Happy ending massage more or less entails a masseuse giving a client a handjob. This can happen before, after, or during a regularly schedules massage. It is quite common in Cambodia. Though despite what some people claim there are no places in the country set up entirely and solely for this purpose.
This is not to discount the many brothels or full service massage parlors like 252. Those certainly do exist. And they are normally oriented completely towards sex. But there are no massage parlors that openly promote a session entailing or involving a handjob in Cambodia. Any such place would probably not be long for the earth.
Truth, lies, and uncertainty
What does exist are a number of places where the ladies on staff commonly give handjobs in the privacy of massage rooms in exchange for tips. At a handful of places this is a sort of unspoken policy and the owners may even take a cut of the proceeds. It is more common for massage parlors to simply look the other way as individual masseuses offer extras to supplement their income.
Then there are the places where the owners may outright forbid any genital massage whatsoever. Though even in some of those shops enterprising ladies may jack a client off for a tip. It’s quite the grey area with a lot of wiggle room when it comes to wang wrangling in the Kingdom of Wonder.
There is a lot of conflicting information around when it comes to happy ending massage in Cambodia. The fact is that is available almost everywhere in the country. Though as stated above no place or provider really goes out and openly promotes that fact. Some sex reporting websites say one thing or another but as is often the case a lot of what they print is simply incorrect.
For example a couple of websites with significant traffic falsely list two prominent massage parlors in Phnom Penh as happy ending shops. The reality is the places are totally legitimate massage shops where nothing more than a body rub is ever on offer. One can only speculate as to why they would falsely report such a thing. It is perhaps possible that they ran into women offering extras on a whim then expanded that to a general rule. But there is really no such thing when it comes to this topic.
Getting jerked around
Many years ago I walked into a massage parlor in Phnom Penh on a whim. It was open twenty four hours and staffed by friendly ladies in their twenties. So I had reason to believe extras might be on offer. They weren’t. I even visited twice to make sure.
Years later I ran into a sister shop with a very similar name in a much more upscale part of town. I walked in with a female companion and we both received very well done therapeutic massages. Later I visited again alone in hopes of simply getting a thorough back rub.
Coincidentally I was assigned the same masseuse as my previous visit. Towards the end of the massage she nonchalantly offered me a handjob. That this happened in a place with Google and Trip Advisor reviews from Western women that go out of their way to point out that this is a legitimate non-erotic massage parlor backs up most of what I have written above.
Happy ending massage in Cambodia
Happy ending massage goes on all over the country. From legitimate looking spas situated among the coffee shops to tin shacks on the roads between towns there are ladies giving guys hand relief for money. It is not something that every masseuse does to ever client to be sure. But it definitely goes on.
While it is a very hit or miss thing there are places and people who are more known to give handjobs to customers than others. At many of the cheap semi-exposed massage parlors found around the country there are usually gals who wank off punters or more. Often they don’t even ask beforehand. There are also certain areas such as the now dwindling strip of massage parlors along Sothearos Boulevard near the Aeon shopping mall in Phnom Penh and the road leading north from Wat Phnom where hand finishes are more commonly found than in some other parts of the country.
But since some of the well known jack shack type places like O Spa and Panda Massage went under everything is quite spread out. That can help explain why there is so much varying information bantered about the subject. Especially on the internet.
Overall, handjob happy endings to massages are rather common all across Cambodia. They are offered at some places and by some people more than others. The main engine of the service is that some masseuses want to supplement their income by providing a service many customers want.
Some punters who seek out handies seem to strike out quite a bit. Yet others unsuspectingly luck into erotic massage without any planning. Rates can range depending on the people involved and the negotiations. Though a tip of ten to twenty dollars is around the going rate when all things are considered. It really doesn’t get any more clear cut than that.
I have been to Cambodia at least 20 times for the past 15 years. It was quite a change from Thailand for better or worse. HJ massage spas are not clearly noticeable as in Thailand. Maybe I been to more legit places than the others but I have had less hankie in Cambodia than in Thailand.
For money’s worth, Thailand is better in my opinion. But as far as the quality massage for the same rates, I found few 7 buck massage for an hour spas that were easily worthy of 500 bt or more in Thailand. Sometimes, a legit masseuse offers a HJ but most of the time they seemed very passive and much less aggressive than Thai counterparts. It was perhaps because they didn’t speak any English words. I have been offered more extras only few times and I had to kind of work at it. I usually tip no more than 10 bucks for a hankie after finding out some local brothel charges only 5 bucks for a pop. There are also many 3 dollar an hour spas on the streets near the river front and they are cheap for reasons. I don’t use them anymore. For me, if the massage isn’t good, I wouldn’t want a hj either. I’ve had some great massage in legit spas, especially at 20 dollars an hour more or less spas, but nothing was offered even though I had an erection-such practice is common in 5 star hotel spas in Vietnam. I know some guy who got a hankie at a 5 star hotel in Phnom Pehn but when I went there it was all straight. So it is all hit and miss, I think. Better Luck next time!! Cheers!!
Thanks for the comment. I would say I have been offered at least hand release in 90 percent of cases. It’s close to the ratio in Thailand in fact. Though I often get off the beaten path. The exception is the five star hotels which as you say is the opposite of what you might find in Vietnam or even China. Cheers.
It is a mystery because I been offered like 2 to 3 out of 10. Cheers!!!
That is quite mysterious. Cheers.
A few years ago I had a sports massage in PP. Lady in her 50s, normal clothing. Me in underwear. A good, firm oil massage, mostly legs and back. Then she put her hand on my groin until I hardened. I thought she was teasing me when she left the room and came back with some baby wipes. She asked Yam Yam? I said Yes . She slid off my underwear and gave me an excellent blowjob. I tipped her $10 and she seemed delighted. Win win result
Thanks for the report Ian. Cheers!
I think it has to do with my choice of particular spas and masseuses. I usually look for a legit spa where a hand release is not allowed because I have fallen in love with some truly good masseuses in the past and I would do 2 to 3 hrs a day with the same girl for 10 days sometimes. In bkk and phuket, I been offered probably 50 percent, but in Chiang Mai, for some weird reason, I been offered 80 percent. In Cambodia, I think it is probably a lot less because I find real professional masseuses do not offer such options. I even got turned down by some of the best in Vietnam. She was easily among top 10 best in my life and I had to ask if she offered. Her shop is a chain of some well known spas like Healthland in Thailand. Those 5 star spas like Banyan tree hotel spa do not offer any hankie either. The rates are already too high and they don’t need a tip of extra 500bt perhaps only to ruin their reputation if not losing her job. Cheers!!
I’ve never not been offered a wank job to finish a massage over there. Even the blokes on Pub Street wanted to give me a wank! Now I’m here wanking me own self since the world is shut down.
If the guy gives you a good rubdown, and you find yourself rising to the occasion and he offers, go for it!
You’ll be surprised at how adept male masseuses can be with the happy ending.
That’s fooking GAY mate!
I play for both teams, bub. A blowjob is a blowjob!
There are few gay massage spas in the suburb of Phnom Pehn. Cheers!!:)
Thanks for the comment. Cheers.
Asian gay rubshacks don’t get enough coverage!
My first experience was a handy by a Thai masseur in a shop where otherwise the service was without any happy ending. For a few months I went every week and the women never paid attention to my swollen loins.
Then one week they told me only a guy was available, was I okay with that? Thinking a massage was a massage I said “why not?” When he removed the sheet while I was on my back and my erection appeared, I relaxed and enjoyed his ministrations. That led to several unsolicited but greatly enjoyed blowjobs, and I was so naive my tip of 400 baht for a 900b rubdown with oral seemed generous on my part.
For Jack,
I don’t remember the name but I accidentally found some in the suburb about 30~45 min by tuktuk. Pretty far. Cheers!!
Thanks Deca. Yeah, a bit of a commute.
Did you accidentally enjoy? When a former BKK monger board was active I posted about my experiences and got publicly slammed for the gay thing.
But then my inbox filled up with all of these closeted bi guys wanting to get tips. There are more of us out here who swing both ways than many straight white males will admit.
There never seems to be any shortage of men in the ladyboy bars of Thailand. Though the women outnumber the men by some measure at some of the boy bars of Pattaya. Cheers.
Actually this gay stuff is not my cup of tea. I just saw them near the shop where I had an appointment with a legit masseuse. I did have accidentally some gay masseurs in BKK and Van Viang in the early 2000 cuz I couldn’t tell the difference as some of the ladybody masseurs were so feminine in appearance. Then I just declined the hankie offer.
I know some friends enjoy them, treating them like some sort of novelty gender elf-like. Many straight Cubans and S. Americans may be into ladyboy things as feminine men are considered more female than male. Cheers!!
I found myself the recipient of an unexpected ladyboy rub and tug in VV Laos as well! It was an open floor plan kind of joint, and I only realized she was trans when she started grinding on top of me still in her jeans shorts and I could feel a small bulge growing.
My public walk of shame included the other female masseuses giggling as I walked out, but I was the one who had shot his wad.
Is that the same experience you mentioned in the past? Or was this a different one? Cheers.
Correct, my one and only experience with the third gender. I’ve generally not been attracted further, but can understand why some are.
What remains remarkable to me is that all of the cautions I had been told about Laos re mongering proved mostly unfounded. Conservative society? Absolutely. But some of the best oral sex I’ve received was in sleepy Vientiane.
Many westerners also bemoan the lack of a sex industry in Vietnam. If they only knew! Cheers.
I got offered a hj in 70% of massages around cambodia and offered a bj for 25$ including massage in sihanouk in the south.
Thank sounds about right! Cheers.
Some of my best romps have been with Viets outside their country. But when I followed some leads and went to a massage shop in Saigon, as much as the lady teased me – which was a LOT, including grabbing my crotch and making slurping sounds when she worked on my thighs – evrytime I tried to encourage her on she’d point to the tiny window on the door and say the manager kept an eye out. WTF?
I left with a great massage and a massive case of blue balls I had to relieve myself, manually.
I have heard similar stories in the past. I find them befuddling. There are thousands of places and people offering sexual services for money in Vietnam. Most massage parlors even in hotels offer at least happy endings. I have reported on around fifty on this website. Cheers!