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Sex is on sale on Hooker Hill in Seoul

Hooker Hill is a fairly well known little street in the Itaewon section of Seoul, South Korea where foreigners can get guaranteed sex at relatively low process.

South Korea has a massive domestic sex industry, probably even rivaling the massive fuzoku availability next door in Japan. Also like Japan, most of the sex shops here are off limits to foreigners. One easy way around that has long been to simply visit “the Hill” in Itaewon, the main “foreigner area” in this homogeneous country.

Hooker Hill in Seoul

Only a block away from a main road, Hooker Hill is as easy to find as it is to miss. Here is a map of the hill. The direct way to get there is to take exit 3 out of Itaewon Station, walk to the first corner, make a right up the hill, and make a left at the next corner. You are now on Hooker Hill.

Hooker Hill in Seoul

After sunset on any given night, Korean prostitutes of varying levels of age and beauty enter the small bars on this little street to meet customers. Some will wait out on the road. Others will wait behind the doors. Whenever a lonely looking guy or two strolls up or down the hill, they will call out. Sometimes they even get more forceful and grab at guys.

Their goal is to get you inside, get your pants down, get a load out, and get some money. The current level of police pressure seems to dictate how wild their public behavior will be. From your perspective, it’s really no worry, as customers are never bothered. If you belong to the US military you may have a problem. From what I hear, you are banned from this area by your command. I have occasionally seen Military Police here. I guess they check people who they think are soldiers.

Hooker Hill bars

The street is short but it is jam packed with these little bars. Some are open or closed on any given day. At the very top of the hill there is a “regular” bar that is popular with English teachers. If you go beyond this you enter the realm of the transgender bars. As far as I’ve seen these aren’t the “almost as pretty as girls” kind of transgender gals you might see in Thailand either. I don’t have any more info on this. If you see it, or any of the various Muslim owned shops way up on the mountain, you’ve gone too far.

Take your time strolling up and down the hill until you find something you like. You may go with the first hot chick you see only to see an even hotter chick on your way home. Then again, you may walk past a hottie only to find that she’s booked up for the next few hours when you try to return. Some of the women are hotter than others. Some are very hot. Some aren’t great, but they are dressed well. You won’t find out what’s underneath until later. None are really terrible that I’ve seen. In any case, there are always a good number of choices. When you are ready, leisurely make your way to the bar you’ve picked.

The bars all offer privacy, their doors usually made of black tinted glass or even metal. They only take one customer at a time. Once you enter, the door is locked behind you to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Sometimes there will be more than one woman. Sometimes there will be a mamasan. Some may ask you to buy them an overpriced lady’s drink. Most just want to get down to business.


If she can tell you are a newbie, you may be quoted a ridiculous price. Some guys say they’ve been asked 150,000 to 200,000 won ($115 – $140 USD). Some have even paid this. This is way above the market average. I don’t know if it’s because read me or what, but I’ve never been quoted more than 125,000 won here. And I’ve never paid more than 100,000.

A little light negotiation can help if it’s necessary. Once I had to leave a bar when the short curvy girl working it wouldn’t budge. The going rate is around 60,000 – 75,000 won ($55 – $70 USD) for a short romp. That’s usually what I pay. Sometimes lower, sometimes higher, but never by much.

You can negotiate for nothing more than a blowjob or hand job if that’s what you like, but the real name of the game here is pump and dump full service. Something like a blowjob and hand job finish from a hot natural young Korean woman is more readily available at places like Cool or Belle in Gangnam.

After you agree on a price you will pay up, usually to the mamasan. Then the action begins. Some of these bars will let you fuck right on premises. Some have separate rooms for that. Others will have you discreetly run across the street to a guest house style room for the action. You should never have to pay for the room. It’s included in the price here.


Don’t expect too much in the way of service on Hooker Hill, especially if it’s your first visit. The girls are all about making money, so their efforts are aimed at getting you off as soon as possible so they can get to the next customer. It’s a numbers game for them each night.

A lot of guys are into that, just giving them a hard shag to blow a load then leaving. I’ve found though that if you are kind and gentle with the girls, and especially if you talk nicely and repeat with the same woman, the level of service will greatly improve.

One very sweet, beautiful woman in her early 20’s with an amazing natural frame was pretty cold and mechanical during my first visit. I liked her so much that I complimented her continually. It seemed to have little effect. But after I repeated a second, then third time in a matter of two days, she kept me in the bar a lot longer, talked and even cuddled. By the fourth visit, she was passing me her phone number and telling me she’d like to see me outside of the bar. A little effort went a long way.

With that said, some of these girls are hardened hookers, and no amount of sweet talk is going to change that. You have to feel things out if you want to go the route I did. If you just want a wham bam thank you mam session, that’s widely available any day of the week with no effort required at all.


You can be explicit in your negotiations in the bar before you agree to anything, but if you drag things out you risked being shown the door. These women deal with a lot of drunken assholes and can be a little touchy. I usually just go with the flow. I’ve always received at least a minimum of a blowjob and a few positions. I’ve been offered bareback action and anal quite a few times too.

After you do the deed, your temporary date will clean you up and then expect you to pretty speedily get dressed and head out. You’ll usually get at least a goodbye. Like I said, if you put in even a little work, things can become a lot warmer.

Hooker Hill is about the easiest place there is to score in Seoul without any effort whatsoever. Some of the women lack a lot in the looks and attitude departments, but others are really good all the way around. Taking into consideration all the other available action in Seoul, even limited as it is for foreigners, Hooker Hill is notable. The Hill seemed to be losing a lot of steam in 2011, but it has since started to regain its former “glory,” for lack of a better term.

72 thoughts on “Sex is on sale on Hooker Hill in Seoul”

  1. I love going there the best spots are the juicy bars. The girls will either drink or you can get right down to business. I’ve had some quality threesomes and one foursome. Now you will spend more for a party, but what is money really good for besides spending it!

    1. I thought the juicy bars were hostess bars staffed by Filipina girls who just talk to you and don’t fuck. Am I wrong? Any info would be appreciated.

  2. I was shocked! It was friday night, but noone is going to hooker hill! Are there no mor foreigner? So I come to Hooker Hill at about 11 p.m. Noone! So I went along the houses and get some offers. One very pretty lady grabed me in. She begun with 250.000 Won and I laughed! Finally she offered 100.000 Won and asked for one drink for 20.000. If I asked about the time and she said about 15-20 minutes I said no and went out! All ladies begun with fantastic prices and get down about 100.000 – 150.000.
    Then I went to other side of the mainstreet and went clubbing! That´s much better and you see a lot of hot young korean girls. But if you are not a korean or have millions of Won with you, forget it. You will never catch one.
    So I went to Hooker Hill at about 2 a.m. and there were no one. In the bars may be 2 or three customer.
    Then I was really shocked, because a lady grabbed me in her house. There was another man. There was another young lady, but she was so drunken. The older lady was ok, but not for me. The other customer seemed to be a frequenter. So the older lady offered me 250.000 and so on. And she always forced the young one to touch me, but she was so drunken, that she could only smile very sappy. I was shocked, that I should fuck such a drunken girl, but the older lady always want to offer her!
    I went out and take taxi going home.
    So was it only bad day, or is Hooker Hill popular anymore?

    1. That happens from time to time. It’s actually better for the punter as you’ll get more options. Most likely case is that at least a few women already had customers. Be careful not taking a girl even after negotiating as this can get you marked as a bad customer and ignored by a lot of places on the Hill in the future. Thanks for the report.

  3. Hi rockit

    Love your site and reviews. I am just writing to ask some questions. Are the sex industries of Korea and Japan still mostly closed to foreigners? Do Asian foreigners experience the same problems in those two countries? And finally, I notice you have quite an extensive review of places across Asia but none for China. Are you ever coming around to doing some reviews for China?

    1. Thanks for the comments on the site. Nothing has changed as far as the Korean and Japanese scenes are concerned. It’s been this way for decades, so little chance it would have changed in the one year I’ve had this site online. Asian foreigners who can pass for Korean or Japanese can sometimes have a little easier, sometimes not (for example when national animosities are present). Asian foreigners who are dark skinned or who look like they come from the Indian subcontinent or Southeast Asia probably have a hard a time of it as anyone. Then again at a place like Hooker Hill almost anyone should be able to get some action. I’ve been to China many times. I’ve considering making some reports on the scene there but there are reasons I haven’t. I have to balance the interests of making this site with a real desire to make sure no one has any problems because of. There are reports on the SARs of Macau and Hong Kong. Mainland info may come along, but I don’t know when and I can’t make any promises. Thanks for reading and posting your questions. Cheers!

  4. Do you have any info on any of the other places in seoul? I’ve heard varying reports on the red light districts Miari and 588. I’ve heard that they accept foreigners from some people and heard that they don’t accept from other people. Have you ever gone to any RLD’s in Seoul?

    1. I’ve been to all of them. As a foreigner you usually have to walk around a little while before you get invited into one of the shops. It seems they are more worried about Korean customers seeing you go in than they are that you might be a bad customer. If you go when there are few other customers around you have the best chance at gaining entry. That said, the most well known RLDs seem to be going in quality as time goes on. At some point I’ll write an extensive post on Seoul, but now is not the time. I do cover it pretty well in my book “How to Pay to Get Laid.” Cheers.

  5. Have you here been down near Kunsan air base or Gunsan? I’m stationed here now and would love to find some action but have no idea how to go about doing it?? Any info would be greatly appreciated :)

  6. Divorced and in my mid 60’s. I remember my ship anchored in Pusan Harbor for a couple of days in the mid 70’s. I immediately fell in love with the Korean women. Now in my advanced years, I still can’t shake the yellow fever. I would like to find a Korean woman in her 50’s that would care be willing to care for and love an older American. Is this just a pipe dream or can it be done?

    1. Hi Bruce. That’s not really my area of expertise but I can give it a go based on what I know. It’s definitely not impossible, but it would be a lot more difficult than finding the same thing in a place like the Philippines. Cheers!

  7. Every time I’ve been to the hooker hill it has been very quiet. Maybe, I go a little later that the norm but it seems not many people are taking part in the fun to be had on the hill. It’s quiet, there are plenty of pretty woman and I think it’s worth a visit. I’ve been well looked after on the hill and I’m more that satisfied with the girls I’ve met. I will provide a brief review on the establishments I’ve enjoyed most recently.

    April 2013 was the first time I visited the hill and I went to a few places but Nymph and Ambrosia were the places I went for fun.

    Nymph, April 2013:

    Looked like a lonley gril who sat at the t.v and cctv for most of the night. She is waiting for some people to visit her but nobody seemed interested. She a girl in her 20’s and is very nice so I went inside and bought a drink. It was my first experience on the hill and I’d had a bit to drink. Anyway, we talked money and I agreed to 200 for FS. It was probably a little over priced but I was happy to pay that. After the first session, she asked me if I wanted her for the rest of the night for another 200. I was a bit silly and agreed to her offer. I paid again but I left soon after as I was quite tired and fed up with the constant demands of ‘let’s invite another girl to join us’ or ‘let’s go to a motel’ but she wanted more money. I left.

    Ambrosia, April 2013:

    On that same evening, I went to Ambrosia and met a gorgeous women with long dark hair and a fantastic body. I couldn’t say no to her offer of inviting me inside. Having paid nearly 400+ that evening, I decided to take it easy and offered her 150k and she agreed. I was in heaven as she was my ideal woman and she really took good care of me that evening. I’ve read other online reviews on the hill and I think I was lucky to have met Soo-Ae. It was a nice end to that evening of fun on the quiet hill.

    I just recently visited the hill in the begining of January and again it was quite. However, in the 10 months the hill has changed quite a bit. I will write about the experiences I had on a weekend visit it Seoul.

    1. Eve

    A tall and bueatiful Korean woman invited me into her room, I prefer it when there is just the girl and nobody else. It makes the encounter much more private and pleasent. I bought some drinks for me and her 40,000. Then talked about the price of a ‘full massage’ and agreed on 130,000. She was very nice and took her time.

    2. Cheers

    I think the bar next to Eve is called ‘Cheers?’ Yes, that’s the name of the bar and you’ll find a few women enticing men to enter the bar. I went in to find out what the set up was like. The girl stood very close to me and was flirtatious and wanted me to buy some drinks. I agreed and spent 30,000won. Then she asked me to buy another for 20,000 but that we could go and sit some place private. I agreed and we went and she kissed me a little. I’m not really into kissing but I just went along with it. Next, she told me that for a HJ it would be another 50,000 drink. However, a BJ would be a few more drinks. I decided that I wasn’t prepared to pay this amount of money and be teased all night without knowing what service I would get. So, I decided to leave the place and go somewhere else.

    3. Ambrosia

    Across from Cheers is Ambrosia but there were 2 or 3 girls depending on the hour I visited. She wore a nice dress and has nice big breasts. I went inside but the mamasan was in my face and did all the talking for me. Although, the girl was very nice I didn’t like the approach so I left. I wanted to talk with the girl about the price etc not the mamasan. Sadly, not for me.

    4. No 1.

    On the same side as Ambrosia at the very top of the hill, there is a place on the corner called ‘no. 1’ and inside was a young lady. I looked at her and she was along so I went inside for a drink. I was actaully a little burnt out at this time and it was around 3 or 4am. I asked her about the price of a massage and we agreed on 100k for full service. I was in luck as this service provider was very passionate, enthusiastic and wanted to go in all positions. I had a great time with her and she also has a bubbly personality. She is going to Vietnam for vacation soon so be sure to go and see her before she goes.

    On another night…

    1. Apple

    This juicy bar is across the road from Nymph. The girl is in her early 20’s and her name is Lilly or Lena, sorry I can’t remember exactly. I entered and there was another older lady but that’s okay as she minded her own business and let me get along with the young woman. I bought the usual drinks and then for an extra 100k we went some place private and started the ‘massage.’ It was only a BJ but she did a great job and arguably it was more fun than say belle. For some, they may like the idea that on the next visit full service would be offered.

    2. Cozy Club

    This bar is just like Cheers, you go inside and order expensive drinks for you and the girl. I’ve been in here before and spent nearly 100k on drinks but all I got was a sexy dance. She would not let me see her nude though. So, i was disapointed. I went inside but the set up was pretty much the same so I left quickly and didn’t buy any drinks. Don’t let me put you off though, the girls are lovely it just wasn’t for me that night. I wanted to cut back on spending.

    3. Cabin:

    Another bar where it seems there is a requirement to buy drinks. The girls are lovely but again I have little experience there.

    4. Moulin Rouge:

    The girls are pleasent and they well get straight into business. You’ll have a good time there.

    I hope that is a decent enough report on the hill. In fact, there are some great experiences to be had on the hill. Everytime, I’ve been there I’ve had a good time and been well looked after. Go there and have some fun!

    1. No problem with that. Most of the basement level barbershops with extras are staffed with women of 50 years or more. There are also still a few older women floating around on the hill. Cheers.

  8. Hey, chanced upon your site while searching about Japanese prostitution. I must say your site is a really good read. I’m not white so I don’t know how much of what you say here will apply to me (I’m asian), but it’s still a good read nonetheless. I will be making a trip to Korea in a few month’s time and I will be sure to visit Hooker Hill.

  9. I tried a couple of the places on the hill recently and had some pretty great experiences.

    I spent a couple of loads at Ambrosia. My first trip in those doors was a bit awkward. Sunny, a short big-breasted cutie in lingerie, gave me a bbbj followed by 15 minutes of fucking. I’m sure she would have gone longer, but to be honest, at the end of the day I’m there to get my rocks off. What made an or her wise excellent experience awkward was the thin, shabby divider between myself, the mamasan and the other working girls. Not only were they chatting the whole time, but they were smoking, and occasionally wandering into view at the bar. Sunny was hot enough that I still managed to finish, but it wasn’t an ideal experience.

    The next time I visited Ambrosia Sunny was not available, but another girl who I’ve seen hanging around quite often offered a similar experience. She was just as hot, but thinner, less round. Cute for sure, but not exactly what I look for in a working girl. She looked more like a girlfriend than a prostitute. In fact, she reminded me a little bit too much of my current girlfriend. Not the worst thing in the world, but not what I was hoping for. However, she managed to offer excellent service. She gave a great bbbj and also licked my balls and taint while working the shaft. It felt great.

    Then, the other night I wandered into J Bar at the top of the hill. It turned out to be the best experience I’ve had so far. Mia was a bit older than the girl I met at Ambrosia, but she was way sweeter, more enthusiastic to fuck, and we were alone in the bar. It was a very positive experience. I’m definitely going to return to J Bar soon.

    In all my trips to the hill, I’ve learned that all prices are flexible. ₩80,000 seems to be an easy sell. I’ve had no problem negotiating to that price. None of the girls I’ve been with have even countered that offer, which makes me wonder how much lower they’d be willing to go on a really quiet night.

    I noticed that even the drink prices are negotiable. I enquired about the price of a beer and was quoted ₩5,000 on a weeknight. I was told to expect to pay more on the weekend when things get busy.

  10. Rockit, love the site, thanks for all the great info. Anyway, based on this site and several other forums discussing Hooker Hill I successfully navigated my way there over the last two nights. I’m a big time pooner in the states and am used to having a fully disclosed menu, pics, reviews, and pricing at my disposal before deciding what ladies incall I want to visit. Hooker Hill is a bit more challenging especially if your an Armed Forces Service Member; you have to slip in and out of these establishment without being seen by the Courtesy Patrols that seem to pass by on a regular bases. Also, the unknown factor kind of sucks. On my first night out I got pulled off the street by a nice looking 20 something Korean lady. I got inside and she locked the door behind me. I asked her how much for a BJ and she said 70k, which I found to be acceptable. We stripped down to B-day suits and she had me sit back on the couch while she gave me a CBJ. I was a bit disappointed that BBBJ was not on her menu and I was pretty drunk, so there was really no chance that she was going to get me to spill. Told here to swap up to a hand job and she got me to pop after about 15 minutes, all in all a good XP. Had such a good time on my first outing I figured a second was in order, knowing exactly where to go this time out, I spent far more time selecting the lady I wanted. After about 10-15 minutes of walking around the Hill I happened on a true dime. She waved me in and closed the door behind me. We agreed on a price of 80k for a BJ. Like the night before we got down to B-day suits. She started with a CBJ which was pretty good, but after a while I wanted to 69 with her, so I asked her and she said that would be extra, gave her 40k and we commenced with some 69 action. Surprisingly she stripped the condom off me and began giving me a BBBJ. I lasted maybe 10 minutes before I busted. Felt kind of bad because I got some on her hair. She cleaned me up; I got dressed, and then waited while the Courtesy Patrol walked by on the Closed Circuit Camera before exciting her incall. I don’t know if you aware but the US Army publishes a list of off limits establishments and even provides a detailed map of where these establishments are at; essentially providing pooners with a treasure map to follow.


    1. I am aware of the off limits area reports. They used to be handy for finding the fun in a new country. The places soldiers aren’t allowed to go are often some of the most fun. I think your comments are a perfect example of why they say “your mileage may vary.” I’ve always viewed the Hill as a kind of cake walk, because it’s so much easier than a lot of off the chart places I’ve visited. I sometimes forget what it can be like to visit a place like that for the first time. Thanks for the report.

  11. I visited hooker hill today after reading all the post above. Nice to get a very detailed information about this place. Thank you. My visit took me to Ambrosia. Was ushered in by a beautiful korean lady. She informed it was 150, 000won and I accepted without much bargain. Got a good BJ from her and a good fuck. We lasted 20 mins and I felt cool with it. She proposed that another lady join us but I said no cos the she was much older and not beautiful. Had a good chat with them thereafter and I was given their business card to call when I need escort service.

    1. Thanks for the report. I understand that some guys dislike bartering but just so you know action is available on the Hill for less than half of what you paid. No insult intended. Just passing on the information. Cheers.

  12. I picked up a girl in hooker hill once, paid her 300.000 won for a full night at the hotel, charmed her and now have her for free when i visit Korea… I think the hooker fell in love…

  13. Hey, first of all. Great site. I’ve used some leads a few times. This is my first report.

    Visited the Hill today. I saw nice looking Korean women but noticed a foreigner working. She was from Spain.
    Nice body. Pretty great ass especially. She plays the numbers game. This forum warned me they will start with a ridiculous quote. Talked her down as far as I felt I could. Was only slightly over what I wanted to pay and a far cry from her original quote.

    Sadly her performance left something to be desired. Not only did I feel like she rushed service and was trying to keep an eye out for potential customers via CCTV. She also didn’t seem to handle the sex well either. Maybe sore after an early start to the day, who knows. I guess I expected better from a European. She was friendly enough though.

    Next time I will have to try something domestic.

    The hill is what it’s cracked up to be. Ole’ reliable. But as you said many times. Mileage varies. I will try out a different gal next time for sure.

    1. Was the Spanish girl darker skinned with tight, curly hair? I’m curious because I had an interesting interaction with someone who may fit that bill.

  14. Went to the hill tonight around 10pm-ish. Browsed the hill twice and scoped areas where my friend and I thought were good. Went into cheers 1st. The girls were very good looking but they kept wanting us to buy them drinks. We sat at different tables. Each drink cost $20. Bought 2 rounds. Went into a more private area with curtains. She wanted me to keep buying her drinks and I stopped. I asked her what she would offer. She told me she didnt do sex and only hj or bj. But I kept asking and she then told me that I couldnt afford her. What a diss. She quoted me $400. Why would I spend money on a girl who kept touching her phone..? Hot girl, bad attitude and bad service. Went across from Cheers. Thought Id try my luck there. Bought 2 rounds for the girl. She was lovely. Drinks were $30 here though. Talked for 10 mins and then she offered me to go into the private room. Went in and negotiated down to $130 from $200. Did my job and left. Offered me a discount next time I came back. So much better. Got lucky I guess. Good thing I did research about this area otherwise Id end up paying much more for nothing or just a hj/bj. I came for fs and got it. My friend on the other end ended up paying almost $300 for drinks and a hj. He was left very disappointed.

  15. Rockit.

    I want to start saying that your website is absolutely awesome and the work you are doing is greatly appreciated.

    I lived in Japan for 6 months this year and during this time I visited Seoul. I did my fair share of looking for fun things to do on any given night. Unfortunately I didn’t do much research on forums or international websites but rather tried to visit the japanese/korean websites on my own using google translate, so I didn’t see your website until now.

    Anyway I wanted to share the story of my one and only experience of Hooker hill in Seoul. It was my best experience ever in this type of business and it’s quite a funny story really. I hope you might be able to comment and maybe give my some pointers for the future :)

    So I was out in a club in Itaewon with some friends and in the end it was only my friend and his girlfriend left, and they went home. My hotel was in another direction so I waved them off and seeing I was really horny I decided to see if I could find any girls somewhere. This black guy saw me walking and kind of read my mind lol. He told me to go with him and he took me to Hooker hill (was about a 5 minute walk). This guy wanted to get laid to and seeing I had some cash I told him I would pay for him also if he could find a cheap place ( I was seriousy fucking drunk and didn’t know the prices at all).

    We were waved in to some bars (in the lower part of the hill) but the black guy told me they were really expensive so we moved on. Then I saw a really hot girl and she started saying I should come in and I did. The black guy didnt wanna come though for some reason and he seemed a little pissed when I went in without him (I guess he had some place in mind where he wanted to take me).

    Anyway I go in and start talking to this girl (it might be 3-4 am) and I buy her a superexpensive drink (dont remember how much but maybe between 20 and 40$). Then we sit and talk and we get into the price for sex. 400$ she says! I am like trying to negotiate and shit (the deal was I was taking the girl to my hotel) but I can’t budge the price at all. I decide that even though this girl is hot Iam not down on throwing 400 bucks on her. I tell her this and she leaves and I sit in the bar alone with a beer, thinking what I should do. Then I see this super gorgeous girl (like petite but still curvy with a good body, might be 20-23) and I start talking with her. I decide to stay and I buy this girl another overpriced drink.

    Even though Iam super drunk we kind of “click” and talk about normal life stuff and she she starts talking about how she’s not really a prostitute and how shes only doing this for a short while to get some cash for university or something and I kind of fall half in love with her. She was smart, cute, beautiful and funny. It should be added that I consider myself fairly good looking also (tall muscular body and dress nice). And since I really like this girl and Iam super horny at this point I ask the price and she says its 400$, but she says she would rather just sit and have drinks with me at the bar and not have sex (I kind of got the vibe she maybe wanted to date or something). I think about what she is saying and I really like the idea of sitting there and talking with her but at the same time Iam really horny and this was kind of the girl of my dreams (oh my god I can’t explain how wonderfully she smelled). I told her the truth and (since I was only visiting Seoul I knew that even if she wanted to date me I would be going back to Japan and ultimately my own country) I decided I wanted to have sex with her anyway and pay the price.

    She seemed a bit dissappointed about this but I mean she wasn’t super bummed out or anything -.- Anyway I only had like 300$ on my card so I said she would get the rest back at the hotel. Mama-san agreed to this after taking the initial payment of 300$ in the card machine.

    She changes and we leave the bar and she puts on a face mask so “she won’t be recognized”. We get into a cab which takes us to my hotel which is really quite far away. At this point it’s probably around 5 AM. We get there and she gets paid the remaining amount. She insists that we both shower before we get down to business and she doesn’t want me looking at her when she undresses (lol?).

    So she showers and the drunk fuck I am I fall asleep. The next thing I remember is waking up at like noon the next day and Iam thinking like: *FUCK I fell asleep after I paid and did nothing (LOL)*. Then I look around and I see her lying there next to me (lol again?).

    She wakes up as I wake up and Iam like asking what happened last night. She told me I fell asleep and when I asked why she didnt wake me she told me I couldnt be waked. I can get like that when Iam super drunk and I kind of cursed myself. But seeing she was still there and I hadn’t yet gotten what I paid for I started suggesting we should get down to business now. She is open to this idea but forces me to shower first. I happily jump in the shower and when Iam ready she is on the bed in her underwear being supersexy and for the next hour I had some of the absolute best sex of my life. There is something that really turns me with having sex under these circumstances.

    She had the softest skin Ive ever felt, was shaved everywhere except a spot above the love cave (which was super hot) and I again can’t stress how lovely she smelled (even though she showered the night before!).

    Anyway after that I need to check out (I was leaving that day) and she leaves. I am still half in love with this perfect woman and give her my skype, mail etc. and even though she says she will add me she doesn’t. I beleived she was emberrased about having sex for money and because she had it with me we could never really talk again. She kept stressing that her doing this job was only temporary.

    So there you have it! Im really welcoming any comments from Rockit and anybody else. What do you think she was thinking? Do you think I was really stupid with my theories? And is it normal for a girl with her occupation to behave like she did?

    Over and out

    1. None of it sounds too unusual to me, though the charge is pretty high. I hear that gals working the hill ask various amounts depending on the situation. Guys in the know, or who are known, usually pay 50,000 – 100,000 for a short bit of fun. I have no idea what an overnight would go for. Maybe it would be that much. There are gals that work for a few days or a few weeks. There are gals that work for years but still have a heart and fall for punters. All sorts of things are possible. Thanks for the detailed comment. Cheers!

  16. @ Temptationobliger
    I think I met that girl too. Your story sounds really familiar. Did you meet her at a bar called Cheers?

    1. @ seoulguy

      I actually didn’t pay any attention to the name of the bars so I wouldn’t know. It wasn’t like she left me a card or anything…(how I wish she did though!).

      If you walk up the hill Iam sure it was on the left side though. Somewhere in the middle I guess (again I was really drunk and it was a few months ago now).

      When did you have the pleasure of meeting this lady? Please share your story! :)

  17. Guys I wan to share my awesome experience at itaewon. Hope you guys enjoy! Last week I went to itaewon just to look for some nightclubs to hang. But it’s on weekdays so not that happening atm. So I walk around the hooker hill around 11pm and saw a lot of RLD. So I stroll along the hill and saw a bar called Bar Evergreen.( god damn that’s the best bar I have ever been in my life). So I open the door and look inside, there was one super sexy hot model at the counter. I thought it was some kind of tranny. So I entered and greet her hello. But my. When I look closely at her face, she looks so superb. We chatted and have a Drink around 30,000won. I asked her age and she said 21 years old. She speak quite fluent English and she told me she was in the US for 2 years for vacation or study. Until then, she make eye contact on me. damn her eyes are so dazzling and electrifying. They can really shock you and ur body. We flirted,and she asked for another drink, as I don’t want to pay more for drinks. I directly asked her if she provide some BJ service, she said she has full service. So I was so happy and she led me behind the bar. I went there and she get prepare. She said full service is for 300,000won including FJ. I was like fuck no that is too much. So I negotiate till 140,000won for a BJ,HJ,and some sexy alluring service. She accept and we begin.

    She treat me as her boyfriend. And her GFE service was so superb. It feels like u making love with ur gf as I have some connection for her. We communicated well. She strip my shirt and pants and I pull off her bra. Damn those tits are so beautiful. So I touch it and suck it. She started blowing my cock with condom on. And I push her head along my dick and she felt nice. She teases me well. Have oily massage on my dick. She moans like oh baby. And i said who’s ur daddy. She say you baby. feel so nice. After 40mibutes. I cum and she wipe off. I bid her farewell and give her a lovely kiss on her cheeks and bid farewell. If you guys tend to have her contact , may I know? Thanks. I will definitely go there again for the service.

    Name: Lisa Chang(I asked for her name) I think she is a UNI student
    FJ: full service for 300k won. Too much for me
    GFE:11/10 she teases. And make u horny

  18. @ Temptationobliger

    My story is pretty similar to yours…. smart, beautiful, funny girl…. the wearing of the face mask…. taking a cab…. hotel…. showering before getting down to business. I met her a few months ago. She also said this was just temporary work. Same girl? Who knows…. definitely a great experience. Glad you had fun too!

  19. hey rockit first i wanted to thank you for the awesome reviews i rlly appreciate your work :)

    since tomorow is gonna be my last day ( i know a lil bit late to ask ) i wanted to spend the rest of my money. i went to belle yesterday and it wasnt what i expected. i had a rlly good looking girl and she also seemed to be nice. but after the massage she only stripped down her top and nothing else. when i asked her to take the bra of she said that she never does that and that she is too shy for that. then she was about to give me an bbbj but than suddendly decided to give me only a handjob. i dont know why. so i was kind of dissapointed about that part. so i decided to go hooker hill tomorow but i only got 90.000W left. i know u said the going rate is 60.000 up to 75.000W but after reading the comments i havent seen anyone paying that price. they go from 150.000 to 400.000 or something like that and i cant afford that. so my question is if should go to belle or hooker hill. a bbbj would be enough for me but i prefer FS. so what do you think ? i dont rlly know if it will change with the second visit at belle or not. and i also dont know if i can get FS at iteawon for 90.000W. im asian (vietnamese) born and raised in germany if this helps.also i need to be home before 12 pm because of the trains. i cant take a taxi because it would be too expensive also a friend told me taxis cost the twice in the night. beside that i have to be at the airport quite early. so what do you think ?

    1. Sorry I don’t give that kind of advice or recommend that anyone do anything. This website is for entertainment only. I know that action is still available on the Hill for 90 thousand or less but people unable or unwilling to negotiate will be charged more. Cheers.

  20. Rockit,

    Congratulations…..your website is officially blocked in Korea. I guess the government find out what GREAT service you are providing us punters. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks for the comment. You’re about the 20th person to tell me this. I’ve addressed it in some comments but I may make a post about it soon. Cheers.

    1. Hi Jegs. You’re one of only a few who say it’s not blocked for them. Many others say it is and have sent screenshots to prove it. I guess it depends on any number of factors. Thanks for the comment. Cheers.

    1. The women working on the Hill cater to foreigners rather than locals so all should be able to communicate enough to complete a transaction. Cheers.

  21. Hey rockit.
    Is there anyway we can just bargain for deal straight up. Instead of buying them drinks? Its what I usually do here in ktowns in US. Since i got so much info from you and thanks, i will pretend in a regular at the hill.

    1. Some people do that and have success but it all depends on the people involved and the situation. There are no hard and fast rules in a place like the Hill. Cheers.

  22. I visited Hooker’s hill few days back on Thrusday night around 11:00 PM but the place was completely empty, only 3-4 shops were open and there was no crowd at all. Is this place closed or I visited at the wrong time?
    Also Is there any other place in Seoul.
    I heard there are kissing rooms in Seoul, Where I can find one?

    1. I haven’t been to the Hill in years but it has always been pretty resilient. Things can change and sometimes they wrap it up early for whatever reason. I have written about kiss bangs on this website along with ANMAs and much more. There is a section on the side of every page called “Sex in South Korea” that contains these posts. Cheers.

  23. I visited the Hill back in 1986 when I was in the Army. Don’t know when they made it off-limits to GIs, but I’m glad it wasn’t then because I had a great time.

    I wasn’t even looking to get laid. I was walking up the hill checking out the bars without going in. After small distance the bars ended and there were only traditional Korean building fronts, no signs drawing the GIs in. The street was curving to the left at this point, and I was about to follow it to the left when I girl called out to me from the right. She was in the doorway of a building that didn’t seem to be much of anything. It wasn’t a bar or some kind of retail store. She didn’t speak hardly any English, but she was cute and I followed her inside. We went through a door on the right which turned out to be the entrance to an elevator, which we took up about three flights.

    The place on that level looked more like a private residence than anything else, and we were completely alone. It was almost eerie. But I paid her $20 USD for a BBBJ that was exquisite, and the most remarkable part was that she had a finishing move of a little nibbling on the very tip after I was done. No woman had ever done that before, and none had since. She was unique, and she was marvelous.

    That was during my first weekend in-country. A year later, on my last weekend in-country when I was about to out-process and return stateside, I returned to the place. Amazingly the entire night played out all over again. There she was at the doorway, we went upstairs again, and she treated me to the same BBBJ, complete with the same finishing move, so I know it was her.

    Before I left I told her that I remembered her from that first night a year earlier, and she smiled.

    I’d love to go back and get another look at that building, if I could find it.

    This might be the spot:,126.9956552,3a,89.1y,264.85h,83.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sTNHAVTO7Ana1LA-r8D2YhA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

    If it is, then I think it was the brick building, where that barber shop is, though it might have been the Muslim Fabrics building. Of course, this was back in 86, when neither of those operations were running there.

    Maybe someday.

    1. When I left about a year ago, that building was a bar on the first floor beside the real estate office and the second floor is a Thai Massage place.

    2. Holy SXXX This was some 30 years ago and I was there. FS was 40 usd then. I didn’t know 20 bucks were for a BBBJ. I just talked to some girls there for fun but I didn’t want to pay for sex at that time. I was young and lucky then.:)

  24. Hi Rockit, where in Seoul do I find girls who I can pay who are willing to get licked up, french-kissed, cunnilingus and “bare back BJ” before getting fucked? (Like in Singapore’s Geylang and Thailand’s high-end brotherls).

    I’ve been reading the posts but I can’t tell from the description if this is normal full service or not. (Of course every girl is different and can vary depending on rapport or negotiation with the girl; but I find that this kiss-lick-bareBJ-fuck is quite common in Geylang and Bangkok if you are nice to the gal)

    1. Some women can be found in the anmas and red light districts that are up for those sorts of activities. I have reported on one Seoul red light district here and I will report on more in the future. Cheers.

  25. Hi,

    For entertainment purposes – how are the girls up at hooker hill?
    Is it safe to dwell alone?
    Also, I heard that you should not in directly because they will close the door and force you to buy a drink.
    Is that true? and is the 100k won still working as of this date?


    1. I have never gone to the hill with another person. Prices vary but the general range is still the same. I don’t know how a woman would force a man to buy a drink. I guess some people can be talked into anything but they would probably do best to avoid the underground industry. Cheers.

    2. Thank you for that. Lastly, how do I find the place. I was looking at your street view but have not seen it.
      I’ve seen that this fictional hill is near a club zion? yes?

  26. Just got back from Korea, January 20 , 2018 stayed at IP Boutique Hotel, just a block from Hooker Hill. With the Olympics in a few weeks, may be lots of interest. For those (like me) who couldn’t interpret the map, The top of Hooker Hill starts at large wide set of wooden steps, just off the main road, between the IP Boutique Hotel and the Hamilton. Just go to the top of the stairs and turn right. Now the bad news – it’s nearly dead. I can confirm the large (maybe 5’x5′) projector lamp that transmits the “Law Enforcement Special Enforcement Zone” – in English only, and three officers followed me down the hill about 9:30pm Having said that, I made three other trips, 11, 2 and 5 and saw no LE, but the 5 or 6 girls who came out of the places were nothing to look at – I wouldn’t waste my time. Safe Travels

  27. I keep hearing that there is a large number of Soviet block women are working in Korea now. Are they working out of the high end local only brothels in Seoul or ? ….. I will be having a long layover 10 to 13 he at Incheon Airport this spring and I would like to experience some pleasurable relaxation while there and both the local girls and the potential for some slavic action sounds like fun.. Any advice/info will be greatly appreciated..

    1. There are women from the former USSR working all throughout Asia. I don’t have any special information about places that employ such women in South Korea. Cheers.

  28. I was there during last summer time 2024. Found one spot during the day. The Old lady invited me inside and offered me Young women service. Quickie with bbbj for 100 bucks. Women was in her twenties. Quite small and Tiny but 5/10. Maybe during the night time are better women.

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