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Review: Paradise Agogo in Pattaya, Thailand

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Paradise Agogo is one of the larger go go bars on Soi LK Metro in Pattaya. LK Metro is an L shaped road that serves as a sort of secondary center of go go bars after the more well known Walking Street. The bars on LK Metro seem to be more preferred and visited by regulars to Pattaya. Though Paradise certainly draws in all kinds.

Paradise is located closed to Soi Bukhao than Soi Diana. In any event it is easy to find with a large sign that clearly reads “Paradise” in English. Sometimes there are women outside of the bar. Though usually they are busy inside dancing on stage or otherwise entertaining customers. This is not what you would call a quiet bar.

Paradise on LK Metro

Inside Paradise is a pretty wide open space. There are stadium style seats on both sides of the room. Then there are stools running all along the stage. The stage itself is quite long and well illuminated with poles running the length and a rounded end. Since the stage is usually filled with Thai women in small bikinis it can appear smaller than it actually is. But this is a sizable bar.

Paradise pattaya girl

The space inside becomes more obvious when the bar is holding one of its many events. An example would be when they have some sort of Pacific Islander theme going on complete with a guy in a hulu skirt dancing around the room and beating on a bongo. That’s definitely unique and it seems to put the dancers in a good mood. Though I honestly don’t know how much the men inside staring at the women on stage care about it.

Those women are obviously the draw of this place and every other like it. I sometimes wonder how many people in charge of go go bars realize that is the case. A party atmosphere and special events can be appreciated by a certain segment to be sure. But if there were no women in the bar there likely wouldn’t be many men inside either. Just look into any empty beer bar with a live cover band to confirm.

Sexy staff

Paradise certainly does not fall short on the ladies though. The place staffs as many or more gals than most other go go bars of a similar size. On top of that the women always seem to be smiling and in a good mood. That in itself does set the place apart from some others where dancers do a tired two step and stair off into oblivion waiting for their shift to end.

dancer from paradise go go pattaya

There are dozens of women working at Paradise. Most are relatively good looking ladies in their twenties. They wear purple bikinis that show off just enough of their bodies. It is quite possible to get a good idea what they really look like from the stage. When they come down for a lady drink it is even easier to see. The gals do get quite comfortable though things never get to the level of a place like Windmill.

One of the more notable dancers to work the poles at Paradise over the years had a gothic style tattoo that read “FUCK ASS” across her posterior. She gained a bit of fame on the internet after doing some adult videos. She has since moved on but a few other ladies moved in to take her place. On my last visit to Paradise there were at least two ladies with the words fuck ass permanently inked on their cheeks. Since from what the gals tell me neither of them actually do anal this would seem to be more about appearances than reality.

In summary

Most if not all of the dancers at Paradise are quite easy going especially when it comes to barfines. This is not a place where the women reject a lot of guys who come in. That might seem obvious at a go go bar in Pattaya but the fact is there are some bars where a lot of the women tell a lot of the guys no. Or they do an indirect play by asking customers to buy a certain amount of lady drinks or wait until a particular time at night. At Paradise things are a lot more straight forward.

That is not a guarantee that every women working at Paradise would leave with any man who asked them too. It is simply recognition that in a general sense the women here are outgoing, friendly and looking to make money in more ways that one. It’s sort of like all the go go bars used to be years ago though without some of the raunchy in-bar activities that are now relegated to a shrinking number of venues.

Paradise is a good example of what a modern go go bar is look or least aspires to be. Large, clean, with a fun environment and plenty of friendly women walking around in bikinis. This is what a lot of men imagine a go go bar is like. And in this case they are certainly not wrong. It’s not the greatest place on earth. But it’s certainly not a bad place to be either.

The world has gone through a lot of changes recently and there may be more to come. Still places like this paint a picture of a certain period and place. It is easy to see why Paradise would attract men from all around the world. Especially when the people in charge of the bar are smart enough to post frequent updates, pictures and videos on the internet for would be customers to see. Three stars.

Paradise Agogo. 33/142 LK Metro Alley, Pattaya, Chon Buri 20150, Thailand. Click here for a map. Open every day from 8:00 PM until 3:00 AM.

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