Hentai-Moon is an easily accessible online library containing countless sex cartoons. Everything from explicit Japanese Hentai cartoons to 3D rendered animations of lesbian sex can be found. This is the kind of real “adults only” content that might make Walt Disney spin around in his grave. Or make that his freezer.
In any event Hentai Moon has it just about any sort of sex cartoon you could imagine available for viewing. Some of reminds me of the Japanese anime I first saw in Asia decades ago. Other stuff looks so modern you might wonder if artificial intelligence had some hand in creating it. I tried asking Chat GPT but the results were inconclusive.
Whether you want to watch a drawn Dutch blond work two guys over or see a princess with pierced nipples get milked for the good of her local community the creators of the cartoon content here have got you covered. There are even some illustrated Japanese gyaru!
Captivating cartoons
My personal experience with sexy cartoons dates back years to the erotic doodlings found in path breaking publications such as Screw and Larry Flynt’s Hustler. Those images were of course meant more to entertain or elicit a laugh than to titillate. Today’s erotic cartoons tend to be more fleshed out and aimed at sexually exciting the viewer.
Hentai illustrations of course have a long history in Japan. They date back even prior to the infamous Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife. Yet western audiences were also privy to their own forms of adult illustrations. We could point to Tijuana Bibles or even the walls of Pompeii for examples.
Yet the people making paintings of prostitutes on the bathhouse walls in Southern Italy could never have imagined the sort of technology available to us today. Back then a guy might spend all day drawing a poorly rendered image of a plump provider with her legs spread. These days you can find hundreds of hours of full motion hardcore animations at Hentai-Moon in a matter of minutes.
Win, loose or draw
Even after reporting on the commercial sex scene around the world for over a decade I am happy to report that I can still be intrigued by the right adult entertainment. Some stuff I find more interesting than alluring. Yet I still give it a look. In particular I like to watch the animated adventures of sex workers.. There aren’t many other ways to catch a secret glimpse into the lives of soapland employees for example.
Japanese hentai style anime is probably better known for the “weirder” content featuring things like octopuses. There’s an entire tentacle section at Hentai-Moon that proves this theory. Being aware of things like the aforementioned . But I can see how this might shock people with little knowledge or understanding of Japanese culture, art and eroticism.
I am not personally interesting in the interspecies adventures of horny sea creatures but there is no accounting for taste. I wouldn’t dare let my own interfere with the enjoyment of others. This sort of live and let live attitude seems to be less common with each passing day. Though things haven’t gone too far yet. At least we can still access pictures, videos and illustrations of sex. After all it’s the reason we’re all here!