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Review: Fukuoka Erotic Massage in Fukuoka, Japan

Fukuoka Escort Erotic Massage Club is a high end delivery health service operating in Fukuoka, Japan.

When it comes to adult services, Japan probably has more options than any other place in the world. The problem for those of us who are not Japanese is that most of these are off limits to us, even if we manage to get a grasp on the language. Whether this is to do to cultural differences, fear, or plain out xenophobia is up for debate. What’s undoubtedly true is that the services at the majority of the thousands upon thousands of fuzoku shops in the Land of the Rising Sun simply aren’t available to foreigners.

Fukuoka Erotic Massage

Fukuoka Erotic Massage is different in that it not only welcomes foreigners, it actively appeals to them with advertising and a website in multiple languages. Sure, there are many options for non-Japanese people in Tokyo. But once you leave the capital city, those become exceedingly rare. There are very few options in Fukuoka, despite the presence of one of the largest red light districts in the country.

Fukuoka Erotic Massage is a delivery health service. What this means is that you call ahead, schedule an appointment, then meet a girl at a local love hotel. Once there she will you give you a release followed by some sort of service. With Fukuoka Erotic that service is a very good “Kaishun Massage.”

Maria at Fukuoka Erotic Massage
This is picture of Maria from the Fukuoka Erotic Massage website is accurate.

This shop is tied in with a national network of shops that stretches across Japan. I only have experience with the Fukuoka branch, so that’s what I will review. I imagine that the service is probably pretty consistent across the board.

When dealing with Japanese sex shops, the “system” as they like to call it can be complex. Here the case isn’t much different. Pricing can be a bit difficult to determine in advance because there are so many options. A standard course costs around 23000 Yen ($280 USD) for a 90-minute session. You also have to pay for the love hotel, which usually runs around $25 US dollars.

A foreigner friendly shop

I give Fukuoka Erotic Massage a lot of credit for making it easy to book an appointment. That can be the toughest part about using delivery health in Japan. You can either call the place directly or chat via Skype by clicking a convenient button right on the company website. That’s really useful for temporary visitors who do not have access to a phone. Of course if people abuse this option, I’m sure it will disappear. I sincerely hope that doesn’t happen.

Another good thing about this place is that they have English speaking staff. They even go as far as posting a video on Youtube to prove it. When I set up my appointment, the young man I talked to was proficient enough in English to ensure that there were no problems, though his skill wasn’t developed to the point that you could have an in-depth discussion.

You can fill out a reservation form at least 24 hours in advance if you have a phone number that you can be reached at. This may be the best option if you have a specific girl in mind.

When you contact the shop you will be asked what kind of girl you like. They are looking for specific requests. TYou can specifically request a girl by name after referring to the pictures on the website, but then you have to pay a 2000 Yen “designation fee.” If you happen to choose one of the “premium girls”, then they will tack on an additional 1000 Yen.

You are also be asked whether you’d like delivery or a rendezvous. Delivery means the girl will be sent to your home, and it costs a little more. At this shop a rendezvous indicates a meeting at a love hotel. There are two love hotels in Fukuoka that the shop recommends. Both are pretty easy to find, but Hotel Il Palazzo seems to be the most obvious choice. It’s easy to find but also set back on a side road, giving you some discretion.

Services and experience

After choosing the time and location, the clerk will confirm the price and the choice and ask you for your name and the color clothing you will be wearing. You don’t have to give a real name, but you do have to give an accurate description of yourself so the woman can find you!

You are expected to show up on time. Japanese people are punctual and don’t appreciate tardiness. When the lady arrives she will guide you inside where you’ll pay the hotel fee before quickly and discreetly moving to your room.

My masseuse was Maria, a sexy young girl from Okinawa with excellent English. Maria was in her early twenties, cute and warm, short, with a petite frame and a nice little bubble butt. She was dressed in a very sexy outfit, but it wasn’t over the top by any means. I would be happy to score with a woman like her any day of the week.

Unfortunately for me I was really hoping for a paler skinned woman this go around. I have had plenty of experiences in South Asia, Latin America and the USA with brown skinned ladies, and I wanted to partake in a little variety this time around. I wouldn’t say I was disappointed at all. It’s almost impossible to be with such a hot young thing. But I should have been more specific in my description of the kind of girl I wanted than just saying “young and pretty.” Next time. Besides, I’ve gotten quite a bit of service from light skinned Japanese hotties at New Hot Point over the years, so what am I complaining about?

Maria the erotic masseuse

I have to say, Maria was great. She had a wonderful smile and a great laugh. I don’t have any other experiences here to compare her too, but everything was done quite well. Once in the room she politely asked me to pay for the service. I knew the amount in advance from my reservation call and handed it over. She placed it in plastic envelope and then called in to the office to let them know that everything was okay. Then it was time for the fun to start!

First you are asked to undress while she changes into a silky nightie. Next you’ll be taken to the large bathroom where she will wash you head to toe with warm water and soap. She will get naked for this. Maria has such a sexy body, it was really great. After this, you will dry off and head to the bed. She will get back into a lacy dress and thong panties. Here you lay face down on the bed nude and she’ll go through a long massage session. Fukuoka Erotic Massage Club says their staff members are professionally trained and I have no reason to doubt that. My massage wasn’t the best I’ve ever had, was good and it was thorough.

The massage goes on for what seems like forever. The music plays softly and everything is peaceful and relaxing. Finally she’ll start to work her way toward your groin. You will then get a very nice ball massage. Eventually, you will turn over. She will slowly and erotically work her way up your body. Finally, she’ll take on the 69 position and put her pussy in your face a little. The panties stay on and you don’t get to touch, but it’s great nonetheless.

By this point you will be well aroused. She will work your erect cock with a lot of lube, moving her body around and making it feel like a really intense experience. It is slow and drawn out. Not a mechanical rush job. After all the experiences I’ve had over the years, it usually takes a bit for me to cum. Here I actually had to hold back almost from the beginning. Finally, as she was gripping my boner in her hot little hand and sliding her body on mine, I reached the tipping point. My eyes rolled back in my head and everything went quite as I exploded all over the place. She kept going until the very end, really milking me while not being too tough. It was pure pleasure to the very last moment.

Clean up

After the massage and soft touch finish, Maria cleaned me up. Then she got the bath ready. When it was time for me to come in, she again washed me off from head to toe with soap and water before guiding me to a deep bathtub filled with warm water. She told me to sit here and relax while she cleaned up the room. The great thing about Japan is that you can leave your phone, money, and anything in the room in a situation like this and not really have to worry about it. That was the case here too. I left hundreds of dollars out in the open and of course she did not take it or probably even look at it.

After soaking in the tub for 5 minutes or so, I dried off and came back out into the main room. Here Maria was waiting for me, already dressed with the bed made. She had even laid my clothes out to make them easier to get into. It was top-level service for sure.

We chatted a bit more as I got dressed, and then she walked me out of the hotel. At the entrance she asked which direction I was headed. Since it was the same way as her, we walked together and talked a little more. As I said before, her English was really good, no doubt do to her origins in Okinawa, home to a huge US military base for decades. When we got to the main road, we part ways with a friendly goodbye.


While Fukuoka Erotic Massage is a bit on the expensive side, I think it’s worth partaking in if you have the funds. The whole process is fun, relaxing and erotic. And the staff seems to be filled with gorgeous young Japanese women.

Another great thing about Japan is that it’s all legal. The place is licensed with the government and you really have no worries about getting scammed. Just follow the rules (no sex don’t even ask for it, don’t touch her let her touch you, be respectful) you should have a great time and leave very well drained.

I’ve tried to cover most of the process in this review. I hope I didn’t leave anything out. But just in case, have a look over the website. They have an English version. Although it has quite a few mistakes, it’s easy to understand and it really explains everything, including the pricing, process and rules.

As a high end deliver health establishment open to foreigners in a place where not a lot else exists, I rate Fukuoka Escort Erotic Massage Club very highly. Taking everything into consideration, I give it a very solid 4 stars.

Fukuoka Erotic Massage. Fukuoka, Japan. Open every day from 9:00 AM until 5:00 AM. Phone: +81 06-6643-1281. Website:

57 thoughts on “Review: Fukuoka Erotic Massage in Fukuoka, Japan”

  1. Hello gentlemen! i am escort in Warsaw Poland girl, very classy, elegant, gentle and sex-i. If you would like to enjoy my charming and friendly personality and looking for gorgeus, inteligent, entertaining and fun loving companion-I will be your First Choice. My warm nature will immediately relax you and make our time together more enjoyable. I am based in Warsaw. Offer exlusive escort service base rate is incall 80 Euro outcall 100 Euro per 1H. Please call me only when you are decided to meet me.

    1. Hi. Thanks for stopping by. I edited the contact info out of your post. If you’d like to advertise on the site please let me know.

  2. Hi there, thanks for the info, I was actually thinking if I should try it out although it falls more on the expensive side, and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to use any other deriheru since those sites are all in Japanese. I was wondering if you’ve ever tried the soaplands in fukuoka and if they are gaijin friendly? I’m an asian but can only speak limited japanese, and would like to experience soapland during my vacation.

    1. Hi. Thanks for visiting the site and commenting. Unfortunately I don’t know of any Gaijin friendly soaplands in Fukuoka. Even though the city has one of the biggest red light districts in the country with tens of thousands of nightly visitors, it’s basically totally closed to foreigners. I do know of a few soaploands that will take Gaijin in Tokyo, but they are staffed by older and more undesirable women. You may have a better opportunity than other foreigners to get in a soapland in Fukuoka but it’s still going to be tough, especially if you don’t speak much Japanese. My advice would be to try out a few places. There’s no real other way to find out. And if it fails, you’ll just be politely rejected at which time you can try Fukuoka Erotic Massage which, if you have the money for it, offers a truly spectacular service.

      1. Hi thanks for your response, I’ll try it out and let you know of my findings. I’ve looked online and there are a couple of people who actually succeeded getting in due to the economy downfall. Anyway, for Fukuoka Erotic Massage, did you actually make a reservation a day before? I was wondering how long ahead of time should you make a reservation, or would it be easy to get the service at the time you wanted. And would you say the 90mins is worth it in oppose of the basic 60 mins service? Thanks

        1. The 90 minute course is standard if you want to get everything on offer. I recommend it as will the guy setting up your appointment. I actually set my appointment up the day of, about 2 hours before, using nothing more than Skype! If you set up a day in advance you should have no issues whatsoever, and will probably have a better chance at getting any specific girl you want. I’ve heard about the desperation too, and even wrote about it on this site. But I haven’t heard of any choice soapies letting foreigners in. If you hear something, please do update so that info will be known. Thanks again for stopping by.

  3. Hi, just wanted to update that I’ve went to soapland and fukuoka and had successfully granted access. It seems like there are alot of them that would take me in despite being a non-japanese, when one doesn’t accept gaijin, they would politely tell you to go to this other shop next door which accepts, I roamed around and end up heading to Ariel,, I realized all the chain store under that group would take a gaijin. I’d say the quality is top notch and service is really great, they’ll make you feel like they’re your girlfriend, I asked her if there’s a lot of gaijin, and she mentioned she did had a few people who doesn’t speak any japanese at all. I tried communicating with limited japanese with gestures, she also used an app on her phone to translate for conversation at the end of the session. Man, I’m already missing fukuoka.

    1. Great report. I’m not sure why I didn’t see it earlier. Thanks for coming back and letting us know how it went. Cheers!

  4. My experience with this national kaishun massage consortium differed quite a bit when I tried it out in Osaka. I do speak Japanese and had great chemistry with the girl that came by, about my age too. She gleefully thrust herself on my face multiple times, allowed me to hold her butt and wander around her waist during the hj portion. A very pleasant surprise for just an hour that I sure wasn’t expecting. Made things a whole heck of a lot more enjoyable that’s for sure! I will say though, that either her hj skills were a bit weak or she was hoping to get me to extend the session which I wasn’t in the mood for. I had to finish myself off holding her, but given the amount of leeway she had already given I wasn’t too bothered by it.

    Just FYI, two of my first choices “got sick” which I assume means busy with a Japanese dude, so that may also happen. Expensive but interesting service to try at least once!

    1. Visit was just the other day. I wouldn’t expect the same deal if I went again, but figured it was at least worth mentioning.

  5. hi rockit,
    My question is about the kaishun massage service as I am in Osaka now and thinking about using it. The only thing is it says only topless. You said she was fully nude when you showered? Can I expect that at least?

  6. Hi Rockit. Kudos for the site. I am new in Japan and i wanted to know that whom exactly do the gaijin/foreigner friendly establishments allow ? I am an Indian (from India) guy. Would i have to face any more or less problem than, say, a Western guy ? Thanks !

    1. Thanks for the comment. There’s a possibility that an Indian guy could have more of a problem than an American or English guy at some places, but at a foreigner friendly deli health delivery place like Fukuoka Massage or Tokyo Style it most likely wouldn’t matter. Cheers.

  7. Hi Rockit. Great review. I really need some advice from you.

    I am new to Japan and was looking forward to trying some of the escort and other services in Tokyo. But there is a major problem. I do not have a Japanese number and after a bit of research i realized that it is almost impossible (or extremely expensive) for a visitor to get a sim card. Also almost all escort services need registration by phone. But i have a few friends and there is a chance that i can borrow a phone for few days. I wanted to know if these services bug you on your cellphone after the sessions by sending messages etc because i do not want him to face any inconvenience or hassle.

    Also in this post you mentioned that fukuoka allows appointment by Skype. Does that mean Voip on phone or appointment through my laptop ? Also could you suggest some other delivery places that do not need a phone call. I was quite excited about it and it would be quite disappointing if I can’t enjoy just because of a cellphone. Looking forward to your reply.

    Cheers !!

    1. Hi. Some delivery health places will indeed require a Japanese cell phone. They’re not too difficult to get but it’s much more of a task than it is in most other counties. Fukuoka Massage and Tokyo Style which are both reviewed on this site allow customers to book over Skype. Skype can be used on a smart phone or a computer. Cheers.

    2. Thanks for the response, so that means i can book the whole appointment through Skype. I am planning to visit the Kanazawa branch of this agency, was surprised to see that they have one even in Kanazawa, as i live close by. As far as the phone is concerned they are extremely difficult to get once you enter Japan, and also very expensive. Anyways thanks a lot for the information.

      Cheers !!

      1. If you are a tourist you can get a short term SIM card for 4000 Yen. If you are long term you just need an ID and you can get a regular contract. Cheers.

  8. Hi Rockit,

    I need some advise from you. I was interested to try this massage but unfortunately I am not able to make a booking. I want to book using Skype but although they have added me on Skype they are not answering the call. I mailed them that I was interested in their service and they replied that I can call for the booking but the call is not being answered. Do I need to do something else before calling them? It is my first time. Thanks in advance.


  9. Ok, so finally I contacted them and enjoyed their service. I used the kanazawa branch. Before going I was a bit skeptic about the girl. Being from India and hearing that it might be a little difficult to get these services I was unsure. But everything was absolutely fine. I booked a one hour session. I chose the rendezvous option. The girl arrived at the meeting point. And she was very cute. Her name was momo, one can find her pic on their site. She was short but that added to her cuteness. She was extremely friendly. She took me to a nearby love hotel. Then we went to the room. She had brought a bottle of tea for me with her. After some little talk such as how old I was etc she asked to take shower. She was 25. I am 21 and she was happy to know that I was so young. We then took the shower. Upto this point she was wearing her g-string and bra. Then she asked me to lie down. She had really good techniques and a very soft body. Their is no doubt that she was well trained. Later she went on to do the massage wherein I and she assumed different positions. She also took off her bra. But the thing that stood out for me was the nipple massage and licking. She was very very good at it. The only little problem was that she could not finish me but she did try her best, but I would not blame her . I helped myself later . Overall it was a very pleasant experience and I am planning to visit them again. Thanks to Rockit for this report.

  10. Just a question. How difficult is it to book a love hotel for a foreigner, specially when you can’t speak Japanese . Are they also as xenophobic as the Japan adult industry ?

    1. I’ve never heard of a love hotel that excludes foreigners. Checking in can sometimes have minor hiccups but it’s usually nothing you can’t get through. A lot of places have pictures with buttons and the customer just indicates the room they want that way before paying at the desk. Some deli health places that openly serve foreigners will even help customers book a room at a love hotel. Cheers.

  11. I was planning to visit ariel in fukuoka ( This is my first time and my japanese is zero. Is there any possibility i can be rejected! I am planning to visit on a weekday maybe wednesday between 10 am to 12 pm (in order to increase my chances of getting entry). Also if anyone can tell me about the rates! Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  12. In this sessions, would you be able to touch and grope the girl? I do not see any mention of being able to touch her while she is performing the massage?

    1. As far as I know some mutual play is allowed per the shop’s rules but for the most part the customer is expected to lay back and let the masseuse do her work. Cheers.

  13. I was planning to visit ariel in fukuoka ( This is my first time and my japanese is zero. What are the possibility of me getting in for an appointment. I am planning to visit on a weekday between 10 am to 12 pm (in order to increase my chances of getting entry).
    I had written earlier but no response any help will be greatly appreciated.

  14. I was pass by Nakasu area after visiting Canal city in Fukuoka. By the way, I am Indian. A man came running to me and keep saying soapland and making a gesture with his fingers. I know what that sign means. I am not into hanky panky. But the point I wish to convey is that foreigners are welcome to such establishment.

  15. Full Service or nothing. It’s ridiculous to pay for a freaking handy J. They are out of their goddamn minds. Hell if rather get a new half-at then you could get a bj.

    1. Everyone has their own opinions and preferences. Obviously others disagree as the place has been in business for a long time. The service being legal may have something to do with it but I think a lot of guys enjoy hand service. Cheers.

  16. I enjoy your website, and I’m sure other folks do enjoy handy js. But I’m getting transferred to stupid Fukuoka in three months and am not looking forward to it. Just one more blow.

  17. I tried Fukuoka Erotic Massage a little over a week ago. The guy who answered the phone had excellent English (slight accent but spoke faster than many native speakers) and was very quick in explaining and arranging things. Be advised, you must have a callback # to do this (not nec. easy for travelers), and he will call you back to confirm so you can’t really use one of the few remaining public phones. Other than that, they are very efficient, and the guy was able to arrange for my masseuse to show up quickly (about 30 mins) at a love hotel in that love hotel area b/w Tenjin and Canal City.
    I got Satomi who speaks enough English for this. She is absolutely adorable and slender (though maybe a bit too thin for some). Most notably, she was very sweet, smiling from beginning to end, and very seductive in rubbing against me often throughout the whole thing. Ironically, that’s what makes this service not for everyone. I don’t know how most guys can resist just grabbing a chick like this and fucking the hell out of her. I mean, she strips you and washes you down, but you can’t touch her, even though for the first 40 mins or so (i got the 60 min service, which is more than enough), she’s in a thong and bra and touching you and sexy as hell.

    Aaanyway, after the short shower, she makes you lie on your front (thank god b/c by then I was horny as fuck and needed to not see her for a while), while she massages your back-esp your legs for 20 mins or so. A pretty soft massage–not really shiatsu or deep tissue-mainly just killing time, though it was pretty relaxing. But by now you’re pretty much only thinking of what’s next, esp. how you’re going to cum. While massaging, she occasionally lightly touched my balls and ass cheeks, though for this part, the idea is obviously to just make you relax. Oh, and all throughout, she made a little small talk (in English and Japanese–e.g., what brings you here, what are your hobbies, etc.)–just the right amount–not too much but enough to make you feel comfortable.
    Finally, she told me to turn over, and she finally took off her bra and started casually jerking me of. She was really sweet, looking into my eyes, rubbing up against me, kissed my nipples and cheek a few times and did lots of caressing, but it’s weird b/c like i mentioned you can’t really touch her intentionally and she kind of eased back on the rare occasion i kind of reflexively touched her a little.
    B/c i was tired and her stroke was a little too gentle, it took me more than a few mins to come, so she started rubbing up against me more, staring into my eyes, and eventually got above me showing her fine ass (wearing the thong still, unfortunately).
    Let me tell you, it was tough not grabbing that sweet ass!!! W/ some teamwork (my hand and hers), I came a couple mins after the little alarm clock she had w/ her went off (she told me it was OK–there would just be less clean up/shower time) and she didn’t seem to mind that much of my load hit her stomach. She nonchalantly wiped my sperm off my body and hers w/ some rags she’d brought w/ her, let me shower alone for a couple mins and politely accompanied me downstairs to check out then saw me off.
    Wow-what an experience.
    I’m sure it’s more expensive than what some of you lowlife disgusting Aholes pay for in Thailand or whatever 3rd world shithole, but it’s really more than just a hand job. You get the chance to feel treated well but a hot young JAPANESE chick who wasn’t sold into sex slavery, but as i mentioned, it’s tough doing this kind of thing b/c you can’t help but be tempted to just grab her and fuck the hell out of her.
    Overall, good for an experience once . . . or twice perhaps?

    1. Thanks for the detailed report. I would say that every Thai women I have ever known in the industry signed up for the work voluntarily because it paid more than anything else they could find and was much easier than things like farming and working in a factory. Quite a few women left factories specifically to go work in bars. This isn’t too different from Japanese women who do sex work. They seem to be mainly motivated by the higher salaries for easier work than whatever else than can find in other industries. Cheers.

  18. Hey guys! I just rocked up to fukuoka shi and was wondering if anyone new any peep show or strip club in the area. I have pretty good japanese and am going to hit up nakasu tonight to see whats on offer there. Any tips before i gonwould be awesome.

  19. Hey fellow mongers. I have had a really decent look around nakasu and wow. There is at least 7 gaijin friendly soaplands in the south part of nakasu. I was waking through and got asked to come in by alot of them. Some refused though. I will get the names of the places if anyone wants them and post them here so you all know. The prices range from 14,000¥ for 40 minutes during daytime, and go up to 20,000¥ for 60 minutes. One of them i explored a bit more because the guy was really nice. He showed me pictures of four hotties. My japanese is pretty good but i realy dont think they care because before they asked me in they didnt know i could speak any for sure. Once they found out i could thoigh they were extra friendly and keen for me to come in. I said no and that i would come back in the evening. They explained tjhat the prices go up. From what i was told 60mins would be 25,000¥ in the evening. I havent found any oppai pub or strip club but im gonna go back this evening and find out. There has to be something in there. Really want to find a place like new hot point in tokyo but nonluck yet. I ll post again if you guys want

    1. Thanks for the report. The soaplands in that area seem to be a little more open to foreigners than some others but many Yoshiwara soaplands are now accepting foreigners too. I haven’t ever found a place like New Hot Point anywhere else in Japan including Tokyo. Cheers.

  20. Hey mongers talking about soaps, I just went to a soap in Fukuoka, Devis. Ended up there after the initial shop gave me only 1choice upon knowing I was not Japanese. My Japanese is passable and I look Japanese so I made it through the door with that.

    The girl the first shop showed me was actually pretty good, but due to the lack of choice I decided to head opposite, which was devis, and recommended by the first shop.

    And I must say it was a bad experience. So bad I paid for 90mins and left after 60. The service was the worst mongering experience in recent history. Mat play was non existent and the service provider just seemed disinterested throughout. Didn’t penetrate at all, that was how bad it was.

    Sounds like everyone who went to soaplands have had a good experience? Maybe it was just really bad luck I had…

    1. I have never had a negative experience and most people say soaps are among the best sexual experiences they have had but I guess anything is possible. That’s why they say “your mileage may vary.” Cheers.

    2. For $280, I feel sorry about what happened. For this reason, I have always been afraid of trying anything in Japan even though I’ve been there a few times. I would rather spend the money in a Macao sauna or at least for two session at some fishbowls in bkk. What you see is what you get and most of the time it went OK for me. Japan and Korea are typical places where you can’t check the face or body before you pay and I’ve learned many lessons in S. Korean alone. Cheers!

      1. I’ve occasionally heard of rip offs in Japan but I find it a lot difficult to understand. Most places are pretty forward though I guess things get can get confusing with a language barrier. The newer foreigner oriented places like Tokyo Style and Tokyo Hentai Club are totally straight forward and go out of their way to explain everything in English. Cheers.

  21. My wife and I want to go to a happening bar, kissa bar or swingers bar in Fukuoka. Does anyone know of any places?
    Thanks, great site!!

    1. Unfortunately I don’t know much about those places other than that they exist. Surely there must be some website out there covering them. Cheers.

    1. You’d probably have to search in Japanese to find anything. From what I hear foreigners are only really accepted in these places if at least one of the partners is fluent in Japanese. Cheers.

  22. Just walked around the Nagasu Red Light. Things must have changed due to the economy because the hustlers are now literally throwing themselves at foreigners. Many soapland accept foreigners now. However they’ll always try to give you the ugliest of the lot. Things get a bit better if you can speak the language a bit.
    Still, loads of options!

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