German porn has gained quite a reputation over the years. But the sex scene in Germany hardly ends there. While not well known outside of Europe as a hot spot for adult entertainment and nightlife, the capital city of Berlin is home to numerous venues and individuals who sell sexual services for a living. In other words, there is quite a bit of prostitution in Berlin.
Somewhat liberal laws allows for the sale of sexual services as long as certain requirements are met. As with some other countries, pimping is illegal in Germany. There are still pimps around but they aren’t as common as they are in other places where prostitution is totally outlawed.
There are several types of venues where sex is sold in Berlin. There are also certain spots where it is done independently or at least by women who are not attached to any particular venue. Here’s an overview of prostitution in Berlin.
Street walkers
Street walkers can be found along Potsdamer Strasse in the afternoons and evenings. Some can also be found in off hours. This isn’t the only place street walkers work. They are also street walkers in Stuttgarter Platz and Kurfüstenstraße among other places around the city. Simply put street walkers are not difficult to find. Some customers take their street walkers into a secluded area of a park but others will go to the prostitute’s rooms. Adult theaters are also popular places for people to shell out 20 Euro ($22 USD) for oral sex from a street walker who usually hails from some part of Eastern Europe. Prices for full sex can range from 25 Euro ($27 USD) up to 80 Euro ($85 USD) in a few places where unwitting tourists are prevalent.
Escorts are also common in Berlin. They tend to be a bit higher in social standing than the street walkers though there are exceptions. Some escorts are German or Western European women who sell sexual services on their own through the internet. Others are from Eastern Europe or other parts of the world. Some escorts are worn and bitter and a few can also be found working in established venues when not escorting. Prices charge by escorts range wildly from a few hundred Euro to several thousand.
Massage parlors
Massage parlors in Berlin are not nearly as common as they are in Southeast Asia but they do exist. Most massage places offer massages and nothing more but others are either totally erotic or fall somewhere in between. Many Thai massage parlors such as Mandarin Thaimassage offer genuine Thai massage and happy endings by hand.
Brothels abound in Berlin. Some are nothing more than rooms with a single woman working. Others are elaborate affairs with everything from designer interiors to sensual costumes. Women from all over the world can be found in Berlin’s brothels but they are also one of the places where German working women can most commonly be found. The brothels usually advertise themselves or are talked about by customers online in either German or English. Few go out of their way to announce their locations at their actual places of business however. In some cases they take up part of what are otherwise residential buildings. Agentur Liberty is a well known brothel that has been in business for years.
There are also many strip clubs in Berlin. Places like Rush Hour and Golden Dolls are prominent but others also exist. German strip clubs aren’t exactly like those found in the United States but they aren’t totally different either. The crowd that visits the strip clubs seems to be different from the guys who commonly frequent the other sorts of venues in the city.
Partytreffs are similar to swinger clubs. They charge admission fees to guys who show up to meet whoever is on staff. Some places have a recurring cast while others host traveling bands of women including some porn stars like the amazing Asian Kim XXX.
Some places run a “flat rate” model where a single admission price gets the customer access to unlimited sex with the women at least in theory. Other places do gangbangs or have other arrangements. AO clubs are places where women offer bareback or unprotected sex. The latter places are endangered by new regulations that outlaw rubberless sex but for the time being at least some are still in operation.
FKK Clubs
Finally there are the FKK clubs. These are probably the most prominent types of sex shops in Germany and other German-speaking countries. Originally based on nudism these “Free Body Culture” clubs are places where guys and women go to meet. Both the women and the men pay an entry fee to access the grounds which usually include buffet dining and swimming pools. The women walk around naked or in lingerie and the men for the most part walk around in bath robes.
While the women are nominally independent each club usually has an established rate that women charge men for sex either in public or more commonly in one of the many private rooms available. Berlin is home to a few FKK clubs including Artemis which is perhaps the most well known venue of this type in Europe.