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Review: Baccara in Pattaya, Thailand

Baccara is one of the many go go bars on Walking Street in Pattaya, Thailand. But rather than being just another bar it is actually one of the largest and most well known. There are a lot of agogos on the strip and in the city in general. Few are as popular or famous as Baccara.

Of course popularity is not necessarily an indicator of quality. That should have been made obvious with my previous review of the nearby Sapphire Club. Baccara in Pattaya does suffer from some of the issues facing go go bars in Thailand as a whole. But it is definitely not a bad place either.

If someone was looking for an example of a modern and successful go go bar in Thailand they would be satisfied with Baccara. How long this model will last is one question that may be best addressed in another dedicated examination. For now we can look at Baccara in Pattaya as it currently stands.

Baccara in Pattaya

As stated above Baccara is located on Walking Street. The bar is easy to find even with all the other neon lights around. The bar has a very large red grid style sign in front that reads BACCARA in glowing white letters. In addition there is usually a bevy of women hanging around with hand signs bearing the name of the bar. You can’t miss it.

baccara pattaya

Like many big go go bars in the area Baccara has a security team outside. Unlike some other bars the security here is barely noticeable. There is a large wait staff in the bar that is very attentive. They are quick to take orders and deliver drinks. Some may even say they are too attentive. When they see a bottle of beer down to it’s last twenty percent they are likely to take it away and offer another.

In terms of interior Baccara is one of the biggest go go bars you will find. That is not always obvious as the place can get quite crowded. But in the new norm it is much easier to see just how big the place is. There is a long stage on the ground floor with seats all around. Then there is another stage upstairs. Connecting the two is a clear glass floor that allows patrons downstairs to look up the skirts of the dancers above. That is if they can take their eyes off of the women on stage directly in front of them.

Staff and summary

As with most businesses of this sort the women are the main attraction. There is definitely no shortage of ladies at Baccara. And the vast majority of them are attractive and fit. The ladies tend more towards the artificially enhanced with plenty of nose and boob jobs around. Natural bodies are a little less common at least down on the ground floor. Tattoos are common but not as widespread as you might see at some others. So the women who dance at Baccara tend towards the Thai Penthouse style look.

Lady drinks and barfines are of course available. They are a lot higher than what you would pay somewhere like a Soi 6 bar. But this isn’t Soi 6. It’s the middle of Walking Street in an area that draws in a lot of tourists from all around the world. The women know that and choose to work at Baccara at least partly for that reason. So it is expected that they would ask for a premium price. Especially if they can get it.

I wouldn’t say that the gals working Baccara are the warmest or most welcoming. They remind me of women working a strip club in New York than a farm girl looking for extra money in a beer bar. They are professional and they look and act the part. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It is what it is.

Baccara is one of the most popular go go bars in Pattaya. That is not totally unjustified. The people in charge obviously know how to run a place. That doesn’t make it the best place however. And there are different things to take into consideration including the agogo model itself in this brave new world. As it stands Baccara is quite alright in my view. So I give it three stars.

Baccara. Walking Street, Pattaya, Thailand. Click here for a map. Open every day from 8:00 PM until 4:00 AM.

4 thoughts on “Review: Baccara in Pattaya, Thailand”

  1. Apparently Baccara will reopen when tourists come back. But Happy -previously the same owner – will be an independant Bar.

    Baccara is always the first Bar I visit in Pattaya. They have deep comfortable chairs by the stage and its perfect when you are recovering from the flight. Good eye candy and no huge hassel from the girls. Sometimes the Bar feature showgirls with big bosoms, we like that.

    Only Barfined from the floor upstairs. Not that memorable experiences – many short time hotels near by.

    For the luxury, up market (a bit laid back) vibe I give it 4 Stars.

    1. Thanks for the comment Alex. I must have missed this before! I am sure the owners expected to be reopened by now. It’s been a wild run. Cheers.

  2. I am very much against drugs, which is a personal choice, its not about politics. I have never come in contact with drugs in Thailand, oddly enough, I probably look to respectable.

    Cannabis oil shops have opened in Pattaya and nobody really know if they are legal or not.

    However, once in Baccara a waiter gave me a funny expression when I orded “Coke, no ice please”.

    A sidebar. I never seen so many staff in any other a go go. They even have a half friendly, half annoying guy in the lou offering backmassages asking for tip.

    1. There’s been a lot of talk in Thai news about legalizing some sort of marijuana. At least for medical use. I don’t keep up with it enough to tell where things are right now. Another thing to note is that the laws on the books don’t always match the actual practice in Thailand and countries like it. Baccara definitely has a lot of people on staff. I can’t say if they have the most I have ever seen. But the shoulder rubbing bathroom attendant is a staple of many go go bars in Thailand. Despite that I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who actually enjoyed having a Thai man stand in the bathroom. Cheers.

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