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Review: Pour Hub in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Pour Hub is one of the more interesting named venues I have ever come across in my many years of reporting. In fact I had to check the place out solely due to the name. To be honest I am a bit surprised the place is actually allowed to operate under this title. Cambodia has a history of cracking down on things of the sort.

pour hub phnom penh ladies

It is somewhat astounding that Pour Hub can operate in a place where celebrities are publicly admonished by the most powerful people in the land for being too sexy. Recently a modesty bill was even proposed that would have banned revealing clothing. I can still remember when bars were told not to use plaid skirts as uniforms.

Pour Hub doesn’t just sound like Porn Hub. The bar even uses a similar color scheme and logo as that infamous porn site. This isn’t the first time a business has made a play on the name of course. Pour Hub isn’t nearly as egregious as Hong Kong’s Sandwich Hub which promises to “make you come”.

Pour Hub on Street 130

So what about Pour Hub? Sure the sign catches the eye of nearly every porn loving man who walks past. But does the place live up to its name? The short answer is yes. It is a place where draft beer is poured. In that sense it is a “pour hub”. Though we can’t just let things drop there. There is a lot more to this place than just a name or a mug of beer.

bar girl at pour hub

Pour Hub is one of the newest hostess bars in Phnom Penh. Opening in late 2023 the bar quickly gained notoriety. That is due primarily to the name. Indeed that is what drew me to the place. Though a title alone is not enough to keep a bar in business. Especially in this crowded local market.

Pour Hub took over the spot of the old Queen Girl bar. Its a fairly small place but there is still plenty of room inside. There is a basic bar on the left and purple velvet seating throughout the rest of the space. Mesh like curtains between the seats offer a modicum of privacy. Though everything is still visible from one side of the room to other.

Staff, prices and summary

What matters most in a hostess bar are the hostesses. Other things also come into play. An overall feeling is established by some combination of the surroundings, the ladies, the atmosphere, the standard of service and to some extent even the music. Nothing really stands out to me at Pour Hub.

There about a dozen women working at the bar. Most of the ladies are about average in terms of looks. There are a few exceptional gals on staff who are particularly pretty. Of course this can always change. Few women make a long term career out of being a hostess. As it stands there is a nice mix of looks at Pour Hub. There are definitely enough babes here to attract guys.

What about prices? They range from average to slightly on the high side. Customer drinks start at $4 USD. Lady drinks are $5. The barfine is $15 which is 5 dollars higher than almost any other bar of this sort. Five dollars might not sound like much. But we’re talking a 50 percent premium over the local industry standard. So it is something to note even if it won’t break the bank.

The owner of Pour Hub is definitely making a go of it. In fact the idea for the name he chose for the bar is borderline brilliant. The owner really seems to be enjoying himself too. At least from what I can tell. Ultimately this is a pretty standard hostess bar with a fun name and passionate management. Considering all that I give the place a solid three-and-a-half stars.

Pour Hub. 32 Street 130, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Click here for a map. Open every day from 5:00 PM until 4:00 AM. Phone: +855 87-84-3744.

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