I have been covering blowjob bars on this website site it first launched nearly four years ago. One reason for that is that I think the places are totally unique and interesting yet unknown by most of the world. Another reason is that there always seems to be something to write about.
As I’ve pointed out in past posts there are various types of blowjob bars around. Japan probably has the most. Vietnam is also home to many though they tend to be more like blowjob barber shops or blowjob cafes than bars. The latter theme seems to have caught on and spread around the world with last month’s announcement that a blowjob espresso bar will soon open in Switzerland.
There are also places where guys can pay to get blown in a partially public setting in countries like South Korea and the Philippines but they are very limited at this point. What remains is a few private blowjob shops and a handful of bars where guys occasionally get a hummer.
Blowjob bars in Thailand
Thailand is probably home to the most traditional blowjob bars if such a thing even exists. The typically model is that of a regularly pub except that there is a staff of women on hand who offer oral services to customers for a set fee. In the original BJ bars women did the act right out in the open while anyone else around continued to enjoy their drinks. That isn’t as common as it used to be. Only a few places still specialize in such activities. Other places offer it but often only with reluctance. The places where is practiced most tend toward an out-of-the-way private “gentlemen’s club” setup.

I have been writing about Thai blowjob bars specifically since the beginning. I thought I had finally reviewed all of the BJ bars operating in Bangkok last year before realizing that the infamous Rose’s Bar was still around. It appears there may be one or two more old haunts in Bangkok worth seeking out but for the most part it seems that I have the capital city suck shops out of the way. That doesn’t mean that there is nothing else to cover. Pattaya is filled with shops including many that I have yet to write about and more are opening all the time. Plus the existing bars in Bangkok continue to generate news.
I wrote quite a few updates about the Thai suck shop scene last year. I’ve been trying to cover a wide variety of venues and subjects since but so much news has emerged over the last weeks that I feel I must once again pen a piece about the pickle polishing pubs in the land of smiles.
Thai BJ Bar updates
The world famous Dr BJ’s Salon in the Sukhumvit section of Bangkok suddenly closed down as reported by Stickboy Bangkok. Apparently some Thai people found their way to a story published about the place on Vice a while back and started an uproar on social media. When I first saw that piece in Vice I wondered if it would cause problems. It turns out that it did though later than I may have imagined. It also turns out that I was probably right when I wondered allowed if the shop had been given some kind of warning to shut down rather than running into much worse problems from the powers that be. Some sort of mass email went out not long ago saying that the bar was simply rebranded after a shareholder reorganization. I don’t have the whole scoop. I just know that the bar closed at least for a short while. Not long after the entire shop was gutted another place called Wood Bar with the same mode of operation and even staff opened in the exact same location though its website is much more discreet. I’ll try to review it soon. The Dr BJ’s Nuru shop across the street was also closed but a place called Chrome Bar has opened in its place offering the same services.
Another bar a little further down Sukhumvit has variously been reported as open and closed. The Japanese pinsaro-like Bit Style has been through at least one closure and restart before and conflicting reports have been received over the last few weeks. I don’t have any special details or inside information. I just know what I’ve been told. As I write this the place does seem to be open and operating again even though the website hasn’t been updated in months.
Down in Pattaya a lot more has been going on. In my review of The Pump Station published back in 2013 I described how far the once great venue had fallen. It turns out that management finally took notice. The place has been totally redone and improved though it looks and works a lot more like a regular old girlie bar than a vacuum mouth venue now. Rumor has it that the same old services are still available upstairs though obviously that will have to be verified.
The previously reviewed Carre Blanc has relocated. The old shop has been closed and the venue is located right next to Club 4, 007 and Pirate’s Club.
When 007 first opened next to Club 4 I wrote that the area was turning into a venerable “blow row”. Little did I know what was to come. There are now four slurp shops lined up in this little out of the way area. Most seem to have some sort of French involvement though they are all open to the general public. Punters really have their pick at the moment tough it is easy to wonder if there is a such thing as too much. At some point the supply may outpace the demand though I can’t be sure. As long as there are red blooded men in Pattaya I’m sure these kinds of places will have customers. Conspicuousness is another issue. Perhaps the concentration of similar businesses could draw attention from someone unwanted. Of course it is just as possible that the shops are located where they are for a reason!’
That’s what I know for now so that’s all I can tell you at least until the next bulletin blows in. Stay tuned.
Damn man that sucks that Dr. BJ’s was shut down….That place was awesome. I really hate it when people try to infringe on others happiness.
The people who helped shut it down would probably say that Dr BJ was infringing on THEIR happiness. It’s all a matter of perspective…
Except it is better now. More laid back. Easier to have a beer and more comfortable to chill before or after a session. Still not my favorite but much improved on the outside. The inside still feels like factory for me though. The room I saw and I guess I only did see one, didn’t feel the need to go knocking, seemed the same to me.
So wait to till you get there before making snap judgements, I would say.
I don’t think it was actually shut down. As mentioned it’s now operating under a new name but offering exactly the same services. I think that they simply transformed to avoid the heat coming from a sudden up swell of public criticism. Cheers.
soms haven always has the best staff when i am in town
Yes. I always had good times there for money’s worth. In my opinion better than Lolita and Kasalon nearby. Cheers!!
has anyone ever seen anything above a 3/10 at lollipop?
I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Someone must like the place. How else could it stay in business for years? Cheers.
Yes I seen few 6 and 7 is the highest but very rare at Lolipop. I seen many 8 and 9
in Seoul but off limit to foreigners. Cheers!!
how do all of the massage parlors stay in business? :p
Many massage parlors also offer BJ for 700~1000 after 30 min of massage.
They also offer FS at 1000~1500 bt a pop.Cheers!
They make more than they spend. The usually have low rent and pay low wages. So even on off days they don’t lose much. Plus there’s no need to worry about things like inventory with a massage business. You just need a place and someone to do it. Cheers.
Just back from several weeks, in BKK…Made it to Som’s which is still my fave joint in town. Its not the lookers but the talent, my goodness. Ladee, Phim, these two alone have provided the best possible toe curling service bar none, anywhere. I love Lolita’s and get there whenever, always a pleasure, but pretty much standard fare. Kasalong, I just don’t get the grab to go. Ive been by Wood Bar, also did not feel obliged to enter, Magic table has lost its shine if it ever had any…Ahh and then my last night I went to Linda’s, Patpong 2. Well what can I say. Went with a mate, he did not partake though he did get a massage, and what appeared to be an up the shorts leg hj, for no more than the price of a drink, 150bht. Me, I tried the lot, including Linda, or someone who works the bar and goes by that name, along with two others who really didnt do much except moan and pinch my nipples, which I don’t really care for. Linda is the older staff, two young but not hot staff, one young lady with an incredible “koy” tattoo on her back…Service was offered at 1000bht, a bit steep, but not altogether bad.
Id go back to Lindas with an agenda, and note that it should actually be 800bht…but the place was dead, dead, dead…they locked the doors and closed the curtains, but that could also be due to the time, and the fact that it was during the mourning period of the king. Anyway. Soms’ despite what people may say about the look of the ladies, I find that no matter what they look like, I have never ever had a bad time at Soms. Lolitas is my second, the others I don’t care about. Lollipop is over rated…in my opinion, and I know the owner…So I don’t go there…Linda’s well worth a look see, be nice, be kind, no judgements on the ladies, they are very nice, quick with a drink and will service you with a smile…Well Linda will.
Kangaroo has a newbie sort of Japanese looking young lady…otherwise it is the same…Will need to check Rose bar, and I still have to get to Miss Bj’s on soi 22…Enough said.
Thanks for the report. That sounds like standard operating fare at Linda’s except that all the women are usually in service. Miss BJ’s is an oily massage place. I’ll review it soon. Kasalong has seen a huge decrease in staff recently. Som’s has seen an increase. Cheers.
As per my other post, just got back from Thailand, with side trip to Hong Kong/Macau. My Thailand experience was about the same as four years ago, with the difference being that I tried more BJ Bars this time around, based on your articles. Here’s my take on the 10 days I spent split between Bangkok and Pattaya…
Bangkok – One soapy massage, average. One go go girl from Bangkok Bunnies in Nana – great eye candy but dead fish in my hotel room. One beer bar girl from Nana area – best fuck of the tour, a real GFE. Three BJ Bar trips, one to Wood Bar and two to Kasalong. Obviously I liked Kasalong or else I wouldn’t have returned for more. Good selection of young hotties and both of them had just the right technique to launch the rocket. Wood Bar was a disappointment. My first indication should have been the lineup. They brought 4 girls in, one 800 girl who was an uggo and three 1,000 girls. The room was smaller than Kasalong, the girl was more mechanical and I paid 200 baht more for an average experience.
Pattaya – One session with 2 girls at Devil’s Den, Soi LK Metro. You have to try a threesome every once in a while. While the price is steep (now 4000 baht) the experience is worth it. One Soi 6 short time session, nice girl and not in any hurry. Tried 2 BJ Bars, Click Bar (also on Soi 6) and Bliss Lounge. Click Bar, like most Soi 6 establishments, was seedy and not very inviting. The action takes place behind a curtain on the main level and the lighting is out of the 1960s (I was expecting to see a lava lamp somewhere). On the whole, not a good experience. Bliss was much better, a decent room with a bed and lounge chair and a nice, attentive girl in a plaid catholic school girl uniform. She must have worked for Avis previously because she tried real hard, even though I was out of ammunition by the end of the trip.
One observation about Thailand as a whole. This is just my personal preference, but I’m not a fan of the weather. It’s tropical and the combination of heat and humidity does a number on your strength such that, as an older guy, I feel completely worn out unless I spend the majority of my time in the air conditioned malls that are so prevalent in Pattaya. Thank God for the one on Soi 9, otherwise I may have given up on any mongering while there. If you could just AC the whole fucking country it would be so much better.
Thanks for the report. Weather isn’t uniform across the country. In the northern cities it goes down to 14C/58F in the evenings this time of year. Cheers.
Hi Rockit – I got back a couple of weeks ago from another trip to Pattaya and while there learnt there are more suck shops happening in town. Firstly in Bangkok I believe there is a newly opened slurp shop in Sukhumvit Soi 33 – Japanese pink salon style called Pinsaro Bkk but have not yet had the pleasure of trying it out. While down in Pattaya I ventured along one afternoon to Soi Bongkot ( Soi Full Love Inn ) and went to Club 4 and tried out a rather busty girl there, her oral skills were delightful as well as her friendly welcoming manner – I had to go back another afternoon for seconds, she was great. Le Carre Blanc as before is still up to scratch with both a good selection of girls and a horny enjoyable time to be had there. There was a new shop getting fitted out to accommodate yet another slurp shop in the same row as 007, Pirates and the shops already mentioned – that will make it 5 shops in that cluster so I suppose sloppy bj’s are definitely not going out of fashion in a hurry down in Pattaya – I’ll vouch for that personally!
Along Third Road opposite Soi’s 33 & 35 down a small soi with no name there is a new bj shop newly opened up called Geisha. It’s a newly renovated shop opened up and managed by the same French owner as 007. He is a good friendly guy and has some good girls to be found there. He is also getting another shop fitted out just 2 or 3 doors down from La Poste bj bar in Soi Lengkee which will probably be up and running by now. Another relatively new suck shop is the Fairy bar, down a small unnamed soi with the Rich Bar on the corner, off Soi Buakhao. I went in there once but nothing was really happening. This soi follows around to where the Excite bar is which I feel is one of the best in Pattaya for all round good times to be had. The 2 ladies who run it are very friendly and welcoming especially the lovely Kat who was a star at the old Le Carre Blanc. The girls there are all 7/10 or above I would say and very friendly and hospitable – more than what I can say about some other girls in other bars with attitudes. I also spent a few afternoons down at the infamous Soi 6 where I patronised the Click bj bar a couple of times. The girls there I find to be a better looking bunch – dressed invitingly in eye catching cocktail minidresses and high heels – compared to the other bj bar girls on offer, although as we both well know, that does not guarantee a better oral service in order to ‘launch your rocket’ ( Ha! Sorry mate no pun intended ). I had intentions of trying out King Kong, My Friend You and others down the Soi 6 but previous satisfaction and good times draws me back to Click. I find it’s a great way to start an afternoon off down Soi 6 – get a load off in a BJ bar then go and have a few drinks and some banter with some of the girls further down in some of the other bars, which I most certainly did!! – But that’s another story for another time. Cheers Rockit – I hope you are going well and best regards for the upcoming Festive season and New Year 2017.
Thanks a lot for the in depth and detailed report. I’m away of some of the developments like the fifth bar being installed on what could only be called the new “blow row” in Pattaya. I have heard rumors of the pinsaro place in Bangkok. Some of the others I haven’t heard of at all. Cheers!
It seems there are a few more bj shops in Pattaya than in BKK nowadays but some are hard to find like La Poste and Telephone bar. I like to try Le Carre Blank. Soi 6 seems to have many BJ shops that also offer FS for 1200 bt I do not remember the name but I will go back and explore again in May. Thanks for the great report!
I’ve been able to find every place I’ve ever searched out in Pattaya though sometimes I need to look at a map. Cheers.
Hi to fellow monger Deca – These bj bars are definitely not too hard to locate mate, I’m far from any tech savvy social media guru – all I’ve used is the addresses shown on this great site of each respective place and Google Street View. I then make some notes and try to remember what I’ve seen on my computer and when I get over there I either walk or take a taxi motor bike to the place and look for familiar landmarks that I saw on Google . La Poste in Soi Lengkee can be inconspicuous but when you push the buzzer on the door and get let in by the bar staff you’re usually in for a good time , same as when you arrive at the Telephone bar in Soi Batman.
One real observation I’ve definitely noticed and experienced from my regular trips to Bangkok and Pattaya over the last year and a half is that if you want to get absolutely ‘smoked’ by a good bj girl you do not necessarily have to go to a designated BJ bar. There has been regular comments on other forums about the lack of attractiveness both in facial looks and body about some BJ bar girls as well as their older age. I’ve found the ‘massage’ shops in Soi Chaiyapoon, Soi Buakhao, Soi 6 bars ( non bj bar ), some beer bars and gogo bars have plenty of better looking girls that will ‘launch your rocket’ for you orally. As well – you don’t get hussled in these other places for plenty of lady drinks and tips, etc. which in the end ramp up considerably the total cost of getting your little soldier slurped. On my last trip recently I found the ‘massage’ places in Soi Chaiyapoon to be good value both in lower costs and choice of some young and attractive girls willing to give you a good oral experience without the poor attitude and hussle for drinks experienced in other designated BJ shops. Definitely something to consider. Cheers – keep on mongering and enjoy.
Thanks for the pointers. I didn’t know about Bj bars until recently. Before that I used to get oral pleasures from massage girls and more attractive bar girls. But it was like trials and errors and many didn’t do a good job or do CIM. Let alone DT. I still see massage girls and try to get BJ with some success with rimming as well. It just is that a BJ is sometimes more efficient for time and money. Cheers!
There are some women in the blowjob bars who lack skills but it’s a lot less common than in the massage parlors. Cheers.
I think I found yet another BJ bar on Patpong 2 last night. I decided to have a quick drink at the little bar just outside of the walkway where Star of Light sits. I don’t remember the name but it’s an open-style bar that sits in between the Star of Light and the pharmacy, before Foodland. I walked into the bar to have a look around and to the left of the pool table, I spotted a familiar setup – a red couch with a towel on it behind a curtain just off in the corner.
Since the bar is usually filled with (aggressive) freelancers, I think you can get BJs there. Might have to investigate further…
I know the place. They used to have a sign there advertising topless pool but I have never seen it played. I don’t know how it could with the open front. I don’t know if they do oral there either. If you find anything out please let us know. Cheers.
No it’s not the topless place. It’s on the other side of the soi, the same side as SOL. It’s the second little bar after SOL going in the direction of the Foodland. I’m not sure if it even has a name.
I know where you mean. If you find out that they offer any special services please report back. Cheers.
rockit—any recommendations or knowledge of girls in Thailand that are known to squirt? Or any recommendations on how to find that out. Thanks.
I somehow missed this comment until now. I don’t think squirting is common in general. It is definitely not common in Thailand in my experience. But Soi 6 in Pattaya is a place where more than a handful of women are known to do it. Cheers.
Hi Rockit – firstly Happy New Year for 2017 to you and all other mongers – I hope it brings me some luck and change of fortune. I’ve just found out a couple of days ago that the old Le Carre Blanc site in Third Road Soi 33 is now operating again as a BJ bar. The new name is ‘Come Together’. A girl I know in Pattaya who worked there and followed it to the new venue in Soi Bongkot (Soi Full Love Inn) or ‘Blow Row’ told me that the lease had run out and it was to be demolished and redeveloped into apartments. I guess the booming ‘slurp shop’ industry in Pattaya and horny punters requiring BJ’s while having a cold beer in a bar is definitely not going out of fashion. Cheers.
Thanks for the comment Tony. Cheers.
Are blowjob bar girls down for rimming or is that rare?
That sort of thing is a lot more common in some of the oily massage parlors. Cheers.