This website is for adults only. It is not suggested for minors or persons easily offended. It is offered solely for entertainment value. No other purpose is intended or implied.
This site provides information and links to third party websites as entertainment for adults. This website does not confirm the accuracy of the disclosed data or endorse the legitimacy of any program or third-party entity listed. This website furthermore disclaims any and all liability arising from reliance of any such resources or information. Nothing on this website is intended to be medical, legal, life, or professional advice.
With respect to all visual depictions displayed on this website, whether of actual sexual conduct, simulated sexual content or otherwise, all persons in said visual depictions were at least 18 years of age when said visual depictions were created.
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About Rockit Reports
You can call me Rockit, because I like to blast off. In my years on this earth I’ve traveled near and far in the process getting laid in nearly every place I’ve been, no matter if I stayed there for a day or a year. I’ve also looked long and hard at human sexuality in its various forms.
Through all of this I’ve kept to myself. I simply smirked when I overheard bitter guys talk about their troubles with woman, or how difficult it is to get laid, especially, they always say, if you’re not rich and powerful.
Within the pages of this website, which I plan on expanding as long as I am able, you will find the information I have assembled from around the world. This is stuff right out of the naughty knowledge bank that is otherwise known as my brain.
What is Rockit Reports?
A bit of the material here will deal with the dating world. Other material will deal with aspects of adult sexuality ranging from the broadly general to the immensely intricate.
Mainly you’ll find information on the “pay for play” commercial sex scenes in various countries that involve things like massage parlors, escorts, go go bars, semi-pros and more.
In some areas the sex industry is outlawed. In others it is permitted in some form or another. In nearly all places it exists.
Some men have never paid for sex. Or at least they have never paid for it directly. Surely they have paid for dates and gifts in the hopes of getting sex at some point.
Other men pay for sex regularly. They enjoy quick sex with strings attached and so they view paying for sex as the best option.
I try not to judge individuals. I simply report. As long as we’re talking about consenting adults, sexuality and the sex industry shouldn’t be anything to be ashamed of or hide from.
One day I hope we humans will be free enough from the artificial constraints we impose upon ourselves for various reasons to simply approach each other for sexual pleasure on the basis of mutual attraction or enjoyment. Unfortunately at the moment that’s not always or even often possible. So it remains that money is the greatest social lubricant and aphrodisiac of all.
I am of the opinion that if it’s okay to sell things, and okay to have sex, it should be okay to sell sex. No matter my opinions or yours, we all know that sex sells.
Enjoy the site, and please comment if you have any questions or suggestions. I’d be happy to hear from you.
If you like my website be sure to also look at my books, available in paperback and e-book editions.
Keep in mind that this site was created purely for the entertainment of adults. It has no other purpose. I’m not here to give specific advice. What you’ll find on these pages is a mixture of fact and fiction that aims to intrigue those of an appropriate age. Nothing that I write should be taken any more seriously than a book by Jane Austen. Always remember that I’m taking the piss, your mileage may vary, and that I absolutely do not advocate that readers do anything but read Rockit Reports. I certainly don’t suggest that anyone do anything illegal at any point in their lives.
Occasionally I write about products or services that I find enjoyable or interesting. I don’t make a habit of writing about products or services that I dislike or find distasteful in a positive light. That said some of the links on this website are affiliate links. What that means is that this website receives a small amount of money when readers click these links and make a purchase. That money helps keep this website going.
Note too that this site occasionally caries advertisements. I take no responsible for the content of any site linked to or the activities of anyone behind the sites in question. Advertisers are not screened or approved. They are just advertisers.