Although the sale of sexual services is officially forbidden by Indonesian law, there is plenty of prostitution in Jakarta. In practice, sex work is often tolerated and at times even regulated. That’s not to say that everything comes up roses for sex workers and their clients in the city. There are often campaigns to close red light districts and other attacks on the industry. For now the world’s oldest profession prevails.
Jakarta is the country’s large capital city and it’s filled from one side to the other with options for horny men. They are not always obvious but they are always there. Today I’ll write about what I know. I hope readers will find it entertaining.

Dates, compensated action and even a surprising amount of no strings attached action can be found with a little work on dating websites like DateInAsia and Badoo. Pickups can also be found at usual haunts like shopping malls though this can be a difficult or even dangerous scene to navigate at times.
Bars and clubs offer more specific venues for pick ups. Many of them either hire working women or attract freelance working women looking for customers but plenty are simply mainstream with no connections to the sex industry whatsoever. Jakarta is such a huge city that it can be difficult to navigate. Thankfully the internet is around to make things easier.
Jakarta 100 Bars is a great resource for locating nightlife and massage options in Jakarta. Whoever it is that runs the site apparently isn’t into paying for fun of any kind but he will often make mention of what’s available in the descriptions of each bar. So you might see a report on a major adult entertainment complex like V2 that says something like “it turns out there is some kind of exotic massage available on the fourth floor.” There’s clearly value in a website with names, addresses and basic descriptions of so many bars but the real gems come in the forms of comments. These are frequently made by punters who are interested in adult entertainment and they write about things like price changes and shutdowns.
Jakarta does have its fair share of escorts. These days most of them find their customers over the internet.
It may seem strange but Twitter is actually used by a good number of Indonesian escorts in Jakarta. But they often use the local language and codes in their posts that only seasoned veterans may recognize or understand.
There are also a lot of scammers on Twitter who do things like ask guys to send a “deposit” that in reality becomes an involuntarily gift.
Clubs are often filled with prostitutes. Some may work for the club owners while others are simply freelancers. Interestingly in Jakarta prostitutes and “regular girls” often go to the same clubs without issue. In most countries the freelance haunts stand apart from the more mainstream hot spots. Some of the more notable clubs are Colosseum on Jalan Kunir, Dragonfly on Jalan Gatot Subroto, and Sun City on Jalan Hayam Wuruk. Some women are happy to have a one night stand with a new guy. Some will want to exchange phone numbers and date. Some are looking for money and will happily hit the hay with a guy who can give them a little. Rates vary so much from one woman to the next that it’s impossible to give anything approaching an average.
Bars in Jakarta can attract working women, civilian women or some mix of both. There are too many mainstream bars to mention but some stand out for attracting large numbers of working women. B.A.T.S. at the Hotel Shangri-La is a very popular place that is filled with working women from around the world every night of the week. CJ’s in the Hotel Mulia Senayan and Tiga Puluh in Hotel Le Meridien are similar establishments. Women working these bars tend to ask for a lot more than women in other places around the city. There are also a host of bars that will occasionally draw sexy dancers or more. They tend to draw more local crowds but the women working them don’t ask for premium prices. Red Square is a popular bar with a reputation as an easy place for foreigners to find free pick ups or (if that fails) free-lancers, though lately it seems to attract more freelancers than civilians.
Of course some guys don’t like clubs, bars or picking up women at all. They figure that shelling out a little cash is all the courting they need. Lucky for them there are lots of straight ahead pay for play options in Jakarta too.
Adult entertainment complexes
Men’s clubs offer all sorts of options under one large roof. They occupy entire buildings and staff dozens or even hundreds of people. These places are large and obvious while still offering discretion. They normally contain clubs (which are often visited by “regular gals” along with the working women), karaoke rooms with women available to sing and play along, basic massage services and spas with women offering full service massages. Many also feature sexy women dancing in various states of undress.
I have already posted reviews on Malioboro, Alexis Hotel, V2, King Cross, Classic Hotel, and Illigals. Other establishments include Golden Crown, Bandara, FM1 Boutique Hotel, M Star Hotel, and the infamous Travel Hotel. Full service massage can typically be had for anywhere from 325,000 Rupiah ($28) to more than 1,000,000 Rupiah depending on the lady and the venue. Foreign women from places like China and Russia tend to get higher rates than locals with the exception of the sexy dancers. Lap dances and drinks can add to the tab but prices are pretty reasonable considering what’s on offer at these places.
Blok M
Blok M better known to locals as Jalan Palatehan contains a small strip of bars where freelancers congregate. Most bars attract foreigners and most of the women they attract in turn are quite aged considering the work they do. What’s more they tend to ask foreigners for premium prices of up to 1,200,000 Rupiah ($103 USD) for a romp. Only a few years ago the normal asking price was more like 300,000 ($26 USD).
I’ve already posted a report on Blok M on this site. The most notable place in the area is D’s Place with its small go go-like stage for dancing girls and “secret room”. The nearby Maribaya
Street walkers
Street prostitutes can be found in various areas of the city at night. Jalan Hayam Wuruk seems to be popular for this at times. The trade doesn’t make much sense to me since women can ask more than a full service massage costs in nearby entertainment centers.
Massage parlors
Massage shops also abound in Jakarta. They aren’t as plentiful as they are in Thailand, which is clearly the world leader in massage parlor density per square mil. But they definitely exist. Some are mainstream but many offer happy endings or full service as a part of the regular program. All of the adult entertainment complexes I mentioned earlier have their own massage areas. I’m writing here of standalone massage operations.
Popular places include Sumo Spa, Galaxy, Kimochi, Fortune Spa, and the previously mentioned Maribaya. Kartika and Berlian are the only places I know that offer soapy massage in Jakarta. The prices are reasonable at 350,000 Rupiah but the places aren’t very nice.
Red light districts
Red light districts exist all over Jakarta, though they don’t typically attract a lot of foreigners. Some are among the most dangerous areas of the city though guys who can keep their wits usually come out alright. Kalijodo is one of the oldest and most well known. Bongkaran is another. Short time sessions are sold to locals for as little as 50,000 Rupiah ($4.25 US) each.
There you have it. It’s not all there is to know about prostitution in Jakarta. But it’s all I know. Or at least all that I can tell you for now.
Hi Rockit,
Long time I am following your reviews and planned to make a comment.
As I lived in Bangkok for 7 years and now since 8 years in Indonesia, I am quite familiar with some places you reviewed and must say they are mostly spot on.
Referring to Jakarta I totally agree with what you write at the beginning.
I am living in another place but coming frequently to Jakarta for business. Due to the horrible traffic situation, I prefer to search online such as in badoo or even posting an add in craigslist and asking the girls to come to the hotel.
I might not get the absolute stunners that way but girls who really need and enjoy it for a small taxi fare or even totally free.
There are plenty of girls around who just enjoy staying a night or two in a nice 4/5 star hotel.
Besides, travelling in Asia for 30 years, I never been to country with so many multi orgasm- or squirting capable girls like the biggest Muslim country in the world…
Keep your reports coming, will be back in Bangkok in october and will try again a few places…
Thanks for the great comment. Cheers
This is a very astute observation on Jakarta. I have had quite a great time there in the 2000’s. Captn D’s in 2017 was my last stop with a great BJ in that secret room while being able to oogle the privacy curtain girls as a skilled deep throater gobbled me up. I have videos of the place and I should post em up. I miss the Kisariya in the shopping center with the country and western bar. If anyone knows if this sort of arrangement has started up again please let us know. Once you network you probably don’t have to pay in Jakarta. Love the place!
In Jakarta right now, I just came back from Blok M. To my surprise it’s still alive and kicking, D’s Place was packed tonight and they have a new dancer (plus they are looking to hire another one). If anything, things have gotten slightly better since my last visit in January; I saw a few less women in their 50s and 60s and a couple more cuties in their 20s and 30s. Still, the quality of the freelancers leaves something to be desired and I wish the place would attract better women. I took an old favorite of mine (she is now 21, still very young) and I banged her in the “secret room”, in front of one guy and a couple other ckicks.
I’ll be spending close to a month in Jakarta and I have a whole bucket list of places to check out, but I couldn’t resist the urge to pay a visit to Blok M before anything else. I’m strangely sentimental about that place… lots of good memories.
On my way to D’s Place I saw the karaoke places near Plaza (I had never passed by them before, or maybe I wasn’t looking hard enough). They clearly cater to Asian guys, one of them had all the signs in Japanese. An attendant intercepted me on the street and tried to lure me into one of them, but I didn’t. I doubt the girls speak much English, and whatever sum they ask for would certainly feel like a ripoff compared to what one can get in Jalan Palatehan (I only paid 500,000 rupiah for the girl time… Last time it was 600,000 and the time before 700,000, I keep paying less and less but she doesn’t seem to notice/mind lol.)
Thanks for the report. The semi-public secret room fun sure sounds exciting. To put pricing into perspective full service costs 325,000 Rupiah and a threesome is 525,000 at Classic Hotel. It’s 600,000 a go at Maribaya massage at Blok M. Cheers
Thanks Rockit. I’m aware of that, I’ve been to Classic before and I was there again just yesterday. Speaking of which, at Terminal I was asked for 350,000 rupiah for a single girl… Either prices have gone up slightly, or the mamasan rounded it up to 50 for whatever reason. Still a bargain, and I enjoyed my time with the girl. But I’m not sure if the difference of 150,000 rupiah (I usually pay around 500,000 at Blok M) is meaningful, considering that I generally have more fun at D’s Place. I can’t speak for everyone, but in my experience the girls at Classic are a bit hardened and they go through the motions very mechanically and professionally; the fact that covered blowjob seems to be the standard only underscores that. The freelancers at Blok M are much more unpredictable and spontaneous, some of them are real sweethearts and many are up for the GFE. With some of them I’ve done things like going to the movies or having lunch together, and they all were happy to give me their phone number and do house calls.
Now, I don’t always look for the GFE… Sometimes I just want a quick release and that’s when a place like Classic comes in handy. I can walk in, skip the drinks and get down to business in a matter of minutes. It’s great to have that option and I will keep visiting the place, especially since it’s so affordable.
But overall I find Blok M a better proposition than Classic Hotel, at least for foreigners. Classic clearly caters to locals (by the way, it’s a favorite of the Indonesian gangs… it’s always full of scoundrels and low-lifes), whereas Blok M is a much friendlier place for us whites. Drinks are cheap, there’s a very laid back atmosphere (a relief from the strict rules of many elite entertainment complexes in the city center) and there are no real rules. Anything can happen, and the punters who put in the time and effort can find some gems there among all the old and unattractive women.
On a side note, I also went to Malioboro yesterday. Splendind place, I like it a lot. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any girl for less than 800,000 rupiah… Am I missing something? Is it possible that the price structure has changed for the Indonesian girls?
I was just giving the price for perspective. Different people like different things and one guy can like different things depending on the day or even the hour. I don’t usually look for a girlfriend experience. If I was I would probably just get a girlfriend. I’m not huge on semi-pro bar scenes or freelancers either. Again if I wanted to try to pick up women at a bar I would probably just do that. If I’m paying I much prefer the best erotic services I can find or barring that the best deal with the least amount of hassle. This often means that I prefer places locals go and avoid places that cater to foreigners. In my experience this often leads to better looking women too in many places. Everyone has their own interests and of course your mileage may vary. Malioboro has a few floors and even different managers. There are managers on the second floor who work with women who charge as little as 325,000 per session as mentioned in my review of the place. It’s possible prices have change since I last visited but seriously doubt they have gone up by more than 100 percent. In my experience uncovered oral is available in most establishments if not from every woman there. Uncovered full service is even on offer in many places. Uncovered oral is standard at Maribaya which of course is a short walk from D’s. Cheers.
I went to Maribaya. I liked it, even though it’s not exactly a classy place. All furniture is old and a bit dirty. It conjures images of a stereotypical brothel. I don’t mind it at all, but it’s worth pointing out. The women are in their 30s but surprisingly good looking, I was half-expecting them to be butt-ugly but I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw. Obviously they are nothing like the tight teens one can find at the more prominent places in the city, but I like variety and sometimes a good MILF is worth 10 stuck up teens. My lady was very skilled and friendly. I bet they all are. Got a great BBBJ, followed by sex (covered, and the condom was large enough for a change) and a very good massage to finish. After that we lingered in the room another 10 minutes for some chatting and cuddling. I recommend the place if one is looking for performers rather than lookers and for a laid back atmosphere. The price is still an all-inclusive 600k as of this writing (I tipped 100k because the woman was very nice to me, but it’s not a necessity here).
I feel like I’ve monopolized the comment section lately, so I’m going to lay low for a while. I had a great time in Jakarta and hopefully my comments reflect that. I truly love this city and all it has to offer.
Thanks for the report and the others earlier in the week. Feel free to keep them coming whenever you’d like. Cheers!
Well then, I’ll drop another quick comment. I woke up early this morning only to find out that my flight was canceled. Apparently a volcano is erupting. There are worse places to be stranded than Jakarta, so I thought that a fitting way to kill time would be to blast off some magma of my own. I went back to Maribaya right around opening time, at 10 AM. I stand corrected: there’s actually quite a bit of variance in the women’s looks. The line up this morning consisted almost entirely of unattractive and out of shape gals. Among them a single gem, a 23 year-old with a pretty face and slim figure. Cute little thing, she would have stood out even at King Cross or Classic, let alone at Maribaya. Obviously she was my choice. Inside the room we didn’t waste any time, she skipped the massage altogether and started things up with a nice and sloppy blowjob, followed by sex. Unsurprisingly, she wasn’t as skilled as her older colleague from yesterday, but she more than made up for it with her youthful energy. Rode me in the cowgirl position until she orgasmed, then I pounded her hard from behind. Textbook fuck, no downtime at all and we enjoyed every minute of it. It was so good and so fast that afterwards we were too embarassed to cuddle or even to talk. Quick shower, we got dressed quietly and then we parted ways without so much as a peck. She didn’t ask for a tip and I didn’t bring it up. I left thoroughly satisfied and rejuvenated, and I’m pretty sure she was feeling just as good. On my way out of the hotel, I stopped by the bar on the ground floor for a cup of coffee. Nothing better than a strong coffee and pounding a tight 23 year-old to kickstart your day!
This country is really spoiling me. Now I’m supposed to be checking the local bulletin of volcanology, or something to that extent, but all I can think about is where I should go this evening to have some more fun…
What an interesting turn of events. I do think a lot people would like Indonesia if they knew more about it. For the moment Thailand and the Philippines are still much more popular. Perhaps that is a reason that things are so different in Indonesia though. As for the volcano at least one expert says the eruption could go on for over a year according to this. That’s some time!
I can confirm that the price is now 350,000 for a girl at Classic Hotel, on both the 2nd and 5th floor.
White guys be warned: you’ll be pestered for tips by anyone there, from the girls themselves to the room cleaners to the bathroom “attendants” and the guys standing near the elevators.
Thanks for the report. In many visits I have never been asked for a tip by anyone in the entire establishment but this isn’t the first time I’ve heard of people being asked for a tip in a place where I have never have. Cheers.
I don’t know if you’ve been to Jakarta this year and I know better than to ask, but it seems as if asking foreigners for tips is becoming more of a habit throughout the city. Compared to my last visit in January, this month I’m being targeted a lot more. I can’t really fault myself because I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong… I never flash my money and I’m not particularly friendly with strangers, but they still ask. Go figure.
Maybe some high roller ran around throwing money to people and set the tone. Of course it never hurts to ask but it’s even easier to refuse. Cheers.
Refuse is what I do. Hopefully it helps balance things out. Cheers.
Fair play to you. I only tip when I feel someone deserves it or if their income relies on it (for example in US restaurants). Cheers.
Hi Rockit, what’s your take on Golden Crown? It’s right across the street from where I’m staying and sometimes I’m tempted to check it out, but with so many venues packed in this area I find myself gravitating towards the ones I already know. How does Crown stack up?
Sorry but I’m not familiar with the place. Cheers.
Hey guys…the above posts is all about Jakarta…can anyone tell me about the night life Bali has?
There are no plans for any reports on Bali here in the near future but there is a lot of nightlife there. Cheers.
Where can one find ladies that would be willing to stay all night for a little less (in Jakarta)? I’m assuming most of the escorts advertising online are more expensive than some others…I understand individuals may vary, but as far as I understand it, girls in some venues average less or more than others. Thank you.
You mean less than 300k rupiah? Very difficult these days, unless you visit some of the sketchier places that cater to locals. Cheers.
No, I meant for less than 1,000,000 rupiah, I guess. I really don’t have a sense of common all-night prices except the “high-class” escort services with their own websites or the independents that advertise online. They both seem to be well over 1,000,000 rupiah for 6 hours or more.
There are plenty of freelancers in Jakarta (at clubs, bars, hotels, even on the internet) with whom you could negotiate a long time session. Shouldn’t be too difficult to find one that agrees to 1M rupiah, but know that a majority of them will try and ask for more.
Okay, thank you for the information. And by the way, I have enjoyed your guest reviews. Keep it up!
Glad to hear that. Good luck in Jakarta. Cheers!
I just came from Medan and found many spas there. Escape Spa is a rip off as the massage was 200,000 idr and
lasted only 23 min the girl asked for tips off front like 100,000 a HJ 200,000 for HJ with tits showing and 300,000 for a bj that may not guarantee CIM. Madrid Spa was the best 175,000 for 90 min massage and they have a line up for 10 girls.
The facilities were good with a bathtub in a queens size bed room. I had a young cute girl who was inexperienced but I was happy with 300,000 tip for FS. I met Ivan, an Indonesian Uber driver who will show me many BJ bars in town. Still less in numbers than BKK but 200,000 idr will get you an hour of BBBJ and CIM according to what he said. Will report soon!! Cheers!!
I look forward to hearing about “bh bars” in Jakarta. Cheers.
I’d also like to hear about your experiences with BJ bars in Jakarta…
I think everyone would like to hear about BJ bars in Jakarta.
One aspect of Jakarta I am still a little unclear about is tipping. Are there any kind of standards in any venues? I have read a lot about Jakarta, but I still don’t have a clear picture about this. I don’t want to get ripped off by going in blind. I would really appreciate as much information about tipping as anyone is willing to spend their time giving. I’m planning to visit small massage parlors, large spas, and spend time with escorts. Could anyone inform me on ‘normal’ tips in these situations for different levels of services? Thank you in advance for your time and knowledge.
Tipping is a western advent. That may not even be correct as some western countries don’t really practice tipping either. In any event tips aren’t expected or asked for in most cases in Jakarta though such a request may come up where foreigners have started the practice. Cheers.
Alright, I understand that, but if I go to a massage parlor wanting more than a HJ, I’m going to have to tip the provider more. I doubt my southern charm will be sufficient despite its abundance. I just wanted to know how to choose an amount that is enough for her without getting ripped off and more specifically whether there were any amounts that were more standard in that and other situations in Jakarta. Thank you.
Hi.Do you have any information about sex in Bali?
I haven’t published anything on Bali yet. I may in the near future. Cheers.
What about during Ramadan time where everyone is supposed to be fasting.
Will all those places you listed be shut or under staffed?
In 2017 Ramadan starts from 27 May.
I like the entertainment complexs but no point going if understafed.
Things are usually much slower at the time as could be expected. There are still some things going on. Jakarta is home to some secular people of course. Cheers.
Hi, Rockit. Wanted to know if you have any experience or knowledge of an all inclusive place on Bali called Bali Villa Sales. When I contacted them a few years ago, they wanted me to wire them half of the money up front, which I balked at due to the risk that it was a rip off.
I realize that Jakarta has a myriad of options based on your articles, but this sounds good if it is legit. Thanks much.
I am not familiar with that place but I have a post on another all inclusive place scheduled. Cheers.
Thanks. If any of your readers have been there, I’d like to hear from them. Take care.
The comments are open for anyone with information to chime in. Cheers.
Currently in Jakarta after a 2 years absence. I just left a new comment about Blok M on the related article (“Sex is on sale in Jakarta Indonesia’s Blok M”). Here I will report on the rest of the city.
The “executive clubs” in North Jakarta are still going strong, but since they are set up for locals they aren’t the easiest places to navigate for Westerners. This month I didn’t run into any issues at Malioboro and Hotel Travel – both places are still good, save for the temporary abolishment of nude dancing due to the current political climate in Jakarta – but at King Cross I was overcharged by about 800,000 Rp on my final bill because of some serious incompetence from the cashiers. And that was after nearly every person on staff asked me for a tip, from the doormen to the waiters.
King Cross has been ruined for “bules” as far as I’m concerned. You can still bareback 19 year-old girls in a nice hotel room on premises, so it’s not all that bad, but you need to shell out up to 1.6 M Rp for that in addition to the drinks and the entrance fee. You must also keep your cool in the face of pushy mamasans and some seriously money-hungry girls. Add to that the ugly-looking and totally unnecessary bouncers on every floor, who seem to exist only to stare menacingly at customers and spoil the mood even further.
With the current state of affairs, and Ramadan approaching, I don’t see any reason for punters to visit Jakarta now or in the near future. Spend your time elsewhere until things around here improve.
Here is hoping that the nude dancing will eventually resume, and that some of the naughtiness that Jakarta was known for will come back, because right now it’s a fairly boring place to be.
Emporium (or Emporivm if you go with the latinized spelling) is still good in 2018.
The spa on the 1st floor is very welcoming of foreigners. The whole process of changing into a bath robe was a bit confusing to me as it was my first such experience, but there were attendants and managers to help me at every step. The women look as good if not better than what you can find at Malio these days (that’s not to say they are all stunners, but the quality is good on average). The cheapest overall option is to go for a standard room (460k Rp) and an Indonesian girl (900k Rp), which ends up costing a little over 1.5M once you factor in the small entrance fee and likely a tip for the girl (yep, she asked… I only tipped 100k).
Beware that you must pay the girl in cash inside the bedroom (so make sure you have some cash on you, don’t leave it all in the locker), whereas the room fee is paid at the counter on your way out, when you return the wristband (cash or card, they accept everything). It’s a silly system, I wish you paid for everything at once, like at Malio.
The 2nd and 3rd floor have a bunch of karaoke rooms that I didn’t check out and I assume are expensive. The 4th floor doesn’t exist (or at least there isn’t such a button in the elevator), probably because of some Asian superstition. On the 5th and final floor there’s a lounge called Tease Club.
Tease Club has an entrance fee of 100k Rp that includes a free drink. It’s supposed to be the only place in Jakarta where topless dancing is still a thing, but on my visit there was only a live band (likely because I showed up after midnight on a Monday). I saw a bunch of gals in black evening dresses roaming the floor and hustling for drinks, but none of them approached me and I didn’t wave any of them over, so I’m not sure what the deal is with them. I assume you can bang them, either in a room on premises or back at your hotel.
Overall a fine place. No hassle, no pestering for tips (aside from the spa girl), the staff is professional, and the facilities look very nice. Expensive though, you should expect to part ways with 2 or 3 millions Rp ($100-150+ USD) if you really want to have fun. It’s up there with the likes of Malio and Alexis, maybe even better these days. From what I hear Emporium is also under Alexis’ management.
For something cheaper go to Hotel Travel. Good service there too, friendly staff, and the girls are only 350 Rp and willing to please. No need to tip anyone at Travel, unless you are a masochist and want to spoil the place (for yourself and everyone else). Save your tips for King Cross where apparently they can’t get enough of them.
I’m leaving Jakarta tomorrow so I won’t be able to check out any other place for now, but if anyone is interested I heard good things about B’Fashion in West Jakarta (they have another spa, and a club called Oppai).
Conflicting reports about Club 36 and Classic at present. Alexis seems to have halted the spa operation but I hear they moved the girls to the KTV and/or club downstairs.
I forgot to describe the girl I picked at Emporium. Sandra from Bandung, 19 years old and a flawless body. For me it was BBBJ –> 69 with analingus –> bareback sex –> creampie, but your mileage may vary. Condoms seem to be standard there.
Also, I meant to say 350,000 Rp for Travel Hotel, not 350 Rp (that would be 2 cents!).
Thanks a lot for the detailed report. I haven’t yet covered Emporium here. You are right about the lack of a fourth floor. According to Chinese superstition, four can symbolize death. So many buildings don’t have a fourth floor the way many hotels in the United States don’t have a thirteenth. Some places influenced by both can lack both a fourth and a thirteenth floor. Cheers.
Hi Rockit, I’m heading to Bali soon and wanted to check here what are the fun places to visit but I can’t seem to find any article about venues in Bali on your site. Do I miss something? Have you experienced this island?
Hi Peter. I haven’t reported on Bali. Cheers.
I know there’s no reporting on Bali on this site, but just wanted to share some quick experiences. My preferred way to find female company in Bali, is to use online erotic massage services. Several weeks ago I used TBM Bali, which I have used in the past, and found the service to still be at a high standard. Not quite Bangkok Nuru massage level, but the best I’ve found in Bali. I contacted them via their WhatsApp, chose from the photos of available service providers, and they sent the masseuse directly to my hotel. Damage was 1.3 million Rp for a 90 minute Body 2 Body Massage. There are other similar services available as well, which seem to change name and contact details regularly. It’s easy to search online for erotic massage in Bali. As always, Your Mileage May Vary.
Thanks for the great on the ground report from Bali. Good info! Cheers.