Years ago seeing some new porn was a real impact making moment. I can still remember seeing some bawdy hardcore films for the first time. Or stopping in to a shady looking shop to pick up the newest issue of High Society. Back then places like Pattaya still seemed like a secret. And porn was like a treasure that had to be discovered.
These days it seems there are no secrets. The internet has thrown back the curtain and exposed the world to its own shadow. Bright lights shine on the dark underbelly and reflect back at us all.
Now a guy in the Yukon can follow the happenings of his favorite Thai go go dancer on social media. His 18 year old nephew can watch all the porn he could ever dream of through the computer phone he carries with him like an appendage.
Porn comics prevail!
With so much in the way of porn videos now easily accessible to anyone with access to the internet you might expect the popularity of hand drawn sex comics to drop precipitously. In fact the opposite seems to be true. Any visit to a porn comics site will quickly demonstrate that sex comics are now more popular than they have ever been in the past.

On the other hand perhaps this was to be expected. Japanese culture penetrated deeply into the western consciousness in the 1980’s. Everything from video games to computers from Japan flooded western markets. It only follows that Japanese porn including a healthy dose of hentai videos and adult manga would also make its way around the world in due time. Especially now that the internet makes international intercourse instantaneous!
Decades back Pokemon took the youth of the world by storm. Of course some of them followed that rabbit hole all the way down once they grew up. What they found was a wide world of illustrated adult entertainment. The stuff is common and has a long history in Japan. You can trace it from ancient art right up to the men’s magazines of the 1990’s which usually contained a healthy dose of porn comics.
Japanese manga vs the rest
Unlike American adult magazines where single frame drawings usually had a satirical aim, the adult comics of Japan are serious as life itself. There are adventures of Bond-like spies as well as illustrated cases of sex workers turned super hero.
Even a well worn old hand like me is not immune to this form of entertainment. I admit that I have been working my way through the absurd yet deeply entertaining Pinsaro Sniper series as of late. The series follows a women who sucks dick in a pink salon by day and assassinates bad guys by night. I picked up the first issue in Japan but I’ve been forced to rely on English porn comics sites for help with some of the more involved parts as my Japanese reading skills are somewhat limited. I’m told an official French translation of the series also exists, which goes to show how international the reach of Japanese porn manga has become.
Not so long ago people were being thrown in prison for distributing erotic drawings. Nowadays the preferred method of communication for billions allows sex comics to be drawn and spread far and wide in mere moments. I guess it makes sense that people would take advantage of this situation to dig into some of the stuff that’s out there on every porn comics site they can find!