Korean massage parlors in the Unites States are different than Chinese massage parlors in that they usually offer “full service” as standard practice. A table shower, which will be explained later, is also standard. That’s a bonus both for the client and the woman servicing him who won’t have to deal with any unnecessary body odors.
How can you tell if a massage parlor is Chinese or Korean? For those who know the difference between the Chinese and Korean people and their languages this is very easy. For others there are a number of clues to look for. Watching Korean porn can give you an idea of how Korean women look and act but details about individual massage parlors can also indicate whether or not they are Korean.
Do customers have to call the place to find out the location? There’s a good chance it’s Korean. Is it open 24 hours or at least very late? There’s a good chance it’s Korean. Does the massage parlor or “spa” have a website with pictures of the girls who work there in modeling poses? Then it’s most likely Korean. Does it have all of the features I just mentioned? Then it’s most likely a Korean place. You can also do some scouting online to find out which places are Korean. There are now numerous sites where people share information on Asian massage parlors.
How do people find Korean massage parlors? There was a time when potential customers were limited to word of mouth and looking around town unless they could get their hands on some alternative newspapers like the Village Voice. The Yellow Pages were even an option back then. Some places had big ads placed under “massage”. Today guys looking for Korean massage parlors typically seek out massage review websites.
Erotic Korean massage parlors in the US
Of course when I talk about “Korean massage parlors” I am not saying every massage parlor owned or staffed by Koreans operates in this way. That is definitely not the case. I am simply describing a particular category of adult oriented massage parlor that exists in the United States. These places are like a slice of the ANMA massage parlors in South Korea. But they have their own peculiarities.
Korean massage parlors exist in most major American cities and to a much lesser extent in some small towns. The prices and services are pretty much standard. In New York and other large cities customers typically pay 200 dollars all in. In some smaller cities they’ll pay 160 or 180. Guys who act like they don’t know whats going on may be asked for a lot more. It’s pretty rare for a customer to be ripped off in a Korean massage parlor even if they are a complete newbie but it does happen. Customers who are knowledgeable and prepared don’t deal with that issue at all.
Booking a session
When guys visit a Korean massage parlor for the first time they usually call ahead to make an appointment or at least see if there is any availability. With a lot of places that is a necessity since the massage parlors don’t list their exact locations in ads or on websites.
Customers usually need to call from an unblocked number. A lot of Korean massage parlors won’t answer phone calls from private numbers. In the US cheap prepaid phones are easy to get and guys with discretion issues usually come up with a fake name. Nowadays there are even apps that let people temporarily use a phone number then discard it. So there are a lot of guys with names like “Joe” and “Frank” calling from burner phones.
In select big cities like New York a lot of Korean massage parlors have websites that feature pictures of the women on staff. When guys find a particular woman on a parlor’s website attractive they can ask to set an appointment with her. In smaller cities that’s a lot less common. Even where websites are available they don’t always reflect reality.
In any event customers usually call ahead before visiting a Korean massage parlor. If they are regular visitors or the place has a more stable and well advertised location customers also have the option of just dropping in unannounced though they then run the risk of being turned away at the door.
First steps
When customers arrive at a Korean massage parlor they usually need to ring a doorbell. Most Korean massage parlors have secure steel doors with several looks in front. They also tend to have video cameras above the door so they can see who is outside before they open their doors. This is meant to keep out unwanted “surprise visitors” like robbers or other more devious creatures from just dropping in. Customers typically arrive alone and are able to gain entrance by smiling at the camera and waiting a moment.
New customers at any Korean massage parlor are usually asked if they have been there before. Lying in these places often doesn’t work because unlike the massage girls the managers, often called mamasans, tend to stick around for a while and have good memories. In some cases they even keep record books with names and numbers of customers that they share with other managers to block out undesirable customers. Educated guys who want to enter a Korean massage parlor for the first time usually say that they have been to other parlors before and have decided to try a new location. Or they simply say that a friend recommended the place. Of course guys aren’t necessarily turned away if they just say “no, I haven’t.” It depends on the situation.
The Korean women on staff
After gaining entrance to a Korean massage parlor customers are led into a private room. Sometimes the manager will do the leading. At other times a masseuse will. The masseuses in the Korean massage parlors are most often more attractive than those at the Chinese parlors. They are usually dressed in a revealing nightie or other sexy garb too.
The Korean women who work in the Korean massage parlors usually come to the United States as visitors or live there permanently and rotate around any number of parlors. They normally don’t stay in any one place too long though some do maintain permanent homes.
In the bigger cities, they staff at Korean massage parlors are typically made up of very attractive women in their twenties and thirties. Quite often they have well shaped large fake breasts and nice hair and makeup. In the smaller cities the women working the Korean massage parlors will usually be less attractive and often older gals that aged out of the big city scene. They are still attractive enough in most cases and are commonly very skilled at their jobs. At one time these were the hotties in their twenties working in New York and Los Angeles. In some rare cases especially in more rural areas some of the women working in Korean massage parlors are at the end of middle age or older. Surprisingly they still do get customers. If they didn’t they wouldn’t be in the game.
Payment and price
Customers usually pay the mamasan upon entry. If not, they hand payment over to their massage gal as soon as they get into a room. The standard rate is 60 per hour though it may be more in some places. Some shops may offer half hour sessions. But guys in the know always opt for the hour to show that they’re serious. They are also prepared and pay in cash. This money goes to the house.
Customers will also have to pay for the extras. In New York and perhaps some other of the biggest cities the standard rate for full service is between 140 and 160 dollars. It has been that way for some time. In the rest of the United States the price for extras varies between 100 and 140 on top of the house fee. All together the rates for service at a Korean massage parlor range from $160 to $220 USD.
Either immediately after asking for the house payment or a few minutes into the pathetic excuse for a massage that’s provided customers will be asked what they want. In some places the masseuses will offer first timers lesser action like a hand job or blow job. This seems to be a way of testing new customers out. On repeat visits they are sometimes offered full service. More commonly though it is simply expected that customers are looking for full service and so they are charged accordingly with no questions asked.
Korean massage parlor regulars tend to simply hand over the total amount together with the house fee all at once to show that they know the deal. Guys who opt for a hand job or blow job have to negotiate their own rates. They typically won’t pay more than the going rate for full service.
Selection and surroundings
When customers make appointments with a specific girl then that girl tends to be the service provider they get. When guys don’t request a particular woman they are given whoever is next in rotation. Some experienced customers will ask for a “lineup” of available women to choose from though this is considered bad form. It is a common practice in Korea but the Koreans working in the United States don’t seem to like it much. There are reasons these women work in the US to begin with. Since they often refuse to service Korean customers all together it seems that one of their motivations may be to get away from particular customers.
Korean massage parlors are usually clean and neat. The rooms are always private with complete walls that go up to the ceiling and locking doors. Some of the parlors are subdivided with thin walls so customers can hear what’s going on outside of their rooms to some small extent but guys won’t run into any paper walls or curtain “doors” like they’ll find in some Chinese parlors.
How sessions begin
Upon entering the room customers are told to take off their clothes and wait. Sometimes the masseuse will stay in the room to watch or help the customer get undressed. Other times they will leave for a few minutes. When the customer tenders payment the girl will leave the room to give it to the house mom. Sometimes this is all combined into one action when a masseuse says something like “please give me the money and get undressed.” In any case the customers simply sit tight and wait for their service providers to return.
Some Korean massage parlors give customers clear plastic pouches for their phones and wallets. This is so those valuables can be carried into the table shower and sauna. That ensures that nothing is stolen and that no one can pretend anything was taken either.
After taking off their clothes customers are normally given a towel. Experienced guys sometimes make sure the masseuse seems them naked before wrapping the towel around their body if they are at a new place. This is intended to let the service provider know what she’s working with and help relax her a little bit keeping in mind they have a large number of things to worry about from customers who just walk in off the street. The thinking is that if the guy is cool she will be more likely to be too.
The table shower
After undressing customers will either be offered a table shower or simply led to a wash room. They put on the provided slippers and follow their masseuses to be washed. Korean massage parlors are great at discretion and organization. Although a guy might hear another customer enter he will probably never ever actually see one inside.
Once customers enter the shower room they disrobe and wait for the masseuse to spray some warm water on a big table specially designed for table showers. If a customer lays on the table before it’s prepared he’ll look like a newbie. And he’ll also run the risk of freezing his nuts off!

After the table has been cleaned and prepared customers are told to lay down face first on the table. This is typically the time the service providers feel out their customers. As they lather up the clients they may get into some small talk. The nicer the guys are during the table shower the better chance they have at getting superior service.
After the service providers wash the customers from head to toe–including the butt hole–thoroughly, they say “turn over” and start to wash the front. Sometimes they will get playful when they wash the cock and balls but sometimes they will not. Guys who get hard at this point may give the kind of signal the masseuse is looking for but even those who stay limp are likely to get similar service since they’ve already gone far enough for most service providers to be comfortable. In addition, when experienced customers are offered mouthwash they take it. That may mean they’re going to be allowed to kiss or do more later. Any customers who refuse mouthwash when offered run the risk of being refused themselves.
Mainstream massage
Once customers are washed and dried they are either led to a small sauna room or directly back to the private massage room. Sometimes the service providers ask if the customers want to use the sauna. If a Korean massage parlor is particularly busy sometimes they will put the customer in there for storage while they do some work in another room. Customers who do end up in the sauna simply wait there until their masseuses return.
Back in the private rooms the customers are given a perfunctory massage. Experienced guys know not to expect any pain relief here at all. It’s almost unheard of to get a decent massage in a Korean parlor. But that’s not why guys visit them. Sometimes a customer will get nothing more than a few seconds of “soft massage” which involves the masseuse gently gliding her fingers on the customer’s skin to get him relaxed and in the mood. Sometimes the service providers will do a few minutes of half-assed massage. And sometimes they’ll get right to work.
Korean massage cat bath
If they didn’t get their work supplies while the customer was in the sauna the masseuses will often leave at this point to retrieve them. They all have small bags containing lube and condoms that they use for their clients.
After the massage ends and the supplies are retrieved customers are told to lie down on the massage table on their backs. A lot of times the more professional girls will already have filled their pussies with lubricant so as not to ruin the mood.
Customers may get a cat bath which involves being licked all over, with a special concentration on the nipples and balls. Sometimes the anus is also orally stimulated. This is all popular and common in Asia. It appears in varying degrees in Korean massage parlors in America.
The main event
The service providers then get their customers hard then apply a condom usually by using their mouth. Most of the service providers at Korean massage parlors are very good at this. More than one man has expressed his amazement at their ability to get hard instantly in these situations when they previously suffered from what was labeled erectile dysfunction. Many have also voiced amazement over the ability of some Korean service providers to apply a condom by mouth in a way that left them wondering if a condom was ever put on at all.
Korean service providers working in massage parlors typically use Asian condoms that are very thin and very high quality. They apply these then perform oral sex for a varying amount of time. Some will suck their customer and work his nuts with their hands for quite a while. Some will only give a few mechanical up and down motions.
One woman who worked at a shop in the Midwest used to do her best to make customers blow their loads early on with her “magic mouth”. Those are her words, not mine. She wasn’t very attractive. She had an older worn face and big, badly installed bolt-on tits. I’m sure most of her customers did not mind finishing by fellatio. Experienced customers who come close to cumming with hotter girls early on when things are still in the oral stage would probably be more likely to ask to slow down so there would be an opportunity for sex.
Full service
As the main event unfolds the masseuses climb on top of their customers and start riding. Customers who want to go down on a service provider have to ask for that before the bucking begins. I can’t be sure but I would guess that most customers skip the cunnilingus and get right in the routine. That would explain why the service providers normally go from blowing to humping. One thing to note is that while requests for oral either way are usually accepted, fingering is normally not permitted.
Once the full service begins some providers will allow all kinds of roaming hands and kissing. Others are princess-like and want none of it. Some treat their tits like prize possessions and will shy away from even nipple licking by customers. Others will let the customer have at it. Guys in the know just go with the flow, as even their “bad” experiences in these places are usually quite good.
Multiple positions
If customers don’t shoot their wad while they are being ridden things usually progress to missionary style. The transition typically involves the service provider climbing down, laying on her back and spreading her legs wide and invitingly.
The service providers are usually quite good at holding their customers back with their legs and arms in what feels like an embrace. In fact this maneuver is really meant to keep the customers from going them too hard and deep. Considerate and caring guys are most appreciated by service providers since they can control themselves instead of being controlled. At the end of the day its a job for the women working these places. They want to avoid undue stress.
Customers will usually only be given doggy style access if they directly request it during sex. If they do that they still may be denied though they usually are not. Guys who go crazy and start pounding away are by all accounts not be warmly received. Many of the service providers who work at massage parlors are rather tight even though they bang guys on a regular basis. They don’t want to ruin the goods that they use to make a living or feel pain. Considerate guys along with any person with a functioning brain can understand this.
Clean up and conclusion
After customers shoot their loads the service providers grab their junk by the base and pull it out ensuring that the rubber stays on and no seed is spilled. Then the service providers gently remove the condom and put a wet towel over the still pulsating penis. As the customers kick back and relax the providers leave the room and come back with a warm wet towel to gently clean things up.
Most sessions wind up with some small talk. The service providers usually help their customers get dressed too. Mileage will vary here even with the same girl. Sometimes they want to lie together and cuddle with customers and sometimes they want to get the guy out the door as soon as possible. A customer may be thanked and offered a drink or candy by the mamasan on the way out. Or he may not see anything but the door. Generally speaking the nicer customers are more likely to receive better service in the future.
It really is as simple as that. A guy makes an appointment, goes in, has a good time with a hot girl, and then leaves. That’s one of the reason these places are so common and popular. If it weren’t for arcane and frankly ridiculous laws prohibiting the sale of sexual services in the United States one can only imagine that things would be even more popular, not to mention safe.
As it stands Korean massage parlors tend to be some of the most reliable adult oriented shops where they exist. On top of that they often employ some of the most attractive women of any business of their kind. That doesn’t seem set to change anytime soon despite the wishes of some from the anti-sex contingent.
Of course things can be different from one place to another. There are no hard and fast rules. Things aren’t so much black and white as they are various shades of grey.
If you want to know about the ways in which erotic massage is done in other countries on earth spend some time looking through this website. The body of research presented here expands constantly. Over the last decade I’ve reported on the sex industry in dozens of countries spanning four continents. There is a good chance you will find what you are looking for.
It sounds very similar to what you can experience in Sydney, however the Korean massage parlours there don’t provide full service. Since brothels are legal they operate separately to the massage parlours.
Great info! Very impressed with the vast amount of knowledge throughout the whole site
Thanks for reading and commenting.
So the Korean places in OZ are hand job only? I know you have legalized brothels, but haven’t had a chance to check them out. Any info on Australia would be great. Thanks again for stopping by.
Want to meet and marrie Korean women!!!
Greetings Pieter
Thanks for stopping by. South Korea would be the place to go for that. Second best would be any Koreatown around the world. And don’t forget about the internet, which makes international person-to-person relations easier than ever. Cheers.
Couldn’t reply to your message from before.
From what I’ve experienced and heard, the korean massage parlours in sydney only provide body slides, blow jobs, hand jobs and what can be described as simulated sex. It’s simulated as the masseur would sit on top of you as if she were riding you cowgirl (or reverse cowgirl) but in fact she would be finishing you off by hand.
Many men have tried to get these masseuses to go all the way, with repeat visits & trying to pay extra but have no luck.
It makes sense for the businesses to not offer anything they aren’t legally permitted to do, as the local governments do crack down and issue a fine or even close them. So I guess the business owners train the ladies well.
But having said that, it’s just as easy to go to a brothel and get a Korean girl there. So it’s fine for everyone involved, we have good options available.
Thanks so much for coming back and commenting. Better late than never as they say. This is all good info. I’m not sure why sex is legal in a brothel but not a massage parlor, but rules are odd and arbitrary like that pretty much everywhere in the world. If I ever get down to Australia I’ll put this all to good use. Cheers.
Great summary of Korean establishments. My favorite place – don’t really know if it is “Korean” as the mamasan is from China and the girls are from Japan and Korea – is on 6th Avenue in Manhattan and there are several ladies there who are outstanding. Visited several places in NYC and on Long Island, but never was given a bag for my belongings – would be a nice touch. Have found that just abut every one of these ladies loves it when I go down on them – I always try to get them off before I come – that’s my fantasy. Also, I usually start out the session with a little gift (gift card) to the girl just to show her that I appreciate her being with me – they always seem very surprised and appreciative – works out well for me in the end. I’ve found that giving a small gift (box of chocolates, bottle of wine, etc.) to the mamasan upon entering is also a good move – makes for a “friendlier” atmosphere. Will check to see if my favorite is listed in your write up.
Thanks for taking the time to comment. The place you’re mentioning is not a Korean massage parlor. There are mixed massage parlors out there. Especially ones run by Chinese people. Korean massage parlors are run and staffed by Koreans, up to and including the house mom. Good info after. Cheers!
HI there. Since first reading your blog about the Korean Massage Parlors in NYC, I’ve done a bunch of journeying on my own and I have to report that the market price on EVERYTHING has gone up. While in Chinatown, the house fees are basically the same 60 dollars, almost unilaterally, everyplace else has gone up so that places that used to be 60 are now 70 and I’m seeing a lot of 80 dollar house fees and even, unbelievably 100 for the hour. This is with no extras. In US Sex Guide that I’ve been following (thanks to your advice), the going rate for FS has jumped from whatever would be the difference from the house fee (ex. 140 if the house was 60) to 160 on top of say, 80! So you’re jacking yourself damn close to 240 bucks and if this is a new joint, you might not really be getting your dream girl. I guess the gist of all this is that prices for FS have gone up. I found a Chinese place near Canal where I got FS for 140 tip over the 60 House — so I did the standard 200.
But it wasn’t a place like Asianflower where it’s all expected – you hand over the 2 bills and get what you get.
Just my 2 cents.
Is there anything similar to this in Seoul?
Plenty. Click the “Sex in Seoul” category on the right side of the page to see it. Cheers.
Just want to to make sure I get this straight. If you go to a KMP in NYC and you dont like the first girl that comes out, you can’t ask to see another one? Thats the customs? Thanks very much.
You certainly CAN ask to see another but it’s not something I would do unless I was already familiar with the place or the staff. There’s a good chance it won’t go over well otherwise and even a small chance that your request will be totally refused. There’s a reason many women who work KMPs in the states refuse Korean clients. They don’t like the treatment they would get at places oriented toward Korean clients, which includes things like line ups. Cheers.
a nice one, in Dover NJ
Question – After paying the house fee and the extra fee, am I expected to tip the girl at the end on top of all of that? I’ve only been to chinese places and the “tip” is the fee for extra services there.
The house fee and extra fee is all there is. Tipping is obviously possible, but not normal or expected. Cheers.
Thanks dude. You definitely set me up for success. :) I went to this Korean place for the first time few weeks ago, I been to Chinese before but not Korean, the girl was hot but tricked me into paying full hour price for 30 minute session since I asked her the rate and was a newbie. Then I found this article and got my certification. Now I know what to expect. Thanks again…
Thanks for the comment. Cheers!
Can you give a little insight as to how to handle the phone call to make an appointment please? This part makes me more nervous than anything else. Thanks.
Usually a customer would call and say something like “I would like a massage at 5:00 pm.” The phone girl would say “okay” and give the address of the place. Nothing more complicated than that. At some places outside of major cities like New York it’s enough to simply show up at the door. Cheers.
Do you know of any good Korean places in Bay Area?
No I don’t.
Hey, love the site! I, too, would like some more information on the Bay Area, specifically for Korean parlors. Come visit
Hi Miguel. Thanks for the comment. I have been to the Bay many times but I don’t have any plans to review specific places anytime soon. For some of the reasons see the post I did on finding a happy ending in America. Cheers!
Excellent write up and description. There are a couple of KMPs in Houston and they are by far the best quality in girls and cleanliness. It is good for you to stress being kind to these women. My friends and I become regulars at one establishment and befriended the mamasan. No benefit in prices but the girls liked us and we had more freedom than the usuals. Alas, we are now married and the AMPs are not part of our lives anymore. Well, maybe not as much.
Thanks for the comment. Cheers!
Amazing article very detailed. I was wondering if there are any good Korean places in and around Atlanta. Also if there are any,is cash recommended to card?
Thanks for the comment. I haven’t been to Atlanta in years but there used to be some places around. Most places only accepted cash at the time. Cheers.
do you know of any Korean massage places in Boston?
Sorry Dan I don’t. I haven’t been up there for a while. Cheers.
Is it weird if I as a happily married guy in the low 30s wants to go to one of the Korean places on the list? My wife can’t know, I m dying to go though.
Everyone has to make their own choices but if I imagine many or even most of their customers are married men. Cheers.
Reading the article blew my mind, haha. I was wondering if there are any of these Korean parlor in southern California, do to the fact that I’m a newb and would love to visit one of theses places.
They exist all over the country, especially in California. Cheers.
I’ve only had Chinese AMP hj experience in NYC. Kind of boring. I never get the full hour, and girls never ever get a firm grip on my penis. I guess since it reads high noon they just want to exert minimal touch and effort.
So, upward and onward, onto the Korean side! How much do you think just for HJ with KMP? I want to start off slow, just exploring the landscape.
If you read my post on how Korean places work you’ll see that the level of service is usually higher than what you’re after. Cheers.
Great work!!!!! I would like to try a KMP in Houston TX the ting is I am new in town any suggestions if you been over here tanks
This website is for entertainment only. I don’t suggest you do anything other than read what is written here. Cheers.
hello Rockit, I was wondering if you know of any places like this in LA?
I did know some a while back but I haven’t looked around out there in years so any info I had probably wouldn’t be accurate. Cheers.
Hi, just found your website. I just moved to New York City and looking at your website you know a fair bit about the landscape? Any recommendations for KMP in NYC?
Hi. This website is only meant for entertainment. I don’t give advice or recommendations of any kind. Cheers.
Is there anywhere that can help me find places like this in LA?
Great article, been thinking about going for first time. But been worried about catching something, how safe do you think the masseuse are? Thanks
I’m not a doctor or scientist and I don’t know if I’d be able to answer a question like this even if I was. All sorts of factors go into it like the health of the customer, the health of the lady involved, when the visit happens and more. All risky activities at massage parlors are usually covered but that’s still not a guarantee. There will always be risk. You can also die from an airplane crashing through your ceiling while you sleep though so nothing is really safe, is it? I can say I’ve never had a problem after visiting a massage parlor in the US and I’ve been to more than I can count on both hands and feet. Cheers.
Thanks for all the great info on this site. So here’s my problem. I’ve been to a number of AMPs, and have been serviced by Chinese girls. All good fun. I’d now like to move up to Korean girls, but I come very, very quickly, even with a HJ. Do these girls let you stick around for round 2, or do they move you out as soon as you have completed?? Thanks for any advice
I’ve never heard of anyone being kicked out but there is typically only one round. The rest of the time can be occupied by massage, chatting, cuddling or something else. Guys who have a good relationship with a place or lady may be able to go again but it’s not common. Cheers.
Hey Rockit,
Great reviews you have and love the site!
I never been to any of KMP before but been to many others J and C places.. Would it be considered proper for asian man to go to KMP? I remembered a story of a friend that they were getting kicked out of one of the place in midtown, and also I heard they have reputation not to accept asian / korean guys.
There are some women who won’t work with Korean guys but I’m not sure about other Asians. I do know that some Asian American guys go to Korean places, though I don’t know if they can get into every place. It probably depends on the people involved and the location. Cheers.
Hey Rockit,
Great reviews and I love the website !
I have been to AMPs but not to KMP and I am looking to visit one soon. In regards to money,has the amount increased since you wrote this review?
Lastly, do you have any recommendations?
I wrote the report to the best of my knowledge and abilities at the time of publication which was a few years ago. I have no way to keep up with each and every place to see what they are charging. In my experience prices have been steady at these kinds of places for several years though due to their nature I’m sure a few unassuming new people are asked for a lot more than the going price. I don’t make recommendations or suggestions of any kind on this website which is operated solely to entertain readers. Cheers.
have you tried hiyako spa Frank ?
No I have not. Where is it located? Have you?
What about cleanliness and STDs? Should I worry about these girls? I got a hell of a surprise blow job from one!
I’m not sure how to answer your question. Sexually transmitted diseases do exist and anyone who has sex is at risk of getting them.
Backpage is a good search and there are others but keep in mind if you can find it Leo has too. In the area I’m in 9 were busted based and posts and ratings by customers because they name the place. I found first visits are hit and miss second ones if you ask for the same girl your treated better
Average is 60.00 hour plus tip 40-50 tip gets service I haven’t been to any that offer FS I would say if you became a regular it would increase your chances. I have the best luck when they rub your hands return the hand rub a few seconds just rub her hands and say something like your hands work too hard. I’m sure most times they feel like a machine doing the same thing over and over. I like the middle aged. They are easier going. I’ve had younger and there is no emotion in it they look at the wall and stroke ya. When your done a towel and see ya.
I wanted to post my experience that I just had today after reading this thread. I went on blackpages and I found that a message place. I called and asked for how much the rates were. The woman said there were 2 women working and it’s $45 for half hr and $60 for 1 hour. I later stopped by and was greeted by a chinese woman in her 30s. I said it was my first time and I was led upstairs. I went to the room and told her I wanted the 1 hr message. I gave her the money and she told me to take off my clothes. She came back in the room and messaged me for about 20-30 mins. Casually talking. I was allowed to touch her legs and even her butt. I then turned over and she began touching my groin area. She asked how much I would pay for her to take off her clothes. She then gestured to me if I wanted to have an hj or “sex”. She made the gesture for sex which I knew was universal. hj was for $40 and for full service was another $100. I don’t know if I paid too much but I wanted to end it with sex. I paid the remaining and we went to business for I’d say 20 mins. What striked me odd was that she kept moaning as to make me climax and continued to ask me to climax (I guess to hurry things up). I ended up standing and being tugged. As I was tugging myself she was playing with me. What was really odd was that she was rubbing the top of my private. Right above my penis as if I had a “clit”. I don’t know why she was doing that. Maybe that was what she was “taught” to do? Nevertheless. I enjoyed it and left happy. Cheers! And thanks for the thread. Everything was accurate besides the money for the extras parts and the part where she was rubbing my “clit”..
Thanks for the comment. If you went to a Chinese run place then this report wouldn’t be accurate. I did another post on Chinese massage parlors years ago. Cheers.
I meant to post it in the Chinese section of the post. When I looked up the place it said that it was Korean. Would you happen to know anything about the rubbing of the “clit” part?
I don’t know what kind of information you are looking for. Masseuses tend to be in the habit of massaging and that often includes rubbing the genitals and surrounding areas. Cheers.
If I only pay the house fee / no extra, what I’m gonna be entitled to? Hand job? Less? More?
Typically the price for a massage includes nothing but a body rub. Cheers.
Cool article. I must tell you however, that after years of visiting these places I really can’t tell the difference between Chinese and Korean parlors. Also, I have never experienced one of these girls wanting to cuddle when the session is over. That would be something totally new to me.
Thanks for the comment. Cheers.
Any places in Boston Ma? I’m trying to take a really stressed friend who needs a brake, and of course for my self too
Really good article by the way, just wish I could experience it too
I am not sure if there are Korean massage parlors in Boston. There were some in the area at some point in the past. I haven’t researched the area in decades. Obviously I don’t recommend that you, your friend, or anyone else go to a Korean massage parlor. This website is written solely to entertain. Cheers.
Goto China town in Boston.. look for massage parlours in neon lighting, there are 4-5 places that will offer happy ending (hand job and nothing more). Massage fee is about $70-$80 and they expect tip of another $50 minimum..
Thanks for the report. Cheers.
Although the question could be weird, are there KMP in Bangkok and Pattaya ?
No, they’re aren’t. Cheers.
This is funny men, “they will not do doggy style unless you ask them to” and “they will offer you a drink before you leave”, I knew she was a korean girl when I first saw her. Dated a korean girl but not at a massage place. Now I know why that position didnt happen.
There are definitely Korean women who do it doggy style in the world in any event. Thanks for the comment. Cheers.
Ive become a bit of an aficionado for AMPs in general and KMps in particular, perhaps ever since I began reading this site. And I’ve been treated to a little of everything, including covered doggy and of course the HJ. I think never a BJ.
The easiest way to check the nationality is of course to ask, or listen to the ladies chit chat. A little familiarity with the Korean language helps. But Chinese AMPs are fun.
The one doggy experience was a surprise and a delight: a new shop I learned about when BP was still in business, and the masseuse just turns out to be eager and willing to take the table action to the next level. My favorite experience was trying two different shops, in a suburban metro area on the east coast. The first place was a Chinese AMP and I dropped a Benjamin as a tip for a mature but classy MILF to strip for access to her delightful bolt ons and an experienced relief. The next door place was equally inviting, but Korean, and my masseuse complained about the Chinese competitors for trying to squeeze them out of the area.
One trick I’ve learned is after they’ve collected the house fee up front, always leave the change from my hundred bill on the table with perhaps one or two other $20s on top so she knows there’s skin in the game for relaxation, never fails.
Another technique, as mentioned above, is show some tenderness when she massages your hand, indicating your tenderness. Hands on her thighs and commenting on body tone and trying to caress up the backside is also a very good entree move. Expensive? Yes often but I’ve never escaped without at minimum a good massage, a drained sack, and that ever present bottle of water.
Ive heard there are even rubmaps sites you can join where mongers rate the places, gibe the shop name of their provider (always Kiki, Coco, Sara, etc) and generally a good idea of the service you can expect.
I’ve used them all over the continental US but most of my business keeps me on the east coast.
Thanks for the comment Jack. Cheers.
You mention rubmaps sites, one problem with those is the reviews tend to get places police attention, reviews go up, the places close down. Where I am it there used to be at least 20 places where you could get at least a HJ and 3 where you could get more. All that is gone, now there are 3 places that offer HJ and thats it.
Thanks for the report. In many parts of the world the sex industry is being driven more underground than ever thanks to repression. The internet may play a role in this but there are also other causes. Cheers.
I’ve been returning to the same geographic region of the US for business for about 7 years. Despite their advertising on platforms such as CL, BP and the mapping sites, I know at least shops that have never shuttered.
And another provider, with similar publicity, is now on platforms such as Instagram and seems to have turned her Americanized Land of Smiles skill set into a pretty lucrative lifestyle.
I suspect that getting shuttered has as much to do with a combo of luck and business acumen as it does visits by LE.
A lot of what you write rings true. Another thing to consider is that law enforcement can vary greatly from one area to the next. Cheers.
Hey rockit, with covid restrictions do the masseuses have to wear masks the whole time? Even If oral is on the table?
Hi. I haven’t been keeping track of either regulations around masks or the KMPs in the US. So I have no way to know. With some places operating outside of the law I don’t know if they would follow other rules or not. It probably comes down to individual choices and different shops. Cheers.
I can answer my own question now. As of February, at least, masks on arrival and then it was up to me whether I kept it or not. My provider kept hers on for as long as I wanted – which was only until I flipped and she removed her clothes. Yes, oral and FS available.
What’s amazing is that pretty much all of the details in this eight year old post are still true: I always call ahead, the table shower is a good indication of how far she will go, and the cat bath always includes licking the twig, berries and even tossing the salad.
Prices in the NE are also pretty much the same!
Thanks for the up to date report Jack. It is interesting to see how things have developed. I have updated this post a few times since it was first published. Overall though these things have been more or less the same for quite a while. Cheers!
Hmm. I tried to update this with my recent visits to Korean AMPS, but something happened to my post.
Your comment was received and approved. I replied to it. Perhaps you just need to refresh the site or clear your cache to see it. Let me know if there are any problems. Cheers!
User error! As soon as I posted my “hmm” it refreshed and showed my original reply.
Feel free to delete this exchange if you have that ability and want to keep it tidy, Rockit!
Fully vaccinated now, looking into procedures to get back to the LoS…
I think it’s fine to leave it here for posterity! Cheers.
Shout out and warm thoughts to the families of victims from the Atlanta crazy. I personally don’t believe what he did was a hate crime, he was just a self loathing Xtian whose natural urges for relief always led him to AMPs. That his fundamentalist brain could be wired to consider mass murder as an acceptable act by his god is an abomination for those who have reasonable, sincere but sane beliefs in the supernatural.
I visited my local KMP yesterday and not only tipped generously but brought a single white rose for each of the girls including the 60ish mamasan. Some of the, resort to this line of work in the service sector because of limitations on their entry into the mainstream workforce. They shouldn’t be shamed or punished for that.
Sorry for the rant!
Yes it is a very bad situation for many reasons. I was thinking of writing something about it. On second thought I may not. In summary sex work should be decriminalized and the mentally ill should be treated. In any event this is the world we live in. Cheers.
It can be slipped off immediately before the initial push in the doggie position. They don’t even suspect such a snarly move.
Just because something can be done doesn’t mean that it should be done.
This article was written in 2012. Are the tip amounts still the same. If not, what are the updated tip amounts. Thanks.
There are many Korean massage parlors around. They don’t all charge the same. Nor do all of the ladies who work in them ask for or expect the same tips. Cheers.
Yeah you can probably fuck her doggy style, that is one nice thing about Korean places, don’t expect that much to the massage though(which I do enjoy sometimes), it’s more about sex. Chinese places tend to be a little more conservative although I have gotten a blowjob at one before, Vietnamese places are kinda in between.
Thanks for the comment. I haven’t found any Vietnamese massage parlors outside of Vietnam or maybe China. Cheers.
Just found your site today and cant stop reading. Great information!
While i do enjoy the Korean massages, in my area I have only ever found older women.
Is there some kind of list of these places that may have younger staff? looking in Maryland/DC area.
thank you
Thank you for the comment. The most attractive women seem to stay in the bigger cities. I am sure people discuss these places somewhere though I am not sure. Cheers.
Do you know of any KMP in Dallas, TX area? Thanks in advance.
No, sorry.
Go to some of the escort websites. Plenty of AMPs listed there. Call the number, tell them you saw the ad, and set a time. Never fails. They are everywhere.
Thanks for the comment. Cheers.