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Review: Hotel Del Rey & Blue Marlin Bar in San Jose, Costa Rica

The Hotel Del Rey in San Jose, Costa Rica, is a complex complete with lodging, gambling and bars. Since I’m not in the habit of reviewing lodging, this report will cover the part of the establishment that will interest the readers of this site; the Blue Marlin Bar.

The Del Rey is easy to spot from some distance away as it’s rather large and obvious. The attached Blue Marlin Bar is a little more obscured but it’s not difficult to find. There are usually doorman posted in front but they don’t tend to stop obvious foreigners for screening.

Inside the Blue Marlin is fairly large. There is a small bar off to the side, another bar up a staircase toward the back, some seating, and some casino games. The place is clearly oriented toward foreigners. Only the women are local, and even many of them come from abroad as I’ll describe below.

Drinks are reasonably priced. Some of the women who serve the drinks will meet customers outside however they ask for prices that no honest observer of the local market could call reasonable or even fair.

The name of the pay for play game at the Del Rey is freelance. The ladies who wander around looking for customers don’t work for the place itself. They are independents who set their own hours and terms. On the one hand this allows them with more flexibility but on the other hand it potentially leaves the client with more liability. When a woman works at a place on a regular basis it’s easy for a disgruntled customers to go back there and talk to management if they have a problem. If a freelancer takes off with a guy’s $1000 camera he’ll have no real recourse other than crying into his beer unless of course he wants to get law enforcement involved.

At any time there will are least a few women around the Blue Marlin Bar but the real action comes on in the evenings and nights. Women from around Latin America ply their trade throughout the place. There are plenty of local Costa Rican women (Ticas) but there are are also lots of Dominican women around and plenty more from Colombia. At times the Tica contingent is in the minority. The full span of Latina looks are represented. There are petite light skinned women with blond hair and thick women with dark brown skin. Fake tits abound especially among the Colombians.

The more aggressive women who are also usually the least attractive commonly approach lone visitors. Many others however will not. Guys who want to inquire about their services will have to make the first move. They aren’t waiting for sweet talking princes though. Just guys with money. The likelihood of rejection for any man at the Blue Marin is incredibly low.

Most women at the Del Rey will start off quoting the relatively high rate of $100 US to new customers. Negotiation is acceptable and even expected, so customers often counter accordingly. Most women will agree to leave with a guy for 50 dollars. Some will require a little more. Sixty dollars is still in the average range. Eighty dollars is approaching the upper limits. One or two may actually wait for someone to give them a full hundred. On the other hand some of the older or less beautiful women will go for much less.

Rooms are available at the Del Rey Hotel itself for around 100 bucks. Many customers rely on them for the convenience. Others head outside to one of the nearby short time hotels which range in price from 10 to 20 dollars. They provide suitable surroundings with a pleather covered bed and a shower room which may or may not have hot water.

Short time rooms and hotel rooms alike are paid for in advance. The woman however are usually paid after their services have been performed. The quality of service depends on the woman and the client. All women will aim to get their customers off. A select few will aim to get themselves off too.

Costa Rica is often mentioned as a key location for single male travel. The main draw seems to be its proximity to the United States. I’m not sure what makes it an attraction otherwise but perhaps others know something that I am unaware of. In any case I don’t recommend or advise against anything. This website is meant for entertainment purposes only.

The Hotel Del Rey and it’s Blue Marlin Bar is a place where guys can pick up working women. It’s easy to find and relatively safe and organized inside. The women aren’t the warmest in the world and the prices are a little high for the region but the place continues to draw customers. Most likely they appreciate the ease of it all. More experienced or adventurous punters may not like it as much.

Hotel Del Rey / Blue Martin Bar. Av. 1, San Jose, Costa Rica. Click here for a map. Open 24 Hours. Website:

17 thoughts on “Review: Hotel Del Rey & Blue Marlin Bar in San Jose, Costa Rica”

  1. Nice review. Those prices are a little steep, especially considering the mediocre experience. I’d be tempted to go to TJ instead…easier to get to, plenty of women, and reasonable rates. Would be curious to see some of the talent down there, but I won’t go unless I am already in the area for something else.

    1. There’s a nice mix of providers from various countries in Latin America. At least the mix of looks is nice. Performance is usually lacking in my experience. I agree that it’s not worth a special trip, but something to be aware of if you are in the area. Cheers!

  2. I’ve been to Costa Rica twice not specifically to play but extended the trip to play a bit in San Jose.

    I can understand your saying:

    “Costa Rica is often mentioned as a key location for single male travel. I’ve never been able to figure out exactly why. Sure it’s only a flight away from the United States, but so are many other places. Sure it has a lot of available women, but so do many other countries. It’s not a place to avoid but I’m not sure what makes it an attraction either. Who knows? In any case, it’s another place to dip your dong.”

    When I was heading down there the first time I was really expecting quite a ride so to speak. It was okay but not great. Partly that could be me. Unless you are only going to the massage parlors, you have to have some negotiation skills.

    Why is it popular?

    Maybe it is the camaraderie that seems to go on. I would stay at La Amistad (nice place but no action on-site but definitely girl friendly) and walk over to the Sportsman. As the name suggests it is very much like a US sports bar except for the girls.

    Maybe it is the language. There is a lot more places to practice/learn Spanish than there is Japanese or Thai. And the lettering on signs is Roman versus Kanji. That might make blokes feel a bit more comfortable. I remember when I went to Tokyo and was looking for a particular Soapland it seemed like every sign was a massage parlor sign when in reality they weren’t — sometimes it was just a parking rate sign — half hour to park here is ¥4000 not half hour hand job.

    Maybe it is that it has become a cheap place for dental work. Seriously, I don’t know how many guys I met at the airport or shared a cab who were down for dental work at a 10th the price.

    Or maybe it isn’t as well known as a sex tourism place as other places. For me I would go to Costa Rica if there was some other reason, but if I am just trying to go someplace to play I would try some of the places you have been reviewing so well.

    My two cents.

    1. Thanks for the detailed comment. Much of what you write probably applies and it all makes sense. I can understand the appeal for some, but I personally find that there are many better options about for almost everything you mentioned. The camaraderie is one place where it really does seem to shine but for me having fun with ladies is generally best enjoyed solo, with the exception of open air blowjob bars which can be a ton of fun. As I’ve said I wouldn’t avoid Costa Rica. I just wouldn’t make a special trip there, though clearly many others would and do regularly. Years ago I was totally enthralled by Latina women, but that started to change as I came to experience all that Asia has to offer. Cheers!

  3. I agree with you on there being better places, just offering up some reasons why some might like it. Based on all I have read on your site I really have to figure some ways out east! far east!


  4. Years ago I found myself in a bar in San Jose called something like The Ambassador or The Embassy, but in Spanish. Not only were the women drop dead gorgeous, dressed to the nines and obviously high end freelancers, but there was a guy singing and playing Sinatra tunes at a grand piano who sounded like the original.

    I’ve often wanted to return and see if it is still there, bit like you Rockit I’ve since moved on to Asians from an earlier Latina fixation.

  5. Anyone been to CR lately? It has been 5 years since I went to SJ and took a few girls out of the Del Rey. Found them to be mediocre at best. CBJ was the norm and DFK and DATY were also in scarce supply.

    However, being the optimist that I am, was thinking of trying Jaco Beach and the Cocal Hotel where all the chicas gather nightly. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.

    P.S., I agree that Asia has a lot to offer. I just came back from Angeles, PI, Hong Kong and Tokyo in March. Been to Thailand twice and prefer it to all the above.

  6. Reviving an old post as a buddy has offered me his place on the coast for a two week stay.

    The advantages of CR must surely be those similar to the LOS: middle income country with low crime rates, easy access to nice beaches, inexpensive medical care and availability of Western aka US comforts. Oh and because of its geographic positioning, CR is an easy transit spot for gals from all over the region. Ticas themselves can be uptight and conservative (however cute), but when the Colombians and caribeñas land…

  7. Reviving this thread as along my way to CR for holiday fun, I stopped over in another, nearly neighboring country. Friends tipped me off to a medium end bar/spa where for about $75 I had enough for an excellent 90 minute body to body massage with a 24 year old local gal, neither of us had a hat so the finish was some head smashing frott after I had already made her fountain gush while I was DATY. The girl at the counter insisted on introducing me to the American owner with who I shared a couple of cold ones while he told me a delightful detail about hidden extras with nearly each of the gals on staff. Methinks he samples the merch, even though he brought out his wife who was a drop dead MILF who may hung up her own g string and pasties a few years back.

    Happy Thanksgiving Rockit!

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