Much could be written about the state of sex work and the sex industry in 2025. The world’s oldest profession continues on around the world. Sex work flourishes in some areas and is repressed in others. Still, it is resilient.
Japan’s infamously large sex scene is really starting to open up to foreigners. At the same time, prostitution exists even under the strictest regimes with the harshest punishments. Of course, porn is even more popular worldwide. That in spite of increasing legal regulation of adult material.
Perhaps none of the more recent developments should come as a surprise. After all people are horny and cash remains king. I certainly haven’t seen anything unexpected in terms of sexual relations in the last 12 months. Then again, I have been writing about the commercial sex industry worldwide for quite some time.
The very first post on this website went live on October 1, 2012. That means Rockit Reports is entering its thirteenth year online. There are over nine hundred articles published here. They cover everything from pink salons in Japan to married gangbang porn stars in Australia. Over the last 12 years I have reported on sex work across four continents.
Internet usage and information distribution
Back in 2012 an estimated 35 percent of the world’s population had internet access. Today 67 percent of people on earth are connected to what we used to call the world wide web. That is a doubling in just over a decade.
Smartphones are also a major development. In 2012, there were about 1 billion smartphones in use. Today there are 5 billion. Smartphones are now held by over 60 percent of the people on earth. This has exposed the majority of people to the wealth of human knowledge available online. But how are they using it?
I am old enough to remember dialing in to connect to the internet with slow telephone modems. Back then communication and information was shared in text form. Reading was the name of the game. And computers were used mainly by more technological savvy people. Eventually we had HTML based websites, followed by pictures, audio, and eventually video. Blogging and similar websites became popular in the 2000’s and probably peaked around 2010.
The rise of social media, smartphones and internet use has led to real changes in the way people find information online. Nowadays video is much more popular than text online. Some estimated claim that more than 80 percent of content found on the internet today comes in the form of video. Short catchy videos seem to be the most popular of all.
Writing about sex work in 2025
Rockit Reports has been regularly updated for all of its time online. It is a fact that I have already written about most sex work models in at least some form. Original reporting on this website has led to coverage in mainstream news outlets around the world. Not to mention all the smaller sites that have taken information found here outright.
Even if there is not much else to be discovered, there is still a lot that could be covered. Despite my best efforts, I have not reviewed all of the go go bars in Thailand or FKK sex saunas in Germany. Alas I am but a man with limited time, energy, and resources.
Tens of millions of people have viewed this website over the last 12 years. I would like to hope that at least some of them have been entertained. I am sure some portion of past readers have moved on to the video-only media consumption mindset. That wouldn’t surprise me either. Like I said, I am old. So I remember when the bulk of a generation forsook the written word and plopped down in front of the boob tube.
Though the reality is probably some sort of in between. Even in this age of dead newspapers and flourishing social media apps like Tik Tok, a significant percentage of people still look to websites like this for something to read. How else could you explain the presence of so many websites revolving around the sex industry in 2025? Or the fact that the Rockit Reports Twitter account only has 1500 followers in spite of the Rockit Reports website been read by tens of thousands of people each month.
Rockit reporting in 2025
Where does that leave a website like this? I have to adjust to reality just like anyone else. In years past I sometimes published as much as one new report per day. Over the last few years I have published new reports on a weekly basis. Moving forward I will be publishing a little less frequently. Posts will still come with regularity. Though you may not see a new piece every Wednesday like clock work.
I plan to focus more on in-depth subject coverage too. Reviews of particular venues and even individual providers will continue. But I will spend more time writing about particular aspects of sex work and the sex industry more generally. So you can expect to see a write up on a particular sex shop model alongside coverage of a gentlemen’s club in Pattaya. I also plan to update and enlarge some past writeups.
As always my only intention here is to entertain the reader. I can honestly say I do the best I can. To some extent I write to please myself as well. If I had no interest in the subject there is simply no way I would have been able to write something like one million words over the last decade.
Although internet usage has changed in the ways described above I still do appreciate comments from readers. That sort of engagement, encouragement and even criticism helps motivate me to continue writing about sex work as it exists in our world. I feel there is still room for this sort of in depth writing about the interchange of sex and money. Only time will tell if I am correct in my assessment.
Thanks for your work Rockit! Because of your reports I have tried out some places you mentioned. And mostly they were amazing, keep up the good job for 2025.
Thanks for the kind words Marco. I would note that I only write to entertain. Cheers!
Many of your readers have been around the block a few times. They get the context.. Change is always interesting, whats different today compared to say 5-10 years ago. How do you see the future? for example in a place like Thailand. Cheers.
Thanks for the comment Alex. I’ve written a bit about the changes that have come. And the changes that might be expected. An example would be the recent article asking if Pattaya is turning into a family friendly tourist town. Cheers!
Yes, and it was a good article about Pattaya of today. I was thinking more like “is Gent clubs the future”? Are Go-Gos more strict today..My recent visits to Go-Gos have been quite tame, but in the past Ive got lots of BJs yo climax and even once fucked bareback (in Toy Bar) Howvever a friend told me that its still possible to do “lots of stuff” if you are generous, show respect and have the right attitude.
My slight problem with Gents club is “the vibe”? mature ladies, transactional atmosphere, old geezers who like to show of their dicks. Its not a very fun place to visit?
Different strokes for different folks, as they say. Some people love go go bars. Others detest them. Cheers.