There was a time when a guy would be lucky to come across a single plastic pussy in his entire lifetime. Nowadays there are so many male sex toys on the market that even someone like me with a full time libido has a tough time keeping track. Love dolls are obviously the standouts. Available in full size models with long hair, bouncing breasts and full functional orifices they are absolutely intriguing.
Modern love dolls are expertly constructed by craftspeople who really know what they are doing. Utilizing materials like silicone and thermoplastic elastomers, they are able to create truly fantastic replicas of some of the best female bodies to have ever walked the earth.
It is totally understandable why so many men are now interested in trying out sex dolls. Some of the love dolls sold today look incredibly similar to real women. Though of course these dolls don’t menstruate or ask you to take out the garbage. The only question is, are love dolls worth their prices?
Love doll choices
These days you have a lot of options when it comes to sex dolls. You could stay on the low end and pick up a fairly basic love doll for a few hundred dollars. If you’re willing to forgo things like arms and legs you can pick up a torso for relatively little money too. Though even the cheapest sex dolls you find these days are vastly superior to the old gag-gift inflatable dolls of yesteryear.
Of course you can spend a lot more if you want to procure one of the truly top end sex dolls on the market. Some of the adult dolls on the market today costs thousands of dollars. But if you have the money to spend, they could definitely be worth the money. Imagine having immediate access to a woman’s body whenever you’d like. How much would that be worth to you?
There are also a lot more variations in sex dolls than you could find even a few years ago. Now you can purchase anything from a Marilyn Monroe lookalike doll to a sex doll modeled after a real Japanese geisha. There are even a lot of BBW sex dolls out there for those who prefer their women big and beautiful!
Is buying a sex doll worth it?
Purchasing a sex doll can be a major or minor decision. A person with a large disposable income and plenty of privacy might think nothing of spending several thousand dollars on the most realistic sex doll he can find. On the other hand a guy on a fixed income staying in shared housing might have to seriously consider whether or not he wants to splurge on the most basic torso available.
I can’t tell you definitively whether or not a love doll is worth the money. This is the kind of decision you have to make for yourself. All I can do is my usual. Which is to say that I can report on the matter to the best of my ability.
At this point I have tried out several adult dolls ranging from early low end models to some of the more modern top notch specimens. I can’t say that I ever had what I would call a bad experience. Though I have certainly had my share of negative interactions with “real women”. I see a time and place for adult sex toys like sex dolls. If you can afford them, these things can be quite a bit of fun to mess around with. They could never replace women, though no one says they have to!
Many women offer their company for money. Then there are the “freebies”. But maintaining a relationship is not cheap. It is certainly not as easy as simply tucking a love doll under your bed or in a closet either. Of course dolls and real women are two different things. Though we are purely talking about sexual release here. Everything has its pros and cons. The pros to love dolls are that they offer quick and easy sexual release whenever you need it. For some they may also offer a form of touch that is otherwise unavailable. It could be nice to put your arms around a nice curvy female figure even if it was constructed in a factory.
I would not use a traditional sex-doll. The concept is a bit depressing, to say the least.
But wait -not so many years- until when AI robotics kicks in, I might try that?
They look better, have probably developed the perfect moves and even say things that will be comforting and make you smile, and no STD:s or sex-crimes or unethical aspects. Maybe humans having sex with humans is a thing of the past? Which also means that the stigma around pay for play is a discusion not one will have.
This prediction is valid if AGI dont kill us all in 5-10-20 years, which might be hard to avoid.
Thanks for the comment. Cheers.