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Prostitution in Tbilisi, Georgia – An overview

Depending on whom you ask, the Republic of Georgia may be either a European or an Asian country. In my informed opinion it’s a mixture of both, with European influences clearly being stronger. Some will disagree.

What’s not up for debate is that Georgia is one of the most conservative societies to be found on either continent. Women are expected to be (or at least look like) virgins upon marriage. Foreign guys are often denied entry to night clubs. There just isn’t a whole lot of extra-marital action going on in Georgia, doubly so for outsiders.

Still, a small adult entertainment scene exists in the country, employing foreign women. There are prostitutes in Georgia like anywhere else — just not local girls. The lonely traveler who should come to resent the frigid nature of Georgian womanhood may be able to find solace in the arms of a Turkish or Thai woman, against adequate remuneration.

A few weeks ago I reported on prostitution in the seaside resort of Batumi. Today I will write what I know about sexual services in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia and by most measures the only major city in the country. As usual, I write to inform and entertain but do not advocate that anyone do anything in particular with the information herein.

Prostitutes in Tbilisi

Thai massage parlors are ubiquitous in Tbilisi. As long as you are staying in the city center, you can walk in any direction and sooner or later you will stumble upon one. They tend to be very visible, with colorful neon lights blinking in the otherwise dimly lit streets of the city. Some are just honest to goodness massage joints, without any extras. Others specialize in happy endings.

tbilisi nightlife

Unlike in Batumi, the Thai masseuses in Tbilisi are hesitant to discuss the subject in advance. This is perhaps due to the much larger and more granular police presence. Prostitution is illegal in Georgia. Trial and error is the name of the game. An hour-long massage is only 70 GEL ($25 USD), so you won’t be gambling away your life savings or anything. Counter-intuitively, the parlors in the Old Town — the main tourist district — are less likely to provide extras than those in other parts of the city. I hit the jackpot in a venue at walking distance from the Opera House, but I won’t give out the address out of consideration for the girls working there.

Turkish massage parlors can also be found in different areas of Tbilisi. They tend to be more reliable than their Thai counterparts in terms of extra services. They often have a lone woman standing outside of the shop on the sidewalk, trying to get the attention of male passersby. If you are ever catcalled by a Caucasian woman on the streets of Tbilisi, you can safely assume that she is not Georgian, but rather you wandered into the vicinity of a Turkish massage shop. As mentioned there are many such places scattered around, but if one were to seek them out, a good place to start would be Tbilisi’s own Turkish neighborhood, on the eastern side of the Mtkvari river and in the northern part of the city.

Strip clubs and sex saunas in Tbilisi

Tourists and visitors that stay near the Old Town, on the opposite side of the river, are more likely to take notice of two prominent strip clubs called Angels and X.O.. The latter is supposed to mean “hugs and kisses“. One night I was able to catch a glimpse of a lady working at Angels as she took a break from the stage, and she was the stereotypical East European babe: tall, blonde, and full of silicon.

Fans of artificially enhanced breasts and pouty lips may be tempted to venture into either venue, in which case they will find out for themselves how much a lap dance with Barbie costs in Tbilisi. As for me, I believe some questions are better left unanswered and I never quite found the motivation to stop by either club. The bulky Georgian bouncers may have also played a role.

tbilisi bathhouse

Also in the tourist district, further south, are some fairly large and picturesque sulphur bathhouses. They are referred to as “royal baths” on some maps and they are visited by tourists and locals alike. I have come across a webpage in English (written by a foreign woman, apparently) hinting at the fact that some of those bathhouses may be fronts for prostitution. However my limited experience contradicts those claims, which may or may not be exaggerated — similar to how prostitution in Cambodia is sometimes over-scandalized by some Western women for dramatic effect.

Said article mentions a place called Hotel Lady, which is supposed to come with pink-painted walls, be on top of a bathhouse and provide prostitutes to male customers, the rendezvous taking place in the bathhouse itself. Despite my best efforts I was not able to locate Hotel Lady anywhere in Tbilisi, so it was either shuttered or it changed name. The description seems a little too vivid for it to be a fabrication. Another possibility is that I really suck at locating places… which is why I’m dropping the name here all the same, in case some readers have better luck than me.

Since I still wanted to go to a bathhouse and see what the fuss is about, but without any reliable info to help me, I ended up visiting a place called Queens Bath. The name was ambiguous enough, I reasoned, and there were dodgy Georgian guys hanging around the front door, which I took as another good sign. Unfortunately I wasn’t treated to any kind of sexual activity. Whether or not the saunas in Tbilisi should be of any interest to horny travelers is still a mystery to me, but this article wouldn’t feel complete if I didn’t mention those rumors. A persistent man with time and money to spare could theoretically visit every bathhouse in Tbilisi and get to the bottom of this.

Sex in Georgia: Myth or reality?

This concludes my underwhelming report on prostitution (or lack thereof) in Tbilisi. There may be more to the scene, but I doubt it. In any event, this is all I have been able to unearth after one month in the city, with no other language than English to aid me in my quest. If you know something that I don’t, feel free to share it in the comment section below.

All things considered, there may be more on offer in Batumi compared to the capital, although it’s a close call. Neither locale is awash with options. Georgia as a whole is as far from a “pussy paradise” as I have ever seen. With that said, there are certainly a few options around for the male traveler longing for female company, all of which I have detailed in my twin reports on Batumi and Tbilisi.

Since this is likely to be my last post for 2019, I will take this opportunity to wish all readers of Rockit Reports a very happy Christmas and an even happier New Year. I will be back in 2020 with more info from under-reported cities off the monger trail.

This is a guest review by regular commentor European Guy – Rockit

11 thoughts on “Prostitution in Tbilisi, Georgia – An overview”

  1. Re Thai massage parlors in Eurasia. I was in a thermal bath town in Hungary on my tour of the Green Way to Budapest. I went for a soak with a bunch of elders but the aches and pains in my back from all the hiking remained.

    I see a sign for a Thai MP on my way to dinner, and quickly popped in. The proprietor was thrilled that I could manage basic pleasantries in Thai, and the massage was fantastic. When I flipped and asked for a little extra attention to Junior she just politely giggled and said no, too risky in that region.

    Good thing I found plenty of action in Budapest, but I have to admit seeing that MP was like spotting a lighthouse through thick fog off Nova Scotia.

    1. Thanks for the interesting report Jack. I have hears a lot about Thai massage in Hungary. I have researched Thai massage parlors in Austria, Germany, Japan and Korea. But not in Hungary or Turkey. Cheers!

  2. I guess my point was that the appearance of Thai parlor in what I considered kind of middle of nowhere Hungary was both surprising and exciting. The massage was fantastic, she just wouldn’t offer anything further.

    Once I got to Budapest, my attention gravitated to the 6’0” tall, gorgeous Hungarian women worked me over. I think I shagged one Romanian freelancer in her pretty downscale apartment, she prepared tea and biscuits for me in addition to the carnal delights,

    1. I would probably have been surprised about that too had I not heard about so many Thai venues in Hungary. Turkey is another place that is supposedly full of them now. But I haven’t been there in years. I have had the pleasure of getting to know many Hungarian women though. Cheers.

  3. Thailand peaked as a tourist destination 1995-2015. Many guys went on holiday to Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok and the Islands. They met a girl in a massage parlour or in a Bar. Took her back to western Europe, where the girl set up shop, and a big majority of Thai spas in Western Europe offer extras. A few years ago – when the baht had a low value- there was also an influx of girls on tourist visas. I came across girls who knew zero english, it was a relative “from the village”.

    How Thai view sex is a complicated culture issue, but I have met second generation thais in their 20th doing naughty massage, as well as ordinary thaigirl with normal good jobs in Farang-land popping in to visit a friend in the massage business, and then take a customer. I remember a cute economist who did an excellent bj before she and her massage- friend went out for dinner, she liked the extra money and a bj was not a big deal. Sadly I have had as many “good treatments” as bad ones in Europe and its more expensive here. For me personaly this fun activity is much better in Asia!

    Dont have any experience from Hungary.


    1. Thailand could certainly be a fun place in the two decades you mention. Some will say the golden age was even earlier than 95 though. Ultimately it depends on who you ask. In large part it may also depend on when the person first visited. Old timers often say things are going downhill and not like they were “back in the day”. That applies to everything from music to civil society. Cheers!

  4. I think the 70-th and 80-th gave even better experiences, I wish I had visited Thailand back then. But the “the volume of tourists and the hospitality infrastructure” probably peaked 1995-2015.

    Big uncertainty regarding travel at the moment but I hope to spend some time in SEA later this year. Cheers.

  5. Tbilisi is overflowing with uber- handsome 20 something guys. One would think with the very low pay scale in Georgia, it would be fairly easy to find a young, horny male who wants to make some easy money. Two weeks in, I don’t see opportunity anywhere. Maybe partly because the religion is homophobic.

  6. Not only is this correct, it’s understated. Prostitution isn’t big in Georgia at all. Thai parlors, and that’s it. Unless you know Russian and have some in with Russian girls here, you are NOT getting laid in Georgia. Do not come here unless you plan to be an incel FOREVER.

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