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Coffee with legs in Santiago, Chile

Coffee with legs is a literal translation of the phrase Chileans use to describe a unique adult oriented business that proliferates in Santiago. These cafe con piernas shops are basically coffee shops staffed by sexy local women.

I have covered some very interesting and unique adult venues over the years. Just last month I wrote about sexy car washes in another city called Santiago. Before that I covered adult oriented barbershops in Vietnam.

The sexy hair salons of Saigon aren’t uniform. Some are staffed by sexy women in tight fitting dresses who only offer legitimate spa services. Others are staffed by sexy women who offer oral sex or handjobs and nothing more. Finally there are some hair salons where women offer full service as a matter of course.

Cafe con piernas

Conditions for the cafe con piernas in Santiago de Chile are similar. One set is open to the street and basically look like Starbucks staffed by women in tight fitting skirts. There’s nothing else going on inside these places other than coffee sales and perhaps some chatting. The second set are reminiscent of hostess bars.

The windows are tinted or covered with curtains and the women wear sexy dresses or lingerie. Customers can chat with the women while they enjoy their drinks but there is no sexual service on offer. Finally there is the third set. These coffee with legs could more properly be called coffee with pussy. They also have blocked out windows but the women inside offer customers a lot more than drinks. In these places mutual groping is common and sexual acts can often go down right inside the cafe.

Nice latina ass in Chile cafe

In the first two instances customers enter and head to a counter to place an order. The menus are often limited. There is no food just things like espresso and sometimes beer. After customers order they find an open space along one of several elevated walkways populated with waitresses. The waitresses take the customers numbers and bring them their orders. Drink prices are fairly normal.

In the conservative places customers with get their drinks and maybe an eye full. In the sexier shops they’ll get to see some good looking women who may dance or even drop their tops. At least one place employs women who walk around with their tits out all the time.

In both of these types of places customers often tip their waitresses. The amounts they give vary but can be less than the average suit and tie guy in New York drops in the local coffee shop’s tip jar every morning. Many regulars at the more regular cafes in Santiago only leave 2000 Pesos ($3.10 USD) even after a lot of chatting and looking.

Coffee with a side of sex

In the cafes that double as sex shops customers enter and get guided to one of many semi private areas by a woman on staff. They sit together and often get intimate as drinks are ordered. Drinks for the women on staff cost more than the drinks for customers. These lady drinks typically cost around 2000 Pesos. Customer drinks cost what you would expect in any other cafe or bar.

A lot more is available at these places though the special services of course come at a price. A round of sex in one of these cafes or more privately in the bathroom normally goes for between 30,000 and 40,000 Pesos ($47-62 USD). Oral only service isn’t as common but it typically goes for a little less.

The women who work in these sexual shops in disguise can be incredibly good looking. Some or more average and there are always some less attractive women around too but most visitors are taken aback by how good looking some of the sexy servers at the cafe con piernas can be.

The women in the cafe con piernas tend to be good looking local gals in their early twenties though there are exceptions. Some of the barista babes are 19 or from nearby countries like Peru. They accept customers from around the world but the women usually don’t speak any languages other than Spanish.

Where are these sexy cafes?

Cafe con piernas are incredibly common in the capital of Chile. They are situated along streets and even in shopping plazas and malls all through the town. The more mainstream places even attract a lot of “regular” clientele including middle aged ladies who apparently are genuinely interested in the coffee on offer.

The main chains like Cafe Haiti follow the conservative open window model. Places like Ipanema (which is not to be confused with the bar of the same name in Singapore’s Orchard Towers) and Olimpio in the Galeria Santiago Centro follow the second sexy without sex model. The coffee shops of the third type aren’t as easy to find but they too abound.

They usually look a little different than the other coffee shops but those unaware of the intricacies may not be able to tell one from the other. A telltale sign revealing the sexual nature of some shops is that the women inside seem to jump on and pounce upon guys who walk buy trying to lure them inside. Others will sit a women outside the door in a sexy outfit in a marketing ploy similar to those used by some bars in Asia.

The center of the city has the largest concentration of cafe con piernas of all types though they can be found in other areas too. Neighborhoods with bad reputations often have more of the sexualized shops.

There are several sex selling cafe con piernas around Plaza de Armas including some on Plaza de Armas street itself. Others in the area are on Merced Street, Bandera Street and in other surrounding avenues. The Compraventa Plaza de Armas alone is home to several.

6 thoughts on “Coffee with legs in Santiago, Chile”

    1. Thanks for the comment. Indeed there is a sex industry in Chile and for the most part prostitution is legal. Obviously there are language and other differences between Chile and Brazil. Cheers.

  1. I remember these coffee shops when I went there in 1995. My Spanish wasn’t good enough that time so I couldn’t find out what was available there. The girls were dressed a lot more conservative at that time but many were good looking with nice legs. There were also many bars where you buy a drink for the lady and they closed the curtain around you so you can do anything with the girl.I don’t remember but it was dirt cheap at that time. I miss Chile and I might go visit again to see how much it has changed. In my opinion S.America isn’t for bj aficionados. Cheers.

    1. Dress depends on the shop. There are still shops where the women are dressed in skirts and tops. Some are even popular with women and regular customers. Cheers.

  2. Back in my single days I found Peruanas of my age more likely to move quickly from “hola” to “let’s go to your room”

    The third kind of coffee shop would bring new meaning to “extra foam” with my order…

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