Several months ago I announced that I had finally reviewed all of the blowjob bars in Bangkok. It turns out that I was wrong of course. That was partly by the course of events. Dr BJ’s Salon temporarily closed before reopening almost immediately under the new name of Wood Bar. Another bar called Linda’s or Kob’s depending on who you ask also escaped my radar. I knew the place existed but lost track of it over the years. I recently rediscovered Linda’s and so I will report on it. Today I write about the new Wood Bar.
As stated Wood Bar sits on the same location of the infamous Dr BJ’s. I don’t think it’s much of a stretch to say that Dr BJ’s was the best known blowjob bar in Thailand and probably even the world. The place operated openly with a name that left little to the imagination. Unlike most similar establishments it also kept a big bright website complete with photographs of the women on staff.
This led to the bar gaining a lot of notoriety and even coverage in somewhat mainstream media sources. An article about the place on the Vice website racked up countless hits. After a few years, it even started a sort of firestorm on Thai websites and social media. Not long after that the bar had closed its door with many believing that this had something to do with the uproar.
The bar was quickly gutted then reopened with new colors and a new name. An email soon went out to a lot of people purporting to be from some people involved in the business. According to the email the change in name and colors was due to a shareholder shake up and nothing more. The email said everything was the same.
Wood Bar vs Dr BJ’s
Indeed that seems to be for the most part true though there are some noticeable changes. It is enough in my view to warrant a totally new review to go along with the new name and the years that have passed since I first wrote about Dr BJ’s way back in 2013.
For those who don’t know and still don’t understanding after reading this far perhaps I should explain that Dr BJ’s Salon was a place where customers went to receive oral sex for a set fee. It is as simple as that.
Many years ago Dr BJ’s was big and bright. There were always a lot of women on staff. Some claim there were more than thirty at times. That seems believable to me. When customers would enter and sit down on the bench to the right women would pile in and sit along the wall on the other side. Still more would pop up from the loft upstairs and look over the banister. Those days are long gone. After a while the staff at Dr BJ’s dwindled to a dozen or so. In its present state the new bar may have even fewer than that.
Women at Wood Bar
Customers still enter Wood Bar on Sukhumvit Soi 7/1 and sit down on the bench to the right. The walls are no longer white. They have been painted a sort of yellow color. The same old no nonsense mamasan still works the bar and explains the place to any customers who are visiting for the first time. The available women still line up along the opposite wall but their numbers are only a small percentage of what they used to be.
There are probably six to ten women at Wood Bar even during prime evening times. They wear tight dresses. Many worked at Dr BJ’s when it was open. Most of the star players seem to be gone. A gal named Gigi with legendary skills may be the only one of the real standouts left. There are also a few new faces. There may be some stellar service providers in this mix. I do not know.
Prices and services
When the women on staff line up for customers they wear two different outfits. One set charges 700 Baht ($20 USD) for their time. The women in the the other outfits charge 1000 Baht ($29 USD) for sessions. While a 700-800 Baht price range has become pretty standard in Bangkok I don’t know of any other bar that charges 1000 Baht except for Magic Table which is located on the same street.
Service at Wood Bar is still provided in small wooden booths upstairs just as it was at Dr BJ’s. In the past these booths were black. Now they have been painted the same off yellow shade as the lobby. The sinks and dentist style chairs are still located in each room though there are now some massage implements like creams and oils added too. The word is that the presence of these massage related bits allows the place to operate under the veneer of a massage parlor. I am not privy to the ins and outs of the behind the scenes so I cannot neither confirm or deny this though it does sound like a reasonable explanation to me.
Service is for the most part straightforward and sufficient as it was in the previous incarnation of the bar. With a number of women on staff and all sorts of different customers coming in at all hours there will always be variation. Most people seem to leave satisfied though the bar doesn’t seem to have the same draw it did when it was operating under the old name.
In my original review of Dr BJ’s Salon I gave the place four stars. Later I would have lowered the score somewhat. Today I think Wood Bar deserves an average score of two-and-a-half stars.
Wood Bar. Sukhumvit Soi 7/1, Bangkok, Thailand. Click here for a map. Open every day from 11:00 AM until 1:00 AM. Website:
felt like there were quite a few less girls working here than in the past, was it the same on your visit?
Yes. As mentioned in the review the number of women on staff seems to decline in the last days of Dr BJ’s. It continues on now. The number of women working most nights is under a dozen. It used to be around three dozen when Dr BJ’s was most prominent. Cheers.
ya it was kind of overwhelming before to have them lineup against the wall and there to be so many to choose from, still a lot of options, just not as many as before
That problem doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Cheers.
I tried the new bar after the re-branding and I had a bad experience there. I chose the girl named “X” with the glasses on their website. She actually told me during the BJ that I would have to pay her an extra 300 baht if I wanted to finish in her mouth…
Needless to say, I popped in her mouth anyway and left without tipping. Shitty service.
Thanks for the report. This is not the first time I’ve heard things like this. I have also heard of service providers using condoms and demanding tips to work without them. Cheers.
I honestly don’t understand why this place gets business when there are so many similar establishments close by that offer better service for a lower price. Their strong suit used to be the wide variety of girls to choose from but as you touched on in the review, their numbers have reduced dramatically. Just cross the street and go to Kasalong or Lolitas…
Interestingly enough some ladies from other similar bars in the area have gone over to work at Wood. Cheers.
Rockit thank for your rewiew but please there is some mistake: the price is 700 baht and 1000 baht, like before not 800/1000…. the small bar is still here, im writing this message from it
thank you
Wood Bar
The post has been updated to reflect the price correction. Cheers.
Decided to try this establishment as I was too tired for full service. Hardly any girls there now and was presented with 8 milfs. Back in the day this would have been at least 20. I think they must have trouble getting staff. Color scheme is now a gross yellow. Session was disappointing. Girl insisted on turning the light completely off. While it may work for her it doesn’t work for the guy (unless he is in prison life Chuwit was and is forced to make to). Had about 10 minutes of suck then painful HJ. Not good. They really need to do some inhouse training. Also you pay before NOT after now. Maybe this discourages service levels.
TBH I don’t think I will be back. Things have been on a downward spiral since EE left.
Does anyone know if she is still working and where?
One girl last year told me she hooked up with a client but these things never least.
Thanks for the report. I have also heard that EE hooked up with a foreigner and left the industry. Cheers.
Took a Regular (700 Baht) girl who i believe is Number 7. The photos do not depict accurately. While i give her 9/10 for perseverance (Sidegra works wonders btw) her looks are only 6/10. And overall 3/10 because she asked for tips to take her top off. I didnt ask her how much, but i was pretty much expecting to see boobies.
Thanks for the report. Asking for tips seems to be a trend at Wood Bar. It’s basically unheard of at any other similar bar. Cheers.
I just flew back from Thailand after a 30 day stay and boy is my cock tired. While in the land of smiles, I decided to pay my respects to the dearly departed doctor by visiting Wood Bar. Given Rockit’s review and accompanying comments, I entered with low expectations but had a surprisingly good time. My service provider called herself Joy; as of today, on the website she is identified as letter X. Joy or X has good English language skills, self-identified as 32, and is a master cocksmith.
My first visit to Wood Bar was good but could have been great. On a purely technical level, Joy gave the best BJ I’ve had in Thailand. However, two events detracted from the experience. She was too persistent with the upselling. I don’t mind being told what the options are but no means no. Also, after ten minutes of excellent BJ the oil came out and it turned HJ. The HJ was well done but not what I paid for. Thankfully, after five minutes, she switched back to the BJ without losing a step or being put off by the taste of oil.
I had a good enough time with Joy to warrant a repeat with her. For my second visit, there was less upselling and a shorter HJ. Overall, it was a much better BJ experience. If you visit Wood Bar, I highly recommend Joy. She is easy to pick out of the crowd as she will be wearing those empty rimmed glasses shown in her profile picture.
Thanks for the report. The kind of thing you describe is seemingly quite common in Wood Bar today but it would not be expected in other BJ bars like Som’s or Kasalong. In those places and some others the women normally perform blowjobs until the customers climax. That’s why I mentioned it in the report. Cheers.
Already been there last week.. My comment are now the price are all increase to 1000 baht, they are no longer have lady charged for 700 baht,. I already ask the receptionist for any staff who charge 700 baht, but she said all the price are now standardized
Thanks for the report. Cheers.
Stupid question, but at bars like Wood Bar and other BJ bars, do they give blowjobs with condoms or without condoms or it’s your choice?
Normally at any blow job bar in they work without a condom. That goes for Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Japan. There are a handful of exceptions. In Thailand it is basically unheard of for a BJ bar provider to ask to use a condom except at Wood Bar where it’s now quite common. Cheers.
This place is the gold standard for bj bars in Thailand, in my humble opinion, although it is slightly pricier than the rest. The girls are mostly very good looking, and made up very nicely. I loved the part where they sit in front of you as the mamasan explains and you choose the one you fancy.
The rooms are nice and intimate and airconditioned, the dick shower is such an elegant touch, I wish more bj bars did that. The cocksmithing is almost fallatial artistry and the couch is perfectly comfortable.
1000 baht well spent.
Thanks for the report. Wood Bar isn’t the most expensive blowjob bar in Bangkok. But it’s close. Cheers.
I don’t suppose you know if the beautiful ‘Letter R’ is still working at Wood Bar, or have any intel on where she has gone? She is no longer featured on their website as of this month..
Sorry I have no idea. Staff changes all the time in these kinds of places. I haven’t been to the shop in a while. I don’t see any mention of her on their Twitter stream for the last 2 months either. Cheers.
Wood bar is back open
Thanks for the report. But I don’t believe they ever stopped servicing customers even if the lights were turned off outside. Cheers.
Not a lot of staff, price reduced at the moment to 800 bht. Service from the few women I saw was greatly improved, from the decline of the last five years.
Thanks for the update. Interesting that they went down to 800 Baht. That sort of thing is pretty rare in Thailand. Cheers.
I popped my sex worker/blowjob bar cherry all at once earlier this week when I visited Wood Bar. I actually had to fight my way up Soi 7/1, as A. from my other experiences in Nana at night, even during the pandemic, you’re going to get quite a few arm clingers as a Westerner by just walking by, and B. I was nicely dressed, with nice watch, and a leather computer bag in tow (As I was just coming from work)–so I could see the eyes of the girls with the baht signs looking back at me. In fact, I almost got duped when one level-10 clinger wouldn’t let go, telling me that her establishment was in fact Wood Bar (Which I could plainly read from the sign, once I gathered myself, was not true). Luckily, I had done a bit of a dry run during the pandemic when I went there one night in search of a knob slob while the girlfriend was asleep, but found out that a bit too late that they had just recently “shut down” (I say that after reading Rockit’s comments about the lights being off not equating to the establishment being shuddered), a fact that was confirmed by a kind woman across the street, who asked what I was looking for (To which I replied Wood Bar), but she shook her head no, and said they were closed. She was a little older (Maybe early 40s), but a looker herself, and if she hadn’t just closed down her establishment and taken off on a scooter, I would’ve asked if she was down for it.
At any rate, on this occasion, I was in luck, and there were at least 6 girls (Read: women) sitting out front ready to great me. The mamasan quickly came out and confirmed that I wanted the deed, then suggested letter I to me, and tried to usher me inside. I actually came with a girl in mind (Joy/X), after reading reviews on this site and others, and once I looked up as I headed in, saw her, and picked her out. I think both the mama and Joy herself were quite surprised by this, as she looked up from her phone, made eye contact, and pointed at herself as if to say “me?” I said, yeah, can I have her? The mama agreed and took me inside. She asked if I wanted a drink/lady drink, and I obliged without asking the cost (Frankly, I didn’t care that much either way, and was just there out of curiosity/for the experience). She told me it was 1000 baht (I think it’s 800 now, so that must’ve put the lady drinks at 100 apiece), and went to the register to have me pay. I’ve heard various things about paying beforehand on here, and luckily, again, I wasn’t there to haggle, so I paid up, and followed her upstairs.
One good note about Joy/X is, she is very conversational, and puts you at ease. She cheersed me/thanked me for my drink, and asked me a bunch of questions about myself before washing me and getting down to business. She asked if I had been before, and I told her no–and then she asked almost quizzically why I had chosen her. I told her honestly that it was due to some online reviews I had read, and also that I found her look to be very sexy. She laughed, as I think she thought I was laying it on thick, and proceeded to begin the deed.
When she knelt down in front of me, I got to see how tiny she is. She started by taking off her top/bra (Without up-charging, I might add, to note something that she apparently did with another previous client in this thread) to expose some tiny titties with some nice sized and proportioned brown nipples, and then began with some nice licking and light sucking of the balls for maybe a minute or so. Then she took me deep (Though I could tell she was struggling to get it all the way down) for a few long strokes. She did that for probably 30 seconds before going back to her more natural dick register, I presumed. She did some nice combo work with her hands on my balls while sucking–light, and lighter than I’d like, for sure, but nice. After about 5 minutes of this, she asked if I wanted more. I wasn’t sure what she meant, so she just said, “Do you want to fuck me?” Honestly, that’s not why I came, but also, since I had read many a commenter say this was not the norm, I figured I’d take advantage of it–though from the price (A further 1000 THB), I’m pretty sure that she took advantage of me. Again, no harm, no foul. I was there for the experience. She did turn off the lights, which was pretty weird/not helpful, and said we had to be quiet–but also, as I’m pretty aggressive and as my dick is on the above average side, she was actually the one making the noise/whimpers. She pulled out a condom, and off we went for 5-7 minutes. Eventually, she started wincing a bit, and she could see I wasn’t getting anywhere fast, so she said, “Okay, blowjob.” I was happy to oblige, so I sat back down, and she sucked me for another 5 minutes or so, while using her hands again, before getting out the oil. Honestly, I know some have spoken ill of it, and while if I had unlimited time (As I tend to last overly long to a fault, and I know that I was on a timer), I would probably prefer some mind-numbing head that could get me there on its own, but I didn’t mind it. She was really good with her hands, which probably was a big reason I didn’t care, and when she was jerking my dick in a good rhythm, she asked a few more questions about what I liked, and it gave me the chance to tell her to keep showing me her tongue, which I thought was sexy. She not only did this, but proceeded to quite passionately lick my frenulum for about a minute. After a few minutes of pounding away with the rogue lick of the tip, she went back to doubling up on that and sucking the head. Eventually, she realized she had to up the pace, and the depth a little more, and after about another 5 minutes, I came in her mouth. Luckily, she kept on going for a few seconds after, until she was overwhelmed and stopped to spit in the towel. She thanked me, and asked if it was good. She told me to come back if I liked it, and that she would give me her Line so I could ask for her if I wanted to drop by/see if she was there. I told her maybe not, lest the girlfriend find out (We are poly, but always do things together), but she insisted she wouldn’t message.
Overall, it was a good experience, and with one under my belt, I think I have a better idea about what I want the next time to be like–either at Wood Bar, or elsewhere. I didn’t tip, as I felt like the lady drink/extra 1000 for 5 minutes of sex was well more than enough for that. I walked out and some of the other girls chatted with me for a few minutes/joked with me about the baby in my belly (All in good fun) for a few minutes, before I departed, and went back down the soi with the grabby armed girls, with promises of “next time,” as well as a ladyboy at the front of the street who offered their services (And showed off their copious nose hair).
In terms of my recommendation for X, I did find her to be sexy/cute, and enthusiastic. While she couldn’t much manage the deep throat on me, that may not be the case for everyone. While it wasn’t a true BJ the whole time, as I said, she did some pretty elite hand stuff, and kept up the pace continuously, even when her arm got tired as she showed me while laughing right after the finish. I can’t explain why my experience was so different from some others who had bad experiences, but obviously, 1. She does like the upselling (Though I also found her to throw in the general stuff for free). Maybe she just liked me from how I was dressed, or that I picked her by name when she wasn’t expecting it (She told me that I was her first customer of the day, and it was later in the afternoon–so I doubt it. It’s also exactly the kind of thing I’d expect a girl to say to make a guy enjoy it more, though it literally did nothing for me). And 2. I think she takes directions pretty well, and is quite talented with her hands and her tongue. If you’re also a guy who is also okay with a little extra of that, I would bet that she will get you there. She did seem legitimately invested in my orgasm. With that in mind, I’ll probably try out a different girl or establishment on my next go of it, but I would not at all mind going back to see her again.
Thank you for the very detailed report. It was a good read. Cheers!
I would like to offer my praise as well to First-Time Caller.
The comment was insightful, well written, unapologetically honest and above all else, humorous.
Indeed it was a very good report. I appreciated it and I am glad to see that you do too. Cheers John!
Blowjobs in Thailand. Visited Dr BJ and Wood on a couple of occations and it didnt do it for me. Small cubicles with gynaecological chairs, it felt very blend. Prefer places like Star of Light or places on soi 6 Patts where they suck you in a sofa, more naughty. Or go to a shorttime Bar and take 2 girls. Or build up a personal relationship during a massage. Or get blown to climax in a Go go by 3-4 girls – I have done this in about 15 Go go bars (6 Bars in Cowboy, 2 in Patpong and 7-8 in Pattaya).
Each to their own, and all opinions are fair. But for me a BJ should be hedonistic like hell – or happen when you have a really good connection with one girl -or preferably more than one because the more the merrier. Cheers.
“Or get blown to climax in a Go go by 3-4 girls”
Should make it 6, like a kind of Russian roulette for them!
Finally made it to Wood Bar and had a session with the queen bee, “Lady G.” First, let me say that this place has a strange vibe. Standing at the front desk is a guy in his mid seventies wearing a dress. When you submit payment (800 TB), he starts acting like a petulant female…really weird. All of the rooms are yellow, and like everything else in Bangkok, grimy, worn and unclean. The service was satisfactory and is CIM. After I unloaded, the girl acted out savoring and celebrating what I had just deposited into her mouth, before spitting it out into a paper towel. WB is ok, but overall, is kind of weird and mildly disgusting.
Thanks for the report. I have never seen a bloke in a dress at Wood Bar. But then again I haven’t been there for a while. Cheers.
Took the leap and went in quite late at night, maybe around 10pm. The soi and also the general area of Sukhumvit has many annoying touts but the trip will soon be worth it at Wood Bar.The mamasan greeted me very directly on the street asking if I wanted a blowjob for 800 THB. She rung a bell so all the girls assembled inside. It was at least 20 girls and the choice was definitely hard. Mamasan recommended an experienced lady but I picked a lady with big lips, red lipstick and beautiful full boobs. I absolutely love these cubicles. Something so raunchy about going up all those stairs and stripping down in a tiny cubicle only to recline in an epic suck-chair. The girl did a great job, expery level sucking way beyond what most “amateur” girls can ever deliver. Loved the ball sucking with her red lipstick and it was extra dirty to find lipstick on my underwear when I got home. Am looking to repeat this awesome experience today. Value for money king.
Thanks for the detailed report Dave. Cheers.
Just spent 3 weeks in BKK, Walking into wood bar on a Tuesday night, I was expecting not a full on set of ladies as I had seen many years ago when I used to visit Dr BJs but I must say, there was at least 40 girls, so many lined up there was nowhere to sit for them and they were in front of the toilet door and entrance, other customers could not get in for knocking the girls over. I picked a short little spinner; I want to say she was a little too good at her job but lucky for me, I was not flushed for time anyway, which is why I went in for a try out once mroe. Out of 10 I give them 8.5
Thanks for the detailed report John. Cheers!