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Review: Sexy Sauna Erotic Club in Prague, Czech Republic

Sexy Sauna Erotic Club is the only full FKK style sex sauna in Prague. The model is popular throughout central Europe. But for whatever reason, there is only one business that really follows it in the capital of the Czech Republic.

Rockit Reports has always aimed at covering the commercial sex scene around the world. Of course this earth is a big place and is filled with things to be reported on. Even a subject seemingly as simple as the blowjob bars of Bangkok can take years to cover in any real detail.

Prague Sex Sauna

Reportage of the scene in parts of Europe first appeared here a few years ago. It has gradually expanded since then. The Czech Republic has been one focus with the capital city of Prague receiving some real examination.

Prague is filled with adult entertainment options. Most are not totally obvious to people walking down the historic streets of the city but they are still there often tucked only a short walk from some of the major sites and attractions that bring people from around the world to visit the place.

Prostitution in Prague

Most of the adult entertainment in Prague is based around room based action. There are strip clubs where guys can find women to take to private rooms. There are also organized freelancer places where guys can meet independent contractors for sessions in private rooms. Then there is the Sexy Sauna Club FKK.

The status of adult entertainment in the Czech Republic always seems to be in question. Although venues operate openly in main streets people in the industry always seem to be looking over their shoulders. As this report will reveal that is probably warranted.

Sexy Sauna Erotic Club

The Sexy Sauna Erotic Club is so open that it can be found with a search on Google maps. Although that indicates the general location of the place the map is off by a few meters. It also shows the Sexy Sauna on the wrong side of the road.

The Sexy Sauna is located on a road with several other adult entertainment options. There are also male touts stationed outside trying to wave guys int their businesses. The street is never very busy and most of the guys who walk up and down it seem to be from places other than Prague though there certainly are a few locals around.

The business itself is located in one of Prague’s many historic buildings. The structure is large and has many rooms. Built decades and possibly even a century ago it was obviously not designed to house a sex club but the owners have made it work.

Entering through a large door customers come to a front desk staffed by women who seem like they will be financially penalized if they crack a smile. A male manager who can speak English and a few other languages also stays up front and explains the place to people who are not in the know.

Price and layout

The entrance fee for the Sexy Sauna is 2500 Koruna ($109 USD). This includes full access to the facilities inside which are large but definitely not up to the resort like standards of a place like Mainhattan in Frankfurt. There are things like a small pool and theater but not much else. Customers can come and go throughout the day though they must pay an additional 100 Koruna each time they reenter.

Once customers pay the entrance fee they are given a rubber arm band that contains a number and a key. This key opens one of the many locker located downstairs. Customers undress and place their clothes and belongings in these lookers then shower and put on a bathrobe before heading into the main facilities.

There is a rather large lounge room with two floors. The lower floor where customer enter has some couches and chairs and a set of bathrooms. Upstairs there is a long full bar along with numerous couches and tables. The entire interior has a sort of “white ice” theme.

Women at Sexy Sauna Erotic Club

Women from all over the world work at the Sexy Sauna. They sit around in the nude with their bodies exposed for all to see. The management claims that sixty women work the club. This doesn’t seem to be true. There are probably more than two dozen women on hand most nights. Romanian women make an appearance as is expected in any European sex sauna but there are also ladies from many other places like Albania and Hungary around.

The smoking ban that has been enforced in most of the world for years has not reached this place. While it is not immediately noticeable as the place is surprisingly well ventilated most of the women working inside smoke. Many smoke as if cigarettes will be outlawed within the next twenty four hours and they are enjoying their last pack.

Still for the most part the women are generally attractive. While there are few ladies that would be mistaken for supermodels there aren’t really any women with poor looks either. It would be rare and usually impossible to spot an overweight lady. This is no Wal-Mart in the Midwestern United States. The women range in age from nineteen to around thirty with most falling somewhere in the middle.

Snap law enforcement inspections

The layout and atmosphere of the Sexy Sauna is rather comfortable on normal occasions. A real issue however is that the comfortable normal occasions are sometimes interrupted by the powers that be. This comes in the form of unannounced raids carried out by a dozen or more muscle clad law enforcement officers who wear armor as if they were going to storm a criminal stronghold. They are usually joined by one or two female officers who appear to be totally disgusted by the sale of sex.

When these troopers storm the Sexy Sauna they spread out throughout the facilities. Women working the place cover themselves up but don’t appear to show much fear. The law enforcers go through everyone on staff to check their identification cards. Apparently they are checking to make sure that everyone is of age and authorized to work. Of course there are other ways such checks could be done but apparently they are not interested in that.

Customers are never bothered or even approached by the law enforcers in most cases but surely at least some must be put off by their presence. Many must also be upset that they are prevented from leaving while the checks take place. This can’t be very good for business.

When the forces of the state are not being unleashed at this establishment customers are free to approach the women working the sauna for intimate sessions. The women will sometimes approach customers but that is not nearly as common at the Sexy Sauna as it is at a place like Artemis in Berlin.

Sex sessions and summary

The standard rate for a short session of full service at the Sexy Sauna is 1900 Koruna or 70 Euro ($78 USD). This typically includes covered oral and intercourse. Special requests are sometimes met for more money.

The sessions take place in a series of white cubicles that look like they come out of Japanese capsule hotels. They have enough room for things to take place but they are certainly not spacious. The place that houses these cubicles is a bit odd looking and almost resembles something out of a sci-fi movie.

The halls leading to this place has a few showers for both customers and the women working the place to use. These are open and exposed to everyone who passes by but no one seems to pay much attention to whoever is inside.

Performance always depends on any number of factors but most women working at the Sexy Sauna aim to please even if they can lean toward the mechanical. That’s just the way things go in a place like this.

The Sexy Sauna Erotic Club is not exactly like the FKK clubs in German-speaking parts of Europe but that only makes sense. It is located in the Czech Republic and has its own features and practices. The biggest issue the place has seems to be with not infrequent visits from local law enforcement. I give it three stars.

Sexy Sauna Erotic Club. Ve Smeckach 1593/19, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic. Click here for a map. Open every day from 12:00 PM until 5:00 AM. Website:

26 thoughts on “Review: Sexy Sauna Erotic Club in Prague, Czech Republic”

  1. Very useful report as there’s not much intel on this place. What little there is sounds mediocre and this LE issue is pretty off-putting, won’t be in a hurry to visit! Cheers.

  2. Actually, the Google review ratings for Sexy Sauna are higher than the Google review ratings for Artemis in Berlin, Germany. Many people view Artemis as a terrible place.

    1. I guess it would depend on relative experiences. I find it difficult to believe that a guy from the middle of Indiana where a 3 minute no touch lapdance costs $25 would find Artemis “terrible”. But for people from livelier places with much to compare I guess it is possible. Cheers.

  3. Law enforcement is a ZERO issue in Prague clubs unless there has been a serious crime. You must have hit the bad lottery day. The Prague clubs are, in many ways, the backbone of the tourist industry. Just like in Las Vegas, Nevada, you should not expect the police to show up on a regular basis at a Las Vegas casino because the city wants to have casinos. One should never be concerned with law enforcement at a Prague club. A Las Vegas brothel, however, is another matter I suppose !! As you reported earlier, Artemis in Berlin, Germany was, however, hit with a major visit by law enforcement.

    1. I think there are a lot of reasons for people to visit Prague. Most probably go to see the castle and such. Maybe I’m wrong but there are more reasons than saunas to visit the city unlike Las Vegas which is really totally based around casinos. And the casinos do have a large law enforcement presence. Cheers.

  4. Rockit & other fellow readers,

    I was there (Sept 2016) with my buddies and had a blast there! Definitely recommend it over places in New York w/ short 1 hr time limit finishes and some other Prague places where they try to rip you off if you don’t speak Czech or Russian (Ex.K5). What I enjoyed most about this place was that it was 2 floors of naked women and you can go in/out for the day and stay till 4am if you want to when they close. I had a great Romanian one there, and I pretty much made her my wife for the night, while my mates ate Spanish, Italian, and some other mixes. hehehe. All the girls are pretty cool in there and it’s pretty much all you can eat (sausage, fruit, and Prague food) too. You can chill in the hot tubs, shower, sauna, sleep, or whatever while 20++ women walk around naked, pretty much begging you to bed them. It is an amazing place and great rest spot after visiting the castle or if you can’t get into the beer spa bcuz you didn’t make a reservation in advance. It was so good for us, we went 2 nights in a row bcuz we didn’t like or trust the other spots. Hope this report/comment will help the fellow bro’s out there conquer the ladies of the world.

    Keep up the great work, Rockit; I just visited pink 31 in NYC this week. (pinky) LoL

  5. We really enjoyed our stay in Sauna Club . Plenty of naked girls crawling everywhere , some of them were czech and some exotic , russian , asian . They offer best erotic spa in the Europe , tried same in Germany but it wasn’t even as good as this one in Prague . There were also some themed shows and program during evening .

  6. I have visited the place yesterday. The entrance price is now 2,500 Koronas and the girls ask 2,000 Koronas for a 30-minute session. The place is very nice, comparable to other places such as Goldentime in Vienna, and the girls are cute and sweet. The only thing I don’t like about these places is that girls come meet you as soon as you enter, and it’s always difficult to say “no” to them without feeling guilty. The result is that you end up spending time with the girls who approach you, instead of being able to truly select the ones you want.

    1. Thanks for the report. A lot of people share the same opinion about women approaching customers in this and other saunas around Europe. Regular visitors eventually seem to develop an ability to politely decline uninvited women. Cheers.

    2. I was going to comment that the entrance fee is now 2,500 Kč, but I’ve been told many times by touts that the girls charge 1600 Kč for 30 minutes. At 2000 Kč plus drinks it could make it quite expensive in total, or at least compared to the type of woman you can get for that amount, albeit not in a FKK. Were any extra services on offer? I was given a tour, and was quite surprised by how attractive a few of the ladies were, especially one in particular. Maybe I shouldn’t have expected them to charge only 1600 Kč.

      In some clubs in Prague, the girls can be a bit too pushy and aggressive, especially the girls from Ukraine and Russia, and I agree that it’s a problem trying to just choose the girl you like. I had hoped Sexy Sauna would be a bit better regarding this problem.

      By the way, the article was a good read, rockit.

        1. Very late reply, I know, apologies. I find Russian girls in Darling, plus some in the strip clubs like Hot Peppers and Gold Fingers.

          Just to say that Sexy Sauna has closed and reopened as Sauna Club on the same street, opposite Darling. The girls are supposed to charge 1600 CZK for half an hour but try it on and ask for 2000 CZK.

          Have you tried Darling? The girls now go outside to apartments, but they charge variable rates, some as high as 6000 CZK or above for half an hour and the service is basic. Those prices are high even by western standards.

  7. reading the reports on Sexy Sauna . Most of whats mentioned is CORRECT .

    indeed a terrific place to relax , enjoy AND Experience a one of a kind place

  8. I have visited this place many times over the past 10 years, and had some good times. However, on this last visit, I found some of the girls very pushy, aggressive and full of attitude. When I declined their advances, some became abusive (verbally and in one case physically!). When I agreed to take an Albanian to the room, she was very cold and said time was up after 10 minutes (similar to Amsterdam red light district back in the day). Most of the girls are hard featured professionals from South East Europe and none were more than a 7 out of 10 at best (even after a lot of surgical assistance). My theory is most of the hot Czech and other girls have better career opportunities elsewhere, so this place ends up with the dregs. Management do not seem interested in the client experience (perhaps they think that because Prague is a tourist city there is a never ending supply of eager sex tourists). However, I will not be returning. Don’t get me wrong I have had some good experiences here over the years, but standards seem to get lower every time I visit, and I found the attitude of the girls unacceptable on this last visit. There are better places to invest your hard earned time and money.

  9. Thanks for the detailed report. As someone completely new to the European adult scene (have spent a lot of time in Pattaya), I wanted to ask that would it be an issue that I am not a European. I am from South Asia, would it be an issue? Thanks!

    1. Thanks for the comment. I am not sure about the individual policies of each and every place in Europe. But I have seen people of all different ethnic backgrounds inside of European sex clubs. For example I have seen Japanese and Southeast Asian customers at Oase in Germany. Cheers.

    1. I doubt they allow that in Sexy Sauna. But I am not sure. There are a few FKK in Germany that allow female customers. Women do sometimes visit them with men. Cheers.

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