In the earliest days of this site I put together an about page that explained what I was setting out to do. It might not have been the clearest document ever written. But it did more or less explain my goal in starting to publish my writings online.
While the focus here has always been on the commercial sex industry, I have never shied away from other topics that relate to human sexuality or at least interest me in some way or another. Money is a sort of medium that is used between a lot of people who have sex around the. But I have never been down on people free enough to simply get together on the basis of mutual attraction or shared interest.
And in some ways a lot of the swinging lifestyle could be broadly classified as a part of the commercial sex industry. The sex that swingers have with each other is not usually transactional. Sure there are guys who bring escorts to swinger clubs. But that’s a different topic. What I mean is that a lot of swinging that goes on today is somehow routed through commerce. There are swinger clubs that people pay to enter. Then there are swingers parties with admission fees. But more commonly today there are the many internet based sites and apps where people meet others to swing with.
Swinging in the United Kingdom
I have written about how common swinging is in the UK in the past in a few different posts. Of course I am not the first person to notice that. It is after all the country that brought the term dogging to the wider world. I have never put my finger on exactly why swinging is in fact so common in the United Kingdom. It is a question that would probably have to be posed to UK swingers themselves.
Or at least it is an issue that would require a lot more research than I have done. I simply know of the various dogging spots and stories. Not to mention the swinging clubs and even the adult theaters where things were known to happen until recently. Although things move forward there doesn’t seem to be any slow up in the desire on the part of many to interact sexually with various other people. Whether that is done as a single or in a couple doesn’t change the fact that swingers want to swing.
All of this is not to say that the United Kingdom is crawling with swingers. They are still in the minority of the general population by far. But the UK probably has the most swingers or at least visible swingers and swinger outlets than any other country I know. Japan has its happening bars, but they always seem to be at least semi-underground and under attack. In the US there are states like Florida with countless swingers, but then there are all the other parts of the country where people still hold to more conservative views about sex.
Obviously I am no prude. And I am no stranger to having sex for fun either. Believe or not I still have my share of opportunities, even when I have left my wallet at home. I don’t always partake either. But I don’t turn down everything offered to me either. If anything, have a lot of experience helps me make clearer decisions. Or at least it should in principle. I must admit that I am still a sucker for a babe bent over in front of me. I view that as a confirmation of life. Cheers.