitute and I’ve got herpes from that, so statistics doesn’t mean nothing to me now !

    1. Thanks for your comment. How could you possibly know you acquired herpes from that one instance? It can be passed by any skin to skin contact and it can take months or even years to manifest as physical symptoms. Many people never show symptoms which explains why it is easily spread. That’s also why most people who have sexual relations with other people and even many who have not have some form of the virus. According to Pediatrics in Review “Worldwide rates of either HSV-1 or HSV-2 are between 60% and 95% in adults.” There’s always risk with sex of any kind but the good news is herpes is common and in most cases not life threatening or even very serious. Cheers.

  7. I’ve had sex with two prostuites in my life I’m 35 years old now and always they ask for me to wear rubber that’s in the UK I would never do bareback with a prostuite never. But that is said a regular I use to see a very attractive one the rubber broke and I came inside her vagina this happen several times I use to see her once a week the same girl but I never caught anything she was more worried then me asking if I had splet about but I had not. the conclusion is its risky having sex with prostuites condoms do break so they are not 100% safe.

  8. Hey rockit, great site. There is always risk inherent in any way of life, especially the enjoyable ones. It is really a matter of handling that risk in a way where you can still enjoy living your life.

    Aside from condoms, what are other precautions that should be taken? Do you know what vaccinations are considered good choices for aspiring mongers? Hepatitis? HPV?

    Any particular considerations for different locations? What are your thoughts on antibiotic resistance of certain STDs in different areas?

    1. I don’t think I’m qualified to say much more than the speculation I have done in this post and others like it. Clearly the safest thing to do is avoid all risk. After that the safest route is to take the best precautions available by doing things like wearing a helmet when on a motorcycle and wearing a condom when having sex. Of course not everyone is interested in safety which is why many people speed while driving and do things like heroin. Cheers.

  9. Everyone that exists is more than likely the product of bareback sex.
    The safe sex message and all those statistics are about control, fear and scapegoating.
    AIDS was never a death sentence per se
    The bottom line is that being born is a death sentence and no change in behavior (abstain all you want) is ever gonna change that for anyone. The STD warnings and hysteria are nothing but religion re-packaged..this belief that if you do things just so, you can escape calamity. LOL
    You and I ARE going to die. It’s not nihilism..It’s reality
    Have fun! ;-)

  10. I live in HK, are white, average size dick and have been riding regularly with Chinese, Japanese and Korean ladies whom I either picked up from dating sites or were prositutes. In 99% of cases I have not used condoms and I’m talking over thousands as averaging around 200 a year over the last 30 years. Recently I have found most ladies will for abit extra ride “raw” particularly in China or Japan..I have caught herpes and pretty much just that. The biggest issue I have experienced is that most Asian ladies do not take contraceptives..even hookers..however typically no issues CIP.

  11. Done over 2000 from around the world in particular Thailand and never wore a condom in my life and I’ve never had anything. Herpes ghoneria or chlamidia or anything else. Your immune system has got a lot to do with it. Dont believe mainstream media about anything or u will be scared to do anything,

  12. Sex without a condom just feels so great that it is a bummer how difficult it is to find. In Europe almost all women (especially those paid for) will require a condom unless you go the relationship route.

  13. Dave. Its easier to go bareback in Asia. But as Rockit writes, its about risk and reward.., for me the answer is easy, but again, its a personal choice.

    Accurate science in this article.

    And if a guy (over 45- 50) takes testosterone supplement under the supervision of a doctor, then there is aloso no risk for babys.

    Monkyepox “could” be a blow to tourism in SEA. It can transmitt during a legit massage as well. Cheers

    1. Monkeypox can apparently spread through surfaces like bed linens too. Depending on the impact and response it could have quite an effect on many things. Cheers.

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