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Happy New Year 2018 from Rockit Reports!

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As the clock strikes midnight in some part of the world let me be the first to extend warm wishes for a Happy New Year in 2018. Things are tense in many regions in this new year but let us hope for better ties moving forward. Here’s to less in the way of problems and more in the way of sexual enjoyment and enrichment in the new year!

Happy new year 2018

In the Chinese Zodiac system 2018 is the year of the dog. For me and probably many of the people who view this website it will be the year of the doggy style.

As regular readers know Rockit Reports went online at the end of 2012. I started writing annual new year notes in the beginning of 2016. Rockit Reports recently celebrated its fifth anniversary in 2017. Now it is 2018 and this website is still going strong. At this point is has been viewed nearly twenty million times from people all around the world.

For the first time in the history of the website Rockit Reports saw a loss of traffic throughout the first half of 2016. I am not totally sure what was behind that decline though I think that a few websites stealing content from Rockit Reports and republishing it as their own may have had something to do with a drop in search engine results starting early in 2016. Thankfully a complete site redesign billed as a “Rockit Renewal” launched in the second half of 2016 not only stopped the traffic loss but actually turned things around. Traffic is now growing again as it did steadily from the humble beginnings of this site up to the new year message I penned in the first day of 2017.

Rockit Reports will continue to grow in size and scope this year. The frequency of posts has been increased so that multiple reports now appear here each and every week. In some weeks four or even five posts appear. Many reviews and reports that have not yet been published here are already available in the Rockit Reveals premium content section to those willing to pay a small fee. Those who don’t want to shell out any money are of course free to wait for the information available in those posts to appear here as the year goes on.

A lot more is in store for 2018. Reports and reviews are planned on venues and scenes around the world. Places in Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam and the Dominican Republic will be covered here. That includes posts on everything from popular go go bars in Pattaya to lesser known adult venues in Chiang Mai.

Coverage may also expand to places that have not yet been written about here. That ultimately depends on a number of factors that include time and resources. Some things are in my control. Others are not. I do not write about places or things I cannot research myself. It just wouldn’t seem right to me even if a few other webmasters are in the habit of such things in an attempt to gain prominence in search engine results. While I am happy to have my website viewed by millions each year ultimately I am a reporter. For better or worse I am not an internet marketer.

In any event there should be around one hundred posts published on Rockit Reports this year covering at least eight countries on two continents. That is quite a lot of content!

Whether or not you received a great Xmas gift this past holiday season you can at least rest assured in the knowledge that Rockit Reports will continue to publish the kind of entertaining information you have come to know and hopefully love.

Happy New Year!

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