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The five best adult dating sites

While the focus of this site is undoubtedly the commercial sex scene there are always times when a guy wants to branch out. Maybe you’re looking for the girlfriend experience, or an actual girlfriend. Maybe you’re just looking for someone to talk to. Maybe you’re looking for new ways to find pro and semi-pro paid action.

Believe it or not I have had some good success meeting what some people would call “regular” or mainstream women. That has been true around the world. Although I am no Don Juan I have thankfully come in contact with a number of lovely ladies. I am surely not as quick on my feet as I was in the past. But I don’t have to be. The internet gives me access to tens of millions of women. The following is a list of the seven best adult dating sites on the internet in my opinion and experience.

Plenty of Fish

I found out about Plenty of Fish rather late when I read an article online somewhere that attributed it for a rise in sexually transmitted diseases. I figured that if this site could lead to an identifiable social statistic like that it must be an easy place to hook up. It is, though maybe not as easy as the sensationalist media would like you to believe.

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Oddly enough there are many women on PoF looking for serious dates. If you look however you will find lots that are up for nothing more than fun. The best part about it is that it’s free, so you have nothing to lose but your time. The main issue I have with the site is that it seems to attract a lot of very unattractive women. It may just be that the general female population in the United States is getting larger and less beautiful, but it seems that PoF has amplified that trend. Still there’s plenty of action to be found that’s good enough to get the job done.


Badoo has a strange setup. At times it can feel like you’re playing a game more than you are running game. That said, it’s still a great site for finding fun in certain parts of the world. There are all kinds of paid add-ons and features you can sign up for, but without going in for any of that I’ve still been able to have a pretty good level of success. Some consider Badoo a hook up site, others think it’s a good place to meet friends. You will find all kinds there. I’ve even been solicited for paid action by several gals in Southeast Asia.

Date In Asia

Date in Asia is a free website that can be extremely effective for finding fun in the Philippines. There are more Filipinas on the site than a single man could go through in a year if he spent 8 hours a day browsing. Some of the women here are looking for serious relationships or marriage. Some are looking to sell their services, even if they might not be explicit in mentioning that. Others are just looking for fun.

While it’s certain to piss some women off, it can be effective to simply come out and ask others for paid action if that’s what you’re looking for. I have mostly used the site to find real dates and then tried to direct those to my bedroom. It worked well more often than it has failed. I don’t recommend the site for guys who don’t plan on visiting the Philippines anytime soon. Or for those who plan to visit places like Angeles City where such a site is rendered obsolete by the amount of easily available tail.

Date In Asia also works well for the rest of Asia, but it’s much more effective in some countries than others. I’ve only had a little luck using the site to find fun in places like Singapore and Vietnam, but it has worked wonders in Malaysia and Thailand.

Adult Friend Finder

Adult Friend Finder was very well known when the internet was first becoming the kind of thing that every household had to have. It was also a great place to find no strings attached action. Unfortunately, it soon became bogged down in over advertising and a lot of fake and spam-laden accounts. At one point it become almost unusable.

I hadn’t even visited the site in ages until recently. It seems they have taken the criticism to heart and gotten back on track. This is an especially good site for finding fun that may be considered a little “out of the norm” like group action and face painting parties. In fact in that area it’s probably the best.

Universe Club

It’s often said that Japanese women are sweet on Western men. Like most generalities that’s only partly true. There are certainly women in Japan who would like to date or bed a foreigner, but there are plenty of others who want no part of it. Although Japanese people study English for years in school the general population is neither comfortable nor skilled in speaking it. Apart from visiting commercial sex operations in Japan or heading to Roppongi, what’s a gaijin in search of a J-girl to do? Head to Universe Club!

While you will have to shell out a few dollars to use the site effectively, I can say without a doubt that this is the best website there is for meeting Japanese women. And I’ve tried quite a few. Arranging a date is straight forward and from there things are usually pretty easy. Sure you spend some money to put things together. But that’s the world we live in!

If you don’t actually plan to travel to Japan or meet any Japanese women in real life, your dollars would be better spent live chatting with naked Japanese babes on webcam. There you are guaranteed a good time. You don’t even have to leave your chair.

What do you think? Have you had success with any of these sites? Am I missing any? Please don’t say I should have listed Tagged, because I absolutely hate that website. I do admit that I miss Black Planet and Latin Planet as those were great places to find easy action. I see that they’re still online, but obviously they aren’t what they used to be.

16 thoughts on “The five best adult dating sites”

  1. Have you ever tried Korean Cupid. What’s your opinion of that site? I actually live in Korea tried the site, and met a ex girlfriend on there and also met girls i just hooked up with a few times.

    1. I haven’t tried it but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. Japan Cupid has worked the best for me. Some of the other “cupid” sites not so much.

      1. There is definitely a certain xenophobic overtone in South Korea but in my experience it’s quite easy to date or hire a Korean gal. Cheers.

    2. Don’t waste time and money with japan cupid! IF and I mean IF you can get any body to acknowledge you existence they won’t do anything but chat. I was on there looking for something serious and chatted with 4… met face to face with ZERO! Recently tried AFF and to my surprise I did get some action from a couple of chic’s. Was interested in an Asian one but she wouldn’t give up some head so I said fuck it.

      1. Thanks for the comment. I’ve done okay with Japan Cupid but women seem reticent to meet face to face no matter what the dating site in Japan. A lot of women on Tinder do the same thing. Cheers.

  2. What nation is the easiest for western men. I’m partial to J girls, but like you said, it’s not exactly easy at times.

    1. That’s the sort of question that’s impossible to answer. Everyone is different. I find that I do okay pretty much anywhere I go, though my approach sometimes has to change. Cheers.

  3. Also this is off- topic, but I really enjoy reading this blog. I’m not seeing any others like it linked on the site. Do you have any suggestions of other blogs similar to yours that might be enjoyable to read?

    1. There aren’t many set up like this site (which is one reason I created Rockit Reports), but there are plenty of sites on the general subject out there. You might like Dollar Bill’s blog. Cheers.

  4. Dateinasia is almost entirely Filpinas, but nit exclusively. I have probably five or six on friendship status with me, including one from Honk Kong. Not a domestic worker, a HK Chinese woman. These were all quick to move to Skype, and I’ve had a few cam sessions wih them, including JO. I hope to visit soon…lots of scammers tho, so beware! I’ve probably had at least 20 scammers, with photo gallery pics from modeling sites, etc. but the site has a good feature to let you Google the user’s picture to see if it shows up somewhere else.

  5. I’m trying all the cupid sites; nam, Philippines, thai and Indonesia. I have been overwhelmed with response on Filipino cupid just with in the first day! Need to try and parlay these into lays when I travel to manila. So far not much luck on the other sites. I really want to try and at least get one free lay when I visit jakarta and Saigon.

  6. Is city sex for international or just us? What is the website address for v adult friend finder as I’m not sure if I’m getting the correct site

    1. City Sex may have been discontinued since this post was made over a year ago. It seems the link now directs to a different dating site. I know that there are also some countries that could not participate so that may be a problem depending on where you are. Adult Friend Finder’s URL is adultfriendfinder dot com but one gets the same result going through the sex match book link provided here which allows this website to earn some revenue. Cheers.

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