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Independent Escorts in South Korea

The pay for sex industry in South Korea is huge and varied. Most of it is not available to non-Koreans. There is some very easily accessible in call action at places like Belle and Hooker Hill in Seoul, but that’s not always what foreign guys are looking for. Today, I’m going to tell you all about independent escorts in South Korea.

There are a number of sexy Korean women usually in their early-twenties who have the English skills and good business sense to target foreigners. Where is the best place to do that? All the usual locations are used, from sex industry forums to the therapeutic section of Craigslist’s Seoul page. Or at least it was until Craigslist banned adult ads.

Sure there are a lot of scams. You have to learn to root through those to get to the good stuff. It doesn’t take much effort to find independent escorts in Seoul. I have had experiences with several good independent women working in Seoul over the years.

Escort Tiffany in Seoul

One was Tiffany in Seoul. She was Korean born and bred, with the kind of body you see on all the hundreds of hot women who walk past you without giving you a second look on any given day in Seoul. Her rate seemed to vary. I donated 180,000 Won ($167 USD) for her time and services. But some others online say they have paid as much as 280,000 Won ($258 USD). Customers had to work it out with her directly.

I will say that she gave very good service, looked wonderful, and was every bit worth the money. It was very much a girlfriend experience with full service treatment! As far as I know, she only worked outcall. She never had her own place to serve customers.

So customers had to arrange to have her come to a private place or hotel, or meet her at one of the capital’s countless love hotels. She could be hard to get in touch with since she only used email to communicate. It took significant amounts of time to set up a rendezvous.

Independent escort in Seoul

Tiffany was a real part timer. She showed up with a friend on first meetings for safety. She did threesomes with her friend for a little extra money. Otherwise her friend just waited outside the hotel while the sessions wen down.

As of August 2013, Tiffany seemed to get out of the business and stop replying to emails. She was excellent and in my experience are not a clock watcher by any means. She did seem to have other obligations in her life that came first, so scheduling a meeting wasn’t always possible.

My experience with independent girls plying their trade in South Korea hasn’t been limited to her of course. This is just one example among many.

Sarah was even better

Next up was Sarah. She also operated in Seoul. While Tiffany was damn sexy, Sarah really took the cake. She was an absolutely beautiful young Korean woman with a gorgeous face and amazing figure. Her nice big perky breasts were complimented by her round as and supple skin. She offered top-notch girlfriend experience full service that you would remember for quite a long time.

Like Tiffany, Sarah only seemed to want to communicate via email. The only difficult thing was simply trying to get a hold of her. You would have to contact her in advance of any planned excursion. And if you didn’t succeed you would would have to send her another note.

Once you did get in touch with her, she was very kind and eager. When you meet her in person it only got better. She was offering an incall at her own location at one point. But it was probably more common for her to just go to a hotel. This probably put her mind at ease more than asking her to meet up in front of a random love hotel.

As stated, Sarah did most set up at least two websites advertising her services. She asked for 200,000 won ($173 USD) which was definitely a value. But one of her website listed her starting rate at 250,000 won ($216 USD). Later prices went up more as she became more experienced. She seemed to have recruited some friends, pictured on one of her websites. But they didn’t work as often as her.

Eventually Sarah decided to get out of the business. I don’t know what she is doing now. I’ve heard some stories. But I don’t know if they are true. They wouldn’t have much effect on this post anyway. From what I know it is a happy ending even if guys might not be happy that Sarah is out of the game.

Another 21-year-old I met

The best experience I ever had with a part-timer in South Korea undoubtedly came with a 21-year-old curvy Korean girl who spoke near perfect English. She advertised her services very plainly in the therapeutic section of Seoul’s Craigslist page.

She left just enough hints to let me know that I’d at least get a handjob to finish the session. In fact, she was so sexy and warm, and we clicked so well, that we ended up going into a marathon session of fucking that lasted several hours and filled several condoms. I met her at various love hotels on a nearly daily basis for a week after that. The donation each time was 125,000 won. Not too bad!

I’ve since fallen out of touch with her. I still have her contact information. But that’s not the kind of thing I would post on a public website without permission. Especially since my only goal here is just to entertain writers.

The point is there is a lot of available action if you just have a quick look around. Seoul is no sexual graveyard when it comes to pay for play activity. It is all around the city. You just need to know where to look.

123 thoughts on “Independent Escorts in South Korea”

  1. Hi mate,

    Great write up! Didn’t know about Craig’s list, but seems to be bombarded with agency postings, shame.

    Any other super hot girls to recommend? How about the 21 year old you mentioned…

    I’ll be sure to pass any hot leads back.

    take care
    UK (in & out of Seoul)

    1. Yes, you’ve got to watch out for the agency stuff, though not all of them are terrible. I found the 21 year old there, advertising as “massage for foreigners.” Haven’t seen any listings from her lately. Look forward to your reports my friend.

  2. Hi buddy,

    Thanks for that. I have met with Sarah and while she look ok I wouldn’t say she’s a superstar (I would rate her 7 out of 10 max in terms of looks). Her personality is great though, no doubt about that. Would you say Tiffany is prettier?


    1. I think Sarah has a better body and personality, but Tiffany has a prettier face. They are both smoking hot in my opinion, but your mileage may vary.

  3. Thanks for your information sharing, and I plan to go Seoul from 3/13~3/16, I searched from internet and some agency ( ) are cost $300(B Class)~$500(A Class) but provide restaurant invoice for company claim (^^), would you like to share more experience from your side, thanks a lot.

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting. I’d personally be very wary of any foreigner-oriented escort agencies in Korea advertising online. I don’t think there’s any huge danger safety wise, but in all likelihood you’ll probably be paying a lot more than anyone else for the exact same (or possibly even less) service. Take some time and look around here and elsewhere online to learn all you can and you’ll be better off.

        1. Sorry. I don’t have any relation to them whatsoever. I was just passing on publicly available contact info.

    2. I also came across that agency & contemplating to use their service. Would be great if you have any experience to share at the end. Thx.

  4. First of all, thank you very much for your website. It is a great help! And as you see my comment at Belle Report, I just have followed you :-)
    But I have q question to the independent escorts. So there is the list for therapeutic service. But in my eyes this are very professional escort offerts. Can I trust them?
    How to find a real independent gilr, like the gilr you met several times?????
    And can I find them without speaking or reading korean?
    I will be very happy for a tip and comment of you!
    Thanks a lot!
    And of course I will write a report, if I find such a girl!!!

    1. Plenty. Try some of the forums out there you should be able to find some info. I don’t have anything particularly up to date. Thanks for visiting and commenting.

      1. Oh I will stay at Daegu next time, too! So it will be very helpful for me, too :-) Which forums do you advice??? Thanks a lot!

      2. Daegu, is pretty cool I went to a love motel located behind the Daegu bus station and found several sex cards. The girls on the cards are hot 9s-10s, the one who came to my room was about a 7. She spoke no english and was shocked that I was a big 6 foot black guy. You should have seen her eyes! She came in I was watching a Korean movie and that lightned the mood. She took out her phone and made a call to her agency and then we got down to business. I must admit I dont speak any Hongul, my buddy who is Korean called for me and gave them my room number. Once she arrived to the hotel she called the room and said “Show Time” I said in my best Korean voice Ne, Ne. Then a few mintues there was a knock at the door. You really should have seen her face! The rate was 180,000 won and she stayed for an hour. We showered afterward. She smiled and before leaving she took out my google translate which I was using to communicate with her and said I’m not coming back here. We both laughed and I kissed her cheek and said good night. Two days later I moved hotels I had my buddy call a different card, they all have different numbers. And guess who shows up, You should have seen her face! She held her stomach motioning how deep I was in her last time. She came in and said in broken english “dont break”. I held her small frame and said I would be gentle this time. I go a little rough but when it really hurt her I backed off. She ended up staying longer and even dranked with me we tried our best to communicate and it was a beautiful night.

        1. Hey. Thanks for reading and taking to comment with that interesting story. I’m sure you have some more! Do you have advice for anyone else visiting Daegu?

        2. Great report!
          Can you give detailed information which Motel you checked in? And how does it work? You have to rent the room for whole night or can you rent for some hours?
          Please let me know, because I will go to Daegu next days!
          Thank you very much!

      1. Thanks for the posting.

        I just wanted to share useful info. I found this agency while googling and they have more than 4~6 girls working every night and you can even choose which one you want to get the service from. I forgot the name of the agency just saved the number of the guy who makes the reservation. He speaks fluent English and seemed to be a honest(?) provider since i had always good quality girls that he promised. 010-2893-1942. Good Luck Fellas

  5. hey sir im headed to seoul for work and was wondering if you could help with some info and what not

    email me when you have time please!!!

    excited for koreeeeeeeeeeea

  6. I met Sarah three times in the second half of 2012. My overall experience is positive. Pleasant looking girl, young & natural body, speak fluent American English, rather sexually adventurous. Two to note; she has a Korean/Asian body, but deep down she is more like an American than Korean. This may guide your expectation on her service level, should you have spent a fair amout of time meeting Korean/Japanese ladies. I think Sarah is getting rather busy & selective these days, I heard for other forums, she may not reply or even show up at all. My two cents.

    1. Hi. I edited the web address out of your post because I can’t verify the quality of the service. If you’d like to advertise or schedule a review, please let me know. Thanks.

  7. Hello! Does someone know Mimi? She says she is new and there plenty of her ads on the net. Each time it is a different pic.

    1. Hi. Thanks for visiting the site and commenting. I’m not familiar with Mimi that I know of. Maybe someone else can weigh in. Or maybe if you’re a little bit more specific maybe I do know her after all. At this point I’m starting to forget some here and there.

  8. Shame Tiffany’s email no longer works. She sounds like a keeper. If anyone knows her whereabouts or has contact info, it would be much appreciated.

    1. Haven’t been in contact for quite a while. She was a semi-pro so she may have very well gotten out of the business and moved onto something else.

  9. We are proud to be the newest , freshest and most exclusive Seoul Escort Agency.

    We provide a discreet, honest and efficient service to those seeking companionship of some of Seoul’s Sexy Elite Asian Beauty.

    In our Escort Service, we will aim to bring you all of the above at the best price imaginable.

    We offer lovely Outcall service in Seoul and near Area.

    Our Guarantee to you is 100% satisfaction so brace yourself for thrills, exhilaration and excitement.
    We have a hand picked selection of the most amazing, sexy and intellectual Models waiting for your call to come and fulfill your
    fantasies on your terms. We have our girls to suit any requirement and ensure you have a night to remember.

    more detail and get promotion visit our blog

    1. Thanks for visiting the site. I edited your comment to remove the URL since I’m not familiar with your services. If you’d like to advertise on the site please contact me and we can make arrangements. Thanks.

  10. I tried to contact Tiffany, but the email bounced back. It says the user does not exist. Has she deactivated her account or is there an alternate way to contact her?

    1. You’re not the first person to report that. She’s either gotten out of the industry or changed her email address. I don’t have any current contact info for her. Sorry.

      1. On a separate note lol, I am always weary of scams when I am looking for an independent girl or agency. That’s why I rarely use Craigslist. Is there a forum or place I can see ads and reviews from legitimate agencies and independents? Much like what you did here for these two girls, but I am imagining a whole forum of it. Do you know of such a site?

        1. Unfortunately I don’t, which is one of the reasons I started this site. But there are plenty of forums out there, and you should be able to find some info on them if you do enough digging through the rubbish.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Unfortunately I no longer have her contact info and wasn’t free to give it out even when I did. Try to apply some of the tricks mentioned in this article to discover other women working. Cheers.

  11. Too bad, you’re review is making me yearn for her. Great information b.t.w. on you’re website!
    I am staying in Seoul shortly (in about 2 weeks), and have visited some places you mention before (and the same for Japan :-)).
    All the places outside are for my opinion great experience, but I still prefer a high class escort in your own hotel. Just more convenient and relaxing.
    Are you familiar with girls advertising there self here?
    or more known here:
    Is someone having recent experience with one of them?

    1. I looked again for the contact info so I could ask her if she’d like it publicized, but couldn’t find it. I didn’t see any of her posts on Craigslist either. Perhaps she’s moved on to other avenues or something. I don’t have any experience with the others you mentioned. Maybe someone else does. Cheers.

  12. Please send me mailing ad of good girl or good eargancy mail ad as I will be visiting soul on 2 nd of July 2013 to 7th

    Plea sport me to find good girl from soul for 6 days


  13. Thanks for all the information here. Its been really useful and i have used some the girls mentioned here all to good results. But i know of another girl that i can reccommend with her permission. She’s quite new to this and her name is Rachael. She is a most welcome additon to the Seoul sex scene. She tall, fit and gorgeous and only makes reservations through email. [Edit: email removed] Shes the real deal!

    1. Thanks for stopping by to post. I appreciate the sentiment, but I have no way to know if that email is legitimate. If you’d like, you could tell Rachael to contact me if she’d like to advertise here. Cheers.

  14. I met with a few gorgeous girls through the CL in seoul but my most favorite was jennifer 26 year old. after some convincing she gave me her actual email since usually the CL emails are blocked. if u guys are lucky and she takes u on, its [email address removed]

    1. Hi. I appreciate the sentiment but I had to remove the email address from your post. The reason is that I can’t confirm the validity of your post since I don’t know you or the provider. Apologies, but I’m sure you can understand. I certainly welcome tips on providers, but things get a little sticky when it comes to individual escorts. I hope you understand. If you are still in contact with the provider, you could recommend that she get in contact with me if she’d like to appear on this site. Cheers!

  15. Hi.

    You have great information on this site. I am sure you have helped lot of people.

    Do you think it is ok to ask one of the hotel staff to recommend a good escort service. Or is this a no no. Just wondering.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi. Thanks for the comment. You could certainly ask a single male staff members, discreetly and in private, what kind of action is available. They may point you to something besides an escort service. They also may point you to something unreliable. At least my reviews give you an idea of what goes on. Cheers.

  16. Thanks for your answer.
    From your experience, do you think it is ok to ask a girl from a kissbang to meet elswhere- hotel for example?
    Thank you.

    1. Hi again. It depends on the situation. It’s probably not going to get you killed, but I can’t say how successful it will be. You have to work your magic. I’ve been with lots of pay for play ladies around the world outside of work, from dating to free fun to “extra activities” for pay. Good luck.

  17. Hey guys, i know of a decent review website for independent girls and i did find a gem on craig list. U need to stalk the site to find the good ones otherwise its all scams and agencys who send u the ugliest oldest chicks u can imagine haha.
    Anyway u can check just go to asia and click on the South korea forum.

    1. Thanks for the report. I edited out the contact info you provided as I have no way of knowing whether or not that escort provides a good service. Maybe I’ll be able to confirm in the future and then share the information. You could always contact her and encourage her to advertise on the site in the meantime if you’d like. Thanks again for commenting. Cheers!

    1. Hi Thomas. I made a post not long ago called “Beware of Backpage” that would be a good place to start. In general there aren’t nearly as many safety issues when dealing with Backpage in South Korea, but there are at least as many scams. It can be an okay place to get some initial info, but I wouldn’t make the leap unless I could corroborate that with additional, reliable info gathered elsewhere. Hope this helps. Cheers.

    1. Everything I’ve heard said she no longer replies to emails. No idea on a phone number. I’m sure if she wanted to be found she would. Cheers.

  18. Well, Tina Yang contacted me, at lease I hope it’s Tina, its backpage after all…ha..ha

    Looking forward to comparing Tina and Sarah. :)

    Will post my opinions in the future

    1. IMHO, Sarah rocks and she’s the one that’ll get my repeat patronage a total GFE. Tina was a total clock watcher, she had back to back clients scheduled so I felt like I was with an agency gal

      1. Thanks for the comments. How recently did you book Tina? I haven’t heard of anyone being able to get in touch with her for months.

  19. Wow, interesting tried to book a session with Claire, and she turn me down because I’m Korean-American now I know what reverse discrimination feels like…ha..ha..

    1. Yes, as I’ve told people here and elsewhere, there are Korean providers who refuse to service Koreans. Especially in the States. Unfortunate, but these are realities we all run into eventually. Cheers.

  20. Hey. Thanx rockit…
    Would you be kind enough to let me know the email address of the 21yr old part-timer girl? I prefer the younger.

    1. Hi Andrew. I wish I still had her email so I could contact her myself. Unfortunately I lost it and even my best attempts at finding it again have failed. Cheers.

  21. Hi, has anyone been with lady focus? She claims to do greek. She is on backpage, not sure if shes a legit independent. Tenative meeting set for wednesday….

    1. I’m not familiar with her. I usually stay away from backpage for reasons mentioned in my post “beware of backpage.” Cheers.

    2. Although I haven’t been with her, I’m pretty sure she’s legit. I know her friend and they have pics together. Please post your experience.

  22. yes, sarah still in business, i contacted her in june 2014, she replied, but unable to meet her due to change in business schedule

  23. Hey! I was wondering if Sarah and these other girls took in Koreans.
    I know your recommendations are great for foreigners and people from the States, but I was wondering if it was possible as a Korean.

    1. I’m not sure about Sarah, but many of the service providers who aim for a foreign client base won’t accept Korean customers for whatever reason. That’s even true of many Korean massage parlors in the US. But if you’re Korean in Korea the possibilities are almost endless. Cheers.

  24. Hey Rockit,

    I am trying to book a 3rd for my wife and I and unfortunately Sarah isn’t handling couples anymore.

    She suggested a girl by the name of Eunhee Lee (she said she had done doubles with her before).

    In addition it seems that Tina Yang is back in Seoul according to some other forums (this is the Thai Tina – she is 100% Thai even though her ads/name indicate she is Chinese).

    I have contacted both of these independent providers and they both are willing and available to meet us. My issue is I can’t seem to find many reviews on either of them and this, I have come seeking your (and your readers) advice.

    Additionally, if you know of any other providers in Seoul who will accommodate couples I would very much appreciate the info. My wife wants to do some pre-screening before we book, so agencies (where you don’t really know what you are getting until the knock at the door) are not an option.


    1. Hi Jody. Sorry but I don’t give advice. This website is intended for entertainment only. Further, I’m not an expert on the independent scene in Seoul. I don’t get there all that often. I travel a lot as you can probably tell and Seoul is only one stop of many. I knew a gal named Tina a while back but she was Korean. I know of Eunhee too. She is good. No one operating in the city is good as Sarah in my opinion but a few are up there. The review sites would be the place to look for up to date reviews. There are plenty out there. Some aren’t that active but almost all would have more updates than this site which relies solely on my work. Cheers.

    2. Alright, maybe advice wasn’t the right word… Experience perhaps – either from you or any of your readers!

      I’ll take a look on the review sites, seems like both are highly rated. Unfortunately for me sarah has stopped working with couples :( she offered to have a single date with me or a duo with Eunhee, but that doesn’t really fly with the wifey.

      I think we are going to go with Eunhee – she seems more genuine, is Korean, and the rate is cheaper. I will report back in a few weeks with what goes down.

      Thanks for the help and all the work you out into the site! – It provides some great entertainment!

    1. There’s no way to know or categorize thousands of women on a website. The only thing I can say for sure is that there are real women on tagged. I know that because I’ve met some. Cheers.

  25. Tried out a “independent” girl off of suwon backpage named Jina last night. Definitely an agency, since the English dropped to none when she showed up and told me her name was sara. Rate was 220 plus 80 for BBFS. She did a good job scrubbing me down in the shower but after that i got a 3 minute BBBJ followed by FS but she was a cold fish.

    Looks 6/10
    Attitude 3/10

  26. So had my run in with my first Independent escort tonight….well i can say it didn’t not go well. So saw her on craigslist, figured I would give it a try she put her Kakao talk ID on there as magarette101. Started chatting on there. I asked what she offered and she told me bj, hj, kissing and good sex. I replied and asked so how about rimming, do you give rimming, she replied with a yes. I decided since this is my first time calling i would go to a motel and rent for couple hours. So we decide to meet at 8 and she is already 45mins late. She gets here and then starts acting really wierd, really distant. Asked her if everyting was ok, she replies with a yes. She is texting on her phone, then makes a phone call…now I am getting worried and not sure what is going on. She then says to get naked so I start to unzip my pants and she just sits there still on her phone, she’s like stalling. So I ask can you give me a bj…she’s like what is that….I was like holy shit are you kidding me right now, cause you were the one that told me you gave bj’s. I then said you know suck, suck…sucky me dick, she says oh, head…ok. So she comes over and gets some gel out and I said bj then sex. She’s like no just one thing bj or sex, right then with the way the night was already going I said ok, give me my money back and I need to go, your waisting my time. She says I need taxi fare I said ok, how much she says 50k won, ok she grabs my money out of her purse and takes 50k out and I grab my shit and bolt before she leaves and out the motel.
    I leave and she texts me back on kakao talk and says you no get none, I replied with, I know you are a liar.
    She comes back with, “no your are liar.”
    I just said, “please don’t text me again.”
    She replies back with the same exact thing….
    What a night, so glad I chose not to have her to my place.
    Again she post on Cragislist and if you see the kakao talk ID of margarette101 that is her. I suggest staying away.

    1. Thanks for the report. Could have been a shy person, a person with problems, a scammer or a communication. I actually had a fantastic experience with a gal from craigslist in Seoul but that was years ago and I don’t usually that route nowadays. Cheers!

  27. VIP Massage in Gangnam. I visited this place and would never show
    me a picture of a Korean woman with big boobs. The pay is
    110,000 won per hour. I’m not sure if the woman is very good
    looking. The owner said little French Kissing and full sex. Not
    love and sex together. Just mostly massage and sex.


  28. hi all brothers
    how to fine thai girls hotel incall/outcall in korea? any brothers have web or we chat can give me? thank you very much

  29. I try to contact Sarah, but her reply is out of town during my vacation at Seoul. My sounding to Chic Seoul Escort got no reply yet (though I cannot confirm a definitive date yet). Did anyone try escorts from Massage Republic?

  30. I’m just back from Seoul, your page and Chic Seoul Escort is block by local police.

    I find and made appointment with Jiyoungkim ( she also got an account at, her waist is not as slim as the picture suggest, but provide good service, and very responsive to my fingering.

    I also use Massage Republic to appoint Jia and Jace, the former got no reply (if her picture is real, that’s a pity, because she look quite hot, can also provide Striptease and Lap dancing, which could be a very good foreplay); the later did reply with her face picture, but the deal fell through due to my own traffic problem.

    Later I try three some with Mina & Anna(,but the former need to stay with her family due to Lunar New Year Eve, so I settle for Anna (should be the second dancing girl at the attached video). She might be the hottest girl I’ve ever met in bed, got a pair of firm and perky breasts (when she lay down, they didn’t stand up right unnaturally, so it should be real) with small nipples, her skin is as smooth as silk, all together give me a very strong hard on, I pound her G spot hard, gave her orgasm before I also got my own.

    1. Hi Jk, thanks for your comment and thank you Rockit for the article.

      May I ask you how you contacted them ? They don t answer on Kakao and neither to my calls. Thanks

  31. Hey rockit! Really informing site! Keep up the good work. Quick question, what are your thoughts on the risks of independent vs agency? Since prostitution is illegal in SK should I be worried?

    1. I’ve never heard of a foreigner getting into trouble for spending time with an escort in South Korea. I guess it could happen but I don’t know what it would be based on. As far as I know Korean escorts simply exchange their time for money. Of course there is risk involved in any action including crossing the street. Each person has to decide which choices they will make in life after balancing risks and rewards. I don’t recommend anything. This website is for entertainment only. Cheers.

    1. As far as I know some of the ladies I wrote about in this post are still working. Of course this website is for entertainment only. Cheers.

  32. Hi guys

    Great site! Learned a lot about the playing field in the last 2 days.

    I am an Asian American (not Korean or Chinese). Have a question, is there any problem calling escorts to 5-star hotel?

    Any geniue Independent escorts you can share for a fellow travellers ? ;) Sarah seems to be off on a vacation for while of Jan…

    Cheers…Keep riding !

    1. I have not heard of escorts being banned from five star hotels in South Korea. Guests are allowed to visit room and I don’t know how a hotel would distinguish between a guest and an escort or anyone else. Then again I don’t have any special information. Remember that this website is for entertainment purposes only. Cheers.

    2. Informative and entertaining site..I agree.
      Sarah seems out of reach for Jan. Any reliable forums recommendations for Independents in Seoul?

      1. I don’t make recommendations as this site is meant only to entertain. Sarah is out of the business. But there are still several independent escorts in Seoul. Cheers.

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