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Why wank to Asian women?

I always find it interesting when people say this site is “about” this or that. Over the years more than a few people have described it as a site about Thailand. While I have written quite a bit about the land of smiles, I have also covered numerous other countries. In fact, I’ve written about dozens of cities spanning four continents.

At other times people have remarked that the site was about things like massage parlors. Or suck shops. Or Japan. Again these are things that have all been covered in detail here. But overall this site aims to cover the commercial sex industry around the world. And that includes a lot of things. It’s not limited to one country or one type of sex shop.

asian babe on leather seat

When I first started writing here I did quite a few posts about cams and the girls who work them. I even made an early post rationalizing why I view cams even though I am intimately familiar with so may women who offer real sexual services in the flesh.

The better part of a decade later I am now familiar with many more women who offer those sorts of erotic services. Yet I still do watch webcam shows like the Asian women on Fapper Cams. Any show featuring sexy women who are willing to get nude for me over the internet is going to draw my attention. And I really don’t think that will ever change.

Wanking to Asian women

Now that is not to say that I am at home watching cam shows every day. Many times I am on the road doing the hard research required to keep this site up and running. But I do stop in from time to time and browse all the available action.

When I do that I usually aim for the Asian models. Sure there are times when I watch the other women. There are plenty of beautiful gals around the world. And nowadays more than a few bare their bodies over the internet. The worldwide web promised to help us all come together. Now it does that in literal terms.

You can find Asian women on pretty much every live sex show out there. Normally there is some option to sort the models by region, age, or other characteristic. Or you can simply just browse through all the available models until you see a hot Asian babe. That’s not the worst way to spend an afternoon. But I do prefer the more direct route.

These days the porn industry has gone in two major directions. On the one hand a couple of big conglomerates have combined a number of porn studios and outlets under their umbrellas. But at the same time many independent porn stars and producers have popped up. They are able to make money with adult video mainly by creating their own niches. There are all sorts of specific porn sites and production outfits now doing things as narrow as “balloon porn”.

Years ago there were many Asian porn videos and magazines available. After that came countless Asian porn websites. So there is really no reason there shouldn’t be a couple of Asian cam outlets either. Apparently I am not alone in those thoughts as just such a thing has emerged. The future is so bright I have to wear shades. Just as long as they’re not dark enough to block my view of the big boobs being broadcast through my phone.

10 thoughts on “Why wank to Asian women?”

  1. Myself I seem to cater more and more toward the asian women in porn. Seems like the American porn is more and more toward gonzo porn. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks for the comment Vegas. It seems that we agree on the fundamentals. Porn coming out of Asia is usually superior to what is produced in the west in my opinion. Cheers!

  2. Habe to agree. And the longer I live in Bangkok, the more I find myself attracted to Asian features in porn. There aren’t any places in Bangkok like peep shows or porn cabins, right? Where you could go for a quick wank? More often than not I find myself wanting a quick relief and not the full experience.

    1. Thanks for the comment Andre. I definitely know what you are talking about. There are no peep shows in Bangkok. Supposedly porn is illegal in Thailand. There are many “blow and go” shops doing handjobs and blowjobs though. I have reported on many of them here on this site. The existence of the latter is probably why there are none of the former. Cheers!

  3. Totally agree with you Rockit. Was I drawn to your site because of my love of Asians or did I cultivate my love of Asians via your site. Chicken and egg.

    I love your updates on Europe and the Latina porn site reviews are great, but once you go Asian it’s hard to go Caucasian.

    Keep up the “hard work” of your research. And let me know if you need an unpaid assistance. Lol

  4. The answer to the question in your headline is “because we can” haha

    Never a bad post to come back to Rockit. A year since I was in SE Asia and my yellow fever remains untreated…

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