Tia Ling is one of most adventurous and sensual porn stars to emerge in recent history. As she explained, she started out as a stripper and swinger. That might help explain her openness once she entered the world of hardcore porn.
Thanks to Miss Ling I am back again with yet another installment in my ongoing series of interviews with people in the sex-for-sale industry. And no, I don’t differentiate on any moral scale between its various branches.

I was more than happy to get the opportunity to throw some questions at her. As it turns out, it was a great time to do the interview as she says she is now retired. At least from the California-based porn industry. So I might not have another chance to catch up with her in the future.
I want to give a special thanks to Tia for taking the time to answer all of my questions. Be sure to give Tia and her work a look while you still can. Once she’s gone, she may very well be gone for good!
How old are you and how and when did you get into porn?
I’m thirty six now. Started when I was twenty eight.
When did you watch your first porn? Do you remember it?
Honestly I have no idea, haha. Probably with my current husband then boyfriend.
You have said before that you were into swinging before you got into porn. How did that start? Does your husband bang other girls when you’re not around, or is it only when you are together?
We only did things together, but yeah it all started with him. Mostly my fantasy of having a multiple guy scenario.
If you could start over again would you still have gotten into porn?
Yes and no… I’ve enjoyed my experiences but there’s definitely some drawbacks to being in adult.
Do you think sex addiction is real?
No not really. I mean you can love sex, but I’m not really sure how you could be addicted to it. Everyone just has different sex drives I think.
If you had all the money you could ever want or need, would you have done porn?
Yes I would have just for certain sexual fantasy experiences, but I probably wouldn’t have done as long as I have.
Have you had any issues with family or friends finding out about your adult work? Has it caused any problems in your personal life?
I’ve been pretty lucky that none of my family has found out and I really don’t keep in touch with most of my high school friends. Many people at college that I recently graduated from found out. But luckily it hasn’t really caused any problems.
What would your advice be to a person wanting to follow in your footsteps? How about if it was a sister of yours? Would that change things?
Things are a lot different now in porn than when I first stated. At this point you really can’t think of porn as a possible full time career. More of a side career or second job… unless you happen to be one of the very few that takes off like Asa. But most girls coming in these days don’t get the volume of work we used to get when I first started. Not as much work, twice as many girls, fewer companies and too much free porn.
Do you watch porn now that you make it? Who is your favorite porn star of all time? Favorite source of porn?
Yes I do. We watch a lot of my scenes together, haha. But favorite other than myself to watch would probably be Asa or India Summer.
What do you think of prostitution? What about porn stars who escort?
I don’t have a problem with girls who do. But it’s not something that’s for me.
Have you ever stripped or done adult webcamming? What do you think of them?
I started as a dancer before porn so yes. I’ve done some camming for my website and/or private shows. Both can be fun.
What was the worst shoot you’ve done? How was it shooting with Kink? Facial Abuse?
Either Facial Abuse or this live shoot I did for a fetish company in New York. Same guys that do hardtied.com. Was just way over the top, as was Facial Abuse. Kink is actually a lot of fun the way they shoot. It just looks a lot worse than it really is, haha.
Is it true that most porn stars make more from side work like feature dancing and appearances than actual scenes?
They can yes, especially these days. Feature dancing can be very good.
What was your earliest sexual experience with a woman?
Not until porn actually. Couldn’t even tell you who my first girl was with at this point, haha.
What’s the craziest sexual thing you’ve done?
Hard to say at this point, but probably a ten guy gang bang I did in my personal life.
Ever walk in on your parents having sex?
Haha. No. Thank god!
Spit or swallow?
Swallow. But I’ll spit or drool if the guy likes to see it coming from my mouth!
Worst job you’ve ever had?
Dancing before porn. I really hated it.
I remember seeing some awesome videos of you lactating. Did you do any shoots while pregnant? Did your implants interfere with your pregnancy at all?
Implants actually didn’t interfere at all. Didn’t do any preggo shoots.
Would you rather take a cock down your throat or up your ass?
Actually both at the same time, haha.
Are you often recognized on the street? How is that?
Yes I have been. It’s kind of awkward for me really. I don’t like that kind of attention.
How is it meeting fans who have jacked off over you countless times? Ever have any problems with creepy fans?
Most fans are very sweet and nice. But of course you meet some creepy ones too. Can’t say I’ve really ever had any serious problems though.
If you’re out on your own for the day with no plan of having sex or being seen unclothed what kind of panties do you wear?
I wear thongs most of the time.
How long will you continue in the adult industry? What other plans do you have for the future?
Well, I’m actually retired for the most part at this point. I’ve started a full time job as an interior designer, just finished school last December. But I’m still continuing with my site for the moment. Just not shooting in LA anymore.
Any last words? Where can people find you?
It’s been a great ride, no pun intended, ha! You can find me at www.tialing.com. My twitter is @tialing76.
That’s funny, I always thought that Tia had natural breasts!
Are you being serious?
what are the prices of the porn stars who escorts.
That totally depends on the person. Cheers.
She says prostituting is not for her so she has manipulated herself into believing that being a pornstar isn’t just a fancy name for prostitute but a separate title endeavor. You are a whore plain and simple always was always will be.
I think there is a difference. She’s a performer and she’s paid by a company rather than the guys doing her. What if anything this difference makes is another question. I don’t believe she was trying to sound superior either since she admits to swinging and casual sex. Some might say prostitution is superior since it can be kept more of a secret. Everyone has an opinion. Thanks for sharing yours. Cheers.
Except anyone can buy a whore, but you’ll probably never fuck a pornstar. Pornstars are totally different than a typical whore.
Thanks for the comment. In the right conditions it can be relatively easy for a guy to sleep with a porn star. In Europe and Japan there are places set up just for that and even in the US there are a lot of porn stars that escort. Cheers.
It is not Rockit science( excuse the pun), we know one who gets
laid ‘n paid is a whore/prostitute – We love them for its exciting &
grabs our attention!
Doesn’t mstter what name you call it or who is paying….:)
Thanks for the comment. Cheers.
Tia, come home.
The dogs miss you.
Your father,
Tio Ling VI, Esquire
Thanks for the comment.
Which scene/movie is that last picture from?
It’s from her website TiaLing.com Cheers.
I love Tia one of best woman that was in porn and I miss her work
Thanks for the comment. Cheers.
Loved all of her awesomeness since day 1
Thanks for the comment. Cheers.
I saw her at an outdoor restaurant in Los Angeles about 5 years ago. She had on tight blue jeans and was standing with her back to me near my table. She looked great front and back!
I bet she did. Thanks for the comment. Cheers!
I am officially convinced that you guys have not realized how little she probably gives a damn about what you think about how she thinks about anything. Shes a dime peice whos paid and stable plus absolutely gorgeous with a personality that all guys are attracted to. You da business tIalIng!
Thanks for the comment. Cheers.
The psychology of it is, sadly, pretty simple. They hate themselves for being fixated on porn, and they hate the fact that their “sex life” consists entirely of watching porn, but they are incapable of seeing the connection, so they project their anger onto the women that make it. It’s a dark, and dangerous, misogynistic spiral. Ironically the more they confirm each other’s biases online, the less likely they are to ever have a healthy relationship with a woman. Most women can spot a self hating misogynist, drowing in their own bitterness and anger, miles away.
Some good questions there, like “if you have all the money would you still do porn?” and “would you recommend doing porn to someone like your sister?”. Make them think thrice into dishing out some ‘official’, ‘politically-correct bs answers’ which most porn actresses try to sound all the time.
And when she said she doesn’t do ‘prostitution’ but did “a ten guy gang bang I did in my personal life”, I instantly knew she was lying. For someone who signed contracts for every inch of her body into what could or not could be done, there is NO way she did that private session FOR FREE.
Thanks for the comment. I believe what she says. I have no reason not to. I have also known quite a few women who have participated in swinging, swingers clubs, orgies, gangbangs and the like without payment of any kind. I am sure some of them recorded their activities on video. Cheers.
The ten person gangbang was uncompensated, except for what our darling Tia received in all three of her honeymakers. Hence her mention “in my personal time”. She was as often as not on a cock but not on the clock. Sexual beings have needs too, bro.
It’s been years and I’m more droopy than back then, but Tia Ling is still my thing.
Hi Tia,
I am a huge fan of yours and was so thrilled when I saw that you are here.
I guess you have so many emails from people here especially men, but I would really appreciate your help in maybe getting a leg up into naked work/porn for male studs.
I do have some experience in porn when I was in a CFNM (Closed Female Naked Male) movie a few years ago.
I have applied to kink.com to become a model but unfortunately have not heard back from them. Maybe because I am UK based and not USA based?
I am open to all naked work and would really appreciate your help in getting into the industry especially in the USA.
Please ask me any questions you like.
P.S. I love Asian ladies so much and would prefer to work with them but am open to this. My ex is from Taiwan!
Kind regards,
James Sanchez
Thanks for the comment. I don’t think Tia checks up on this interview. Cheers.