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Review: Sapphire Club in Pattaya, Thailand

Sapphire Club is one of the most well known go go bar in Pattaya and probably even Thailand as a whole. That is due at least in some part to the promotional efforts of the people behind the bar. When several of the women on staff appear in an annual bikini calendar that sells out on Amazon you know the place is popular.

Yet popularity is not necessarily an indicator of quality. McDonald’s is one of the most popular restaurants on earth. Would anyone seriously posit that the place is also one of the best? Would the quality of the food there hold up against even a middling mom and pop restaurant? We could also compare lists of the highest grossing and highest rated films in history to prove the point.

Or I could just write a review of Sapphire Club. While I recognize that the place is widely known and visited by countless men from all around the world I do not think it is one of the best go go bars in Pattaya. In fact I don’t even think it comes close to being one of the best. I will explain my reasons here.

Sapphire Club on Walking Street

Sapphire Club is commonly described as a Walking Street go go bar. Indeed I call it that too. Technically though the bar is located on Pattaya Soi 15 just a few meters off of Walking Street. It is just a short walk from several other bars including the previously reviewed Dollhouse.

sapphire club pattaya dancers

They have a doorman at the entrance. Another watches over the interior with a permanent scowl. Inside there are several women on staff who bring drinks around as per normal. Drinks are about what you would expect them to cost on Walking Street. So there are really no surprises there. Although it is quite dark it otherwise a normal layout. The biggest difference comes with the entertainers.

Inside the bar there is a large round stage. Clearly some investment was put into building the place. It’s rather nice. But ultimately what matters are the women. There are several on stage at any time. Many sport numerous tattoos and several have clearly had extensive plastic surgery. I am not partial to either of these aspects. Though I imagine if the atmosphere was a little better I wouldn’t mind as much.

Ladies at Sapphire

I don’t find the women on staff at Sapphire to be any more attractive than the average batch of gals you’d find on a Walking Street go go bar. But the ladies do seem to think quite highly of themselves. Perhaps they know something I don’t. Beauty is ultimately in the eye of the beholder. And I don’t know any of the women personally. Maybe they are really great people. Or maybe they are influenced by doing photo shoots that end up on websites and books and receiving tips and other payments from a long string of men. Who knows?

In any event I never seen more standoffish women at any go go bar in Thailand. I am not a rock star but my presence is generally at least acknowledged when I visit any bar in Pattaya. That is not because I am anything special. It is simple common courtesy to welcome a person into a business. In Thailand even the staff at a coffee shop says hello to customers when they walk inside. At Sapphire the dancers are more likely to stair off into space than make contact with any of the men seated inside.

Things are no better when it comes to personal relationships even of the temporary type. Purchasing a lady drink for a dancer at Sapphire may prompt no more than an empty thank you. The ladies show very little interest in chatting with customers. Though they may leave the bar for a higher than average sum it is clearly done with a factory worker mentality. For 6500 Baht ($209 USD) or more one might understandably expect more than “in, out, next”! But that’s what it’s like at Sapphire. This is not only my experience but what also what I have seen with others.

A summary of Sapphire

I must admit that I have only visited Sapphire Club a handful of times. Still that was enough to see the obvious and come up with a definite conclusion. Regardless of the existence of this website I don’t see any reason to return to the bar. It is not that I am against it. There is just nothing inside that would motivate me to expend the time and energy requires to reach the place.

The truth is that Sapphire Club is like most other go go bars in a lot of ways. It has a stage. Women dance on stage in bikinis. The bar sells drinks. Lady drinks are available for the dancers. If you have visited an agogo or read this website you already know the routine. But in terms of staff and especially the level of service Sapphire Club simply doesn’t compare to the best or even the most mid-range clubs of its kind.

Sapphire is not terrible by any means. There are certainly worse places to be like Black Dolphin in Russia. Yet it doesn’t really stand out from the many other go go bars around except that the women are colder and more standoffish than usual. Since this is ultimately a pay to play venue that doesn’t correlate well. I do realize that many people praise Sapphire. But I don’t agree with them. In my opinion Sapphire Club is the most overrated adult entertainment venues in all of Thailand. Since I write the content on this website that is really all that matters. I give the place one star.

Sapphire Club. 175/37-41 Pattaya Soi 15, Chon Buri 20150, Thailand. Click here for a map. Open every day from 8:30 PM until 4:00 AM. Website:

17 thoughts on “Review: Sapphire Club in Pattaya, Thailand”

  1. Sapphire is closed for a long time…
    Maybe they want to open when tourists back but during these hard times they are temporarily closed.

  2. Thanks for your comments on Sapphire. Now I know it wasn’t just me who experienced the coldness and indifference from the women. I haven’t set foot in Sapphire for probably 4 years because I felt the place always acted like they were doing me a favor by letting me in. There is way too much competition and far better choices in Pattaya so why spend my money at Sapphire. It’s possible that attitudes will change once Covid subsides and they along with every other venue will scramble for customers–but somehow i doubt it.

    1. Hi Steve. Thanks for weighing in. It seems we both have a very similar view of the place. I also share your lack of optimism on any possible changes in the future. Of course I could be wrong. At least there are still some good venues and service providers around. Even in these times. Cheers!

  3. “Get out of my head Rockit!” was the first thought that came to mind when I read this review. I never understood the appeal or popularity of Saphire myself. Visiting an Agogo is not about the beauty of the interior or the assumed beauty of the dancers but about the experience provided to the visitor: Mine has always been terrible when I visited. Good thing is that there are plenty of alternatives literally just outside the door where one feels more welcome and indeed does get a far better experience.

    1. Thanks for the comment Callavera. It seems that great minds do think alike! In any event it is always good to have my perspective confirmed by an objective observer. Cheers mate!

  4. Having lived in Europe for a decade or less, I would never deal with Russian girls in Asia for their overrated rates. I saw some Russian hustlers even talking to me in Chinese to allure me. Amazing scenes in Pattaya at night!! I used to hang out in the gogo club in the early 2000 when I was a beginner punter but then I quickly learned that it was not worth the money as the session was too quick and the service was not that good. Though many of the gogo girls are sometimes really hot compared to anyone in massage spas. Cheers!!

    1. I’ve met some nice Eastern European women in Asia. But that was many years ago. Back then go go bars were in general better too. After a while it became like you said in most agogos. Later still I saw less women on superior beauty in the go go bars. So that made them even less alluring. Of course there are exceptions. I have reported on some here. It is also true that different people like different things. Cheers!

  5. White Americans seem to be extremely lucky with Eastern European girls in many countries I been to. There is no need to come to Asia to spend money on Thai girls unless that is what excite them. Cheers!!!

    1. There are numerous men who have no trouble with women that nonetheless pay for sex or sexual services. It could be just to save time or avoid drama. Or as Charlie Sheen once told a judge “I don’t pay them for sex. I pay them to leave.” Cheers.

  6. One prominent Bar owner in Pattaya said that Gogo Bars that “tease” are more profitable than those who deliver nudity and hands on activites.

    I am not so sure – Windmill contradict that, even if I am no fan of Windmill, utterly depressing with the old farts groping girls.

    But the Bars with a buzz in LK are quite hands on. And the most memorable nights in Pattaya and Bangkok were duriing Nanapong contests.

    I think its possible to enhance the experiene with interactivites in more Bars than people think.., with the right attitude.

    However, not in Sapphire, I have never had fun, never stayed more than 15 minutes. Plastic.

  7. Sapphire is often visited by groups of guys who like to drink together. The biggest Barbill I heard of was in Sapphire, a guy spent 550 000 baht one evening and he came back the next day and spent another 350 000 baht. That amounts to a hell lot of bellringing and ladydrinks and barfines.

    Dont understand the concept of going to go go bars with friends. Talked with a mate about travelling to Thailand when things calm down. I said I can briefly show him the ropes the first night, after that he have to explore bars by him self.., thats how one best experience things.

    It appears its usually men from non westen countries who feel the need for a wingman?

    1. Thanks for the comment. Western men do seem more likely to travel solo in general. Not just in terms of visiting adult entertainment establishments. Without getting into overarching stereotypes there may be some kernel of truth there about individualism in certain societies. It may also have to do with relations between sexes. I for one have never had an issue approaching women on my own. Sounds like you are similar. Cheers.

  8. In some cultures sexuality is an important part of male bonding, even for adults.

    As a hetrosexual guy from the West I rather not be around if or when my buddy gets a Bj in a sofa in a Bar. He can tell me about it at dinner the next day. But watching it is a little to gay for me.

    Yes, in reality all travel is much better when you do it by yourself. Being receptive and meeting new people, thats what travelling is all about. I have experienced main stream trips with friends that went sour and it took some time for the friendship to recover. Cheers

  9. If watching a buddy get a BJ I’d “too gay” for you, you may not want to know about how I reconcile the pleasure I’ve received from Thai “mens spas” with my ongoing pursuit of women.

    The punk band “Circle Jerks” used that name for a reason. Experimentation is part of being human.

  10. Did not mean to be judgmental. I know its common and why not? We all have different experiences, and in my case not very pleasent ones.. Its just not my thing. Cheers.

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