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Sex and the Science of Anti-Ageing

During the last 10 years, a number of research experiments have performed the miracle of reversing aging in a mouse. They did this by connecting the blood supply of a young mouse and an old mouse. Both mice then shared the same blood for a few months. The result was that the old mouse became younger in many ways; in his speed of running a maze and even in brain function.

Hopefully, the old mouse was now able to have harder and longer lasting erections. Perhaps he was able to bang more lady mice per day. But alas, the study did not measure if this was true.

Just recently, a new experiment did something even more amazing. They injected the poop of a young mouse into the ass of an old mouse. The researchers did this repeatedly for 8 weeks. There is no way of knowing if the mouse that was receiving the poop enemas without his written consent was into this kinky action. Perhaps if he could speak rather than squeak, then we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.*

This procedure is not as crazy as it sounds. The process of “fecal transplants” is approved by the FDA for use on humans. It is done to restore the balance of good bacteria in the human large intestine. But in the case of the mouse study, the result of poop injections was that the old mouse got younger, just as with the earlier blood transfusions.

anti-ageing treatment in mice

I’m almost as old as a redwood tree, but I don’t feel old at all. I have two girlfriends, aged 19 and 30. We don’t use a condom, as it’s a long term relationship. I am constantly getting exposed to their fresh young bodily fluids. And we do have unprotected anal sex, so I’m also getting more exposure in that way. Could it be that their good bacteria is entering my body daily, and making me younger?

“Old cow needs young grass”

This is a well known saying in Southeast Asia. My 19-year-old girlfriend actually had a 70 year old sugar daddy when she was 18. He died on her, which kind of contradicts the theory. But maybe he started the treatment too late in life. I’ve been doing the old cow/young grass treatment for the past twenty years, so maybe I have been receiving the reverse ageing benefit this whole time, without knowing it. I plan to keep it up, literally, for many more years.


Mindblowing Discoveries About Bacteria Living Inside of Our Guts
Anton Petrov

* The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Douglas Adams

Aged Mice Repeatedly Injected with Plasma from Young Mice: A Survival Study
Dmytro Shytikov, Et al., Oct 1, 2014

Microbiota from young mice counteracts selective age-associated behavioral deficits
Marcus Boehme, Et al., August 9, 2021

John Bonnaque is a regular contributor. He has written highly readable pieces on sexually transmitted diseases, an awesome threesome, the thrill of the chase, the readership of Rockit Reports, the future of sex, women’s enjoyment of anal sex, his personal experience at Hunny Bunny Massage in Bangkok, and a tale of too many women.

8 thoughts on “Sex and the Science of Anti-Ageing”

  1. At first I wasn’t sure about breaking up the Rockit format but now I’m sold. I like the way this guy writes. It might be cool to get some reviews from John, just to see how it would differ from Rockit. But we will always be loyal!!

  2. I have prescribed Fecal transplantation in cases of Colstridium, its sometimes/often the last cure. But I question the other effects you mention. Also, if you have anal sex with a girl, how can your intestinal bacterial flora benefit. Do you put your own dick in your colon after deed? Cheers.

  3. Yes, I agree that skin to skin exposure to her bodily fluids is insignificant compared to a fecal transplant. But it is ironic that for Syphilis or Gonorrhea, skin to skin contact during unprotected sex is plenty good enough.

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