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Promotions on at popular Asian porn sites

As I have explained in previous posts spanning back over a period of years I think there is still some porn worth paying for out there even with a seemingly endless supply of free sex movies now appearing online. Recently I was informed that some of the biggest and most popular Asian prostitute porn sites on the internet are running a major promotion. This is no big deal for me since I already maintain memberships to all of these websites. But it could be big news for the thousands of people who read this website every day.

Asian Sex Diary sale

Four websites are offering seriously discounted rates through August 10, 2018, as a part of a “Mid-Summer Madness” promotion. Those sites are:

All of those sites have been mentioned on this website before. Three appeared in lists of porn worth paying for published here. The fourth is Hello Ladyboy which has also been mentioned in passing even though it is a much better fit for the Ladyboy Reports website.

At least some of the sites on this list should be of real interest to almost anyone who is an avid reader of Rockit Reports. Even those who don’t read this site regularly but still maintain an active libido would surely get something out of them.

For those who are unaware Asian Sex Diary is a very active website that is updated every day. It contains videos of the protagonist as he travels the world and has unprotected sex with women who are mainly from Asia. It also has things like a question and answer section and travel tips for guys from direct from the man in the videos.

Both Tuk Tuk Patrol and Trike Patrol follow a similar model with each named after a popular local mode of public transportation. Tuk Tuk Patrol features Thai women picked up from around the country and sexed on video. Trike Patrol fittingly features Filipinas. Both are quality sites with a long track record.

Hello Ladyboy is self explanatory. It sets itself apart from other ladyboy porn sites in that it is very high quality and features mainly passable Asian ladyboys that the unassuming observer might otherwise think were “CIS gender” women.

The people who have created these websites take some risks filming on location in Asia. In many parts of the continent porn is officially forbidden even in cities where women openly sell sex with the help of large neon signs. Because of that most of these sites are blocked from viewing by people who are actually in Asia. It is easy to get around that block with the help of a VPN like Private Internet Access.

So what about the title of this post proclaiming promotion at prominent Asian prostitute sites? While not all of these sites are restricted to portrayals of Asian prostitutes it is safe to say that at least some of the women who appear on the sites have probably performed sex acts for money. At the very least they have performed the acts in the videos they appear in for cash and that ought to count for something.

If Rockit Reports readers find out about these promotions here and take out their own memberships to these websites that would be a “win-win” situation. New members get a discounted rate and Rockit Reports receives a small payment for each paying customer referred through links placed on this site. That sounds like something we can all get behind.

4 thoughts on “Promotions on at popular Asian porn sites”

      1. Haha thanks for the compliment man, but I’m more of a “why pay for porn?” guy, unless there is something more than the usual fap-worthy clips I can get on Tube etc.

        This appears to be an exception. An easy way to contribute to your site would be another. Shoot me a message if you’ve figured out the latter…

        1. Asian Sex Diary repeatedly appears on my short annual lists of porn worth paying for because it is indeed an exception. Cheers!

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