In between researching blowjob bars and massage parlors, I spend much of my time writing. Beyond the content found on this site and a host of authoritative comments posted elsewhere around the internet I’ve managed to pen a few books. These titles should be of some interest to visitors of this site.
All of these books are available for immediate reading on any smart phone, computer or ebook reader. You can start reading as soon as you make your purchase. This is instant technology. But for those who like me are from the old school, these titles are also available in printed paperback editions.
And there you have it: listings from the libidinous library of Rockit Reports. Pleasure for the mind to go along with the body… for the person who enjoys a good read as well as a good massage. These books are recommended to simultaneously entertain and enhance your understanding of the world.
Your purchase of the above books helps support Rockit Reports and keep the site going. Researching the global sex industry for more than a decade has been an arduous task wrought with expense as well as some degree of risk. If you appreciate the effort please do consider purchasing any of the above books that pique your interest.
More titles may or may not be in the making, depending on the level of interest shown by readers like you. Thanks for your support!
Hey Rockit,
I’d like to purchase some of your books but the website that is being linked to does not support purchases from the Euro area. I’d love to see some other options available as I’ve been following your work for years.
Hello. Thanks for the comment and support. Which books would you like to purchase? Which site didn’t allow it? Hopefully I can work something out. Cheers!
I am just curious but how did you find the models for your book covers? Cheers!!
It was easy. Cheers.
Any update on any of your books? As with Covid, the international sex tourism may have really changed. I have old ones. I must say that your books are fun to read. Keep it up.
The most recent version of the Blowjob Bars book was revised in July 2021. Thank you for reading. Cheers!
Heyy !! My name is David im a 26 years old bisex man. i want to join the evolution adult entartainment, but some agency is a looking for women, can u help me for a which can accept me ? ? ( i can change my body, i can change my gender, i can do it everything for tattoo and surgery ) can u help me a become porn star
I cannot help you. Though you may want to look into professional help before it is too late. Cheers.
interested in having a section Monday .
The comment section on the “About” page seems to be broken so I’m posting here instead, sorry. I was wondering what type of work you do that enables you to travel to all these places so frequently? Thanks.
I report on the commercial sex industry around the world. Cheers.
Epic work! Ordering your books right now. Your Tokyo explanation helped perfectly.
Note: your contact form is broken.
Thanks for the comment and support Chris. I will look into the contact form. Cheers!